Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 24, 2015


Catfish Goes Naked 9 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

I was not that comfortable with doing a big porn video. I do not object to porn, but I was not into it. Somehow, real sex was never that far away from me to require porn much. I was also afraid that someone I might know would see the video.

I laughed at myself. The video was not going to be featured on the Disney Network. Anyone who saw it would have to go out of his or her way to find it. I realized that anyone who saw it would want to see it.

It also was not as if I was famous or well known. The secret of my firm's success was anonymity. Only a few people knew about Catfish & Company or our real services. When we caught someone, I liked it to be like a lightning strike from above. The perps rarely knew we were involved or that we existed for that matter. In Richmond, they knew Catfish & Company as the company that provided guards in dark parking lots. They had no idea the guards were the tip of a security iceberg.

I would be wearing a mask. My body is odd and memorable, but to recognize me when I was naked that someone would have had my cock up their ass at some point. They would not be shocked or worried.

I was not involved in the police activities across the street. I had alerted the police of the suspicious activities and my room was the site of several surveillance cameras, but that was it. I was just being a good citizen.

I was a little worried that there might be a shootout at the Babington. The combined forces of the Ft. Lauderdale police and some state troopers were well organized and planned to carry out the plan quickly. The operation would take no more than fifteen minutes.

I went to Otis's room to get to know him better. Danny, Big Chuck and Pete joined us. Danny had his camera with him. Hector like to have video of all sexual contacts including off-stage recreational fucking. If needed, he could splice these tapes into another scene. If the sex was hot enough, he figured his audience would not mind a problem with continuity.

Otis wanted to practice, but his balls had to be fully loaded for the actual videotaping. Hector liked big loads. Otis wanted to become a major porn star and wanted to impress him. The tops could shoot in the ass, and no one would know how much they shot. As the bottom, a modest dribble of semen would not photograph well. I was not sure about Otis, but he seemed like a good sport. I assumed he would give it the old college try.

Of course, some porn makers use fake semen. Hector was not one of those. He used ordinary men in his videos and the close up money shot was part of his video's appeal. My cock was also a few sizes bigger that Otis was used to taking. Big Chuck offered to stretch Otis's hole, but stop short of getting him off. Chuck liked Otis a lot. Pete made the same offer.

Pete had average cock and he was first in line. Otis was in his back on the bed. Pete's organ popped in easily. As soon as it did, Otis's cock, which had been semi-erect, blew up like a balloon. Pete made three or four thrusts and there was an impressive spurt of precum from Otis's organ. His face had a blissful look on it. He had pulled his legs up and spread them a little expose his hole and to accommodate Pete. Pete began to thrust like a mad man. Pete pulled out, shot his load on Otis's hole and re-entered, shoving the sperm into the hole and having his last ejaculations in the confines of Otis's quivering ass. Pete's cock lubricated Otis's fuck channel with his home brew.

Pete was not in the official video, so he was not shortchanging Hector who wanted productive orgasms. Big Chuck watched this episode had it an impact on cock. Chuck possessed a thick, fireplug type member. By the time Pete shot off, it was a tall beer can.

After Pete pulled out Otis's small hole featured a pretty, little rosebud. The rosebud had emerged after Pete fucked him.

Big Chuck did something strange. He took his cock head and opened his slit. It was wide. A second later, the slit enveloped the rosebud. Chuck shivered a little and then his beer can vanished as he thrust hard. Otis moaned and gasped for breath, but there was nothing to indicate there was any pain or even discomfort. Danny was right there. He captured the detail on his cam.

I had been under the impression that Big Chuck was new to the scene. If he was, he had some specialized interests. I knew some men who like to play with the rosebud. I had a friend who like to use his tongue to tickle it. That was okay for me, but Chuck seemed to like it a lot. After five minutes of pounding, Chuck pulled out and we had a break.

There are men who say they are perpetually horny and are willing to screw on demand. Many of these men are duds. Otis was not a dud. He said he loved it and that certainly seemed to be the case. I am not sure what a male nymphomaniac is, but that seemed to describe Otis well. He was more than willing to take a few additional cocks.

Danny took the opportunity to strip and put on a mask. Otis looked deflated when Chuck pulled out. Danny eased his tool into the vacated ass. That worked out well for both men. Pete held the camera and did the filming. Danny was younger than the rest of us and I think Otis liked a younger and much thinner cock in his ass. Bubba, Donny-boy, Red Dog and Gustavo now had joined the audience.

When Danny pulled out it was my turn. Otis's hole was messy with a combination of lubricant, precum and sperm. "Could I take a little rest?" he asked. "I need to catch my breath." That was fine with me.

"I wouldn't mind trying it on for size?" Donny-boy said to me. He got on the edge of the bed and pulled up is legs. It was not a success. I had seen him bottom the day before and he had no problem. Today, he was too tight and could not relax. It clearly hurt him and that was not my thing.

"Never send a boy to take a man cock!" Red Dog said as he took Donny-boy's place on the bed. Red Dog was Red Neck macho and had been uneasy the day before. I wondered if he was taking my cock as a bet. The last thing a Red Neck says before he dies is, "Hey guys watch this!" Red Dog was that sort of a man. He was a pink and pretty Ginger. He didn't shave and his bushy copper beard connected to his hairy chest, treasure trail and bush.

I put his legs on my shoulders and nuzzled my cock head in his pink pucker. I always use a lot of lube. I had realized that sometimes an ass pucker could communicate; somehow, it felt comfortable and welcoming. Red Dog was excited and I stroked his cock as I inserted my own. After three or four fairly gentle thrusts, his sphincter surrendered and opened wide. I was in. I was in all the way. I felt as if I had discovered gold in his ass.

Red Dog looked shocked and then his eyes glazed over and he shivered in pleasure. I had a strong feeling I had sent him somewhere he had never been before. It was beautiful place.

Hector had joined the audience. He came up behind men and whispered, "Save the orgasm for the movie. I have a feeling it will be real photogenic." I pulled out and Hector went over to talk with Red Dog. From the smile on Red Dog's face, I assumed he was getting a better billing.

Gustavo was on his back by then. He was handsome, muscular and had great teeth. He had the Latino, three days stubble look that worked for him. He was very macho, but as soon as we made sexual contact, I knew he was accommodating. Some men turn tricks because the need the money. You can earn money and stay in bed.

I did not know why Gustavo had started in the game, but he genuinely loved sex. He was tight, but he wanted to open up for me. I was not his type, but my cock had its allure. Red Dog watched and pinched his tits. Gustavo looked surprised, but his sphincter relaxed and opened for me. It was almost as if Red dog had pressed a button and the garage door opened. On the dark side of Gustavo's sphincter, all was warm, slippery and welcoming. He was a moaner. Hector looked on with approval.

The main action in fucking is hidden and out of view. As Gustavo moaned, you knew what my cock was doing in his ass. After five minutes, I pulled out and Otis was ready to go. Otis had the look of a perpetual virgin. He looked young, delicate, pale and sweet. I look like something the cat dragged in. Hector liked the contrast. I was afraid Otis might be like Donny-boy.

Otis turned out to be a young, delicate and pale sex pig. Even after the stretching exercises, his ass was still tight, but flexible. Some men like virgins or inexperienced boys. They like to be the first. I like used men who know the ropes. I do not necessarily like an asshole that has calluses, but used is fine. I had watched three men fuck him. Otis had asked for a rest period. I thought he was reconsidering taking my cock.

Otis was tight, but he didn't resist at all. His hole was small and it was a snug fit. As I pushed in Pete, Chuck and Danny's sperm lubricated the way. Man cream actually squirted out beside my cock. Danny was doing close ups. Otis moaned as a slow plowed him.

"Keep it slow," Rex said. He was doing close up shots. "Damn, I've never seen anyone so totally fucked," he added. When I pulled out, my cock glistened with used sperm and my bush was dripping with man seed. I pushed it in slowly to give Otis a chance to adapt. I had guessed he was a trooper, and I guessed correctly. After a few minutes, he squeezed his sphincter and wiggled his ass.

I pulled out and then thrust deep. He moaned. After four or five more hard thrusts, he surrendered and opened wide. I do not know if it was his ass or the three loads of pure man seed, but it was good. Rex told me later that the scene had a nice, barbarian fucking a virgin look to it. I had to stop because Otis had to save his ammunition for the main video. Pete was nice enough to lick the cum from Otis's ass.

Otis's room was on the backside of the Darlington. As we frolicked, the Police made their move on the Babington. I did not see it, but I looked at the video afterwards. The television often shows videos of Police operations that go wrong. In this case, nothing went wrong at all. There were no explosions, gunfire or canisters of teargas exploding. The police arrived in vans, deployed and entered the building in a minute or two.

It was over before anyone in the building knew what had happened. A bus with blacked out windows drove up to the side door and the police loaded the suspects into the bus. It drove off. All the vans vanished and plain-clothes officers in unmarked cars processed the scene. There was no publicity for three days after the raid. Police forces all over Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas were mopping up additional suspects catching them unaware of the arrests in Ft. Lauderdale.

I later found out there was another big benefit from the raid on the Babington. The police found all of the computers, tablets and cell phones of the men in the motel. The owners did not have time to shut them down not to mention wipe the hard drives. Massive amount of information fell into police hands.

Back in the Darlington, the main video shoot was coming up, and I was a mess. Big Chuck asked if I would like to shower in his room. My room was still in use for videoing the Babington. I needed to shower. I knew that dried cum is miserable to get out of hair. Chuck sucked me and then helped me get nice and clean.

"I've never been with men who like sex so much, it was wild," he said.

"I think you are wrong about that. You've never been with men who admit and show they like sex so much," I said. "A lot of men have trouble admitting that. It's more macho to pretend otherwise."

"That is my case," Chuck admitted. "I'm such a big guy. I was a football player and I did well with women. I did really well with women. That was more of an ego trip, than out of desire. When my wife died I changed."

"Was it a good marriage?" I asked.

"It was. People talk about finding their sole mate. I did. I stopped messing around with other women and settled down. I think I was not into women; I was into a woman," he said. "After she died, I met Pete accidentally. I had been at the club, drank too much and he took me home. It was only sex, not love, but it was spectacular sex. I had forgotten that plain old, no-strings-attached sex could be so good."

"Cock exercises can only be so bad!" I said.

"I have never been to a real orgy before," Chuck said. He laughed. "I've never had a threesome, not to mention an orgy. I didn't think I would like it. I was wrong about that. I had never taken a load before I licked your cock clean. After the video shoot is over, do you think we might get together? I'd like to lick up whatever is left." We went to the homemade video studio,

At the Darlington, all was well. Originally, I think there was to have been a plot or story to Hector's epic. At some point, Hector decided to videotape as much sex as possible and adjust the story later. Given the acting abilities of the men involved and the general weakness of pornographic plots in general, that may have been a good choice.

The long and slow build up to an emotional climax rarely works in porn. It never worked for me. I always fast-forwarded to the good parts.

Some of the men who were to have been in the video lost their nerve and dropped out. Other men stepped up to the plate. These included Big Chuck, Pete, Butch and Tony. The manager Louis was willing to join in. Rexford and Danny would be camera men-participants. Bert appeared wearing a mask.

The Boys' Brigade had no defectors and no one lost their nerve. Some had dreams of porn stardom. They wanted to be famous, even though the shelf life of a porn star is measured in months, not years.

Hector was sexually involved. He claimed he wanted the sex to be spontaneous and not over rehearsed. He wanted a chance to play with many of the men.

The cameramen were self-directed and self-starters. They all tended to gravitate to where the action was, and that was fine with Hector. Hector did not plan individual scenes. He shot videos continuously from start to finish. In this case, it was from first lick to final orgasm.

He put the cams in the middle of the room and with two or three scenes, one on each side of the side of the room. In general, he liked one young guy with two or three older men.

The outline of plot was that the young men were ass holes who didn't like old fags or over aged failures. The older men would teach them a lesson and the boys would discover that a sixty-year-old cock could feel real good in an ass a third its age.

To get the ball rolling, Hector explained that Otis, Lance, Raoul and Red Dog had hooked up they decided to call some pals and make it a party. Each man was to call two or three friends and then they would see who showed up. Red Dog's "friend" was at a bear party. He told them to come over not realizing his friend was the youngest one in the group. Otis called a pal who was a biker. A bunch of people showed up and the plot faded away.

There were problems. Porn actors cannot act and they have trouble maintaining focus. The young guys were supposed to be shocked by the arrival of a group of old bears and bikers. In the makeshift studio, they were obviously hot to trot and ready. They had a hard time not going after the nearest cock.

Lance went for Big Chuck, and they set the tone for the event. Lance looked small beside Chuck's massive and well-tanned body. Chuck liked to show off his sexual skills and he was a leader of men. He was an Alpha Dog surrounded by obedient puppies.

Chuck had Bubba do the honors opening Lance's ass. Bubba was a man rammer. Chuck then came up from behind and rammed Bubba with his beer can. Bubba was shocked. He turned his head and saw it was Chuck. He smiled.

There was no script, and all of the dialog was adlibbed. That was mostly, "Look at that fucking horse cock," or "Fuck me harder, I can take it!" lines.

I had wondered if someday I would encounter a sexual situation that was so wild and crazy it would overwhelm me. I would decide enough was too much and leave. As soon as Chuck's cock was buried deep in Bubba' ass, I realized this was not that day. Soon there were three groups of fornicating men. It was like Cinerama. Sex was everywhere. I watched for a little while, but watching does not satisfy the little obsessive brain lodged in my tool. I looked for an opening and moved in to fill the void.

I guess you could say I am an equal opportunity fucker. If you have a needy hole, I am willing to fill it. Some might say that the same as being a horny bastard. That may be true, but there are a lot of size queens in the world, and I can make them happy men.

I had picked out Louis as a member of that fraternity. Louis was a sleek and elegant man, the perfect 1930s lounge lizard. He was frolicking with Red Dog and Pete. I joined in. I was originally aiming for Red Dog. I had just fucked him and I knew he wanted more. Louis wanted it more. Pete had been poking him. Louis was on his back, holding his legs open both to give Pete easy access and to give Rex, the cameraman, a good shot.

Pete had climaxed. He had shot his first volley inside, but then pulled out and bathed Louis's anus in man seed. Pete then re-entered and planted the seed deep. When he pulled out, Louis saw me watching. He twitched his ass in invitation. Rex saw that and filmed it. He swiveled the cam and filmed me walking over. I was nice and hard. I nuzzled my cock head in his hole and went in.

Louis was tight and resisted a little, but I was soon deep inside six or seven thrusts later. He was on his way to the moon. His rectum was shrink wrapped to my cock and it felt great. His ass was very tight, but sperm is a great lubricant. That combination worked for both of us. I pulled out when he shot off and went to take care of Otis.

Otis was not as tight as Louis was but he was more vocal and enthusiastic. I plowed him for five or six minutes and then followed Pete's lead. I ejaculated once in him, and then pulled out and spurted on Otis's hole. As the ejaculations diminished, I pushed back into him, planting my sperm deep inside his body. When I did that, Otis shot off. Rex was there catching the highlights.

I went to the hotel room next door to shower and clean up. It was good to get out of the mask. Bert was in the room on the bed.

"I've never done it with a cam taking pictures," he said. "It was different."

"Is that good different or uncomfortable different?" I asked.

"Well, I was afraid I couldn't get it up. That wasn't a problem," Bert said. "Shooting off wasn't a problem either. Hector said I shot a good one."

I smiled. "High praise indeed. Hector is a connoisseur when it comes to orgasms," I said. "You enjoyed it?"

"I did. I'm not sure I could have bottomed with the cameras going," he replied. "That's not my good side and it's awfully personal."

"You bottom?" I asked. He nodded. "That's not part of your public image?"

Bert nodded again. "It's okay in private," he said.

"Well, drop by my room tonight if you want to do some private relaxing," I said. I showered and then returned to the studio.

When I returned to my room that night, Danny had packed all the camera equipment. He had left a note saying he would be back to get it later. I was tired and went to the bed. I turned on the television to see if there was anything about the rain on the late news, but there was nothing. That was a good sign. A few minutes later Danny and Bert were at the door. They had met earlier and had compared notes. Both were interested in a sexual nightcap.

I thought I was too tired to do much of anything, but once there was a potential for sex, I rallied. The importance of the arrests at the Babington were becoming clearer by then. They had decapitated a major drug and smuggling ring that afflicted the Southeast and Caribbean areas. That was good, but it was also sending shock wave up the East Coast and towards Texas.

Apparently, a number of the headmen decided to take a vacation in response to the arrests. A power vacuum at the top was good for police everywhere. Bert had been involved in the investigation for two years. He was flying high. Dan was a worker bee, but he was involved and basked in the reflected glory.

Bert liked Dan, and soon Dan had eased his cock into Bert's ass. Bert had a nice cock that turned into a dispenser of sexual juices when he was stimulated. Dan's cock did the trick. Bert's orgasms were a wonder. I took his load and then kissed Dan. Dan loved tasting Bert's cum. it wasn't a restful night, but it was intensely satisfying.

Next: Chapter 178: Catfish Goes to Tinseltown 1

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