Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 4, 2017


Catfish Joins the Ballet 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Basil, Dustin and Tony were social fuck mates. They talked and chatted as they played. There might be a brief, polite lull during an orgasm, but the chatter resumed as the last drops of sperm drooled from a cock. Sex and the talk were continuous. I had the impression this was normal for them. Dustin wasn't exactly Tony's lover; Tony liked him and loved sex with him, but he was more of Dustin's patron and benefactor. They were friends with mutual benefits.

Tony was 60 or so, five-seven and 200 pounds with perhaps 20 additional pounds of hair. He was not good looking. He discovered some love-for-sale web sites, and they met a need. Once and a while he found a trick he liked and could help. He told me that helping young men made him feel like less of a sleaze ball. It also intensified his sexual pleasure.

The At Your Service operation was one of Tony's on-line discoveries. He said it began as a legitimate business, but soon developed a special services operation run by the original owner's son, Lonnie. Lonnie had "distinctive" tastes and found a way to market to a specialized clientele.

"Lonnie likes gay boys and discovered that many of these boys were really flexible with respect to services rendered," Tony explained. "The boys looked young, but he preferred guys who were 22-30. Once the boys were out in the cold, cruel world for a while, they tended to appreciate the easy ways you could get cash pleasing men."

"I was a drywaller for a while. That is hard dusty work," Dustin added. "Tony is a plain old horny old guy. It is just sucking and fucking. He likes fucking me and he will let me fuck him if he's drunk. There is no kinky stuff. Some guys like to tie you up and beat you. Most of that is play acting, but you only need to find one bad guy."

"Lonnie hinted to me that if I wanted anything special, really special, he could find it for me for a price. Dustin was $150 an hour," Tony explained. "I paid him $2,000.00 for keeping him as a houseboy. He's my fourth."

"Tony is a "if you love someone, let them go free" sort of guy," Dustin said.

"Are you guys familiar with ACME Rentals?" I asked.

"They provided taxi service," Dustin said. "It was all cash under the table. Nothing could be traced that way. Lonnie had what he called an office in a briefcase with him. It had his laptop and some burner phones. You would make contact on line, but the details would be worked out on the phone. There was no record of the rentals and he had a new phone each day."

"A nice, untraceable system," I remarked.

"Sometimes there would be five or six of us in the van. Men would come to the van and pick the ones they wanted," Dustin continued.

"How often were you picked?" I asked.

"Most of the time I was picked. Once they knew me I was always selected, especially if there was party. I'm versatile and I can cum four or five times a night," Dustin said. "Tony likes that since he has parties a lot and I can keep everyone happy. Old guys love it when you spurt. It means they can still get a guy off." As we talked, Basil was slow fucking Dustin. It was purely recreational until the inevitable happened.

"Was there a straight component to the operation?" I asked.

"There were women, but they were older. Younger ones get the high dollars," Dustin explained. "Lonnie sort of specialized in gays. There was less competition. For real high dollars you needed kink. Lonnie liked that."

"The dollars or the kink?" I asked.

"Both, I am afraid," Basil said. The conversation continued, but Tony moved next to me and fondled my cock.

"It's a beauty," he said, "Do you think I could take it?"

"Do you want it? I asked. He nodded. Tony was real tight, but wanted it badly. Dustin had already shot off in him and the natural lube helped. When my knob was halfway in, he shot off. I pushed the final four inches into Tony as Dustin raced over to take his load with considerable gusto. I could see why Dustin was popular.

I hadn't shot off. Basil came over to me and bent over. I slipped in effortlessly. Basil's virgin days were long gone. I prefer a tighter ass, but Basil lost his cool, calm, detached demeanor. I pounded him to an orgasm, and his contractions as he ejaculated were enough to get me off. He told me that sometimes taking the load of an ugly man got him off.

He next morning I gave this information to Harold. Harold was my contact at the police. He was just a patrol man. I could talk with him without raising suspicion. We still thought that someone at the Ballet could be involved.

Harold raced off to vice and told then what he had found out. Lonnie was known, but this was new information. The key information was the connection to ACME vans. Rental vans were everywhere for every and any reason. The police now knew to pay special attention to ACME. The police were soon looking at older cam footage to see if ACME vans were at other crime scenes.

The under the counter payments were helpful too, especially in a plea-bargaining situation. Paying someone under the table was not a crime, but taking the payment to avoid taxes was.

I had a call from Anna. Her father remembered the smell of the man who stabbed him. It was moth balls and cheap perfume. He thought it was perfume, not after-shave. The man was wearing a heavy, dress overcoat. It wasn't that cold yet in Norfolk. He might have been wearing a costume.

The man was described as fat and limber, but he also ran fast enough to out run Butch and Linda. A fat, fast, limber man didn't sound right. He could have been a slender, athletic man with padding.

The Police had done some checking on our victim and her mother. The mother had a rap sheet that included fraud and solicitation. The fraud was an effort to sue a fast food restaurant for getting sick after a dinner there. It was quite recent. The solicitation arrest was seven years earlier.

That was a shocker. I wondered if she was planning to sue the ballet. Could the event have been staged. She still may have had connections to the prostitution scene. I thought about Dustin's comment about older prostitutes. She was older. While I preferred the At Your Service-ACME Rental as villains, but the hysterical mother scam was an option.

Harold and I drove by the ACME Rental office. It was in a run-down district of small factories and auto parts stores. An auto repair shop, Superior Repairs, faced it and had a mechanic needed sign in the window.

"Do you have any mechanics working for the Police?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact, we do. Eddie Jones's father owned a repair shop. Eddie worked there for years," Harold said. "The shop was in Charlottesville, so no one here knows him."

Jones was a patrolman, eager to move up. Auto mechanics don't submit resumes or curriculum vita. Eddie went to work on a trial basis and was hired full time the next day. Apparently, Eddy's daddy was a good mechanic and Eddie learned all his skills. Eddie was a good ol' country boy, and he made friends immediately.

The shop was in a former super market with large windows facing the street, so the work shop had a full view of ACME. Eddie found out that ACME didn't like to pay full price, so they talked some guys from Superior Repairs into doing work on the side. It turned out Lonnie didn't like paying men working on the side full price either. He seemed to think fifty cents on the dollar was adequate. The mechanics were more than willing to dish up the dirt on ACME Rentals.

The repair shop had an on time-every time rule, so their mechanics worked late to get the job done. The owner paid over time, and most of the mechanics needed the cash.

They had noticed that at 7:30-8:00 at night men would rent vans after the office closed. At first a man would pick up the van and drive away, but later it would be the man with four of five well-dressed women. The mechanics knew whores when they saw them. Increasingly, the van would transport men dressed for a party.

This happened two or three times a week, but since no one worked overtime on the weekend it might have been more times. After three days the police set up a stake out in the repair shop. There was no love lost between Mort, the owner of the shop and ACME.

A few days later, I was at my apartment with Butch having a beer and reviewing the situation when Harold dropped by to tell me that they found four crimes scenes with ACME vans nearby. Butch was a leather bear, but he was wearing flannel shirts and jeans, sort of an urban lumberjack look. Harold was in uniform and Butch liked that a lot. They were both serious men and they hit it off. Harold had also found out that the bar and grill with the false front was a well-known place to hire prostitutes.

Butch and Harold knew I am gay, and it didn't take Butch to guess Harold's preferences. I decided to play cupid. "I need to take a shower and get to bed," I said.

"Do you need some help getting in the tub?" Butch asked.

"I can do it myself, but some help is always welcome," I said. Harold looked disappointed. "I don't think there is room for three in the shower, but I bet we could work something out if you want Harold."

It was a tight squeeze, but the combination of mutual attraction and three erections made it work. We showered. Harold soon discovered that Butch was a generous bottom. Harold was a novice top. I provided a few tips and they soon were interconnected. It seemed to me that they were compatible. I played a coach or advisor. Harold discovered the joys of fucking and I had a chance to sample Butch's ball juices. I had fucked Butch, but I was a little too big for him. He was a macho man who would never admit that, but Harold was a perfect fit. Butch had a spectacular orgasm. Let's just say being fucked to an orgasm while he was being sucked dry was a success.

I went to the Police headquarters the next morning. They had a problem. The combination of the ACME Rentals and At Your Service was turning into a major criminal organization. ACME Rental seemed to provide transport for many criminal enterprises. At Your Service was involved in prostitution, drugs and blackmail. These were more extensive than expected and might be connected to big-time organized crime. The police wanted to investigate further. They wanted to let things develop, hunting for more important arrests.

I was concerned with the safety of the Ballet dancers. I understood what the Police wanted, but I thought that a successful attack on a dancer was too big a risk. We had a heated discussion. I am a private detective, so I can not arrest anyone. The police thought they could both protect the dancers and get ACME and At Your Service.

When I got back to my door keeping duties, the ballet's staff was in an uproar. Basil was dead, an apparent suicide. To say I had doubts understated the case.

The school continued classes and preparations for the performance, in the "show must go on" tradition continued, but it was a shock. Elizabeth took over the director's position. That afternoon during the 2:00 lull between classes. A man named Darwin came to see me. He had been Basil's valet and gave me a manila envelope with my name on it.

There was a note and a letter. The letter said:

I have solved the immediate problem. Revenge is a dish best served cold. I will be very cold by the time you do the serving. Help if you can.


A second letter was a blackmail note. It demanded $100,000.00 or the enclosed photo would reach the police and the press. The photo was of Basil, full frontally nude, and a naked ten or twelve-year-old girl.

I am not expert at photo shopped images, but it took me less than fifteen minutes to find shadows in two directions. I burst out laughing when I saw the most obvious flaw. The cock was circumcised, Basil wasn't. Sometimes my sex life proves to be useful.

Basil was an ineffectual but intelligent man. He knew that the photo would be proved to be fake. He also knew that rumors and chatter could ruin his life and the ballet company. The rumor that he had molested young girls was enough. Even when falsehood is disproved, the after taste remains. There is a "where there is smoke, there is fire" group that will never accept truth. I think that blackmail induced suicide is murder. Linda was going to Richmond and I asked her to give the note and photo to my people. They were good and might find some clues.

At 6:30, Butch went to ACME to rent a van. It was after hours and he occupied the only man there for a half-hour, while Eddie put a magnetic tracking chips on all the vehicles. We would know where a van was going, and when a van was near the Ballet. I felt a little better.

Butch is a good-looking man if you like men who are a bit rough around the edges. The guy at ACME liked Butch a lot and they went to a bar to eat after closing. The next morning Butch reported to me.

The guy, named Marty, was the man who washed and cleaned the Vans. While he didn't have a clue about what was going on, he did notice things. Marty noticed the pretty women and men who used the vans. He knew a guy who picked up the vans was named Lonnie. He always complained the vans weren't clean enough. Carl, who owned ACME always knocked of $50.00 for Lonnie.

Lonnie didn't know the price always was jacked up for him. Marty noticed that Carl did not put Lonnie's money into the cash register. He put it in his wallet. Usually Carl was the last man to leave the office. When the passengers were girls, he would drive. Sometimes he drove the van back to the office in the morning.

"Would Marty tell Carl about your conversation?" I asked.

"Carl apparently doesn't like talking to underlings, and Marty is the most under of the underlings," Butch said. "I think Marty would help us, but I'm not sure."

"Is he smart enough to not get caught? I asked.

Butch nodded. "No. He's okay, but cleaning cars may be about as much as he can do. He's not a rocket scientist."

"I have run into that situation before. I think it would be too dangerous for him to play detective," I said. "Carl sounds like a sweetheart. Marty is no match."

"That is sort of what I was thinking," Butch said. "We sort of connected."

"Is that a nice way of saying he got his entire cock in your ass," I asked. I knew Butch's sexual tastes well.

"Marty isn't that smart, but he has a nice cock. It's as long as yours, but a lot thinner," Butch said. I told him to be careful.

The rest of the day was a quiet by Ballet standards. A good portion of the staff and performers were frantic or hysterical, but that was normal. Elizabeth had a calming influence. She didn't dislike Basil, but he wasn't helpful running things day by day. He was there because of his late mother.

At the end of the day, she came to me in tears. "I had a call from Basil's lawyer. He left us thirty million," she said. "I know it sounds trashy, but had I known it was thirty million, I would have been nicer to him."

"Basil knew what he was. He could have made something of his life, but that would have taken more effort than he was willing to expend," I said. "He was what he was and was not going to change. He wasn't bad, just aimless. I'm afraid having a life beyond parties and vacations was not in his future."

"You have a note from him?" she asked.

I nodded. "It wasn't a suicide note or a confession. There was doctored photograph and a note. It could have been a problem, but he was blameless. You had nothing to do with his death," I said.

That night I thought about Basil. It was easier for him to take an overdose of pills than endure week or months of embarrassment. If he could spare his mother's organization from embarrassment, it was an easy choice for him.

I woke in the middle of the night. We had missed something, What if the perpetrator was woman? The combination of perfume and mothballs stuck in my head. Was it a shakedown? If you pay us, the incidents will stop? We had no sightings of the perpetrator except for the stabbing. Could there have been no sightings because we were looking for a man, a sexual deviate? Were there women nearby who escaped notice?

The only violence occurred when Anna's father interrupted the event. The stabbing may have been a defensive reaction, not planned or intended.

If protection money was the objective, the stabbing ended that possibility. The doctored photograph may have been a way to get money another way. What chance was there that two crimes involving the same institution were unrelated? That was a possibility, but as Damon Runyon said, the race is not always to the swift, but that is not the way to bet. There might be a link.

The victim, Susan, had been calm until her mother arrived. Her mother showed up at he scene ten minutes after the event. Anna was an in control girl who rose to the occasion when her father was stabbed. Susan was calm until her mother arrived, then she became hysterical.

Drama and hysteria were everywhere at the Ballet. A good actor can change in a second when he or she goes onstage. Susan had turned on a dime. I know that people have different reactions to traumatic situations. Some people freeze, some panic, some race to help. I also know that some people have delayed reactions. They stay in control during the event, but become emotional hours or days later.

I hade been so involved with the bleeding man, I hadn't observed the victim, Susan. Susan was an unknown to me. Her Mother I knew. I didn't know her personally, by I knew her a type. She was a drama queen who needed to have all the attention on her. I would tell Harold about my suspicion

Next: Chapter 189: Catfish Joins the Ballet 3

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