Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 1, 2016


Catfish Goes to Tinseltown. 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

I spent the next day at the studio. I found out that the leadership of the studio was more out of touch than I had thought. I guess if you are powerful enough you assume what you say is true. Vandalism and nasty pranks were more prevalent than Maury assumed. I also found that the knowledge of my pornographic video career was better known than I would have guessed.

One of the assistant directors, Joseph, had seen me and was clearly interested. He was the second from the bottom assistant director, very low on the pecking order. Joseph was someone's cousin, but I didn't know who. He was also a gossip and he knew everyone. At the end of the day he asked me to his apartment for a drink.

Joseph wasn't my type. He was swishy and affected. He was well endowed if his tight pants were any indication. Joseph was the sort of man who might pad for affect, but I guessed it was real. I was pretty sure his interest in my cock was real. I also knew he wasn't interested in me; he just wanted my cock. He was indiscrete in normal conversation, I assumed he would tell everything he knew when he was naked and squirming on my cock.

His apartment was high style and I assumed every object had been selected by a high paid interior designer. In private, he was a little less affected and much more interested in my cock. He did indeed tell all. "Boy Bomber" was a total disaster from beginning to end. The script writer was the director's lover. The Director was the "special friend" of the studio head.

Joseph thought the writer was obsessed with violence and pain. He slipped it by the director due to his skills as a fucker. He told me this as I was busy working my cock into Joseph's ass. He became less discrete and more prone to talking. He had a tight but willing ass. It took time to get it in, but it was worth it.

I know that as far as Joseph was concerned, I was simply an attachment necessary to keep my cock hard, but I didn't mind. His ass was worth it. He became wildly excited as I went deeper. When he was fully impaled I began to thrust slowly. I would almost pull out and then slowly push in as deeply as I could. That proved to encourage conversation.

Joseph told me that two people at the studio had been hurt during the filming of Boy Bomber. But he didn't remember who. He thought they were extras. The director had thought the scene would be more effective if the blasts were more real. He over did it. OSHA had investigated it, but the prop man lied and said the explosives were small, and most was added in post-production by the special effects man.

Once and a while my cock embarrasses me. I knew Joseph was a light weight man but I began to like him. My cock was telling me that he must have been nice since he had such a good ass. It was a wonderful ass, tight, juicy and quivering. Joseph was superb at squirming, wiggling and rotating his ass. I couldn't tell if I was fucking him or he was masturbating my cock.

He could do this while spouting every intensely personal bit of gossip at the studio. Word that I was horse-hung and a top was now generally known. Apparently no one suspected I was a detective. Human tendencies to lust, seemed to have overcome suspicions or curiosity. I wnnt home after a pleasant but not particularly useful interview.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I had made a major misjudgment. I assumed the pranks and the fire were related. It might well be that the pranks were one problem, and the arson-death was an entirely different problem. Perhaps the pranks were a convenient cover for the fire, a co-incidence. I doubt many pranks result in death. This death was not accidental. A second question popped up, was the fire or the murder the main crime? The pranks were simple stupid things. The fire was planned and intentional.

It seemed to me that pranks might be related to a slight you might have had in Junior High. As revenge for a death, pranks were too petty. Ruined careers might fit the bill, but there was a gross imbalance between losing your job and killing a man.

Juan Escobar was an unlikely victim, but there might be something. Perhaps he knew or saw something. What would the fire achieve and who would it hurt?

I thought I would check up on the former Chairman of the Studio, Malcomb Dewey. He was running a consulting company Apex Talent. I asked Phil want he knew about the company. "I have no way to get into a talent company. No looks, no talent and no connections seems like a three strikes and you are out situation," I said.

"Well, this may be your lucky day!" Phil said, "Officially Apex looks for quirky and not standard talents. That is because any one who had any real talent would go to a real talent agency. Apex is one step short of a scam. The word on the street is that the agency does some of the searching for new talent for Bang Productions, that is a second tier porn producer. One of Bang Productions subsidiaries is Manhole. They do very graphic fuck and seed movies. They want it to look amateur, homemade."

"Malcomb Dewey was very discrete about his sexual interests when he was here. He had since broadened his sexual interests," Phil explained. "I don't know if he is gay. I am quite sure he has never had a romantic relationship with a man. One of my casual friends said he auditions the women for Bang and the men for Manhole, but he seems to be a size queen bottom. He might be omni-sexual."

"He sounds as if he has a hard to reach itch. Do you think I could get an audition?" I asked. Phil nodded.

I e-mailed Apex a still photograph of me from one of Hector's movies. I had a call two hours later from a dude named Colby who said he was the head talent scout. We made an appointment for five that afternoon.

I was on time, Colby was a little late. Colby had been good looking and clearly had a causal approach to life. He was forty or so and was still good enough looking. I had a feeling some of the recreational aspects of his life had become more than recreational for him. He liked the photos. He made a phone call to Malcomb, who came to the office ten minutes later.

Malcomb Dewey was a handsome man in his early sixties. He obviously worked out and he obviously dyed his hair black. His shirt was unbuttoned exposing his pepper and salt chest hair. When he opened his mouth, the phrase "snake oil salesman" jumped to mind. The was a smooth talker and had an unctuous conversational style. He would have made a good television evangelist. Some people like that style, but not me.

He said he wanted to help me become a star. I had a feeling that would be an expensive proposition. Malcomb looked at the photos and from then on he had a hard time taking his eyes off my basket. He talked to me as if I were an innocent young man. The photos indicated that wasn't the case, but I assume many of the men who came to him liked to be thought of in that way.

"Some of the men who want to get in the business, tend to be camera shy," Malcomb mentioned. "Could you give me a sample of your skills. A little later tonight I have some friends coming over. We're working on a new video, Business Men's Night Off. Could you help us with that?"

"Does I involve fucking and sucking?" I asked.

"It might," he said.

"Well, if it does, I'm sure as shit interested in helping," I said. The "working session" was at nine, and Colby offered to take me out to dinner. That turned out to be take out Chinese at his apartment. We had a real nice chat. Colby was prone to go with the flow as long as it didn't require him to exert himself. Malcomb Dewey was looking for investors to restart his Hollywood career. The working-auditions sessions were sexual romps intended to entice wealthy business men to invest in his projects.

They were both a reward and an inducement to invest. It also gave Malcomb some leverage over his investors. Colby said that Malcomb would never outed any of his investors, but they didn't know that. Colby thought this approach was successful, but admitted that Malcomb didn't really have any projects in the works. There was some general "work" sessions, but others were one on one, with Malcomb hosting the events.

He had invited four business men to tonight's session. Truck drivers, construction workers types and I were auditioning. This session was for men who wanted rough trade. More correctly, it was for men who wanted men who looked like rough trade. Colby emphasized that under no circumstances were any of the men to be hurt in any way. That might damage their ability to invest. The men being auditioned were given an "honorarium." Of course it was borderline prostitution, but Malcomb had it all well planned. We returned to studio at 8:30. There were drinks set out and the men auditioning were taking advantage of that. Ed was an aspiring actor looking for the cash. He was supposed to be a carpenter. Gill was a truck driver, and Dooley was a fire man.

While they purported they were there for the cash, they performed their roles with flair and gusto. I noticed no hesitation at all about getting naked and hard. Colby told me Malcomb also had a virgin night. None of these men needed to play virgins.

Malcomb and his investors came a little later. Two of Malcomb's investors, Lou and Jake, had been to this event before and were at ease. Two were new, Toby and Sully were excited and a bit scared. They had been to dinner with Malcolm, a rather boozy dinner. Colby pretended to be a camera man.

Ed, Dooley and Gill were puzzled as to why I was there, when we stripped, they knew the reason. Malcomb often liked to feature a horse-hung giant at the party. I was the pint-sized, horse-hung substitute.

Lou, Toby and Sully went for Ed, Gill and Dooley. That left me with Jake. Jake was a short, heavy, hairy man, a troll. Luckily, he discovered his size queen tendencies with me. He was a bit shy. Jake knew he was ugly but ugly men can still be horny as shit. He was my height and I fondled his cock. he was a little uneasy about my uncut cock, but that didn't last long.

I dropped to my knees and sucked him just to be sociable. Jake was surprised and pleased. Usually he did the sucking and was the bottom. He began to ooze precum the second my lips touched his organ. I like to suck anyway, but sucking an obviously excited man is even better.

After a few minutes we traded places and his sucking technique was superb. We he got up he whispered, "Are you top? I usually like to bottom, but you are bigger than I have taken before. There have been some big boys here before, but they are usually drained by the other guys before they get to me."

"Jake, if you want it, I'm pretty sure I can get it in you," I said. "I can try it. If it hurts I will pull out."

"Are you sure you will do that?" he asked. "Most guys try to rip me a new one."

"I do like to fuck a man until he shoots hands free," I said. "You've got to like it to do that!" I spent the next ten minutes working my cock into Jake's behind. I wasn't the first to plow his ass, but I may have been among the first to take it slow and easy. Jake was just tight enough to be good but once I was in the hard to reach places, Jake was almost purring.

Much to my surprise, I connected with Jake emotionally. A cock shoved in a guy's ass is usually a physical experience, the friction beween the penis and the rectum and the grip of the sphincter on the hard cock are sexually stimulating. Jake had a loving ass. It seemed to want me to be in there. Jake loved having man tool in him. he made love to my cock.

Jake knew he was not a catch. He tended to take anything and do anything his partner wanted. "Most of the time they want my wallet," he said. "I am just a way to get off if someone better comes along." I was giving him long, deep, strokes but I gave his prostate a nice rubdown with my cock head on each stroke. He loved that.

When I got too close to shooting off, I pulled out and Gill took a poke. Gill had seen that Jake and I had a good time. He wanted to try it out. I guess I had stretched and tenderized Jake's hole. It sort of shrink wrapped itself to Gill's cock. Gill loved it.

I calmed down and did Sully. He was a preppy golfer type, tall and athletic. He was also a classic deep in the closet slut. He wanted sex bad. I don't think he knew he wanted it in the ass; I gave it to him and he lost it. He was an uptight, business type who wanted to be in control of the situation. Malcomb came over and fed Sully his cock as I pounded his rear.

Sully asked to rest, so I pulled out. Malcomb came over to me and fondled my cock. somehow I was doing him doggy style a minute or two later. After the "auditions" were over Colby told me that Malcomb usually participated some just to prove he was one of the guys. He tended to go for the men with the smallest meat. They were easy to take and left his mind clear enough to get the investments he was after.

When I pulled out of Malcomb, Dooley offered me the chance to replace him in Toby's ass. Dooley, Ed and Gill were nice about sharing their partners. Their objective was to stop just short of an orgasm. They liked to save the cream for a grand Finale. Of course all pretense of this being an audition was gone. Colby had stripped and joined in. The separation between the actors and Malcomb's investors had vanished. Men were enjoying whoever was nearest.

Toby had the physique of an old football player. He had gone to seed, but some muscle and brawn remained. Dooley had opened him up, and his sphincter had not completely closed. I took advantage of that and went deep on the first thrust. There is a difference between being naked, and being naked and unprepared. Toby didn't expect me and I got him good. He didn't have time to get macho. I don't think that he knew that his prostate, left to its own devices had a different agenda than his brain.

I hadn't realized that happened until Dooley popped through my sphincter and caught my ass relaxed and open. Dooley used my prostate as a punching bag for his cock.

After a few minutes we had a perfectly synchronized triple orgasm. Colby had been near and he took Toby's sperm.

We broke apart. Colby came over to Dooley and me. Dooley kissed his sperm filled mouth and them he kissed me, trading Toby's seed. Colby had dropped to his knees and licked up whatever was drooling from Dooley or my cock.

The group broke up, Malcomb Dewey had left the group with Ed. but I went to Jake's suite with Dooley, Colby, Jake and Toby. We were all into it and we had a good night. Toby had been all top. He fucked me and Jake and then he let Colby fuck him. He had been uncomfortable being fucked, but once it was mutual, it was okay. He was getting used to the bottom and liked it. It was as relaxing as a sleepless night could be. We were all versatile men, and we could recharge as the others played. Toby and Jake let it all hang out and discovered the joy of uninhibited sex.

I talked with Jake during a lull. He knew all about Malcomb and Maury's business deals. He had no illusions about Malcomb's skills as a moviemaker. He had invested $50,000.00 in the scheme. Malcomb provided for his entertainment when he was in LA. He visited the city once or twice a month, with no paper trail to call boys or brothels. It might eventually provide a loss that could help him with taxes.

Jake and Toby knew all the details of Malcomb's business. Malcomb Dewey had received a $3,000,000.00 payment when the left the studio and had income from some of his current enterprises. He was in good financial shape and being fired was a financial gold mine. He was happy and fucking his way through life. There was no need for revenge. He sometimes played the role of the misunderstood genius, but Toby pointed out that geniuses rarely work in porn.

Colby had information too. He knew Charles Davis, the writer, and Malcomb. Excelsior, a Club for Men, provided some men and women for Malcomb's "auditions." Colby found most of the gay men, but Charles provided men with more specialized skills. I assumed that was the trans-sexual men. He said that Charlie whined about being fired, but the Excelsior was good place for him. Charles loved fucking trannies. Colby said he doubted that Charles would ever leave the bar. It was everything he wanted.

By contrast Maury and the studio were on the edge financially. Thye needed a big hit to make it. Malcomb had left just before the financial bubble burst. If they didn't have a blockbuster, they were in deep shit. Their main asset was the studio property. That was a major asset and developers had an eye on it. I had the financial situation backward, the men who were fired were in good shape, those who remained at the studio had problems.

Dooley, the fireman said that arson was a way to clear land fast without the red tape. It was normally a problem in poor neighborhoods, but it happened in ware houses and factories in the way of development. Dooley didn't say much. He was the Energizer bunny when it came to sex. he hit it off with Toby; he seemed to skip into Toby's ass any time he had a chance. Officially, Toby was still a top, but his asshole just happened to be on view when Toby was on the prowl. That was a clear invitation.

Dooley drove me to my motel room around 4:00 in the morning. He dropped me off, but we exchanged telephone numbers. I slept to about eight when I had a call. There was a second fire at the studio. This time it was in the new temporary offices and the building was a total loss. Dan, the Fire Marshal was real unhappy.

When I talked to Dan he told me this was entirely different for the earlier attack. It had no relationship with the bomb. This was professional. Either there were two arsonists at work, of the first attempt was to throw suspicion on the Boy Bomber crew.

The police had some surprises from the autopsy. The PR man didn't die of a heart attack. It was a drug over dose administered by a hypodermic needle. The investigators found no needle at the site. Once he was stuck, the PR man was paralyzed. He could not dispose of the evidence.

Next: Chapter 181: Catfish Goes to Tinseltown 4

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