Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 15, 2015


Catfish Goes Naked 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

While I like no strings attached sex, you have to make some connection or it isn't sex. For me that connection is physical and usually terminates in a liquid form. It is best when I see and, if possible, taste a man's seed. Joel had the benefit of an active cybersex life. He liked videos so he knew what could be done. He just had not done them. He was most interested in fucking. That was straightforward. He knew things he wanted to do, or have done to him. He asked if I fucked.

I briefly toyed with the idea that I would play the virgin, but decided that wasn't too believable. "I fuck every chance I can. Usually I top," I said. "I like it hot heavy and juicy. I love shooting, spurting and making a sticky mess."

"I've seen that on line, but never done it. I jerk off, but I have never done it with another man. Do you cum in their ass?" Joel said. "Guys can take your horse cock?"

"They sure do. If they want it, they find a way to take it. The cream filling is just part of the service," I said. "To answer your next question, yes, they come back for more." I glanced at Bobby. He was rock hard.

"What's it like in an ass?" Bobby asked.

"Warm and tight. I use lots of lube but I ooze a lot too. Once I'm in, I self-lubricate. I tend to stay hard for a while after the orgasm. I can keep on thrusting until every inch of your ass is coated in my seed," I said. "For me fucking is more intense than sucking, although there is nothing wrong with sucking at all. Your tongue and lips can work a cock. The ass can't do that much, but every inch of your cock is in direct contact with your playmate's ass."

Bobby and Joel flanked me on the bed, one on each side. Both were hard and drooling. I sat up, straddled Bobby and sat on his cock. Bobby moaned. "Damn, that's fucking hot!" Joel exclaimed. It was good for me too. I spent a few minutes doing a hula dance on Bobby's cock and then I switched to Joel. His eyes crossed as his cock slid into me. My eyes may had crossed some too. Bobby had opened me up well. Joel was bigger. It went deep.

After a short while, I asked Bobby if he wanted to take my place.

"I couldn't do that," he said.

"I'm pretty sure you can," I said. "He's you friend, I bet you would like to have him in you." I had a tube of lube on the bedside table. Bobby was uneasy, but he did it. I told him to take it slow, and he was fine. A little later Bobby fucked Joel. Joel was ready and willing. Bobby was timid and careful. He took his time, but once he was in all was well. He turned into a man rammer. Joel seem to like that if a hands-free orgasm is any indicator.

Bobby tried to pull out when he shot off, but I made him stay in Joel's ass. I had a strong feeling Joel would like Bobby's man seed in his ass.

When he finally pulled out, I used my cock head to plug the hole. I toyed with his sphincter, massaging it, but not going in deep. Joel was wearing out so I sent them home. I would save the large-scale rectal stretching exercises for another day. There was a chance they would not come back, but I doubted that. Both men wanted more.

The next day was beautiful. While the sky was unusually clear, there was a sea breeze that kept it closer to being comfortable than usual. Virginia can be hot and humid, but Miami's tropical humidity was unrelenting. I went to the beach and set up at my usual spot. Eventually was two groups of men flanked me. One was four older men from somewhere on the Gulf coast. They were in the closet and a nude beach a hundred and fifty miles away from home was ideal. They were here to check out the scenery and hoped to get lucky

On the other side of me was a group of thirty-something's. They were local and had real jobs. They visited the beach, but did not live there like some of the regulars. The beach was crowded so both groups were close to me. Both groups were a mixed bag of men. Several were good looking; others were average. All of them seemed pleasant.

Buster joined us. He was solo, without a companion. He seemed more relaxed, so I did not think he was casing us. Around two o'clock, dark clouds blew in from the south-west. One of the Gulf Coast men, Davis, said he had rented a condo for the week and asked if we would like to wait out the storm there. Several men said they had other plans but eight of us went to the condo including Buster and me. It was just three blocks to the north. The storm hit as we reached the place.

You would not need to be a psychic to guess what happened next. The man who seemed to be the leader of the Gulf Coast group, Johnny, announced that it was the birthday of the oldest of the men with them, the man they called Pop. Johnny was a Kenny Rogers want to be, and Pops was a rather dapper, Czar Nicholas type.

"I have a present I could give him, but it's in my balls," Buster volunteered. The men laughed. "He might have to work for it if the likes man cream." There was more laughter.

"Pop is willing to work for it, but he likes rear deliveries too," the biggest of the Gulf men said. His name was Mike and I suspected he was construction worker from his callused hands.

"Do you have a limit as to the number of load you can take?" I asked Pop.

"Well, I taken all of my pals' cream a few times," Pop said. "That was good. I do not know if there is a limit. I am willing to explore the possibility." I was half-hard by then. "I don't know if I could take all of you," he added as he looked at my cock. There was more laughter.

"My birthday is coming up too," Grant, a beefy bear type from the Miami group said. "I would be willing to take any that are too much for you."

"Too many or too big?" Frank, the other Miami man asked. " Grant, I thought your birthday was in December?" There was more laughter and Buster dropped to his knees to suck Pops. Frank went to Johnny to warm up. The other Miami man went to Pops to give advice. He was a Woody Allen type named Parker, who had an oversized cock that looked impressive on his undersized body.

"You like them big?" I asked Grant.

"I haven't found one that was too big yet," he said. "I am looking." He paused briefly. "I get turned on by being fucked by a guy I just met," he whispered.

"This must be your lucky day," I said as I fondled his balls. "Do you like to be fucked in front of your pals?"

He nodded. We went to the shower to rinse off the sand and suntan lotion. When we returned to the living room, it was a beehive of activity. I don't like gang bangs much. The ones you see in videos consist of a ring of men waiting to take their turn. Waiting is not my strong suit, especially when rock hard, hot-to-trot men surrounded me.

No one was waiting here. You could say it was a free-form gangbang. Buster was fucking Pop who was on his back. It was sensual and casual. Buster had a good technique, combining slow and easy interludes with more intense poundings. Pop looked relaxed, except for his drooling erect cock. Johnny passed by and licked up the puddle of precum from Pops' gut.

Mike was spread eagled on the floor with Frank in his ass. Grant got on his hands and knees to 69 with Mike. Grant spread his legs to make sure his ass was wide open. I could see lubricant glistening in his puckered ass. He was ready.

Davis came over to us, "I like to watch, is that a problem?"

"It's not a problem with me," I said. Davis was tall and thin and had a runner's body. He struck me as being shy.

It took some time to get into Grant. He was muscular and buns of steel. I played with his sphincter hoping to relax it. When Pops moaned as he shot off, Grant lost his concentration and my knob passed by the sphincter and went for his prostate. Once my cock and his prostate kissed, all was well. The tight ass that was hard to penetrate was ideal once I was in deep. His sphincter clamped tight on my cock and formed a cock ring.

Frank and I switched partners a few times. Mike was an enthusiastic bottom. Grant was better looking, but Mike worked harder. Each time Frank and I traded partners, out playmates ass was more open and receptive.

I have to admit playing with experienced men is good. They all seemed to be versatile and receptive. Many of the men hadn't met before, but they knew the rules. I took a break, showered and then went to play with Pop and Johnny. Mike told me that they were lovers, but liked to share.

To say that Pop was receptive is an understatement. Several men had already fucked him and he still wanted more. His ass all but sucked my cock in deep. Sometimes there can be a uneasy period when I slip into a new ass and learn a guy's limits. I like my partner to enjoy it. There was no problem with Pops. His ass was a welcome center. I could feel his enjoyment.

Johnny was a top and he came up behind me. He nosed his knob onto my crack. I spread my legs to give him better access. He made a quick thrust and his well-lubricated joy stick popped into me effortlessly. His cock rubbed my prostate just the right way and it was good.

After a few minutes Johnny whispered, "You're real big, but I'd like to try it in the middle. Can you take your time?"

I pulled out and traded places. He took his time entering Pops. They knew each other well. Johnny was tight and he resisted some.

"I know I can be real filling. We don't need to do this," I said.

"I want it bad. Push harder," he said. I made a hard thrust and poked through his sphincter, ramming his prostate. That opened him wide. His ass enveloped my cock and then clamped tight. He moaned as my cock worked it's magic. Pop moaned in sympathy.

Johnny and I shared the same fucking rhythm and pace. My thrusts into him matched his thrusts into Pop. It seemed as if it was meant to be that way, but I knew it was rare to be so well matched. Like all great sex, it was self-limiting. Pop shot off first and his twitching ass pulled Johnny's trigger. That set me off. We all traded sperm but stayed connected to make sure all of our man seed drained.

It was over for me, and I went home. Buster left at the same time. He wanted to come home with me. Told him I was done for the day, but he came with me anyway. We talked as we walked. He told me wanted to get away. He knew something was wrong. Buster thought he was just providing sex for men, but he had gotten wind of the burglaries and wanted nothing to do with that.

Another one of the scouts had tried to leave and was beaten up. Buster wasn't the brightest bulb in the hardware store, but he knew he was in trouble. He did not know where to go. I suggested as far away as possible.

When we returned to my apartment, I call for take-out Chinese and he relaxed. He had never eaten Chinese food before. He was a pizza only kind of guy. Buster was every inch a small town boy, who wasn't adventurous. He had worked summers as a carpenter's helper in his hometown. I told him that was a start on a real life.

"It was hot work," he said.

"It seems to me sitting on the beach in the full sun is hot too," I said. "Is the sex that good?"

"Once and while it's good," Buster replied. "Since I was the new man on the job, I got all the trolls."

"Was I one of the trolls?" I asked.

"Yep, you scared some of the guys. I think they were afraid the might catch a case of the uglies from you," he said. "Your horse cock was interesting, but not interesting enough. Lance knows that I am not much of a bottom. He made me go over to you. I think he figured you would split men in half and teach me a lesson. At least you were not fat. Fat guys like me a lot, but it's hard to get to their cocks. It's okay if they suck me off, but I'm not much into cum swilling. Lance loves it."

"Have you ever taken a load you enjoyed?" I asked.

"There was a guy back home who was good," Buster said. "Ginger was good too. He shoots a huge load. I liked that. Ginger told me I needed to get away. He said I was Rance's type. I told him sex was good with Rance. Ginger said he wasn't talking about the sex part. Rance could get me into trouble, deep trouble." Buster paused and looked at my crotch. "I'd eat your cream, if you want me to." Sex was never very far form Busters mind.

"Would you enjoy it?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I kind of think I would," he replied. "If you want to fuck, I'd do that too."

"Have you ever enjoyed a cock in your ass?"

"That would be Ginger too," Buster said. "It hurt some, but I like him in me."

Of course, we were both hard by then. Buster began to suck me and he was good at it. His cock was rock hard and had a nice curve to it. I told him to get on his back and I sat on it. I thought I would have a quick ride and then send him on his way.

The phone rang. It was Bobby and Joel. They were outside the apartment house and wanted to come up. I asked Buster if he would mind. He was fine with that. I rang them in. Buster was good looking and buffed, so both boys liked him. Bobby was handsome. Joel was not much to look at, but he was hung. As is often the case with gay men, hung was enough. After introductions, I explained that Bobby and Joel were new to the scene.

"Well, Professor Buster is willing to give lessons," Buster said. Bobby and Joel stripped in record time and all was well. Buster bent over to suck Joel's cock. Bobby took care of me. They were all in their twenties and horny. Buster liked sex, but it was better when he was just enjoying himself, not earning his keep or doing someone else's bidding.

Joel jumped in with both feet and somehow he looked better when he was sexually engaged. He was almost attractive when he was sucking a cock, or when he was on his back waiting to be fucked. When Buster worked his cock in deep, Joel looked downright handsome. He lost his, "I don't give a fuck about anything" look. It didn't hurt that his cock was spectacularly erect while Buster screwed him.

Joel found a personality when he was naked and hard. He was a computer geek, not a jock, so he did not have the High School locker room experience of being naked and realizing how well hung he was. While being a well-hung jock may be more prestigious than being a well-hung geek, the cock is the same. It would have been fine and he would have attracted some sex buddies.

Sex buddies may not be the same as pals, but in my experience sex buddies turn into friends more often than not. When you give a man pleasure and let him use you for his own enjoyment, it can be hard not to form a friendship. Even a utilitarian fuck buddy can grow on you.

Unexpectedly, Joel's impressive tool made a trip up Buster's ass. It was a tight fit, but well worth it for both Joel and Buster. I may be mistaken but I think Buster had a satisfied look on his face. Joel had a big knob and I could tell when it rubbed Buster's prostate the right way.

I was tired but they were ready to boogie. Both Bobby and Joel fucked Buster several times. While Bobby fucked Buster the second time, Joel came over to me and bent over, exposing his hole. I nudged my knob onto it, and Joel backed into it. He was nice and open by now. He wanted to do it on the sly as Bobby and Buster coupled, but he moaned too much. It was a success.

None of the three young men was a virgin, but after that night, they had lost their inhibitions and embraced man sex. Buster was the least virginal of the group, but he was the most changed. He had told himself it was just messing around and an easy way to pick up some cash. With Bobby and Joel, he had been to the moon and back and the quick blow job didn't do it for him anymore. This was real, no holds barred sex and he loved it.

Buster and the boys went home and I went to bed. I had enough sex for one day. I spent the next morning at the apartment. Juan called me just before noon. Buster was dead. They had found his body floating off the South Beach.

"Did he drown?" I asked.

"No, it was a bullet in the head," Juan said. "It had the markings of a professional hit." I told him of my conversations of the previous day.

"He wanted out," I said. "That might have been a problem, but a hit man seems a bit extreme."

"Did he tell anyone in the group he was planning to leave?" Juan asked.

"He didn't tell me of that, but Buster wasn't a good judge of character and he might have done that," I said. "I wonder of he knew something, but didn't know its significance. I don't think there is a shortage of handsome boys who are willing to give a blow job for cash."

"It doesn't seem that the sex and burglary scheme would require murder to me either," Juan observed. "There must be more to it."

I went to the beach that afternoon. The usual suspects were there, Lance and Ginger with several new boys. I had the impression that Ginger was acting like a chaperone. He looked pissed. Lance liked the new boys a lot and Ginger was trying to keep them meeting new men not chatting with Lance. If Buster's death had disturbed the water, there was no sign of that. It was an uneventful day on the beach.

Ginger came over to me when the boys went off trolling. He asked if I was going to be busy that night. I said I would be at the apartment.

Next: Chapter 172: Catfish Goes Naked 4

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