Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 13, 2016


Catfish Goes to Tinseltown 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

Two options were open. The revenge motive seemed to diminish as I looked deeper into the potentially aggrieved parties. The real estate motive was getting stronger. Big bucks are always a good motive and is often associated with arson. The connection with Boy Bomber could have been a set up to misdirect.

I called the arson investigators. The new fire fit the profile of a well-known arsonist the called the Clearance Man. He was a professional, for pay man who helped business men get rid of problematic properties.

Murder had not beem associated with the fires. The arsonist preferred damage, not death. This complicated things. Was the PR man the true victim? Perhaps Juan's caught the murderer in the act as was killed as a cover up.

Milton Dennis was a middle aged gay man known as Milly to his friends. He had been an important man is his younger days, but had settled down with his lover. He knew everyone and he had slept with anyone who was willing or needy. I went to visit Milly's partner, John. John was a retired Gym Teacher.

John was a heavy set, tall man. I guessed he coached football or wrestling for a high school team. He wasn't muscular anymore, but he made an effort to keep in shape. He was the husband and Milly was his wife. He had been told that Milly had been murdered.

"Do you have any I idea who or why he was killed?" I asked.

"I have no idea who, but it is a good guess that Milly knew something dangerous," John said. "Milly like to know stuff. He was a gossip and collected information. He didn't exactly blackmail people, but he used information for his own advantage."

"He wasn't a vicious man, but some may have been uneasy about what he knew and what he might say," John explained. "The studio used him to spread information, to get rumors going. He was good at that. By the way, you look familiar. Have we met? Have you been in the movies?"

"I've never been in a movie. I was in a video a few times," I said.

"Were you wearing a mask and hung like Trigger?" he asked.

"There wasn't much character development in those videos," I said.

John laughed. "There was some suspense. Would you get in in and would you split him in half, as I recall?" he said. "John would have loved to take a ride on your cock. He was a size queen too; he was not a shrinking violet sexually."

"Did that bother you?" I asked.

"At first it did. I had never met anyone like him. Eventually, I told him to bring the guys home and we could share," John said. "That worked out for us. We barebacked, the guest used a condom. I loved it when I bred him. He loved it too."

"Any recent, unusual occurrences that stand out?" I asked.

"He was going to retire and write his memoirs," John said. "They were to be the ultimate tell all book."

"That may have scared people," I observed.

John laughed again. "Milly was a lot better about planning things than doing them. No one who knew him would have thought the book would ever be written." The doorbell rang. It was a friend who wanted to express condolences.

"Catfish, this is Thompson Denver, he was one of Milly best friends," John said. We shook hands. "You may have seen Catfish in one of those amateurish videos Milly liked."

"Are you the furry guy with the big dick?" Thompson asked. I nodded. "Some videos are too slick for me. That wasn't your problem; it was all plain old sex from the start. I like that."

"I don't think they spent much on the scriptwriter," I said. Thompson and John laughed. We talked briefly and I got ready to leave.

"I would love some show and tell before you leave. I've never been with a porn actor before." Thompson said. "Is that a problem, John?"

"Hell no!" John replied. A few minutes later we were in his bedroom naked and checking each other out.

"Is porn just a job for you, or do you get emotionally involved?" Thompson asked.

"Well, it depends on what you mean by emotional," I said. "I don't fall in love with the guy I'm fucking, but when you are physically connected, you do become affectionate. I do get pleased if I fuck him to an orgasm. Sometimes I get real affectionate when we shoot together. I think that is natural. Did you feel that with Milly?"

"At first he was just and easy lay. He was easy and a bit of an energizer bunny sexually. He was always willing. I got to like him," Thompson said. "I was relieved when he connected with John. Milly calmed down after they met."

"It was all sex at first, but Milly's ass was the perfect fit for my cock," John explained. "I had limited sexual experience before Milly. He was always willing and available. I couldn't believe the sex was so good." he paused. "Do you ever use fake cum in the videos?"

"Nope, I make my own. Some of the men I worked with eat the stuff. Fake cum didn't work for them. I have some control, so I can shoot on the hole first and then plant it. I shoot pretty vigorously and the camera men loved that. The splatter on the hole is easy to photograph and the men who buy the video know it is real."

As we talked Thomson and John's eyes were mostly focused on my cock, as they stroked their tools. John's was over seven inches. Thompson had a butt plug type cock.

"Damn, I like to have sex with you. Are you all top?" Thompson asked. "John are I are both tops. I am bottom curious."

"Have you taken a big one before?" I asked.

"That is why I am curious," Thompson replied.

"Why don't I start with a little anal exploration," I suggested. "Are you and John close? This may get a bit intense."

"I'm not the shy type," Thompson said.

"That is an understatement," John said. "Let's just go with the flow and see what cock is where in a half hour?" That was fine with all of us.

Thompson underestimated his sexual skills. Thompson was tight, but a lot of lube and some poppers opened him up. Once I was fully lodged in him, he went into sexual haze. He was fully erect, twitching and moaning. His ass wasn't virgin, and he was excited when my cock found some new spots.

After a little while, John took a turn. His butt plug only reached Thompson's prostate, but that was enough to keep Thompson twitching. Thompson mentioned he liked feeling the cock that had fucked his pal for years. Thompson had an appointment and left.

A half hour later the doorbell rang again. John dressed and answered the door as I stayed in the bedroom. John returned to the bedroom with two men, Rodney and Spike. Rodney was another one of Milly's friends; Spike was his protégé. Rodney introduced himself as the Porn King. Spike was smooth muscleman who Rodney introduced as his next big star. They were undressing as they entered the room.

Rodney looked at me as if he were a butcher buying meat. When he saw my cock, he manner changed.

"I don't do rough trade, but I might use your cock for a guest appearance," he said.

"Shit, that's a big one," Spike observed.

"Do you top?" Rodney asked. He was not much on small talk or the social graces. He didn't even say hello.

"I top when I find a hole that can take it," I replied. I can be direct too.

"Do you think you could take that?" Rodney asked Spike.

"I don't know daddy," Spike answered. "Do you want me to try?" We all sat on the bed naked and talking. Rodney had been teaching Spike to bottom. He said it would be good for his career. Rodney was talking mostly with John. I talked with Spike.

Spike was nice guy with a great body but wasn't bright. He worked nights at a supermarket stocking shelves. He was at the beach during the day. Spike liked man sex and porn was exciting compared to stocking the canned vegetables. He had met with Milly the day before he died. Milly liked to talk while being fucked.

Spike told me that Milly had a good, tight ass. Milly had let him shoot off in his ass; Spike liked that. He usually had to pull out so the cameraman could film the orgasm. Milly had been exited and mentioned Malcomb Dewey. Spike told him he was thinking about auditioning for Malcomb's studio. Milly told him to avoid that, he had discovered that Boy Bomber had been planned as a failure. It had been a scam to entice investors. It was a classic "Producers" type scam. While the studio saw Boy Bomber as a failure, the Chairman of the Board had made big bucks.

Milly said the joke was on the Chairman. One of the investors was the son of a Sheik. It was his first effort to become a Hollywood big shot and it embarrassed him when it failed. If he found out it was a scam, he was not the forgiving type. Malcomb had certainly landed on his feet and seemed happy running a "talent" agency.

It was getting late, so I got dressed and left at the same time as Rodney and Spike. As we left Rodney asked if I would have dinner with them. I said sure and we went to his house in the hills

Rodney's conversation was interesting. He didn't like Malcomb saying that his "talent" was overpriced and under talented. I knew it was essentially a prostitution scheme. I assumed blackmail or the threat of blackmail for his wealthy clients was a part of the scheme. I caught Rodney looking at Spike. Spike was exceptionally good looking, there was affection in Rodney's glances.

Rodney told me that Malcomb had a secret production company called B&B. The stood for black and blue. It dealt with rough trade and masochism. There were stories that former convicts, drug addicts and street trade made up the staff. Several men had been hurt when the shoots became too realistic. This videos were sold to a select clientele at a high price.

"I've never hurt anyone on purpose. I used to have a problem with men who had smaller assholes than their fantasies," I explained. "That doesn't happen much anymore. I can usually can spot that type."

"How do you do that?" Spike asked.

"When a guy is too eager and says he wouldn't have a problem, I worry," I explained. "If a guy asks me to be careful, he usually has enough experience to know his limits, and knows he has limits." When we reached the house Rodney went to make dinner. He had a huge gas grill and open air kitchen on the side of a terrace overlooking the city. We had a few drinks as he cooked.

"Rodney likes to watch me squirm on a cock and get all sweaty," Spike whispered to me.

"Do you like that?" I asked.

"I used to think that Rodney was a flake, but he's really a nice guy. I like to keep him happy," Spike replied. "I like to show off while I'm naked. I normally top. The camera men like me because I have a long one; it's easy to photograph. Rodney says I will get more video roles if I'm versatile. He says the buyers like watching me take a cock in the ass. It is good jerk off material."

"You're probably right about that," I said. "Does Rodney fuck you?"

Spike smiled, "Usually, I fuck him, but I've taken him a few times. It was better than I thought it would be. I wouldn't mind trying a big one." Rodney had dinner of steaks and salads ready shortly. Most had been prepared earlier, but it was all good. The steaks were not the meat you find in a Walmart.

We went to the hot tub next. I knew the routine. Rodney asked if I was up for some fun. I said I was always ready, but told him that I didn't like any limits, liked my fun sweaty and cum filled. "Is Spike off limits?" I asked. Roger said no. Then I asked if any parts of Spike were off limits. Rodney said that wasn't a problem either. Spike got hard.

A little later. Spike was on his back and Rodney was holding his legs open. My cock was one size bigger than Spike's ass so it was a snug fit. Luckily, just at the point when it was becoming too much for him, my cock head rammed his prostate and all was well. I gave the little gland a massage and then went deep. All was well.

When that happened, Rodney fed his cock to Spike and leaned over to suck his cock. He wasn't that interested in the cock; he wanted a closer view of my cock in Spike's ass. I think I was a challenge for Spike, but I felt him relax after five or six minutes.

I was making deep strokes, pulling out and the going as deep as I could. Spike's sphincter adapted to the invader and all was well. I was good for Spike and me; it was even better for Rodney. He liked to watch. I thought he was a classic voyeur. I shot off and them went back to the motel.

I now had a possible motive for Milly's death. I called Ed, the detective in charge as asked if he could investigate the investors in Boy Bomber. I had a feeling that the pranks were red herrings, misdirecting us to the wrong suspects. I also told them about Apex Studios and B & B Studios. I went to bed.

The next morning, I had a call from Colby at Apex Studios. He wanted to talk me about doing a scene for him. I said I would come by at three that afternoon. I then went to see Maury. He was busy with the movie. Maury was an energizer bunny type; he had the studio working full time on the movie losing only one day of work due to the fire. Security in the studio was very evident, as was both the city police and the fire department.

After the first fire, Maury insisted that anything that could burn be backed up on a remote server. That drove everyone crazy, especially the set and costume designers who had to scan all their work each night before they went home. Maury was a hero after the second fire. Maury was a leader of men; Mrs. Boot was unflappable; she became more efficient in a disaster. Brenda, Phil and Rocky were troopers. Brenda and Phil were strong people; Rocky was too dense to notice the fire, so the movie was proceeding at a good pace.

I reviewed he script and made it less Hillbilly and more old time country. It also became more natural and less Petticoat Junction. It was a good day for me. I went to the Apex office at three. Colby had a role for me. I was to play the old reprobate who teaches some young guys a lesson though what might be described as forcible anal therapy.

I told Colby that I could do it. Anything resembling sadism or masochism turned me off and I couldn't get hard. He said it would just be acting. I told him I had run into masochist before and as soon anyone asked me to spank or whip them I lost my erection.

"What if you are an old reprobate uncle who shows his nephews what real man sex is like?" Colby asked. I said that might work.

"Do you have any nephews you have trained?" he asked.

"No, but I have played with younger guys, never a minor, but they were younger," I said. "I looked old as shit when I was 24. I never looked young. These nephews will be adult?"

Colby laughed, "Yes thy will be twenty or older. So, you were born bald and hairy and you liked the look?"

"Let's just say, no one asked me to be in a teenybopper band," I replied.

"Have you popped a virgin?" he asked.

"I guess I have done that a few times, but my cock doesn't come with training wheels. I like men with some mileage on them," I said. "I have a friend who says my cock is for post-graduate studies."

Colby looked me in the eye. "I'm ready for post graduate work," he said in almost a whisper. "I watched you with Malcomb's friends the other day. It was hot. Malcomb doesn't let me play with the help. He wanted you guys to spend all you time with the investors. Can you help me out?" I had no desire to extend my porn career, but I didn't mind getting closer to the chief suspects' pal.

"I don't mind helping a man in need," I said.

"Let's go to my private office," he said. We went out a rear door and went upstairs to an apartment. "Do keep this private. Malcomb doesn't like me to stray."

"Are you lovers?" I asked.

"No, he just feels that his employees belong to him. He wants to pick my sexual partners. A few of his investors like me a lot. He wants me to concentrate on them."

"If I told you that was really strange, would you be shocked?" I asked. By then Colby had undressed and he didn't reply. I had thought Colby was Malcomb's close retainer. He was just a put upon employee.

Colby was 100% preppy from head to toe, manscaped, tanned and rested. It seemed a shame to get him all hot and sweaty. Colby was ready. He jumped on the bed and open the bedside table to reveal lubricant, poppers and a few dildos and butt plugs. I straddled his head and fed him my cock. a little later I rotated and we 69ed. He had a nice, average cock, and was oozing rich, sweet ball juice. I hadn't been that enthusiastic until I tasted the ooze.

I reached for the lube, and moved so I could suck him while lubricating his ass. His hole was tight. I worked one finger in and then a second. That dramatically increased the precum flow and my enthusiasm. I had a finger on each side of the prostate and squeezed it a little. I wanted to stimulate him but no induce an orgasm until my cock did the honors.

I pulled my fingers out and lubricated my cock. after placing his legs on my shoulders, I eased my tool into his lube slimed hole. I made a quick thrust and buried it deep in Colby' ass. He gasped and then moaned. His ass shrink wrapped itself to my cock. I jiggled my cock a little. Colby relaxed. He had been ready for a prolonged invasion. A sneak attack followed by total occupation undid him. He moved his ass a little making movements rubbing his prostate against my shaft.

I began small pumping actions. After a little while I increased these motions until I was deep fucking him.

"I can't take it anymore," he whispered. I pulled out and reinserted my fingers. I didn't want his sphincter to close up.

"That was incredible," he moaned.

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"I don't know. I can't get my head straight; it was so intense," he said. I felt his prostate get rock hard, so I pivoted and was able to take is entire load as he ejaculated.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he said.

"There is nothing be sorry about," I said. I rolled him on his side. The orgasm had relaxed him and my cock entered his ass easily. "Do you mind if I just park my cock in your ass for while?" I asked. Colby squeezed his sphincter.

We talked as I gently pulsed my cock. Colby liked sex, but wasn't a whore. Some of Malcomb's "investors" thought he was one of the perks of the deal. Colby didn't like that. He had told Malcomb that. Malcomb told him that he wanted the investors to concentrate on the shiny bauble and not on the financial details. They thought he was a cock for hire and treated him accordingly.

"You know Malcomb makes damn few movies, no real movies and damn few porn videos. His production staff are actors. They are hired for a few hours when the investors are in town," Colby explained. "He takes pictures, so no one complains."

"Is it blackmail?" I asked.

"It is more of a veiled threat," Colby answered. "You know what a sex session with the investors is like. If a business partner or a wife were to see them, most of those men would be ruined."

I now knew the scam, and had motives galore. As I thought about it, I had a spectacular orgasm in Colby's ass. He could feel me ejaculating. I was inwardly pleased that I could carry on a conversation, do some detecting, and shoot off at the same time. I stopped talking and detecting to enjoy the orgasm.

Next: Chapter 182: Catfish Takes a Hit 1

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