Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 16, 2017


Catfish Joins the Ballet 4

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Harold came by at 6:30 on his way to work. I gave him the information I had collected. He appreciated the clues. He had to sign in at 7:30 and he usually had time for a quick blow job. Marty, Butch and Dick were an embarrassment of riches for him. He had time to fuck Dick and Butch as I let Marty's cock tickle my prostate.

Marty was almost as hairy as I am, but since he was eight inches taller than me, it wasn't as noticeable. His cock was uncut, long and thin. It was an easy fit, and it was nice to feel his bulbous knob exploring my ass. I got him to slow up a few times, so he wouldn't shoot off to quickly. He had been fucking the night before, but he seems to have a full-blown orgasm.

Harold wanted to take him to the police station to look at photos and closed-circuit TV. He knew all the ACME employees and as well as the men who picked up the vans. All four men left. I showered and dressed. Someone knocked on my door. It was the Deputy Police Chief.

"You are Catfish?" he asked. I nodded. "I am Deputy Chief Masterman. I have been talking with your friends in the Richmond Police. They say you are a good man."

"I've worked with them for years," I said.

"They said you have some unorthodox contacts," he said. "We don't have good relationships with the sort of people you associated with. We have a history."

"That is typical," I said.

"We are after big time crime, not alternative love," he said. "We think ACME and At Your Service are tied into major criminal organizations. We are not going to out anyone or expose anyone. We aren't going to arrest anyone for minor infractions. You may know that several members of the City Council are ultra-conservative and born-again. We are after criminals, not alternate lifestyles."

"That may be helpful," I said. "It is easier to talk to someone who is a member of the club. I have never seen any difference between beating up your girlfriend and beating up your boyfriend. A crime is a crime regardless of sex."

"What is your read on the situation?" he asked.

"You know I am here because of the Ballet. I am thinking that the ballet is a side issue," I said. "Somehow the crime doesn't match the number of deaths. Basil thought it was a prank at first. I thought it was a sexual deviate and then a blackmail scheme. I wonder if something went wrong, and maybe someone is trying to clean up the mess."

"I suspect that ACME and At Your Service are small fry," Chief Masterman said. "ACME is a criminal taxi service. They are small fry, but they know a lot and have seen a lot."

"Well, At Your Service is a front for prostitution. That could be associated with white-slavery, illegal immigration and drug dealing," I suggested. "Once you are in the smuggling business it doesn't make much difference what you smuggle."

"We have known Lonnie and kept an eye on him for years. His mother was a political force in the city and provided discounted receptions and parties for the police. You know, retirement banquets and police athletic league type events. Lonnie was a bartender at these events and made friends. His mother is dead as are most of the guys he gave free drinks to," the Chief said. "For a while he got a pass on the prostitution. There is suspicion that policemen were the beneficiaries of Lonnie's sideline."

"Things have moved on from fancy ladies and booze?" I asked.

"Things seem to have moved on big time," he said. "We need to get him and whatever he is involved in as soon as possible." We talked a little longer and he left. I went to the Ballet and it was a madhouse. The performance was a day away, and everyone seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown.

Everyone except for Elizabeth. She was solid as a rock and when she gave an order everyone obeyed without comment. Susan came to do her part. She was the head dancer in one of the interludes. Her father came with her, and stayed throughout the final rehearsals. He apparently had oodles of unpaid overtime and vacation time due to him. He sat with me, since he didn't fit into the cluster of mothers who sat in the audience.

Susan's father, Dallas, was a straightforward, hardworking redneck. He had married because he had knocked up Susan's mother. Susan was born two months early and weighing eight pounds. Dallas put one and one together, but he loved the baby, and stayed married for four years. Dallas and his mother provided stability for Susan's life. Susan might not have been his daughter, but he was her father.

Somehow Susan admitted to him the attack had been a joke. Her mother wanted to teach the other mothers a lesson for not treating her as she deserved. She later told Susan it was a scam intended to get money from the ballet. The stabbing was unintentional. The knife was intended to add to the reality of the joke. Susan loved the ballet, it had been one of the few bright lights in her life. She was horrified at what had happened. Dallas was afraid his daughter would end up arrested and in a home for girls.

I told him I thought the police were more interested in finding her mother's murderer than solving an abortive blackmail scheme.

We were joined by Gordon Appleby, who was recovering from his wounds. Gordon was a nice guy and told him how sorry he was about Susan's mother's death. During a break Anna and Susan came over to us.

"Daddy, Susan has something she has to tell you," Anna said to her father. Gordon looked puzzled. Dallas looked terrified. Susan tearfully told the whole story. Once and a while you get lucky. Gordon understood.

A little later a Police woman interviewed Susan with her father and a lawyer present. Susan was 14, so arrest was not a real option. The fake attack scheme was improbable, but Dallas said that Susan's mother was the queen of improbable get rich schemes. While her father and grandmother had a firm grip on reality, Roberta lived in la-la land. She was constantly on the verge of marrying a millionaire, or going to inherit a fortune.

Susan was teenager now and was getting suspicious, but she went along with the fake attack. She didn't know that her mother had a knife and she thought the stabbing was acting. She had been calm because she thought it was an act and became hysterical when he realized it was real blood. Her mother became hysterical when she realized she had stabbed the man. She thought she had missed.

He mother had been seeing a man she called Uncle Rodney. He came to see Roberta almost every night. When Susan walked in on them, they stopped talking and began whispering. Susan assumed they were planning the next date. Susan assumed that a date was the same as intercourse. She thought Rodney's last name was Bowler or Bowling.

We had more good luck. Marty, Butch's friend, was not bright. He could live on his own and earn a living, but cleaning cars was about as far up the employment ladder he would go. He was friendly and pleasant. He was also one of those men who never forget a face. Carl, the owner at ACME kept him after hours to please his clients. They might complain the car wasn't clean enough, or something had been missed. Marty was there to do touch-up. Marty didn't often know the names of the clients, but he remembered the faces as well as the date and time.

He remembered this because Carl tried to screw him out of paying over time. Marty marked down the times in a little book. Marty picked out the faces of eight men from the mugshot books. The police knew who they were, and knew who they worked for. These men weren't involved in the Ballet case, but they provided leads.

The focus of the investigation had moved on to other things. The Ballet was no longer the primary focus. I wasn't sure I was needed anymore, but Elizabeth wanted me to stay on until the performance was over. Harold was reassigned to the ACME investigation and I had a new contact to the Police, Delmont Jones.

Delmont played the role of a country boy in the big city, and worked on scams. He had an "Shucks, look at all the tall buildings" air about him. He was medium height, thin and gangly. Delmont seemed nice. I told him what was going on.

"I am pretty much up to date. Masterman gave me a full rundown. Harold and I are pals from way back. He told me we would get long," Delmont said. "You have Marty staying in your apartment? I need a place to use as home base during the day, is your apartment available?"

"If Marty is okay with it," I said.

That night we had the dress rehearsal at the ballet. It went well, and Elizabeth was happy with the production. The theater emptied quickly. All the dancers and staff were gone by ten. No one lingered, and parents were prompt. Elizabeth had a rule that everyone would get a full night's sleep the night before the opening. She felt the possible advantage of last minute practice was wiped out by exhaustion. I was at my apartment by 10:30.

Delmont had made himself at home and made friends with Butch and Marty. The Police wanted Marty out of sight until arrests were made. Butch was working on getting Marty a job in Richmond. Richmond and Norfolk are less than 100 miles apart, but very different cities. He would be safer in Richmond.

There was one major change in the apartment. Marty was a neat freak. My apartment was a crash pad and a mess. He had cleaned everything. Clothes and dishes were washed and put away. Somehow the slight aroma of the previous owners had vanished. You could use the toilet as a punchbowl. While the place didn't have my own special flair, I liked it.

Butch had intimated to the guys that I liked to use orgasms as a sleeping pill. They were willing to try out the therapy. He suggested we find out if my tub-shower could hold four guys.

I was surprised that Delmont was a muscle man naked. He was bald, had a Fu Manchu, and wore badly fitting clothes. I hadn't guessed. Butch told us that Marty had some bad experiences being fucked. Butch never had a bad experience with a cock in his ass.

"I'm all top unless I get inspired," Delmont said. "I can be flexible in the right situation. I can be a team player." There was another surprise. Marty had been raised in a group home with a man who was short a leg. He effortlessly supported me as we showered. The man at the home was gay and Marty knew how combine sex with support.

At one point, Marty had his cock in my ass as Butch sucked me while Delmont fucked him. I usually feel insecure in the shower. Marty had his arms firmly around me as his cock worked its magic in my ass. I could relax.

Marty had little experience as a top, but he learned quickly. After a while, Delmont traded places with Marty. Delmont's tool was a little shorter than Marty's, but much thicker. Delmont supported more of my weight on his tool. That was intense for me. He was a strong man and holding me steady was effortless.

Marty liked Butch a lot, and he glowed as he slid deep into Butch. Delmont had used his cock to deeply lubricate the hole and Marty loved that. He shot off and pulled out. Butch stood up, turned his back to me and impaled himself on my cock. Delmont must have shot a big load. It was smooth as silk as I slid in. We came close to having a triple orgasm. When I felt Delmont shooting, I popped, and Butch came a few seconds later. We got out of the shower and dried off. Butch and Delmont went home. Marty stayed with me.

We were feeling mellow and talked. Marty had met his friend at the home when he was fifteen. His friend, Henry, was older but had been in a car accident and had little strength in his arms and his single leg. They were roommates and Marty liked to be helpful. Henry had been a teacher and he was willing to spend every opportunity to help Marty, teaching him to read and write. Eventually they had their own apartment and Marty joined the workforce. Henry died but Marty was able to live on his own.

Marty enjoyed his sexual experiences with Henry, but other men weren't as good. The after closing visitors to ACME took advantage of him. It was often a quick blow job or fuck with no please and thank you.

Buster was like Henry sexually, but more versatile. Butch introduced him to new sexual experiences and took his time. Butch was aggressively macho, but he liked the sensual excitement of sex, not only the orgasm. When Marty ate Butch's sperm, Butch returned the favor. Henry had loved Marty's cream and like Henry, Butch liked the bottom.

It was getting late, so I went to bed. Marty slept on the couch, but when I woke up, Marty was there.

This was the day of opening night of what would be a four-performance run. Butch was there early, and he scared away some undesirables. Panhandlers and troubled persons find big events attractive. There are people with money to be panhandled, and there are mentally troubled people who like a big audience. In general, these activities aren't illegal, but they bother the audience. Butch is a big man and looks intimidating. He can do much more than just look intimidating, but that is usually not necessary. If someone tried to mug anyone, Butch would make sure their criminal career would be very short.

As usual the Police provided the official security, my guys were in the alleys and dark places. Muggings and rapes were our main concerns. That was usually a problem for those who stayed late and straggled home. Stragglers were easy pickings.

The performance went well. It was a good combination of amateur and professional dancers. We had slews of mothers, fathers, and grandparents to watch the kids. Elizabeth had insured that each young dancer had a designated person to take them home. Elizabeth was a leader of men, and ran a tight ship. Since I was the stage door man, I made sure no one left the building alone.

We had three badly behaved drunks and one disturbed man who had found god in an unattractive way. There also was a group of rednecks being assholes. Butch took care of them without any actual injury, but the ringleader of the group suffered considerable pain.

I was back at the apartment by 11:00. Harold, Delmont and Marty were there. Harold told us that Marty's identifications of ACME's clients had opened a can of criminal worms. A quick visit to the Police Station was enough for these underlings to incriminate the leaders. Hard drugs, pills, child prostitution, blackmail and illegal immigration were all involved. The immigration seemed to involve selling women from Central Europe, Asia and South America as brides. Some of these brides seemed to more like slaves the wives.

This was standard police procedure to start from the bottom and move up the operation. They also contacted the FBI since many of the crimes crossed state borders.

Delmont thought that ACME and At Your Service had been spooked so it was time to move in on them. Carl and Lonnie were higher up the crook food chain than the men who drove the vans. They faced liability for tax evasion and felonies. The tax problem meant fines and months in jail. The other crimes could mean years in the pen.

There was a knock at the door and Tony joined the group. "I ran into Lonnie this afternoon. He was at the bank, closing his accounts there. He wanted a cashier's check. I think he is planning a vacation, he said. "The branch manager is a friend of mine. He told me he wanted checks for $9,990.00. Over ten thousand would require the transaction be reported. He closed seven accounts."

Harold was on the phone before Tony finished. He and Delmont were on the way to Police headquarters immediately.

"Well, that caused a stir," Tony remarked. He looked around and saw Marty. He looked him over with obvious approval. "Who's your pal?"

"Tony, meet Marty. He's staying with me for a few days," I said. They shook hands.

"It's late, so let me be direct. Are we all members of the same fraternity?" Tony asked. "Is Marty taken?"

"Marty is a free agent," I said.

Tony looked at Marty. "Is there any chance you would like to have sex with a fat, hairy guy?" I had to admit, Tony's pick-up line lacked finesse. That didn't seem to bother Marty.

Marty looked at me. "Is that okay with you?" he asked.

"Sure, Marty's okay," I said. We went to the bedroom.

"Marty, I want to warn you. I am really hairy," Tony said. "Some guys get turned off. I understand if you aren't interested."

"Some guys think I'm too hairy. They laugh at me," Marty said.

"Some guys did that to me too," Tony replied. The three of us looked a little like the three monkeys illustrating the "See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Say no Evil" proverb. Tony was careful with Marty. I had a feeling that Tony, who was short and beefy, didn't connect with young guys much. He was usually all top, but when Marty's dong touched his buttocks, Tony shifted to give better access.

I could tell that Marty's long, thin cock slid in easily and was more successful than Tony expected. He was wiggling and rotating his ass to massage the probe. Tony was sucking me as Marty pumped. Marty shot off. Tony continued sucking, and took my load. Marty had pulled out and I managed to sit on Tony's cock. When I pulled off, Marty took my place. Tony had a short, thick tool and that was not a problem. He shot off in Marty. Marty dismounted and gave my cock a try. I have a short recharge time and was hard.

Tony's cock was short, but as thick as mine. I could tell that it was working its magic as Marty impaled himself on it. He was in charge. He set the pace and depth of penetration. After his ass had swallowed six inches I knew he wouldn't be happy until it was all in him. I shot off in him, fell asleep and woke the next morning when the phone rang.

It was Harold. When the police raided his house, Lonnie was dead. It was staged as a suicide. Lonnie was still holding the gun. He was on his back with a wound in his forehead. The quality of Norfolk hit men was poor. The would in his head was an exit wound. He had been shot in the back of his head, a rare occurrence in suicide. There were no powder burns.

Next: Chapter 191: Catfish Joins the Ballet 5

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