Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 11, 2015


Catfish Goes Naked 8 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

The auditions were a success. The horny bears were all in a good mood and having a good time. Hector was in control, with Lefty and Rexford helping. One of the bears, Edwin, had been a television cameraman, so he helped filming. Hector often marketed the audition tapes too. Rexford did the close-ups and Edwin did the overall shots.

For the bears it was all a lark, for the younger men it offered a chance for advancement. I personally never thought that being fuck on camera constituted advancement. Some of the men though that someone might see it and make them a star. They hoped that a major porn studio might see them and they could move to LA. A few may have thought a real producer might see it and they could get a chance in a movie studio or a production company. All of them were sensible enough to realize their sexual abilities and willingness was essential to their success.

Hector liked older, beefy men, but he knew this was a niche market. They was a much bigger market for older, beefy men screwing handsome younger guys. This video was exploring that market.

I wore the mask to the auditions. It looked like leather, but it was some sort of plastic and it was comfortable. There were four men form the Babington at first; two more came over later. They went by the nom-de-cock of Lance-a-lot, Bubba, Donny-boy and Gustavo. The late comers were Raoul and Red Dog. Lance-a-lot and Donny were twink fags. Bubba and Red Dog were redneck rough trade types. Raoul and Gustavo were Latin lover types.

I had not seen them on the beach before. Bubba was new to Florida and came from Tennessee. He was Donny's pal. Bubba was adverse to work, and Donny's life style appealed to him. Red Dog was a loner who shared the same aversion. I could not tell if he was borderline mentally or if he was just stupid. Lance, Raoul and Gustavo were looking for a Sugar daddy. They were looking for a man with cash, who wanted a houseboy, chauffer or yardman with benefits.

Louis and Hector had set up a former dining room as a studio. It was big enough for the equipment a stage and there was room for twenty viewers. Hector wanted everyone naked. He claimed he had an erecto-meter that could gauge the success of the scene. No one objected at all.

I sat next to Bubba as we watched Lefty and Hector work over Lance. Lance looked young, but he no problem being, naked, erect and fucked. He squirmed a lot and whimpered some.

"Is he a pal of yours?" I asked.

"Sort of," Bubba replied. "He loves to bottom and that is a good way to make friends. I like tighter asses, but he will do in a pinch. The big guy likes him."

"How big is the big guy? Is he tall, heavy or hung?"

"I guess Edwardo is a little of each," Bubba said. He looked at my crotch. "Is that the big one I'm supposed to take? I don't think his is a big as yours is."

"Do you want to take it?" I asked.

"I guess so. I could use the cash," he replied.

"It is hard to take if you aren't into it," I said. "Has Edwardo done you?"

"Hell no. He likes pretty boys. Lance has no trouble with it at all," Bubba said. He leaned close to me and whispered. "I took a big one a few months ago. It gave me a real buzz. The guys fucked the cream out of me, hands free."

"You liked that?"

"I wasn't sure about it at the time, but I seem to think about quite a bit now," he admitted. "I'm not gay; I'm doing it for the cash."

"I'm not gay either, except when I'm sucking guy off or fucking him to heaven and back," I said.

Bubba laughed. "I admit it feels good," he said.

I reached over and fondled his cock. It was already leaking precum. I collected some on my finger and tasted it.

"How is it?" he asked.

"Nice and sweet," I said. "It exciting when a big, muscle man like you oozes such sweet stuff," I said.

"I drip a lot when I'm turned on," he said.

"Are you turned on much?" I asked.

"They pick the guys for me. They aren't always my type," Bubba said.

"Is this Edwardo? Is he the head man?"

"Nope, I did hear him talking about a guy named Marco O'Bannon. A bunch of people was arrested down in Miami. O'Bannon is from Argentina and he's new replacing the guys who are in jail. Edwardo is his man," Bubba said.

"Are you playing hooky here?" I asked. "Moonlighting?"

"Not really, the operation is still being set up. It's confused, so it's every man for himself if he wants some ready cash," he said. "I'm used to that, but getting paid is sometimes a problem. That is okay sometimes as long as I am doing the fucking. I hate it when I have an ass filled with spooge and the guy takes a powder. "

"If you addition is good, Hector will pay you. If you are good enough to make his shoot off, you will get extra," I said. By now, the Santa type had replaced Lance and he was obviously enjoying the experience. Pete and Ed had joined the group. They were masked and turned the scene into a mini orgy.

Butch, Louis, Gustavo and Red Dog had joined Bubba. Butch and Louis were checking out the new meat. All seemed happy with the sexual potential. I went off to my room. I called DeMille. He was not in, so I called Juan. I gave him Edwardo and Marco O'Bannon's name. He entered them into his computer and immediately struck pay dirt. O'Bannon was a major operator in Argentina and southern Brazil. Drugs and prostitution were the core of his professional skills. He had vanished serval months earlier. The Argentinian authorities though he was on the losing end of a battle between rival mob organizations. His right hand man was Edwardo de Luis. He too had disappeared. Juan said he would coordinate with DeMille.

Bert was asleep on the other bed. He had a long night. He woke up as I finished the call. He pushed back the sheets. He was naked and hard. "Any chance I can get breakfast in bed?" he asked. I had put on shorts for the trip between the home made studio and the room.

"Did you find anything last night?" I asked as I bent over and licked his cock.

"There is a lot of activity at the Babington. There is a building on a side street that connects to the motel. It is under separate ownership. That is the V.I. P. entrance. There is a little apartment house across the street. It has furnished apartments and rents by the week and I will move in this afternoon. Is that okay with you?" he asked.

"Sure," I said. Bert's cock a nice curve and I could deep throat him easily.

"Danny's willing to go the extra mile and bunk with you. Apparently you two hit it off," Bert said. "Danny is a nice boy. You're not in love with him, are you?"

"I think he wants lessons working a big cock into a tight hole," I said. "It is all sex as far as I know."

"I was at the bar next to the apartment and saw several senior members of the Neapolitan Social Cub enter. They were the arch rivals of the group you just rolled up at the beach," Bert said.

"I seem to have uncovered a connection to a South American gang that is moving into the area," I said. "This may be an example of Pan-American cooperation. I can see some advantage in having connections in several countries. When it gets too hot in one, you can shift emphasis to the other." I think Bert was impressed, but he was too busy to comment. I told him I needed to return to the auditions.

"I'd like to have a roll in the hay with you sometime. Can I get a rain check?" he asked. I told him he could count on it.

Back at the auditions, things had heated up. Rexford had a knack for up close and personal shots. Edwin had a steady hand and knew a good shot when he saw it. A third man had a camera and he was talking pictures of the on lookers.

Several of the on lookers were having what I guess you would call, warming up exercises. Donny-boy and Red Dog said they were not that experienced in taking a cock in the read. Pete and Roger, one of the quieter bears, were helping the limber up their sphincters. Roger had a teaspoon type cock; Pete was thicker and stubbier.

As far as I could tell, Donny-boy was more than a little experienced. Roger cock slid in him like a hot knife through butter. Red Dog was uneasy and nervous. Roger took his time and eased it into him. By the time Pete came to stretch the hole wider, Red Dog was into it.

I was into it too. I was no longer connected officially to the case. I was helpful, but it was in the hands of the Ft. Lauderdale police. I normally made it a point not to screw with suspects, since if that came out in court that would ruin the case.

I am a good judge of character, and none of the men auditioning for a place in the movie was ever going to be crime kingpins. Some were men who had bad luck. A number of them made their own bad luck. Most were oversexed and a bit light on the brainpower.

I went out to dinner that night but Roger, Pete and a man who had arrived that morning, Big Chuck. Chuck ran a landscaping business north of Atlanta. He was six-two, solidly built and about 250, muscular pounds. I soon realized he was Big because of his personality, not his size. He was energetic, enthusiastic and in charge. He seemed to be interested in everything and was fun. I am a scrawny, ugly, short man. Chuck did not seem to notice that or care. Roger, the quiet bear, was a Psychologist. His business partner had absconded with most of his firm's cash and his wife. His only child and son had died in an accident.

He was rebuilding his firm and his life. Pete was one of his closest friends. It had been a modest "friends with benefits" situation. After Chuck's wife left, Pete stayed loyal. Pete and Roger thought that Big Chuck had an untapped sexual capacity. The dinner was good, and Roger told him about the video and my role in it. I went to his room afterwards for a drink. I don't think Big Chuck was a size queen, but curiosity is a natural part of a man's makeup.

We talked for a while. Chuck was naturally cheerful. I asked him how he met Pete.

"Well, we met in the shower room at the Country Club. He told me the thought I had a nice one and asked if he blow me. My wife was a good Southern Baptist and once our son was born, her interest in sex vanished. I figured what the hell, and it was good. We connected every two or three months.

"When Sue left me I was in the dumps. Her interest in sex had vanished for me but not for my business partner. Pete came over to commiserate and he sucked me off four times a week later. I felt fine the next morning. Pete told me I needed a complete fluid change. My balls were completely drained I could start fresh," he explained. "I seem to like no strings attached man sex."

"Are you uneasy with this?" I asked.

"I am actually embarrassed by it," Chuck said. "I seem to like the sex part but not the gay part. I am not into the prancing fairy types. That's not a problem with this group."

"It takes all types," I said. "I don't have a problem with people in general, but I like sex with hardier types."

"Pete told me there is more to you than meets the eye?" Chuck said.

"Are you interested in little show and tell?" I asked as I began to unbutton my shirt. Chuck smiled and undid his Hawaiian shirt.

"Damn, there is nothing little about your cock," he said when he saw it for the first time.

"You are sporting a nice beer can," I said.

"My wife said it was too thick," he remarked.

"I will bet Pete never had a problem with it," I said. He smiled. "I doubt I'd have a problem either," I added.

"Do you want to play a little?" Chuck asked.

"I'd prefer to play a lot," I replied. "There is one thing I would like you to do."

"What is that?"

"Could you pretend you are a gay guy and let yourself enjoy it," I said.

Chuck smiled at me. "I can try," he said.

"I can almost guarantee that if you try a little you will end up in a place you have never been before and you will be smiling!" I said as I dropped to my knees and began to suck him.

Chuck may have been a little uneasy and shy, but his cock was ready for action.

He had a big cock head with a wide slit that began drooling the second my tongue touched it. I knew he was far more excited than he let on.

My cock worked its magic too. We moved to the bed and he looked at it as I continued to suck him. After a minute or two, his tongue began to do some exploring. I wondered of my ball juices would have the same effect on him that his precum had on me. The answer was yes. About five minutes later, he filled my mouth with his rich ball cream. We broke apart.

"Was it good?" he asked.

"You tell me," I said. I had not swallowed yet and he saw his semen quivering in my mouth. He indeed did like the taste and he even ejaculated once more when we kissed. He stayed hard and was soon sucking up my sperm. We kissed again.

"That pretending I was gay did a job on me," he said. "I didn't know you could experience anything like that."

"Is it better than you expected?" I asked. He bent over and sucked my cock again. I took that as a yes. I went back to me room and found Danny in residence. He was naked and hard. Since I had already shot off, I let him do the work.

Deep down in his heart he was a "slab-bang-thank-you ma'am" fucker. I made Danny slow down and take his time. His objective was the orgasm; I wanted him to enjoy the trip to the orgasm. He was on the bed. I straddled his cock and eased back on it. He had already prepared it for a jerk-off session, so it was lubricated.

I bounced on it a little and then his knob popped into the dark side of the sphincter. I continued to bounce, massaging the part of his shaft near the head. I pulled off a few time and then quickly impaled myself again. The third time I did that, he was moaning. I knew he was close to an orgasm. I sat still and let him get control again. I them sat back and eased the rest of his organ into me.

I knew Danny was close to shooting, and I wanted him to stay in that condition, teetering on the edge. That was my plan. My ass had a different plan. I sat up with only the tip of his cock in me and then sat back, talking every inch. He went crazy. A minute later, every one of his little pollywogs was in my ass, and he was asleep. I pulled off and went to my bed. I fell asleep too.

He was gone when I work the next morning. I called Juan in Miami to find out what was up. It seemed that the arrest in Miami had stirred up the bottom feeders in the city's crime world. It sent many scurrying to a safer place. Why they thought Ft. Lauderdale was safe astounded me. The arrests had been extensive and included foot soldiers as well as the leaders. Several murders we taken as evidence that members of the organization had switched sides. There had been no arrests in Ft. Lauderdale. New men had rushed in to fill the void, but they wanted to avoid Miami and Miami Beach. The Babington became the temporary home for the displaced people. They would soon disperse to other locations. This was a rare opportunity for the police.

"By the way, the word on the street is that your motel is a site for a guy video," Juan said. "Is that true?"

"No one here is underage, and it is a convention of sorts of gay men," I said. "Is that a problem?"

"It seem to be an asset. They have let their guard down. A group of overage and overweight fags from the mountains of Georgia is not a threat to them," he said. "They claim the title of the vid is "the Dick of Death." You came to mind."

"I can't imagine why you would think of me," I said.

"There are stories floating around," Juan said. There was someone at the door, so I hung up and looked through the peephole. It was Bert. He was excited. From his vantage point on the other side of the Babington, he saw two major crime bosses enter the motel. Another had flown in to town the night before.

"I think they may be having a convention," he said. "There is a power void in Miami. They can either have a gang war or meet to divvy up the territory. I think this is the meeting. What are the plans for today here?"

"This is the day to film the video. Five or six of the men from across the street will be here. They are small fry," I said. "De Mille is not worried about them. They have no records other than vagrancy and solicitation."

Bert came by shortly thereafter. The side door of the Babington was not only the Big Wigs entrance; it was a hooker gate. This was for high priced fancy ladies. The new leadership was not interested in the male hookers. There was more money in the girls and the only real need for men was for very high-end rent-boys who were useful for blackmail.

Several of the hookers stopped in at the bar next to Bert's hotel. They needed a little pick me up before meeting the leaders. Mob leaders weren't picked for physical attractiveness. They tended to be crude and rude, but they paid very well. The ladies were frank and direct with Bert. Bert was the sort of hopeless man you felt was harmless and sympathetic. They were planning to spend the night and then leave the next morning when the men left.

Bert made a report to de Mille and left as Danny came in to check the cameras. Danny was excited. He had met Hector and was going to be another cameraman for the epic. He had never done that before.

"Hector said he had enough tape from the auditions to make a feature film. With three camera men he could fill out a few vids," Danny said. We went down to breakfast and then wen t to the studio. Most of the men there were naked as were Hector and Rexford. Hector liked to have everyone naked so that if the camera strayed you could interpret the on lookers as participants. He liked a glimpse of Rexford's meat anyway. There were with a boy I did not know. He was blond, pretty and looked as if he were sixteen.

"Catfish, I'd like you to meet Otis, he's going to be your bottom for the final scene. I didn't know if Otis or I were more shocked.

"I hope you have checked his ID," I said.

"He's going to shove that into me?" Otis asked as he looked at my cock. Otis was a tanned and buffed beach bunny. He looked like the perfect all-American teenager.

"Otis is twenty-five. He's a friend of a friend and wants to get into porn," Hector said. "Now Otis. We all know you are pretty, but save the virgin imitation for others. You pal Rex told me you could uses your rectum as a garage for an 18 wheeler if necessary."

"Rex said that?" Otis asked. "I've never taken anything bigger than a mini bus!" everyone laughed. Otis has a sense of humor.

Otis came over to me. "Hector told me you look like crap. I guess he didn't tell you anything about me?" he said. "Could we go somewhere and get acquainted?" We went to his room.

"I'm not much into twink boys, but I can make an exception," I said. "I look like the ultimate dirty old man. I don't like underage boys."

"My pal Rex is forty-five. I thought that was ancient." Otis said. He reached out and stroked my cock. "I do sort of like them big. Shit, yours is ridiculous."

"Otis, I have been around. When a gay man tells me he plays around "once and a while that usually means he goes to the bars three or four times a week," I said. "Am I right in thinking that your "sort of interested in big ones" means you are desperately looking for the Empire State Buildings of cocks?" I was firming up, as was Otis's tool. He was not a small boy.

"Desperate isn't quite right," Otis said. He used his hand to hide his erect cock. "Will you shoot off in my ass?"

"I'll warn you when you are close so I can pull out," I said. "Hector likes to film it spurting." Otis looked at my cock again. You might describe his gaze as longing.

Next: Chapter 177: Catfish Goes Naked 9

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