Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 14, 2002


Catfish & Company 3

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. If you are offended, Don't Read the story! There is no effort expended to make this story realistic or depict safe sex practices. This story is a fantasy, not a sex manual.

Mark and Sandy had to go that morning. For all practical purposes they were running a medical taxi service between Richmond and the Medical Center in Charlottesville, so they were around a lot. That was fine for me.

After the explosion I learned a lot about myself and the people around me. Disasters bring out the best in most people. If you aren't destroyed by it, you will get stronger. Most people pass the test. Only a few fail. Nobody at Catfish & Company failed. I was proud of that.

The bombing was a coward's way to fight, a surprise attack on the unsuspecting and the innocent. The explosion took place at a Jewish Synagogue, across the street from a gay newspaper and a Woman's Heath Clinic. The situation was like one of those old murder mysteries where there are too many suspects and too many motives.

The Police seemed to think it was an old fashioned, Anti-Semitic group. My guess was an anti-abortion group. They liked violence and I figured, if they killed some Jews or Gays in the process, they wouldn't be too worried. I knew the Mayor and the Police Chief were in bed with the born agains and had ties to the anti-abortion groups. They said they weren't, but I know a weasel-like liar when I see one. The Mayor made me want to puke.

The Police Chief assigned Captain Walker to the case. He was a nice man who was nearing retirement and had specialized in domestic violence cases. He had zero experience with this sort of case and no energy. The Fire Department was in disarray since the Chief had been killed in the explosion and the Mayor decided to have a nationwide search to find a replacement. He appointed a bookkeeper as interim head ofthe department until a new Chief could be selected.

We had some of the best minds from Police Department working for us. Butch never said it, but we all wanted to catch the bombers and I guessed we had as good a chance as anybody. We knew Richmond real well. I was only real eyewitnesses of the truck and the men who drove it. I hadn't seen much, but I had seen more than anyone else. I had a special reason for wanting to catch the guys.

I had nightmares about the terrified children racing through the backyards of houses and then of the elderly people sliced to pieces in their apartments. We kept on running, but could never get ahead of the glass daggers.

As the good guys, we were supposed to play by the rules. I believe in the rules, but I don't mind stretching and bending them a bit for a good cause. They say that revenge isn't noble, but I am not a very noble guy. I wanted to get the bombers and make them pay. I wasn't thinking of prison for the rest of their lives, or even a nice sanitary lethal injection. I was thinking of something more personal. I didn't know exactly what this would be, but I got a warm feeling of satisfaction just thinking about it. That helped with the nightmares.

I was explaining my plans to catch the bombers to John and his friend Billy at lunch. We were in John's house and I needed John's advice. I tend to be a doer, not a thinker. John was good at thinking. My big problem was information. I had my own, but I couldn't get the official stuff. John had the same misgivings about the Mayor.

"I don't think he had anything to do with the bombing, mind you," John said, "but he's in bed with those guys. He's afraid if it turns out to be them, he's dead meat."

"The Mayor's scared shitless." Billy said. "He's in way over his head and is afraid to come clean. He's afraid to look under the rocks and will do anything he can to keep the Police off the trail."

"I think there is a solution for your information problem." John said. "My guys are working on the site every day. They hear a lot." The Millennium Construction Company was stabilizing the buildings and were removing the parts of the buildings too badly damaged to be saved. He had a great group of guys working for him. "We hear everything that is said by the investigators. Vince DeSoto is associated with the Fire Department's investigation. Ram is part of the State Task Force doing psychological profiles."

"Damn!" Billy said.

"Damn what?" John asked.

"Do you realize with Catfish, Vince and Ram, we have the guys with the biggest cocks in the city working on the investigation." We all burst out laughing. "Horse Hung & Company, Private Dicks!"

""Horse Hung & Company, Professional Dicks!" I said. "It sure is convenient. They're all smart guys. The combination of intelligence and cock is sure attractive. I'd been too busy for sex, but I gave it a trial run a week ago, just to make sure everything still worked."

"Did it?" Billy asked.

"Yes Sir!" I replied. "With the bombing and all the dead and wounded, it didn't seem right to be thinking about sex. Damn if I didn't feel a lot better when I got my cock in a rescue worker's ass. And I do mean a lot better!"

"I thought you always feel good when you are fucking!" John said. He had a point. The doorbell rang. John went to get it. I could hear a man with a country accent ask if I was there. Moments later Mark entered with John.

"Sorry to bother you, but Butch said you were here." Mark said. "I'm only free for a few hours." I introduced him to John and Billy.

"We were just talking about you." I said. "I was recommending `red neck" sex for tension relief. I was saying how good it was the other night."

"It works for me." he said without batting a eye. "I take it you guys are members of the fraternity?"

"John here is the Pledge Master." Billy said, smiling.

"How do I join?"

"I think Catfish may have already filled out your papers." John said. Mark bellowed in laughter.

"That's what he was doing in my ass!" he said. "I though it took a lot more time than a plain old fuck!"

"Damn, Catfish! You attract the strong silent types." Billy said. "Shy and a looker too." Mark was wearing his EMT uniform with the white shirt unbuttoned almost to his navel. He puffed out his chest and fluffed up the hair on is chest.

"Your friends are real perceptive, Catfish." Mark said. "I'm the guy for guys who like manly men! Lots of kids can't recognize a real man when they see one."

"You like kids?" Billy asked.

"Hell, I been fucking with Catfish!" Mark replied. "He ain't no kid and he ain't no movie star. I'm even beginning to have serious doubts about his virginity. He told me it really wasn't sex. It was therapy!"

"I think of it as therapy too." Billy said. "I do therapy for a living but a good ride on a cock can do wonders."

"Are you serious?" asked John. "I don't seem to remember reading that in Time or Newsweek as a recent breakthrough."

"Actually I do think it is true." Billy said. By the expression on his face I could tell that he had just though of that. "An orgasm is as good as things get from a physical point of view. It's good to get the juices flowing for something other than the disaster."

"You have a point there." John said. "I've been eating, drinking and sleeping the bomb site for two weeks. You need a break after a while." Mark looked at me and then John and Billy. I think the same idea struck us at the same time. I knew he didn't mind screwing in a group, but I wasn't sure he was with the program until I looked at his pants. They were tight and you could tell he was interested.

"Anyone for group therapy?" Billy asked. Everyone laughed.

"Sounds good to me!" Mark said. "I don't know you guys, but I'm game if you are. I'm not a real refined kind of guy and I kind of have my heart set on a good fucking. I like sucking too, mind you, but I really want some ass action."

"Truthfully Mark, you've got nothing to worry about." I said. "Everyone is ambidextrous!" We wandered off to John's bedroom. Skeeter came in. He lived in John's attic and was a spectacular cum hound. He assumed he was welcome to join us. He was right.

Billy and Mark were almost naked by the time we got to the bedroom. Bill was a short, beefy hair ball. He was my height, but had a good 60 pounds on me. He and Mark hit it off. Mark had a special skill in 69ing with guys a foot shorter than himself.

Billy had almost no cock at all when he was soft, but he had a long and thin one hard. It vanished effortlessly in Mark's throat. Mark's donkey dong was a different challenge for Billy. Billy was willing, but there was just too much. Skeeter joined in to resolve the dilemma. It was almost too big for Skeeter, but, as always, Skeeter rose to the occasion.

I was feeling like a little play time with Mark, but slipped into John's ass for old time's sake. Automatic pilot took over and I have to admit it was as good as it ever got. We hadn't fucked in three weeks and we were overdue. I was enjoying myself royally when I felt something at my back door. It was Mark and his cock.

He bent me forward and rammed my ass. As before, he popped the cock head through the hole before he buried the next ten inches in my ass. One of those strange feelings overwhelmed me and I started to kiss John. The added force of Mark ramming my ass seemed to drive me deeper into John and we both could feel it.

Ramming is the wrong wold. Mark was a goofy looking guy and no brighter than he needed to be. He had said once he had a second brain in his cock for use in emergencies. After three or four exploratory thrusts, he began to adjust and shift to maximize the sensation. I knew then what he meant. The brain is his cock was directing us all. Pretty soon we were a single mass of cock, ass and hair, all quivering in ecstasy.

John shot first. He moaned and I could feel the warm sticky cum squirting between us. His ass contracted. That was enough for me. I shot and had passed the high point of my ejaculations when Mark let out a rebel yell. He was a rough fucker as he ejaculated, but I was so relaxed by then I didn't care. Actually I did. I had a second orgasm, almost as strong as the first. We all collapsed in a pile.

"I didn't know you took it in the ass?" John whispered.

"I didn't know myself until last week." I said.

"It's a nice addition." John said. Damn if I didn't kiss him again. His ass spasmed and I had another ejaculation. Mark was still in my ass and gave me another few thrusts. I was sure the last drops of seed oozed from his cock. We broke apart and Skeeter wormed his way in and cleaned the cum from John's gut. Billy was almost asleep, but I didn't know if that was the result of Skeeter or Mark's efforts. Mark had to leave to get back to work.

"Damn, I feel good." John exclaimed. "Billy. I think there may be something to your theory that sex helps reduce stress."

"I know it helps me!" I said.

"It of course reduces sexual tension, but I think it helps with plain old garden variety stress." Billy said.

"I haven't thought about sex in the last three week." John said. "I'm just glad it helps with stress induced by a mad bomber." We all laughed. I had to admit I was feeling good. I had to get to work and wasn't even dreading it. It was a good day.

I was patrolling the bombed area with Roosevelt. One side of the temple was blown out, but the dome stood, supported by the other walls. The John's men were finishing up a scaffold that braced the dome and held the remaining walls in place. I talked to the superintendent, Tom. He had a crew which had been working on another project in the Bay. They were brought in to help with the emergency work. Bubba and a guy named Wayne were jacking bracing into place.

Otto and Lance, John's swishy painters were working on the inside of the temple. They were trying to save the interior paintings. When I first saw the damage I didn't think any thing could be saved, but they had worked miracles. Some of the art students who had gone to the elderly apartment house with me were working with Otto. I never much took to Otto. He wasn't my type, but he knew his stuff and knew how to work. Plywood and blue tarps were beginning to close up the building.

It was a beautiful building and it seemed indecent to have its interior exposed to view. I was relieved to see the tarps. The school next door was leveled. That was no loss, but I still got a little sick to my stomach every time I though of what might have happened.

A block away, I saw some guys who didn't belong on the street. I've got a nose for bad actors. Roosevelt is good about black guys. He can tell trash from real folk. I can tell construction workers, rescue volunteers from trailer trash. I trailed them as Roosevelt called in for back up. I had guessed right. The city cop arrived, searched them and struck gold, real gold. They had been steeling jewelry from the damaged houses.

Eleanor arrived and she could identify some of the pieces. These city neighborhoods were really close and she remembered a necklace worn by a neighbor at a Christmas party. One guy tried to make a break for it. I got him. Somehow he broke his leg as I tackled him. It was a good day.

I got home at seven and had a call to go to John's for dinner and to bring any of my group along with me. Butch and Freddy came along. Virgil and Roosevelt held the fort.

We got there at 7:30 and Vince, the fireman and Ram, the psychiatrist, were there, as were two guys I hadn't met before, Julio and Steve. They were out of town arson investigators. Tom and another new guy, Trent were also there. They were the job superintendents for the emergency work at the bomb site. John's neighbors were also there. Larry was an artist but had his laptop and was taking notes. His other neighbors provided the food. Eleanor, the civic leader and Earnest Waldburg arrived just after we did. Waldburg was the President of the Temple.

John ran things. I knew him as a friend and as a sex partner, but not as a businessman. He ran a big company and he was organized and in control. Vince gave a report. He said that the interim Fire Chief wasn't with the Mayor's program. He was a bean counter, but was deeply offended and enraged at the bombing. "He took it real personally. He told me to get the best men I could get and catch them." Vince said. "The cops feel the same way, it's leadership they lack. No co-ordination by the top brass." Julio then gave a quick overview of the preliminary information.

The device was simple and made up of materials you could buy at a Lowe's or Home Depot. The van was stolen. Most interesting were the timers. One was set for 5:00, the other was to go at 5:45. The van blew up at 5:43. Apparently the one clock malfunctioned and the other was fast.

I explained the schedules of the organizations in the area. 5:00 was the time the Woman's Health Center closed and the quitting time for the Gay newspaper. The Hebrew school normally ended at 4:00 but there was a special program the Friday of the explosion. The services were normally at 7:00. The second timer meant that the bomber was trying to kill rescuers. If the first bomb went of at 5:00 the site would have been filled with people trying to help the wounded.

My guess was the bombing was aimed at the Women's Clinic not the temple. This seemed to confirmed that guess. The small popcorn like explosions were gasoline containers that had been made into mini bombs. They blew out of the Van with the big explosions and then blew up in the air. The van was to destroy a specific place, the mini bombs couldn't be aimed. They were to confuse the situation with random explosions.

"The device is simple but deadly." Steve said. "I don't know why the bombers were after the rescue workers? They have nothing to do with the Women's Clinic or the Temple for that matter."

"Authority figures." Ram said. "And agents of the government. You think of Firemen and Police as public servants. The bombers see them as Agents of the Government."

"The bomb has some Middle Eastern characteristics. The effort to kill rescue workers is typical." Waldburg said. "But, they have their own supply of high powered explosives, so they wouldn't need to use homemade ingredients. I called the Israeli Embassy in Washington. They don't think it's a Palestinian or Arab who did it. They know the modus operandi of those groups well. They think it's local."

"I assume they are checking it carefully?" Vince asked.

"Oh yes." he answered. "With typical Jewish thoroughness, I might add. We too are worried about the Police Departments sincerity. We have set up a reward of $250,000.00 for the bombers capture. We have a cheque for $100,000.00 for Catfish & Company for saving the children."

"We don't take rewards. It's our job." Butch said. "But that money could broaden our investigation. Let's think of it as a retainer."

"Just remember that cash is not a problem." Eleanor said. "If you need more just come to Earnest or me. There are deep pockets willing to do what it takes to get these guys."

The meeting had gotten off to a good start. We had a plan. We had pooled our resources. Catfish and Co. was to do the field work at the site. Freddy was going to do an internet search, hunting for clues on the net. I didn't know what he was planning exactly, but he seemed sure he would find something.

The meeting broke up at 11:00. It had been a good day. I got a call the next morning telling me my Uncle Jake had died. He was a nice guy and my Mom was real distressed. I had to go to the funeral. I was out of town for three days.

Jake had been real important to me when I was a teenager. I always like guys more than girls and I seemed to think that was bad. I also tried drinking a lot and be a macho asshole. Somehow I thought this would make me a man and not a fag. Jake taught me how to like men and be a man at the same time.

He also taught me how to enjoy sex. Quick and fast had been my approach to sex. I thought if you had a quick blow job, if it was fast enough, it might not be sex and I might not be gay. He was real big, liked hunting and fishing and seemed like a real man and loved sex with real men. I didn't know you could do all of it.

He wasn't into young guys, but he did show me the ropes. He liked older men, but my cock saved the day for me. I learned the advantages of being donkey dicked from him. Jaked liked them big and curiosity got the better of him. Once I got naked and hard, guys tended to make exceptions for me.

Mom was glad to see me and I was a local hero. My picture had been in the local papers so everyone was nice to me. That included some people who had been uppity before. My cousin, Buddy was real nice too. He and I had the same training program with Uncle Jake. Buddy was ten years older than me and had a wife and three kids. Buddy and his wife were on the outs. He didn't seem to know why. I could guess. He asked me to stop by his farm on my way back to Richmond. I said I would.

The day after the funeral I left early so I could be back to Richmond by the afternoon. The drive from deepest south-west Virginia is a long one. I almost forgot about stopping at Buddy's, but I remembered as I drove by.

It was his Daddy's farm and Buddy kept it up well. The fences were in good shape as was the house. Buddy heard me drive in and asked me into the kitchen for some breakfast. He told me his tale of woe. Sally, his wife had left him. She had found God with a vengeance and Buddy wasn't virtuous enough for her. She knew nothing about his liking for cock. It was milking the cows that did him in. Milking on Sundays.

"You'll kill the fucking cow if you don't milk `em!" Buddy said in exasperation. I knew he was bothered. He was a good Southern Baptist type cock sucker. He didn't drink, or smoke, or swear normally. A liking for cock was his only vice and that he did only in moderation.

"I was wondering why she wasn't at the funeral." I said. "Folks go to funerals even if there's been a divorce. It's expected."

"I told her. It reflects badly." Buddy said. "She wanted to keep the kids away from bad influences. She doesn't hold with even entering "false" churches. She's worried she'll get contaminated."

"By the Presbyterians?"

"Yep, that's her worry. I told her you'd be there." Buddy continued. "She used to like you. She said you were working for the baby killers. The preacher man she likes said the bombing was God's judgment on evil. When she saw you in the paper, she said you were interfering with God's will."

"Damn. She is over the top." I said. "What's the name of her preacher man? I might like to have a nice sit down with him." A pick up drove up and interrupted our conversation. It was Sheriff Earl Evans. He was an old friend of Buddy's.

"How's it going?" he asked as he came to the door. The Sheriff looked at me. "You're the guy in the paper, aren't you?"

"Earl, this is my cousin, Catfish Noland." Buddy introduced us. We shook hands.

"Buddy's told me about you. It was a brave thing you did. I can't believe that sort of thing can happen here in Virginia. It's awful." the Sheriff said. "Do you have some leads?"

"Too early for that, but I'm afraid it may be something homegrown." I said.

"I'm afraid you may be right. I wouldn't have thought it was possible a few years ago. I'm not so sure now. There are more nut cases out there than I want to admit."

"Buddy was telling me about his wife." I said.

"That's my point exactly." the Sheriff agreed. "Sally needs help, not God. That group she belongs to is a sick one." The phone rang and Buddy left the room to answer it. The Sheriff got closer to me. "Are you the cousin Buddy said is hung like Trigger?"

"I don't rightly know." I said. "He might have a better hung cousin. I kind of doubt it, though. " The Sheriff felt my crotch.

"I think you're the one. Buddy and I are playmates sometimes. I like them big and Buddy said I'd like you." he said. "Your Uncle was a good friend of mine. He said you were a good boy." Buddy entered the room.

"You guys seem to have broken the ice!" he said smiling. "Catfish. Earl has been coming by from time to time to cheer me up, what with Sally gone." Sheriff Evans wore a wedding ring, so I guessed a playmate with a place of his own and no wife in residence was a powerful attraction.

"I was telling Catfish your Uncle taught me a lot." Earl said. "I'm a lot more open minded than I was. I'm going to miss him."

"If uncle Jake was here now we'd all be naked and enjoying ourselves." I said. The Sheriff looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"How about a memorial orgasm for the old fucker?" he said.

"That is a plan!" Buddy said. "Let's go upstairs to the bedroom."

Next: Chapter 20: Catfish and Company 4

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