Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 9, 2017


Catfish Takes a Hit 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Our Rapist's name was Denis Roy Fincastle. He was called DR by his pals. It was clear that his parents had more money than sense. The legal case for their son was almost comic. I asked Skippy where they got their cash. He didn't know, but he would find out.

I felt a little like a cook at a six-burner stove. Everything was bubbling away, but nothing was ready to take off the burner. I would have liked to be more hands on, but a short, hairy, one-legged man was memorable and most of my work required you be forgettable.

Learning to move with one leg was almost like being a kid again. I was sure I would figure how to get things done, but it would take time. Once and a while I had little episodes of dizziness. They occurred when I forgot to rest and relax.

Ralph became an asset once he got into the case. He was a good policeman when he was working on a challenging case. I never mentioned or alluded to our time in the shower and he relaxed when he was with me.

One day, he told me that he had run into an old football buddy. I remembered our conversation in the shower and have I recognized the sexual potential of his conversation.

"I told my pal about your shower. The school showers had concrete block walls covered in shiny paint and exposed plumbing," Ralph said.

"Would you like to show him my shower?" I asked.

"I might, I think he would get a kick out of it," Ralph replied.

"I assume he was one of your closest pals, back in the day," I said.

"We weren't exactly close pals, but we did share some good times," Ralph explained. "They were really good times. Some of the other guys weren't into it as much as we were. I told him about you. He would like to meet you."

"Did you mention I am short and ugly?" I asked.

Ralph smiled. "I did, but I mentioned other more impressive parts too," he added. "Would you be offended if I told you that he was particularly interested in one part?"

"It takes a lot for me to be offended," I said. Ralph asked if he could come by Saturday evening. "Do you have pal who might like to join us? Three is an odd number." I said it would be fine and I might know someone. I called a friend, Bobby, the next morning. Bobby was an electrician I had met in a case about looted art a year earlier. Bobby was a tall, lanky red head who wasn't shy about man sex at all.

Ralph and his friend Ned, arrived at eight, laden with beer and Fritos. Ned was a muscle bear. He must have worked at a gym regularly. He was forty but had blond almost white hair and a matching beard. He was nervous when we first met, but he relaxed quickly. He had a broken leg once and been on crutches for six months, so he had some helpful hints about using crutches. Ned was more direct about his sexual preferences than Ralph and didn't hide his interest in my cock.

The doorbell rang. It was Bobby. He was real interested in Ralph and Ned. He gave them an admiring once over and they noticed.

We got down to business after two beers. Ned was more open about his sexual tastes, but he was a convent-bred virgin compared to Bobby. Bobby was a cheerful and energetic redneck, direct and straight forward.

"I don't get to play much, but when I get the chance, I like to go at it hot and heavy," Bobby said. "I don't mind if it gets sticky and juicy. I love the cream any way I can get it! By the way, I have a short recharge time and if you like it, I both give and take."

"You aren't exactly new to the scene?" Ned asked with a smile on his face.

"I wouldn't say that my cock and ass are callused yet, but they have been broken in!" Bobby replied. "I don't want to rush things, but let's get naked and see what happens." We went to my bedroom, stripped and went to the shower.

Things turned out well. Everyone knew someone, so they were comfortable, but new meat is always exciting. Ralph knew Ned and me, so Bobby was the only new guy. Bobby and I had two new men to get acquainted with, but let's just say that we make friends quickly.

Ned was a find. He wasn't exactly new to the scene, but his experiences were limited. He wanted more and Bobby and I were willing. Sex had been mostly oral for him and one sided, but Ned wanted to sixty-nine and fuck, which was good.

I soon discovered he was a size-queen too. That was very good. Ned came to me as Bobby went for Ralph. That was a near perfect pairing. I get excited quickly and when Ned wrapped his lips around my knob, it didn't take long to begin oozing. He perked up and I realized he was into precum. I licked him and tasted his cock drool.

I was a little worried that Bobby was too forward for Ralph. Bobby was enthusiastic and I think Bobby was carried away. Bobby's tool was hot dog sized, but a bit thicker than average. He liked to deep throat, and Ralph loved that.

A few minutes later, I was sitting on Ned's cock. I think he liked that, since he shot off as soon as his knob was on the dark side of my sphincter. His thick cock stayed hard and the extra lubrication was good. I had a nice ride as we watched Bobby ease his way into Ralph's behind. Bobby was careful, and Ralph was feeling new sensations. A little later, they switched places, and Ralph discovered he was a good top.

It took a while, but I eventually got into Ned's ass. Had been fucked before, but my cock was in a different weight class. It took some adjusting, but he took it. Before they left, Ralph gave me a copy of the Medical Examiner's report. That would be good bedtime reading. After they left I worried it might have been too much too soon for the two men.

I went to bed with the report, but fell asleep immediately. I was still holding it the next morning when I woke up. Mrs. Vienner died of a heart attack and there was no sign of violence or poison. No one committed a crime until they wrapped her in plastic and duct tape and put her in the freezer. There was barely a crime, except for mistreatment of a dead body. The accountants were busy figuring out why it was desirable to pretend Mrs. Vienner was alive.

The next morning my Miss Marple brigade gave me reports. They had a good time and the visits to the beauty shops had been productive. Helen, Sally and Milly had all had their hair done and talked with the very chatty and gossipy hairdressers.

Two of the women noticed the jewelry. Sally explained that her late hubby had made her keep it in a safe deposit box, but when he died, she got it out. "It's so pretty, it cheers me up just seeing it," she explained. The hairdresser, Tammy-Sue Southwell, talked about her husband and kids and asked Sally's about her children and relations. Sally said she was alone except for a niece in California. The conversation was all very natural and friendly.

Milly had a similar conversation with Bobbie, her hair dresser. Milly was more overtly doddery and Bobbie was not subtitle about her curiosity. Bobbie portrayed herself as a single, working girl living on the edge.

Helen played the helpless widow who just couldn't cope without her husband. She told her hairdresser, Lou, her husband had died ten years earlier, but there had been a nice man at the bank who took care of her finances. He had died, and she didn't know what to do. Her hair dresser was sympathetic.

Everything seemed fine until my computer guys checked on the backgrounds of the hairdressers. Tammy-Sue was unmarried and had never been married. Bobbie was married to an ex-con and had been arrested for bunko, but had not been convicted. Lou was just a hairdresser who like to gossip. We looked deeper into Tammie-Sue and Bobbie's background.

I went walking in the late afternoon and decided to try going further than usual. I went as far as Monument. Bob and Jane were alert as always and saw me. I think Bob kept an eye on the street, and he saw me coming. They invited me in for coffee. I didn't want to admit it, but I was tired and needed a rest.

As Mrs. Vienner's next door neighbor, Jane's phone had been in constant use as people wanted to know more about the situation. Jane had told me that she wasn't a gossip, but she had a knack for getting little bits of useful information. Jane also took notes. One friend, Elizabeth, wanted to know if she had been murdered and if her jewels had been stolen.

That raised flags for me. There had been no mention of jewels before. There was more to the story. Her parents had escaped from Nazi Germany and had converted much of the family's wealth to jewels. Most of the family had not escaped, but other members had given the jewels to hold for them until they got out. Elizabeth thought that most had been diamonds and rubies. I called Ralph and told him about that. He had been looking for checking accounts. It seemed that safety deposit boxes might be more productive. Ralph thought a very detailed search of the house was in order.

Bob had been in the house and saw some newly excavated holes in the basement floor. He had thought the "cousin" had considered burying the body in the basement. Hidden jewels would have been another reason to excavate. Bob offered to drive me back to my apartment. I took him up on that offer. The next day was Saturday, and I decided to have a weekend off. Electronic searches were underway and the case could advance without me.

Unexpectedly, Ned came by around three. He lived out of town so this was not just a casual drop in. He wanted to talk. Ned was the prefect, straight gay man. He was notably masculine and was 100% straight other than his taste for gay sex. He was deeply embarrassed by his sexual inclinations, but too sexually driven to avoid them.

He and Ralph had messed around when they were younger, but he didn't want Ralph to know how much he enjoyed it. I told him that gay men come in many flavors. He said he had a hard time letting go.

"You do know it hard to suck a guy's cock and pretend you don't like it," I said. "I doubt the man you are sucking thinks you are 100% straight. Ralph is a detective; cock sucking is a clue that you are gay!"

Ned laughed. "I guess fucking is another clue?"

I nodded. "Did you like getting fucked the other day?" I asked.

"I didn't want to enjoy it, but I did," he said. "I didn't expect to like it."

"It's better if you admit you like it," I said. "I'm not sure you have much control over what you want sexually. You may think one thing, but your cock may have a different idea."

He smiled. "I sort of knew that, but I hadn't known my ass had different thoughts!"

"Had anyone fucked you before?" I asked.

"One guy fucked me, but it wasn't the same," Ned said in a near whisper. "You were almost too big, but it was good."

"You liked being filled up and stretched?" I asked. Ned nodded.

"I like being in a tight hole with lots of lube," I said.

"The lube helped," he added.

"I ooze a lot of precum. When I'm excited, I tend to self-lubricate," I said.

"Do you shoot off when you are inside?" he asked.

"I you want that I can do it, but I usually can pull out if you are uneasy," I said. "I wouldn't mind taking your man seed." I was fondling his basket and he was soon hard. Ned didn't need to tell me what he wanted. We went to the bedroom, and eventually he spent the night. We played for a half-hour before he relaxed and allowed himself to enjoy it.

While I am ugly, I am what one of my friend called 100%, all-man ugly. That worked for Ned. A pretty boy didn't do the trick for him; he wanted sex with a man, not a male model. We sucked and then I sat on his cock. His organ was average, but had a nice bend that seemed to work my prostate. I got enthusiastic.

When he pulled out, it was my turn to do him. I took my time and it was easier than before; he was more receptive. After a few minutes of pumping, Ned relaxed and I went deeper. We broke to breathe and rest. When I fucked him fifteen minutes later, it was as if he flicked a switch and he was a sex crazed bottom.

He lost his inhibitions, and enjoyed each thrust and poke. A little later I shot off in him, and he had his first hands-free orgasm as I flooded his ass with my sperm. Ned spent the night.

The search of the Vienner house took place on Monday. It was a big, expensive house in a good neighborhood. The police were used to ripping apart drug dealers crash pads, not mansions on the National Register. Ralph recruited Bob to help with the search. Bob provided ways to do the search in less destructive ways. Bob and the police were soon pals.

Jane and Bob were a team. As Bob helped with the search, Jane provided refreshments. This included coffee, pastries and lunch. Jane knew how to make friends. Rumors spread at the speed of light in urban neighborhoods. Margo Marx called her with helpful hint. She was a young woman, but her family had escaped from Germany and she was close to several other refugees. Margo had talked with her grandmother and her friends about their experiences.

Bribery was a necessary element of most escape plans requiring large amounts of cash. Jewels and gold were the preferred way to get wealth out of the country since they were portable and small. It was also important to have the jewels in small parcels hidden in multiple places. If your house was searched, the Gestapo might stop when they found a cache. It was unwise to put all your wealth in one place. Multiple hiding places were a better way to save something if not all your wealth.

Jane told this to Bob and Ralph. There was one bit of information came in the first hour of the search. Ralph had a court order and opened a safety deposit box. It was all documents, with Mrs. Vienner's will at the top of the pile. She had left her liquid assets to the Red Cross and a Jewish welfare organization. The house and its contents were left to the art museum. She had been a guide at the museum. She had also included the line, "Having no close living relatives, I hereby leave. . ." That made the will uncontestable in court.

While the house search concentrated in the basement, Bob was poking around upstairs. He had worked on houses designed by the same architect in the 1910-1925 period. He found something odd. The closets were undersized and included drywall. Old houses typically had an inch and a half of plaster on wood lath. Older closets were typically 36 to 30 inches deep. Many of Mrs. Vienner's closets were 20 inches deep. The undersized closets all had one wall covered in drywall.

Bob had a utility knife. He cut open the wall and found a small box of uncut diamonds. A Frankfort jeweler's name embellished the box. Our scam artists had been digging for treasure in the basement, when they should have been looking in the closets. Jane remembered the Jeweler had Mrs. Vienner's maiden name, Hersh. By the end of the day, we had a treasure trove of jewels. Some were elaborate settings, others were just cut or uncut stones.

Once Mrs. Vienner was dead, her executors would have read the will and found out her "relatives" were con-artists. When she was alive they were free to loot the estate. There was no way to find out how they found out about the jewels, but she had dementia and something might have slipped.

Ralph had the "relatives" picked-up and had BeautyTemps raided. I thought we could get more information about them, but Ralph thought that the activity on Monument Avenue was too public and the word would be out. The BeautyTemp proprietors were at the front door with their suitcases in the car when the police arrived. Ralph was right.

That evening, BeautyTemps staff was arrested and it was over. The Banks had been busy too. they had discovered BeautyTemps bank accounts and money laundering scheme. BeautyTemps owner's brother-in-law was the president of a small bank in rural Virginia. That little bank was a gold mine for Bank examiners.

The next morning Skippy called. He had been investigating the Fincastle family. Carl Fincastle, TR's father, was born Carlo Finzini. He was the son of a well-known mafia Don. His wife was Elaine Castle, thus Fincastle. He was believed to be mostly legit. His bothers weren't legit at all. they ran protection rackets in South Philly, and were suspected of drug trafficking, mostly in pills, not old-fashioned cocaine or heroin.

It took me fifteen to twenty minutes to come up with the odd reaction of TR's lawyers. If he was dealing drugs, the rape charge was a big problem since he could exchange information on the drug racket in exchange for leniency on the rape charge. He could have been running drugs for his father or his uncles.

Officially, Windsor University was a strict, god-fearing school. I was a safe place to park your virgin daughters and sons until they found the right man or woman from a good family. Drug running and rape were unthinkable there. They would do everything they could to paper over the problem. The school was wealthy and well connected. They had no desire to have note in the Alumni bulletin saying, "TR Fincastle, class of 2019, was sent to prison of 20 years."

My speculations came to an end when TR had an unplanned meeting with an Oak at 3:00 in the morning. He reeked of gin. He died immediately. Luckily, the tree was undamaged. This struck me as being potentially fortuitous for some of his associates. The prosecutions and lawsuits vanished in a split second. The case was over.

A week and a half later, Carl Fincastle came to see me. I usually look like something the cat dragged in, but he looked terrible. I felt like a teenaged heart throb compared to him.

"I need your help," he said. "TR was always difficult, but he was my only son. The police just told me that there was no alcohol in his system when he died. It must have been a set up."

"I hadn't heard that," I said. "There is no reason for the police to tell me anything about the case."

"They aren't interested in the case. I understand that, but I need to know what happened," he said. "My wife thinks my brothers did it. It's driving her crazy. You know my family has a history?" I nodded. "I need to find out who did it," he said.

"You really want to know if your brothers di it?" I asked. He nodded.

"I am not interested in becoming an accessory to murder," I said.

"Our family has a lot of skeletons in the closet, but murder isn't one of them," Carl said. "The Courts can take care of the punishment. I just need to know. My wife is obsessed. We can't live that way."

"Do you think they did it?" I asked.

"I don't, but it's not impossible. They have been moving into legitimate businesses, but there could have been some backsliding. My oldest brother's son died of an overdose. When you play with fire you can get burned," he said.

I said I would consider it. He left me a check for $20,000.00. I didn't cash it, but it was a demonstration of his sincerity.

Next: Chapter 186: Catfish Takes a Hit 5

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