Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 15, 2017


Catfish Takes a Hit 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

Templeton called me the next day. His accountants had uncovered two potentially similar cases. The Peninsula Bank found three and the York & James Bank had found four. These were smaller banks and did not have strong controls on their Trust departments.

All the problem clients were elderly had a recent notable change in spending habits. The banks knew who was cashing checks and that gave us leads. My people began checking on these men and women. The banks looked further into their clients' financial records.

When Sharron joined my geek squad she was the only woman. When she was promoted, she insisted that she was the head Computer Guy, not Computer girl. She was interested in the case. That was bad news for the fraudsters. She was a terrier who smelled a rat. She traced the delivery slip on the freezer. Luckily there had been only one freezer delivered on that day. The buyer used a credit card made out to BeautyTemps. That company provided temporary hairdressers, manicurists and beauticians for salons. That was entirely unexpected and odd. BeautyTemps had an office and wasn't just a mail drop and answering machine..

I thought I would send an operative to check out BeautyTemps. I picked Liz Cauthorn to try to get a job with them. Liz was an actor with special skills doing Shakespearian women such as Lady Macbeth and Kate from the Taming of the Shrew. It was no stretch for her to play difficult women. She had paid her way through college working in a salon. She went off to BeautyTemps clothed in an attitude and with suspect gaps in her resume.

I called Ralph and told him of the discovery. The police department's computer people were busy, so we became their consultants. He sent me a purchase order for professional services. It was for $500.00, so it barely covered the cost of lunch, but this made us official in terms of future court cases.

I also had a call from the president of the York & James Bank. He hired us for a search and destroy attack on the con-men, and hoped we could recover some of the money. He offered me a fee plus 25% of the recovered funds. I said we would take the fee, but not the 25% take on recovered funds. That belonged to the victims, not the bank or us. Catfish & Company was in a lull, and we could put operatives on the job to follow up on Sharron's leads. Ralph had to do all the arresting, of course.

The renovation to my office was completed and I moved back into my upstairs apartment. It had an elevator and grab bars everywhere. My contractor friend, John, had done a good job. We christened the elevator and had a nice party.

My opportunity to do field work was limited, so I would be spending more time at the office. John made an office in my apartment, so I didn't need to disrupt the main office below. It was well run, and didn't need my input for day to day work.

A few days later, Ralph came up to see me at the end of the work day. I gave him a beer and we talked. He had been stand offish at first, but as we dug deeper into the case, he relaxed. He told me that he had been through a rough patch, involving a bad divorce and a lack of promotion. If this case turned out to be a big one, he might get back on track.

"I don't know how big it will be eventually, but you are the officer in charge. It should be an impressive feather in your hat," I said.

"I suspect you will get most of the credit," he said.

"I never take credit. It is best if no one knows Catfish & Company is involved," I said. "Publicity is bad for a private investigator."

"How do you get jobs?" Ralph asked.

"Word of mouth," I said. He had another beer and then went to the bathroom. It is a tropical paradise in glazed terra-cotta. He was dazzled.

"You like parrots?" he asked when he came back. I explained the place once housed a ceramic tile contractor. A client had refused to use the tile he ordered, so contractor installed it for his own use.

"I used to play football, so I am used to gang showers. I've never seen anything like that," Ralph said. I told him that they had installed new grab bars so that I could use it since I was short one foot. The bars were helpful, but was a bit of a challenge.

"Three days a week I have a physical therapist who helps me shower," I explained. "It is a lot more work when I am alone." We had another beer. He said he would help me with my shower if I wanted. I said sure.

Ralph was out of shape, but you could tell he had been a football player. His soft cock had potential. "I'm not gay," he said from out of nowhere.

"I may have had a trip to the wild side once or twice," I said. "Don't worry, your virginity is safe with me!" I took my undershorts off. He stared.

"They said it was big," he remarked. He helped me get into the shower and to the grab bars and bench. "I'm not much of a catch anymore," he said.

"Is that why you are divorced?" I asked.

"That might be part of it, but the rest is because I am a jerk," he said. "I was so caught up with my own problems, I ignored her." As he talked his cock began to firm up. It wasn't exactly hard, but it wasn't soft either. He saw that I noticed.

"I might have taken a few steps toward the wild side a long time ago," he said.

"Naked with the rest of the team in the showers?" I asked. He nodded. He soaped me up and I did the same to him. He was soon hard.

"I've got a little problem," he whispered.

I smiled. "It looks more like an opportunity to me."

"I'm not gay," Ralph said.

"Why don't you pretend you are gay for the next ten minutes, and let's see what happens," I suggested. The ten minutes extended to a half hour. I suspected he wasn't gay, but also guessed it had been a long time since he had sex. There were pent up needs. He also reciprocated. He had been on the wrestling team too, he knew how to give and take. He had a spectacular orgasm, and the session was over.

"I'm so embarrassed," he said.

"Sex is sex. It's good regardless of the situation," I said. He helped me to my bedroom, dressed and left. I wondered if he would come back. He was needy and I was willing to meet his needs.

The next morning Templeton called me with his accountants' further discoveries. There were major changes in spending patterns in several accounts. He was shocked to find that one account which had no activity for five years, now had over 75 checks drawn on it in the last year. Some of these checks were made out to cash. He had called the other banks investigating the problem. They had found similar questionable accounts. The account holders were all elderly clients, some of whom had shown signs of mental impairment. The banks were sending Trust officers to contact these people to see if there were problems.

A little later in the day Liz reported back from her job interview. It had gone well. Not one of the suspect items in her resume seemed to have raised questions. The interviewer had asked if they could call her most recent employer. She said that was okay, but they had a dispute over a check, that might have soured the relationship.

With that information, any normal interviewer would automatically reject Liz as an employee. Instead she was scheduled for another interview the next day. We had set up an answering machine for the fake business Liz said she worked for. BeautyTemps called the number and asked for someone to call back.

Donnie Delmont, one of my long-time employees, called back on an anonymous cell phone posing as the owner of the salon. He said that Liz was a snake in the grass, who both stole checks and gave his old-lady clients a sob-story to get money from them. He told them he thought Liz was a con artist. Curiously, hat didn't bother BeautyTemps. Liz was hired.

I called Ralph and told him what was going on. He asked me if these scams were just copy-cats, of if it was a franchise. I wasn't sure, but it looked to me as if BeautyTemps might be at the center of the local operation. He said he would investigate.

That night, Skippy called and asked if I would like some company. He was with Colin. They had been at a social event with Windsor University officials. Colin was an alumnus and his family were big donors.

"You know Windsor is careful about protecting their income stream?" he remarked.

"You mean juvenile delinquents from wealthy families?" I replied.

"That is one of their sources of income. The other source is immature kids from wealthy families who need a place to grow up. I was talking to a faculty member about our would-be rapist," Skippy said. "I mentioned my suspicions about his drug use. I implied he might be a dealer. That caused a stir. I used the name of the drug and had a reaction. You know Windsor University would never admit there were drugs on the campus."

"All their students are virgins too," Colin said. Skippy was on speaker phone. "By the way, I was in the immature category of students."

"Well, I think I have shaken the branches. I wonder what will fall out of the tree," Skippy added.

They knocked on my door fifteen minutes later. I showed them around the apartment. They were dazzled by the bath too. Of course, I knew this wasn't a business visit.

Skippy soon got to the point. "Colin was inspired watching me fuck you last week. He wants to give it a try but is uneasy about it. He wants someone to be a referee," he explained.

I smiled. "Colin do you want a coach or a friend looking after your interests?"

"I want all of the above," Colin replied. "I have an idea the Skippy has only one interest, and he might get carried away."

"I told you I like to be the first in a virgin ass, but I like to be the second, third or one hundredth one too," Skippy said in his defense. "I do admit that I get enthusiastic a minute or two before I shoot off."

"Do I have to take the load?" Colin asked.

"No, I can pull out," Skippy said, "Most of the time I know what is coming. Once and a while my orgasm makes a sneak attack, so I can't guarantee anything."

The doorbell rang. It was Templeton. I let him in. The second he saw Skippy and Colin he knew what was up. He was interested, but not as obviously as Colin was interested in him. Templeton was a dapper, slim and elegant older man. He knew Skippy and I guessed it was a non-platonic relationship. Skippy wasn't your delicate type. He told Templeton his plans and asked if he wanted to join in. It was no surprise that Templeton was game.

Ten minutes later we were all naked in my bedroom. Colin went straight to Templeton. Templeton wasn't quite as big as I am, but he was a big boy. Templeton was good-looking. Colin was sucking Templeton as I lubricated his ass.

"Colin had a virgin ass and Skippy was planning to help him with that problem." I said. "Do you mind helping out?"

"That isn't a problem for me," Templeton replied.

Skippy stepped up to the plate and replaced me at Colin's ass. He took his time with Colin. Colin and I moved to the 69-position as Skippy eased his cock into him. I knew that diameter is more of a problem than length. Colin shivered as Skippy's cock head touched his ass. He stayed hard and oozed more precum as the thin tool pushed deeper.

Colin began sucking me with more enthusiasm. I was getting excited and I assume I was oozing more. When Skippy popped through the sphincter his cock rubbed Colin's prostate. I felt him react with more precum. Sometime the third man in a threesome is left out. Tasting Colin's reaction to Skippy's cock was good for me. Since his former lover had been so turned off by precum, Colin enjoyed letting his sex juices flow.

"You're taking it well. Are you okay Colin?" he asked.

"It's fine," Colin replied. "It feels odd, but it's a nice odd."

"I hope it will be a lot better than odd as you get used to it," Skippy said.

Templeton was behind me and his well-lubricated cock touched my hole. It had been a long time since we had played together, so I shifted my leg to give him better access. It also gave Colin a good view of Templeton entering me. If precum is any indicator, he liked what he saw.

Templeton and Skippy weren't new to the scene. They quickly discovered how to give maximum pleasure to both Colin and me. They rhythmically stroked to produce both prostate stimulation and precum flow. Skippy held his cards close to the chest as is typical of lawyers, but he lost it first. He pulled out after the orgasm.

"I'm sorry I lost it," he said to Colin.

"It felt good." Colin said.

"Could you take more?" Templeton asked.

"I think I probably could, Colin replied. Templeton pulled out of me and went to Colin's newly opened ass.

"You're big," Colin said, "Take your time."

Templeton was slow but steady. I pulled apart from Colin so he could concentrate on Templeton's cock. I was surprised when Skippy took my place in the 69-position. His ass was wide open and on view. I knew that wasn't an accident. I hate to be an opportunist, but I was hard and he was open.

Let's just say the Colin loved watching my cock enter Skippy as Templeton's organ entered him. I think it was a tight fit for both men, but worth the effort. After a few dozen strokes, Colin and Skippy traded loads as Templeton and I rear loaded them.

Sometimes there is a letdown after an orgasm. There is nothing as intense to follow. You are drained and tired. While we were all drained, there was a mellow, calm feeling. There must have been buckets of sperm, but it was redistributed, not wasted. Each one of us was sexually satisfied. I had a good time licking up the post-orgasmic drool of my playmates. Colin looked happy, but Skippy was both surprised and managed a late ejaculation. Colin's repertoire of sexual skills had just increased by 100%. I had reconnected with my old friend Templeton and made new friends, Skippy and Colin. We talked a while, showered and they went home.

Cyber investigations follow the same rules as a traditional investigation, but they are faster. What once took days or weeks could be done in hours. That was especially true since we had the police cyber people, the banks' accountants and my own group working on the case. Each group had its own favorite databases, and skills. My people were technically working for the police, so the bank accountants felt comfortable coordinating with us.

Once there was a lead, all the cyber people were like bloodhounds on a scent. They wouldn't give up the trail until they were satisfied. By the end of the next day, we had identified seven elderly bank customers who were definitely being scammed. They had been carefully selected. Most had a half-million to a million in accounts. They were prosperous, but not so wealthy to have accountants or financial managers in their employ. All were women, alone and either single or widowed. None had close family, and no one checking their health. A neighbor might think they were forgetful, but wouldn't notice the advance of dementia.

All went to the hairdressers regularly. In many cases the salons were well established, but the original proprietors had retired and were under new management. I went to see Jane. She was in every woman's club in the area and I assume she had the low down on hairdressers. Jane had a sensible and stylish cut that was just right for her age and facial type. She told me that Mrs. Vienner, tended to alternate between neglect and overdone. Her prime had been in the bouffant era, and when she had a major event or a club meeting, she went whole hog.

Mrs. Vienner went to Margo's Salon. Jane didn't think much of Margo's. It was expensive, but tended to do rather flamboyant designs. Jane thought they often looked like theatrical designs for a period play. She often used the same hairdresser, Jolie. I called my office and gave them Margo's name.

By the time I got back to the office, Sharron gave that information to the bank accountants and they discovered three of the women used Margo's and one had a check made out to Jolie Holliday. The banks found out that the other women used two hairdressers. Each hairdresser had two of the victims as customers.

I had several women who worked for me on specific cases. They often served as decoys when we were hunting muggers or rapists. They were not genteel or shy types. I wasn't sure they would be able to play elderly society types. Liz came to the rescue. She knew several actresses who could play the type and who were perceptive, smart and unflappable. Thus, we created what Liz called the Miss Marple Brigade.

Helen Broadus was a former actress and wardrobe mistress. Sally Jones and Milly Winter had been cast as Grand Dames and had an air. Their job was to be bait and see if anyone took a bite. Helen and Milly had dealt with dementia and knew the symptoms. As a wardrobe mistress, Helen knew the look we were after. She was after the almost, but not quite right look of a fastidious woman who was no longer what she had been. She also wanted some jewels. They had to be real, but in appropriate. Perhaps a bracelet that would be fine at a charity banquet, but not for a hairdressing appointment.

I asked around, and Templeton came up with the goods. The wife of the Bank president heard her husband talking about it and volunteered her jewelry. Her mother was in a home with serious dementia. Helen met her and found what she needed, both the jewelry and the clothes. The Marple Brigade went into action, not quite perfectly attired and bejeweled. I thought keeping in character for an hour and a half would be a problem. Milly told me she had done three hours in performance for six nights and two matinees every week. The salon would be no problem at all.

I called Ralph and gave him an update. I also mentioned a possible drug connection with our rapist. That interested him and he said he would talk with the drug squad.

For comic relief, I found out our would-be rapist was suing me for assault. He essentially claimed I interrupted the rape with unnecessary violence. I called Skipwith who almost dropped the phone he was laughing so hard. He told me to send him a retainer of $100.00 so he could add me as a client. He worked for a large corporate law firm, and this case would be endlessly amusing.

I had a quiet night at home. It was quiet until two in the morning, when someone tried to break into my apartment. It was a pathetic attempt and didn't come close to entering the building, but the security cameras produced good pictures of the burglars. Ralph came by the next morning. His visit to the drug squad had been a success. He recognized the two men from my door camera as fraternity brothers of the rapist.

This was getting interesting. It didn't make any sense. It seemed to me that perhaps more was going in than a rape as part of a fraternity prank. Ralph thought the same way. Intimidating a witness was a possibility, but there were 20-30 people from the restaurant who could identify the culprits. Multiple cell phones captured him with his pants down.

Ralph increased police presence on my street. My staff took the attempt to get in my office badly. They took a personal interest and provided some street people and drunks to patrol the area. The district was quite prosperous now, but kids from the suburbs still saw it as a dangerous place in habited by undesirables. I thought all of this was over-the-top. Only an idiot would make a second attempt. I seriously underestimated the number of idiots involved.

Stakeouts are long, boring and often unsuccessful. At one o'clock, our perpetrators appeared and made a second attempt on my apartment. This time one of them tried to cut the electric line to the building, to disable the alarm. Of course, the system had a battery backup. He tried to climb the pole, and fortunately failed. He had an uninsulated wire cutter and would have died had he been successful.

The other two men were at my door when twelve City Policemen arrived. The perpetrators were stoned and barely responsive. My people watched from the sidelines. They noticed a SUV hightailing from the area when the police arrived. My men had a complete description of the car and a license plate. The car belonged to our rape suspect.

Ralph was happy. His fraud investigation had just turned into a major drug trafficking investigation. The Police Chief had been complaining about turf wars in the department. The Drug squad was possessive of its cases, and wanted all the credit. Ralph had shared information that was a potential breakthrough. He had become a star in the Chief's eyes.

Next: Chapter 185: Catfish Takes a Hit 4

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