Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 19, 2015


Catfish Goes Naked 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments, send them to or

Surfer scratched his balls and I realized he was ready to boogie too. I was tired but one part of me was not tired at all. I began to unbutton my shirt and Surfer was naked before my shirt was off. Surfer was a good-looking man and I was nice to be with a man who wasn't a suspect. He sucked me and soon we were in the sixty-nine position.

He had a nice cock and a wide slit. I sucked the knob and then explored the slit. He oozed a few drops of precum and we were off to the races. Precum excites me and a minute or two later, I realized it must have excited Surfer too. He was a skilled sucker. When he got me to pop, he popped too. We had a nice exchange of sperm. He told me he had hoped to fuck some, but after the orgasm, he lost the desire. He said that he would like to have a more leisurely session. I told him I was planning to get back to Richmond, but I was more than willing.

Juan called me the next morning and said the burglary of my apartment had been a great success. They had rolled up half of the fences in the Miami area. He wanted me to stay around for a few days while they mopped up things. Rance had vanished, and his bar had closed. The staff showed up and found the place locked with no trace of anyone in authority.

I called my office and they said all was well. They had just rolled up a group of muggers who had made a splash in Richmond. Everyone back at the office was feeling good.

I went to the beach. I was without chains and expensive accessories. I felt normal. The sun had done its work and I was heavily tanned. A good part of my body hair and beard were white. I looked like a different man. I thought the sun had bleached it, and that was partly true. I think the white had been there, but hadn't shown up against my pale skin.

Around 11:00, Bobby came by with Joel and an older man he introduced as his Bad Uncle Joe. They stripped at my umbrella. Joe was a beefy bear type, very hairy and uneasy about being naked. He did not spend much in the sun. I asked why he was Bad Uncle Joe.

"Well, I got divorced," Joe said.

"The real problem is that he's is science teacher and he believes in evolution, global warming and votes for Democrats," Bobby said.

"Shit I'm almost as bad except for being a Science teacher!" I said. "I am a gay guy too. Is that worse than being a Science Teacher?"

Joe smiled. "Probably, but it may depend on who you are talking to," he replied. We talked a while and the boys went off to swim. Joe stayed under the umbrella. He was solid and muscular but he had blond hair and pink skin. The sun was not his friend. He taught in a rural school district in the Florida Panhandle. He was also the football coach. More importantly, he was a winning football coach. That would make up for believing in evolution.

I was pretty sure he was gay, but was in the deepest and darkest closet possible. I told him I was just visiting from Virginia and would be going back soon. I had the feeling that my living 900 miles away was a positive virtue for him.

There was a storm brewing and we had to clear the beach. Usually the storms are in the later afternoon, but this one was early. Bobby said he had to get to an afternoon class, but I asked Joel and Joe if they would like to wait out the storm at my place. That was fine with them. I could sense the sexual tension rise as we rode the elevator to my apartment. We were all thinking the same thing.

We had a Coke and talked as we watched the storm. It was larger and more violent than usual. I stripped off my sandy clothes. Joe looked shocked.

I smiled. "Joe we were just naked on a public beach. If it was okay there, it is okay in a private apartment too. We are all men here," I said.

He laughed and stripped. Joel was both naked and semi-hard. That was a nice touch. Joe noticed and stared at Joel's cock. "I was afraid that might happen to me on the beach," he said.

"It is the gay part of the beach. It happens sometimes, but that is just men being men," I said.

"Bobby told me he was gay. He had guessed about me, but I could never do anything with my nephew. It is the same way with the team. Everyone I know is off limits," Joe said. As he said that, I noticed his cock began to firm up. He was uncut and the skin pulled back exposing the tip of his cock and I saw a little bead of precum emerging from the slit.

"Present company accepted, I hope. I'm available," Joel said. Joel was fully erect by then. Joe looked startled and then he smiled. Joel dropped to his knees as swallowed Joe's cock. Joe shivered in excitement.

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot off," Joe murmured.

"I don't think that's a problem for Joel and I know it's not a problem for me," I said. "I'm not shy about man sex and I think Joel gets less shy every time he visits me." Joe was inexperienced, but had massive pent up needs and desires. Once Joe relaxed, the dam broke, both emotionally and physically.

I have joked about men who had years of sperm cooped up in their balls. Joe was one of those men. He had a huge orgasm and Joel gobbled up his load. Joe liked it all. He had buckets of sperm to give, but he wanted to take too. He sucked me and then sucked Joel. Joel had a short fuse and popped. I watched Joe react to the spurting sperm. I suspected this was his first time taking cum. A period of calm relaxation followed the brief moment of shock when he tastes the sperm. It was good for him.

A little later, he told us that he had been thinking about man sex for a long time. He both wanted it and was afraid. I think he was afraid both of doing it and then of not liking it as he did it. Joe liked Joel's load. Joe was still excited as he licked of the remains of Joel's orgasm and I sucked him.

I had just begun to work him over when he popped. The first ejaculations were like a fire hose going off in my mouth. They were followed by a few gentle squirts and finally by a slow drool. Joe seemed relaxed, but he shivered and twitched as I sucked his cock. He wasn't as hard as before the orgasm, but he never fully deflated. He was hard enough to fuck me. He screwed me doggy style and then Joel rear-ended him. That was both unexpected and successful. I was surprised he was open to taking it in the ass.

Joe had been a repressed, gay coach, but once he go into it, all was well. He was a natural cock sucker and bottom. Joel looked at him with awe. Joe was a man's man and he was gay.

Juan called me that evening. They had found Rance. He was very dead. A collection of knife and gunshot wounds made it difficult to say which had been the cause of death. The killers had dismembered the body and distributed the remains in a series of dumpsters. The man doing the distribution of parts did a bad job. Instead of randomly selecting the dumpsters, he just deposited one part in each dumpster behind a commercial strip.

The multiple wounds and dismemberment suggested considerable ill feeling. I had assumed Rance had gone to visit his offshore bank accounts. I had assumed he was the top man in the scam. It now appeared there was someone over him and that man was mad.

Jan asked if I could hang around the beach and see if any part of the gang was still operating or if it might have been reconstituted. That was fine for me. The next morning I received a new collection of gaudy trinkets to serve as bait. I was again bedecked in gold chains, rings and a Rolex.

I thought this was going to be a waste of time. It seemed unlikely the group would return so soon after the arrests. I misjudged that. There was a group of young men on the beach with an older leader. I casually took a picture of the men on my cell phone. One of the younger men came over and said hello. The gold chains had worked their magic again. He liked the jewels hanging between my legs too.

He was my height and could not have been more than twenty-five. He was fresh off the plane from Rio. Introducing himself as Alberto, he said he was new here. His English was good, but not perfect. Alberto was slim and fit with a nice stand of hair on his chest and a treasure trail to his bush. He was Italian hairy, not redneck hairy like me. We talked and a second man came over, Ernesto. He was a few years older, and said he had a job as a waiter at night. Both men were well equipped. Ernesto was a muscle man and had shaved smooth to emphasize the muscles. His bush was a neatly trimmed square of hair.

I went swimming with Alberto as Ernesto watched our things. Alberto was not all business when we got in the water. He wanted to play and he loved my toy. He also liked my accent and I told him I was a hillbilly. He liked that a lot. When we returned to my umbrella, Ernesto's fingerprints were all over my stuff. He was polite, but I suspected that a scrawny hairball like me was not what he wanted. He went off.

I talked with Alberto and found out he was twenty, and he came from a poor neighborhood in Rio. I knew that poor neighborhoods in Rio could be stunningly poor. He said his father was an important businessman, but he had died ten years earlier. I had a feeling his mother was not married to him.

As we talked, Alberto spent more time looking at my cock. I realized he was not a pro yet. They would have been more direct. He was uneasy looking at my cock when there were people around. He had been fine in the water when no one could see what was going on under the water. I said I had to go for an appointment. Alberto asked if I came to the beach regularly. I said I did, usually every day. I told him I would be back that night around 7:30 when it was a little cooler.

I returned to my apartment. I sent the fingerprints from my cell phone and the picture I took to Juan. He called me an hour later and I told him about my experience on the beach.

"That is interesting news," Juan said. "There is word on the street that Rance's organization is being replaced by a new group from South America."

"Is that Brazil by any chance?" I asked. "Rio perhaps?"

"Yes they are. I have no idea why they are replacing Rance's group so quickly. There is something else going on, and I have no idea what it is," he said. "By the way the leader of the pack is Carlo Morales. He is an upscale pimp who usually works Fort Lauderdale. He has connections with Rio. One of the men in the picture you sent me could be Carlos. The lab people are working on it.

I returned to the beach at seven or so. It was cooler, but crowded by men who came there after work. Alberto showed up with two friends. One, Julio, seemed to be young and unsure. He was twenty-two, beefy and it looked as if he had not yet outgrown his baby fat. The other was an older man, Santos. We talked.

Getting to Miami was a big deal for them, but they were alone in a new country. There had been promises of jobs here, but the jobs were not real. They had to find a trick or not eat. Alberto told me had given a few blowjobs in Rio. He said that he like that and several men liked giving him a blow job. He had given one man a blowjob, but he had beaten him up afterwards. That man had paid him really well.

Alberto and Julio had some experience. Santos was nearing forty. He had been an older man's houseboy. When the man died, his family kicked him out the house penniless and with only the clothes on his back. It told them I wouldn't give them cash, but I would be glad to give them dinner. That was more than acceptable to them.

We went to my apartment and I called for takeout Chinese. They showered while we waited. We had a few beers and then ate. Santos had a problem. He was gay, but the old man he served had been a sucker and bottom. Santos had never sucked a cock or been fucked. That was a major problem for a callboy. He was beyond his sell by date too. He was a very hairy, middle-aged man who was in okay, but not great shape. He could not compete with the standard Miami Beach bunny.

I soon found out the basic outlines of the scheme. All of the men were gay, poor and alone. For a fee, they would get passage to Miami and get a job here. There were no immigration people to deal with. When they got here there was to be a place to live and a job waiting for them. Santos thought the job was to be a waiter.

When they got here, the job was not available yet and the living place was not free. The younger and better-looking men were set up as callboys. They were mostly underage or young looking. There is a market for virgins. Julio was too heavy for the men after boys. Alberto and Santos were older looking, so they were all left to fend for themselves and give 50% of their earning to the pimp. If they tried to get away, the pimp would turn them into immigration. I was sure the last part was an empty threat. Immigration is not partial to organized prostitutions schemes.

When they encountered a wealthy man, they were to get as much personal information as they could and bring it back to the leader. That was a man named Carlos. As far as Alberto and Santos knew, that was the end of their non-sexual duties.

I could fill in the rest of the scheme. They would burglarize some of the tricks, but I assumed there was more cash in blackmail. Men who liked them young would be in deep trouble.

We talked and had a few more beers. I guess it is no surprise that four, slightly tipsy gay men began to feel sexual urges rising. I knew they all like man sex, even if they were inexperienced. I also knew that many gay men are much more inexperienced when you are talking to them. When they are naked, hard and in bed, they seemed to be open to the possibilities.

I also knew that my cock sometimes often played an inspirational role. As we talked, it began to firm up. Julio was nice enough to sport a fully erect cock in response. The three men may have been inexperienced, but they were interested and soon became enthusiastic.

Two hours later, I realized their problem was not with sex; it was with prostitution. They were all more than willing to do it for free with a man who excited them. We got along well.

As Julio got harder, my cock responded too. Santos and Alberto began to firm up.

"Are you a top?" Santos asked.

"I sure am, but I can bottom when I'm inspired," I replied.

"Can men take that thing?" he asked as he stared at my tool. "It is a monster."

"If you want it badly enough I can get it in!" I said. "Does anyone here want it?"

"I do!" Julio said. "I'm not sure I can take it. I've never had one that big." That is want I considered an opening gambit. Alberto offered to open Julio's hole with his long, thin member. Santos had a fireplug type cock. He offered to stretch the hole.

Julio was more than willing. Alberto's cock slid in deeply on the first thrust and Julio moaned in pleasure. He spent ten or twelve minutes working the ass, and then he pulled out for Santos. Santos loved it. The old man he had serviced had lost much of his muscle tone in his ass.

Julio was tight, but supple. His sphincter grabbed the cock and held it tight. Santos moaned as Julio beamed with pleasure. Santos had bent over Julio holding his legs back. In doing so, he opened his ass. Alberto saw the opportunity, coated his cock in lube and poked it into Santos' virgin ass.

Santos may have had limited experience, but he was also ripe and ready. Alberto's cock vanished in the virgin hole. Santos moaned. After Alberto thrust a few dozen times, Santos unloaded in Julio's ass in a four-alarm orgasm. It was spectacular. They broke apart.

I looked at Julio. He winked at me and pulled up his legs exposing his hole for me. A little of Santos' cum drooled from his ass. I used my cock head to collect the drool and push it back into the quivering hole. His sphincter resisted a little, but it was an insincere effort. I pushed slightly harder and slipped past the barrier.

Some men just have a hole in their backside; Julio had a fully functioning sex organ. Santos smiled at me. We both knew experienced bottoms and we knew Julio was a master bottom. Julio was moaning, shivering and rotating his ass in response to my penetration.

Alberto and Santos were watching with enthusiasm. Alberto seemed to think it was a clever parlor trick when my cock vanished into Julio's small hole. After a while, I pulled out and rested. We all took a shower and then regrouped.

It seemed to be that the recruitment efforts of the group from Rio were poor. These men were not criminal types, and they might be more useful to the police than there were to the gang. I wondered if the collapse of Rance's gang create a vacuum, and the Rio group had moved to fast to fill the void. There is a big difference between lost souls and criminals.

I was aware that modern day slavers preyed on women and children, but I assumes most saw themselves as powerless and without hope. Alberto, Julio and Santos were heathy men from Rio. They were educated enough to speak English. Something had gone wrong in the Rio group's recruitment efforts. They had the wrong sort of men in their stable.

When the trio left, I called Juan and told him about them. I was the first man to come in contacts with them, so he was interested and saw the opportunity. A gang is only as strong as its weakest link, and I seemed to have found the link.

Next: Chapter 174: Catfish Goes Naked 6

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