Millennium Construction Company

Published on Apr 4, 2015


Catfish Goes Naked 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The newspapers and television news reported Buster's death that night. The story made it clear that the police considered the death suspicious. I wondered if Ginger would show up. I assumed the boys would be worried, but had no idea how Ginger would react. Ginger was not an intellectual powerhouse. I suspected he had been hit too many times in the head.

Ginger came by around nine. He was disturbed. I realized he was an enforcer, but not a hit man. He also knew way too much about the operation. If the police came by there was a good chance that Rance would through him to the wolves to save his own hide.

Ginger still had good survival skills. I think he suspected that it would be easier for Rance to kill him and blame the murder on a known enforcer. It would be much easier to blame it on a dead enforcer. Ginger was scared. He told me that he liked Buster.

I said I liked him too. "He was just a kid, but a nice kid," I said.

"This may sound silly, but I kind of thought Buster and I might go off and get out of the racket. You know settle down and just chill out," Ginger said. "I don't know if he liked me as much as I liked him."

"He told me you were the only guy he enjoyed in his ass," I said. "He loved it."

A tear appeared in Ginger's eye. "You are an old guy. Do you know how it feels when you fuck a young stud? He was tight and my cock felt that it was a perfect fit for his ass. I thought I had died and gone to heaven," he said. "Did you do him?"

"No, but he said he might like to try it," I said. "I sat on his cock the when he was here. It was good. Two young men came over and we all played. They were just guys, not pros and they all had a good time. Buster liked sex, but he loved it best when it was just for fun."

"Did they all fuck?" he asked.

"They sure did!" I said, "Everyone did everybody."

"I only do it for fun," Ginger said. "I may be muscle for hire, but my cock isn't part of the deal."

I could see his boner through his pants so we stripped and I expressed my condolences in his rectum. Ginger was insatiable and I had unexpected stamina. He spent the night and I discovered his sphincter could still caress my cock when he was asleep.

The next morning he said he was going to visit a pal in Georgia. He thought it would be safer there. I went off to the beach at 10:30 and set up shop in my usual location. I was well tanned by then and the sun seemed to have bleached my body hair almost white. I had noticed that men's hair seems to turn white starting with the head and then spreading down. It had reached my chest and it probably wasn't all the sun's fault.

I had almost fallen asleep when a familiar voice said, "Hello." I opened my eyes, and after they adjusted for the bright sunlight saw Fred, a young man I had met in Charleston. He was with George. George was a friend and playmate of Fred's father.

"Are you on vacation or is this work?" Fred asked.

"I'm here on a job, but it's not the most demanding job I've taken on," I said. I told them I was Nolen Spotswood and asked them to join me. We talked and I caught up on the news from Charleston. Fred was a handsome, beefy bear and you could tell he had been a football player. George was a good-looking older man.

We attracted quite a bit of attention, since we covered the men who were into cubs, sugar daddies and old Polar Bears. I was more of a Polar Otter, but my horse cock remained alluring. Surfer came by to check things out, and I think Fred was his type.

After noon, Lance arrived with a bunch of young men. He was acting as the leader now. Apparently, he had been promoted. I assumed he had replaced Ginger. I hoped Ginger was safe as he drove north.

One of the men in Lance's harem detached himself and came over to me. From a distance, he looked older, but when he came closer I could tell he was in his mid-twenties. He struck up a conversation with Fred and George but he took a number of glances at my equipment.

He introduced himself as Plato Demetrious. He was a hairy, muscular and bearded Greek. Fifteen minutes later another man detached himself from Lance and joined us. He was Carlo Santana and was not as hairy, but was more muscular than Plato was. I had not seen them before on the beach. I wore a gold chain and rings and George was wearing a waterproof Rolex.

Carlos was clearly interested in George, but Plato was interested in Fred and me. Carlo was pretty slick, but Plato was uneasy. I guessed he was new to the game. I could tell that Fred was his type, but I guessed he was a size queen and thus I had some attraction for him. Two more men from Lance's group joined us. They were typical pretty boys.

It became very hot and humid. The sun vanished behind dark clouds. This was the normal prelude for an outbreak of thunderstorms. One of the pretty boys, Elliot, said he had an apartment nearby and he invited us over to wait out the storm. We agreed and went to parking area. Elliot had a van big enough for all of us. He said there was a parking problem at his place and it was better if we shared. I noticed that Surfer was in the parking lot and he saw us getting in the van.

We went to his apartment three blocks north of the beach. Elliot had a fancy apartment. It was beautiful, but there were no personal touches in the place. I wondered if this was a group play space where they kept the marks while their homes were robbed. Elliot had two roommates there who were naked and making out when we entered.

A few minutes later, we were all engaged in an intense orgy. I have a suspicious turn of mind and I wondered if someone was breaking into my apartment as we played. Elliot's roommates looked young. Later, I was able to check their identification and Willy was 19 and Sean was 20, but they looked like they were fifteen or sixteen.

In reading over the case file, I had noticed that none of the victims was clear about where they were during the robberies. They were just away or around. If my suspicions were correct, none would admit they were at an orgy with underage boys. Since we had no transportation, we could not leave early and walk into the robbery.

I knew Surfer saw us leaving the beach and that Juan had my apartment under surveillance. The best thing for me to do was to get naked and start screwing. That action is pretty well in accordance with my overall approach to life. I got naked and let nature take its course.

I was a little worried that Fred and George would be uneasy. That was not a problem. Since I had left Charleston several months earlier, it seemed that they had been practicing. George later told me it was nice to do it without Fred's father being in the mix. "It is a little more uninhibited," he said. He also told me he had a little playgroup of men that got together every few weeks. Fred was the youngest member of the group, but he was easily the most popular.

I was not sure if Plato and Elliot were that experienced. Something about Carlo, Willy and Sean suggested they were well trained. I tend to worry about things like that, but somehow most men with a cock seem to find ways to use that special organ.

It was a unique situation for me. I had never needed to fuck my way through an afternoon to allow someone to rob my house. I rose to the occasion.

I had a chance to marvel as the oddities of human beings. Demetrious and Plato were big, muscular men but their asses were small and tight. I knew a number of delicate, slim men who possessed commodious and open asses and a pliable sphincter.

I also know that desire and lust can often overcome a tight ass. I knew George was open and I knew Fred would someday open up. I had been wearing an unbuttoned Hawaiian style shirt, so I noticed the "Oh my god, another troll!" look on the twinks' faces when I walked in the apartment. When I stripped, I noticed a gleam in Sean's eye. I could not tell if it was the look of a size queen or just admiration at seeing a natural wonder. I decided to take the bull by the horns.

"Like to top and I like it hot and nasty, no holds barred. Is that a problem for you guys?" I asked. "I can cum several times and I shoot big loads. It's sticky and messy, but you can count on remembering me later."

"Count me in," Sean said. Sean had been hard when we came in the apartment. He was harder now.

"I'm game too," Fred added.

"I've never taken one like yours," Plato said. "If you take your time, I'd like to try it."

"Well let's get to it!" I said. "By the way, I've been told I fit best if I am the second or third man to massage your prostate. A load or two of sperm in your ass is a great lubricant." If they were robbing my apartment, I assumed they wanted a nice long session. They seemed game.

I was a little afraid that having a work related orgy would diminish my interest in the sex. I was a bit preoccupied. Luckily, my cock was not preoccupied at all and my hormones kicked into overdrive. Plato and Sean came to me. Sean sucked my cock as I sucked Plato. He was uncut. I could tell he had showered recently because of the faint soap taste. The taste of precum almost masked the soap taste. Plato was turned on and oozing sex juices. I had noticed a drop of precum on the tip of his foreskin at the beach. When my mouth peeled back the skin, I tasted the stuff he had oozed when he was at the beach ooze and fresh stuff. Plato was pumping it out.

I suspected that Plato was a callboy in training, but he sure knew how to make me feel welcome. He was a moaner too.

Sean came damn close to swallowing my entire cock. He was good. He was on his hands and knees. Willy came over and popped his long, thin cock into Sean's ass effortlessly. It certainly was not the first time that had happened and I suspected Sean knew who it was. Sean wiggled his ass a little to get it into a better place and spread his ass wider. He wasn't a virgin.

Carlo and Elliot were with George and Fred. They formed a loose foursome. George soon had Carlo up his ass. Carlo was skilled and at ease. Elliot was on his back with his legs on Fred's shoulders. Fred had a nice, beer can type cock and that would be good training for my cock if I got the chance to fuck Elliot later.

The next time I looked at them, Elliot was fucking George and a few minutes later Fred was in George's hole. They were round Robin fucking. George looked happy. Fred bent over to kiss George and Carlo took advantage of the situation by fucking Fred. I am a first rate top man and I had to admit Carlo had good technique.

Carlo's cock was bullet shaped and designed for easy penetration. When Carlo's knob touched Fred's pucker he watched the reaction. Fred didn't jump or clamp tight. He was willing. Carlo then pulled away, squirted some lube into Fred's hole and used his cock to push it into to the quivering ass. I did not know if Fred had ever been the filling in a fuck sandwich, but he liked it.

I assumed Carlo was a professional fucker and it could pay more if it didn't hurt. I also saw that Carlo became increasingly affectionate as he got into it. I watched as fucking turned into lovemaking. I did not think that was acting. Carlo pulled out and Fred took a poke in Sean's ass

Plato was sucking me now with obvious enjoyment. Willy and Elliot had joined us and Elliot worked his cock into Plato's ass. I didn't think Plato was into it, but Elliot had an average cock that fit easily. I was revved up and Plato was licking up my ooze with enthusiasm. When he took a break I asked him in if he wanted to take my load.

"I'm not into that, but I'd take yours," Plato whispered. He was on his back, so I straddled him and sat on his tool. I figured he deserved a reward for good attitude. He had a thick somewhat stubby cock, shaped like a sausage. I discovered the thickest part of the sausage was at my prostate and his cock seemed to grow in my ass. I loved it and Plato seemed to slip into a sexual trance as I bounced on his tool.

While he was technically fucking me, I was doing all the work. I massaged and stroked his cock as he twitched and moaned. Willy fed me his cock and he was getting close to shooting. Plato began to bellow as he shot off deep in my rectum. This caused a stir among the twinks. Apparently, they had not seen him lose it before now.

Carlo, Sean and Freddy had pulled apart after Fred shot off in Sean's ass. Sean's ass didn't close up and the gaping hole was too much for Carlo. His cock filled the gap and he fucked Sean like a mad man. He shot off after five minutes of heavy duty fucking. I noticed that Carlo was a different man when he was in Fred than in Sean.

Sean's hole was even more open so I stepped up to the plate. Fred and Carlo's semen was dripping for Sean's ass so I knew he was well lubricated. Once my cock was in halfway, Sean was dazed but happy man and we had a good time. The guys gathered around to watch, but I do not mind putting on a show.

I took my time. They liked watching my cock stretch his anus open and slowly vanish into the depths of his body. Sean moaned and whimpered a bit, but he stayed hard. He was small and thin and you could almost see my cock poking into his intestines. The men made good natured, but stunningly vulgar comments.

After about ten minutes, Sean managed to croak out the words, "I need to take a break."

"Who is next?" I asked.

Willy, Carlo and Plato all said, "It's Elliot's turn." They manhandled Elliot onto the bed and held his legs open. Sean squirted some lube into Elliot's ass. I put my knob at the rear door and pushed. He resisted, but Carlo had a bottle of poppers and he gave Elliot a sniff. A second later, he was open. He was real tight but open. By the time my pubic hair touched his ass ring, Elliot's pals were having a great time. I assumed that Elliot had a tendency to volunteer other men to provide services they didn't like doing. This was payback.

It did not work out quite the way they expected, because Elliot got into it. It was a variant on the "If you get a lemon, make lemonade," theme. In this case, if there a cock in your ass, become a bottom. Elliot was fine. He soon shot off and I pulled out.

At this point, we divided into two groups. The twinks gathered around George and he made his ass available for all in the living room. Fred, Plato and Carlo were with me in the bedroom. We all showered assuming the storms were over, but there was a second round of violent storms. We were naked and excited in the bedroom.

I guess we could have played word games or talked about current events. We all got hard instead. This time Fred made use of Carlo's ass. I'm not sure Carlo was much of a top, but Fred was masculine and good looking. Fred was both gentle and aggressive. Fred was also affectionate and Carlo liked that.

Plato was both afraid of my cock and he wanted it in him badly. I had run into that combination before and I had a plan. You might think that taking a cock in the ass would make the bottom feel feminine. That may happen sometimes, but most of my partners feel more masculine. they feel more macho since they were man enough to take me. Plato and I had a testosterone fueled fuck session. A phone range in the other room. the party wound down and Elliot took us back to the beach.

I got back to my apartment at 6:00 and, as I suspected, it had been robbed. I called the police and they showed up promptly, but not too promptly. Someone might be watching and Juan was a detail man. He said they had it on CCTV and the little transmitters in the jewelry were working like a charm. They had already located one fence. It was at an upscale antique store, and it was unknown to the police.

For the police, Christmas had come early. With GPS tracking, they were following the stolen goods from place to place. Juan was surprised at the speed at which the burglary took place and the quick distribution of stolen goods.

The men arrived in a van and left an hour later. The cell call to the apartment where I was fornicating let Elliot know when they left the apartment. That coincided with the time when the twinks stopped playing with us and we were in the bedroom. Plato and Carlo played with us on their own time.

I was left with only the gold chain around my neck. They even stole some of my expensive designer clothes. I was not exactly heartbroken about that.

Surfer came by around nine. He had heard about the robbery and wanted to know if I was okay. Of course, I was fine, although I had an odd feeling knowing people had been in my place. That was slightly creepy. Knowing that they would soon be in jail was a good feeling though.

He wanted to know the details of the operation. The orgy with potentially underage boys was a nice touch he said. "Why didn't they use real underage boys?" he asked. "I can tell you, there are a lot of willing fifteen year olds. They come onto me all the time."

"The punishment for plain old burglary is modest, but sex with children means long jail terms and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, results in long terms in prison," I said. "These boys looked the part, but they were just young looking. None were virgins, and I doubt they could remember being virgin."

"Will the police round them up?" he asked.

"I sort of doubt it. They are small fry. If they go to jail I made sure that their assholes are stretched wide enough to accommodate all comers." I said.

"Was it good for you? Sexually I mean?"

"I was better than I thought it would be. My cock seems to have a mind of its own," I said. "I may have been a bit reluctant, but my cock was ready to bogie!"

"Am I right in thinking it's always ready, willing and able?" he asked. I nodded.

Next: Chapter 173: Catfish Goes Naked 5

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