Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 23, 2015


Catfish Goes Naked 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments, send them to or

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Juan had assumed that Rance had been running the operation. His murder indicated that he was either an underling who had fucked up, or the victim of a turf war. Criminal organizations are not prone to be forgiving about screw-ups. The police had arrested a good portion of Rance's people. If there was a "Mr. Big," he may not have trusted Rance to keep his mouth shut when offered a deal by the District Attorney.

The arrests might also have left Rance in a weak position, and thus it was a good time for a competing syndicate to move in. The speed of the takeover surprised me. I wondered if someone had been waiting in the wings to take over.

I was surprised that the new group was making a move on me, since the other group had already made the move. Juan told me that the roll-up of Rance's group had been fast and complete. Apparently, the new group was unaware that the arrests were a result of the burglary of my apartment.

"Once one arrest is made, everyone who finds out heads for the hills," Juan said. "We triple team them and kept the suspects in separate facilities, so they couldn't get the word out as quickly as they might." Juan was going to talk with the organized crime section of his office and check on the Rio connection.

By now, I was not exactly a fixture on the beach, but the regulars were used to me. Being short, ugly and hairy would normally be a problem. Sporting gold jewelry made up for that, as did my cock. There may have been a few size-queens and some men who were interested in the gold. In most cases, the size-queen aspect trumped the criminal intent.

My physical charms are limited and normally clothes hide my asset. I tended to sparkle in a shower room. This was the first time I was naked most of the time in public and I was able to attract a lot of attention. I did not know how I would react to the constant attention. I was used to hiding in the shadows and keeping a low profile.

It turned out that I liked the attention. I liked the stimulation of men staring at me and at my cock. I knew that I wasn't shy, but I had not guessed the extent of my taste for exhibitionism. I also discovered I had more genital control that I expected. I liked the men who made sneak peeks at my cock. They would look when they thought I wasn't paying attention. I am always paying attention.

Under scrutiny, my cock can firm up and get a little hard. Half hard was too much on a beach, but a quarter or third of an erection was inspirational. A few men would come over and talk. If one came over, several would soon join him. Sometimes these were friends, other times it was men with a common interest.

The beach was wide open, but I had an umbrella. Four men under an umbrella can create a small, private space suitable for a little show and tell. You could also go in the water. No one could see what was going on below the surface, but the water could be choppy, and you can only hold your breath so long. It was easier under the umbrella.

I went to the beach at 10:00 the next morning. It was not crowded yet. Six men set up near me. It was a trio of father-son couples. The men were older and distinguished looking; the sons were clean cut, All-American types. The sons were college age or older. Two of the couples could have been actual fathers and sons. The son in the third couple was oriental, and the father was not.

Each of their walks to the beach seemed to require a detour toward my umbrella. The first of the sons came by me, took a real good look and then returned to his friends. The report was apparently favorable. Over the next fifteen minutes, every one of them came by to check me out. Finally, one of the older men came over to me and asked if I came to the beach regularly.

"I'm here on a long vacation," I said. "I come from Virginia and everyone there is too uptight to have a beach like this one."

He laughed. "I'm from Little Rock. We have a river, but no beaches that are remotely like this," he said. "I thought I would be too embarrassed to come here, but that isn't a problem."

"I like it, I would be happy living here," I said. "I like the scenery."

He stared at my cock for almost 30 seconds. "Would I embarrass you if I said I love the scenery? You have a museum specimen there!"

"Well it's not ready for the museum yet, I'm still using it," I replied.

"Does it bother you to have men stare at it?"

"Not on bit!" I replied. "I think I know what guys are thinking when they are looking. That gives me a little tingle. Why don't your friends come over for a look and a chat? I'm Nolen."

"I'm Buck," he said as we shook hands. He waved his friends over. The came with their beach umbrella. We soon had a little semi private enclave on the beach. I was sure these men had nothing to do with the case, but this was a working vacation and this morning was going to be more vacation than work.

Buck's real son, Junior was there, but Junior was with his fantasy sex daddy, Roger. Buck was with a fantasy son, Todd. He was the son of a man Buck knew from the country club. The third couple was Billy, who was with his houseboy Ming. Buck and Junior apparently had separate sexual lives, and they only recently discovered that they shared common interests. They had a good father-son relationship and did not want to mess it up with sex. The trip to Miami Beach was an experiment.

Buck looked at bit like Burt Reynolds. Junior was a bigger more muscular version of Burt.

Roger was a beefy, hairball. He was in the edge of being overweight. Todd was young, thin, tall, bearded and elegant in a 1930's lounge lizard way. The third older man, Billy, looked like a football player who had gone to seed. His companion, Ming, was a Chinese muscleman.

Only Ming had been to a nude beach before. Ming was a local. The rest of them were slightly uneasy and excited. Junior wanted to know if there were any rules. It told them this part of the beach was gay, but being a pest was not good. Looking was fine, but overt sex needed to be discrete.

Junior, Roger and Ming went into the water. "I'm not the beach bunny type," Billy said.

"Don't worry about that, no one has exactly recruited me to pose in Speedo ads," I said.

"Can a Speedo hold it all in?" Todd asked as he looked at my cock. We laughed. He leaned closer to me. "It's a beauty; can many men take it in the ass?"

I smiled, "It happens. It is not ideal for a maiden voyage, but there have been a few satisfied customers. If you want it badly enough it will fit."

"Junior and I are tops, but we are bottom curious. No one has ever been in us. Ming says it's good," Todd added.

"Roger and I are afraid it might hurt too much," Buck said. "We don't want to ruin the relationship. I figure a poke by a stranger might be better. We thought Ming might do that, but he likes Billy. Billy pays well, and Ming doesn't seem to ring Junior or Todd's chimes."

"You turned Junior on big time!" Todd said to me. "I seem to like what I am seeing too." I talked with all of them men as they took turns playing in the water. While they wanted to experiment, I wasn't sure that I was the right man to be their sexual guide. They seemed to think otherwise and I had the feeling the group had a high percentage of size-queens. They had rented a condominium nearby and asked me over for lunch. I accepted the invitation.

The condo was fancy and had a great view of the ocean. They were less tense when they left the beach than when the got there, but they really relaxed once they were in the condo. Like many gay men, they purported to be inexperienced, but once we were all naked and going at it, they seemed to be both comfortable and skilled.

Buck had kept his sexual tastes under control until his wife died three years earlier. He knew Roger slightly. Roger and Billy had been lovers, but while they were still friends, they had grown apart. Buck had found Todd, but he was afraid of what Junior would think of him if he discovered that he was gay.

Junior connected with Roger and he was afraid of what his father would think if discovered his sexual preferences. The two couples connected in the steam room of a gay health club. In some cases that would have been a problem, but Buck and Junior were relieved. There was no need to have secrets anymore.

They were couples and this trip was their first experience with group play. Buck told me their previous night's group play had been successful, but I seemed to have greatly increased the excitement level. It only took a few minutes to realize that they were all intensely sexually driven. The three older men bottomed, but I had a feeling that was to accommodate the younger men's needs. They struck me as being tops. I assumed Ming did it all, but he focused on pleasing Billy.

The condo had a shower big enough for four. I rinsed off the sand from the beach with Junior, Ming and Billy. Junior made contact with my cock, first feeling me out then dropping to his knees to suck. He was both skilled and enthusiastic.

My cock can be enthusiastic too. Fully erect it caught Billy's attention.

"Damn, look at that fucker!" he exclaimed. "That monster would rip me in half."

"It is a beauty, Daddy," Ming replied, "but yours is big enough for me."

"If you want it bad enough, you can take it," I said. "I never plow and seed unless the owner of the field gives me permission."

"Ming here has a pretty little hole, but he can take my beer can," Billy said. "He can take it and still smile."

Junior took a break and I slipped to my knees to taste his meat. Billy and Ming left; Buck and Roger replaced them. Roger sucked Junior.

"I like watching you having fun," Buck said as he bent over and sucked me.

"We are exploring no stings fun here," Roger said to me. "I hope that doesn't bother you."

"It isn't a problem for me. I don't like to trespass," I said. "I do like to make it to the finish line. That can mean there is sticky stuff on or in my playmate. Is that still no strings fun?"

"I wouldn't have thought so until last night," Roger said. "Todd shot off in my mouth. It did not have all the warm feelings I get when Junior does it, but it was damn good. We are all men and we have needs. I discovered last night that casual lust is good too!"

Buck stood up and Roger began to suck him. "I thought of Junior as my kid. He is his own man now," Buck said. "I was shocked realize that while we lived in the same house for 23 years, I had no idea what was going on in his head."

"We are much more alike than Dad guessed," Junior said.

"I don't think I knew I was gay until recently. I thought it was just messing around," Buck said. "I thought if I was the one being sucked, I was still straight. I pretended I didn't enjoy it that much. When I met Todd, I gave up pretending. It was great. It got better when I discovered Junior shared the same interests. I was hoping you might join us." He was looking at me. I smiled.

We finished the shower and returned to the living room. What is the plan for the afternoon?" I asked as I sat down.

"We were planning to mix things up a little this afternoon," Billy said.

"Any holes off limits?" I asked. "I'm a top."

Buck and Roger looked at each other. "So far this trip has been all oral," Buck said. "Fucking is kind of intense. It might be too intense for some of us. It's not the fucking, that is the problem; it's the watching that might be uncomfortable."

"I've got no problem at all," Billy volunteered. "I'll offer my ass for use, but I'd love to see how Ming would do taking that horse cock of yours!"

"I'll do anything you want Daddy!" Ming exclaimed. I assumed Ming was a pro looking for a sugar daddy and was experienced. He was also a muscle builder. "Could I sit on it?" he asked.

"Any way I can get my tool in you is fine with me," I replied. "What would you recommend Bill?"

"He's been able to take mine every which way. I like to plant my seed deep and he likes that," Billy explained. I got on the floor. Billy lubricated my cock. Billy and Buck lubricated Ming's ass.

"Damn, he's tight," Buck said, "It's hard to believe anyone can get in him." Ming straddled me. For a little while, he sat on my cock head, using it as a stool. Nothing happened. He got off my cock.

"Daddy, shoot some of your special lube into me," he said to Billy. He was on his hands and knees and Billy fucked him doggy style. After some hard pounding, Billy popped and made his deposit.

Ming returned to my cock. Billy's cream was drooling from his ass as he sat back. He was much more open and he gradually impaled himself. Ming was a performer and he did a fancy Hula style dance on my cock. After five minutes or so, he shot off, spraying me and the men watching him with semen. Billy help him get off my cock.

Todd took his place. He was both more open and tighter. Buck suggested I roll him on his back and put his legs on my shoulders. That gave me more control. Buck gave Todd a sniff of poppers and all was well. I made some long, deep stokes that sent shivers through Todd's tender body. Buck was rock hard so I pulled out and let Buck in.

Junior was all but drooling by then. He got on his back. His ass was well lubricated. He shivered when my knob touched his hole and moaned as I forced it in. He was tight but so heavily lubricated, he couldn't resist. That was good to him and for me. He did not last long, but Roger's mouth was there to catch and eat Junior's sperm.

I pulled out and saw Ming in a bedroom looking lonely. Billy had fallen asleep. I walked over to him. Ming rolled onto his back and spread his ass cheeks. We talked as I had a nice, long fuck. He was a gentleman's companion and he was looking for a job as a personal assistant. He could be a chauffeur, a personal chef or a bodyguard.

"Billy is a nice man, not too demanding and appreciative," he said. "When I first came here I hooked up with a bad crowd. This man recruited me to work in a restaurant. I was new to town and needed some cash badly. It turned out to be a pure prostitution scheme. I left after a week. I saw that the guy was murdered last week."

"Did that surprise you?" I asked.

"At first it did, but when I thought about it more it made sense," he explained. "I thought he was a small time pimp, but I saw him with some big time crooks. I guess you would call them Mafia Dons, but they were South American. Dominic Santos and Gustavo Miller are not men to trifle with."

I gave Ming and nice hard thrust for that information. He moaned. Billy woke up.

"Ming looked lonely, so I gave him a refill," I said.

Billy laughed. "Ming always needs a refill." he said. Most of the men were worn out by now so I left and returned to the beach. I called Julio on my cell phone and told him about Dominic and Gustavo.

"Oh shit, that explains a lot!" he said.

"You know them?"

"Oh yes, they are well known, they are big time actors, one is in Rio and the other in San Paulo. They are bitter rivals. No wonder Rance is dead. I didn't know they were making a move in Miami," he explained. "This is a big deal. I need to make some calls right away. I'll get back to you tonight."

The afternoon on the beach was uneventful. I was just about ready to pack up a go home when Julio and Santos walked up the beach toward me with a third man. He was a big blond man with a great tan. Santos introduced him as Skeeter. The minute I heard his voice I knew he was from the mountains of Tennessee.

"I told Skeeter about you and he wanted to see you in person," Santos explained.

"I bet he really wanted to see it," I said.

"That is true and it surely don't disappoint," Skeeter said in a thick accent. "Momma said that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Do you tip over it when you are not careful?"

"I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem maintaining my balance when it's hard," I said. "It's hard to keep from tipping over." Skeeter laughed. We talked a while, and it was clear that Skeeter was handsome, in great shape and dumb as shit. He had been good in football in high school. That had been the only skill.

He had not been a good enough player for college, and he had no marketable skills. He came to Florida to get a job. He was hoping for something at Walmart, but filling in the application form was a problem. Back home a couple of men had paid him to let them blow him. That was fine with him. He thought that would work in Miami, but the customers were more demanding. He like to fuck, but his ass was virgin. Skeeter knew there was more cash if he could bottom.

Julio and Santos went off leaving me alone with Skeeter. We talked a little longer and I said I was going home to make some dinner. He suddenly looked needy. He was hungry. I asked if he would like some dinner.

"Yes please!" was his reply. His Momma had taught him to be polite.

We talked and I found out he had been recruited by a man named Kenny Smithson, who was from Carolina. Skeeter was supposed to look for men with expensive watches, jewelry and electronics. He worked with another man named Robby who was supposed to get the man's address. Skeeter didn't think that was odd or suspect. When Skeeter went to the toilet, I called Juan and gave him Smithson's name.

We had dinner and talked. I knew a lot of guys like Skeeter from home. In their own minds they were straight, the never passed up and opportunity for man sex. It may have been just messing around or letting off steam, but they did not think of themselves as being gay. Skeeter at least admitted he liked sex with men. Many men like him pretended that their trips on the wild side with men were just expedient alternatives to screwing women.

Fucking Skeeter was a joy. I am not much into fucking virgins. It less stressful to fuck experienced men. Skeeter's ass was virgin, but the rest of him tended to be slutty. While my cock is a bot oversized for a first fuck, it size tends to be inspirational. Skeeter was inspired.

Next: Chapter 175: Catfish Goes Naked 7

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