Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 6, 2015


Catfish Goes Naked 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Once we were in the apartment, we stripped and I gave Bobby a chance to have a nice long look. He was hard and tried to hide his erection.

"We are all boys here. There is no need to be shy," I said. He moved his hand. I smiled. "You have no need to be shy at all. You have a nice one," I said. Bobby had a solid seven incher. Sean's cock was six, thick inches.

"I've thought about this for years, but I don't know what to do," Sean said. "I've heard about blowjobs, but I don't know if I could do that."

"I've never had enough nerve to do anything," Bobby added.

"Well, I done just about everything that can be done," I said. "I like it all, but I don't want to push you guys into doing something you don't like or aren't comfortable with."

"I think I would like it," Sean said.

"Thinking and doing aren't the same thing," I said. I dropped to my knees and took Bobby's cock into my mouth. He moaned and ejaculated once, but was able to hold off. I deep throated him briefly and then switched to Sean's cock.

Sean was hard and drooling. Both of them were on the edge of an orgasm. I switched between the two of them whenever I thought they were too close.

I got up for a break. "It seems to me that you are okay with a blow job," I observed.

"I sure am," Sean said.

Bobby just looked at me and then dropped to his knees. He looked intently at my cock, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. It touched the tip of my cock head. He tasted the precum and then he went for it. He was uneasy at first, but he soon became enthusiastic. Bobby had a wide mouth as well as what seemed to be a semi-detachable lower jaw. He had a future as a cocksucker.

Sean was excited, but not excited enough to overcome his fears and suck me. I told Bobby I needed a break. I was getting close to an orgasm and I thought a mouthful of sperm might be too much for him.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"I sure am," Bobby replied. "It was great."

"I loved what we did, but I'm not sure about doing it myself. Do you think I'm a wimp?" Sean asked.

"Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Some people dive into the ocean, other wade in and take their time. Some people are afraid of water and never get in at all," I said. "It takes all types. There are no fixed rules. Have you experimented sexually?"

"Looking at a cock and hoping I wouldn't get caught looking is all I have done," Bobby said. "My family is really straight laced. We go to a Bible College."

"I know about David and Jonathan," Sean said. "They said it wasn't gay, but I didn't know what gay was." He paused. "I know about masturbation."

"Have you figured out masturbation with another man is way better?" I asked.

Sean laughed. "I think we have." I told them I was tired. They took the hint and left. I thought my introduction to blow jobs was a success, but was enough for one night. I assumed I would run into them again.

The next day at the beach I spent wandering around, looking for Goodhue Rance and his harem. Further down the beach. I saw Raoul and Lance with other another older man. The man had Goodhue's air of ownership, but he was older and better looking. I recognized some of the men with him, but not all.

I realized the same group would become noticeable after a while. Many of the men on the beach were regulars who came several days a week. Most seemed to like particular spots. By moving around and shifting the people in the gang, they could avoid being noticed. It seemed there might be more men involved in the scheme than I had suspected.

I returned to the place I had been at on the northern end of the beach near my apartment. I rented an umbrella and settled down. I saw Buster. He saw me and came over.

"The guys thought you were a Hillbilly," he said. "Your accent sort of reminded me of home. You remind me of Uncle Clem. He taller than you are, but he has your look."

"Just about everybody is taller than me," I said. "I don't think guys are attracted to my height."

"Well, you do have a big one," he said smiling. Buster was handsome and looked very young when he smiled. "It's an attention getter."

"I can tell you work out; were you a jock in school?" I asked. He nodded.

"I was good at football, but not good enough," he said. "I thought it would be easy to get a job here."

"Are you working now?" I asked. He looked frightened. "I'm not a cop, you don't need to worry."

"I'm sort of working, just meeting guys. This is my day off, but you never really have a day off," he said. "When I meet a nice guy it is fine. Not everyone is nice."

"You need to find a new job," I said. "I like sex too, but it's better as a hobby than as a full-time job."

"I'm sort of trapped. I left home when my folks found out I liked men," he explained. "I didn't do well in school except for football. My boss isn't the understanding type. When I first met him, he was nice. He's good looking and rich. I thought I had it made."

"Did you realized he had other men sharing his bed?"

"I knew that, but I thought he liked me more than the other guys. It lasted a month, and then he found someone new," he explained. "Officially I am a waiter at one of his restaurants. I like to fuck and get blow jobs."

"Do you bottom?"

"I can and I like it sometimes. I don't like it when they cum in me. I like to pick and choose the guys who do that," he explained. "I had to take care of four guys once. That wasn't fun at all."

"Was it a gangbang?"

He nodded. "Have you ever done that?"

"I sure have, but it was with pals. We were just pooling our resources and trading our special sauce. It was good," I said. "Have you been fucked non-professionally by a friend?"

"One of the chefs at the restaurant did me. Rex is an old guy like you. He was good," Buster said.

"Did he cum in you?"

"He did, but he asked first. I could feel him spurting in me," he answered.

As we talked, two men came over to us. I looked up and saw it was Travis and another man. Buster was half-hard.

"Are we interrupting something?" Travis asked.

"We are just chatting. Join us," I said.

"Nolen, this is an old friend of mine, Don," Travis said. Don was an exceptionally fit older man. I introduced Buster. Don liked Buster and his semi-erect cock. Buster relaxed when he realized his cock was an attraction. We talked for a while and then Don and Buster went off to the water. When they went into the water, I talked with Travis.

"Is Buster a suspect?" he asked.

"If he is he is small fry. He seems to be unhappy and looking for an out," I said. "I have to check up on him, but I think he's just a kid with bad judgment."

"He is a hunk. He looks old enough," Travis said.

"I think he's a country boy out of his depth," I said. "I assume he's more of your type than I am."

"One part of you is my type," Travis said and then he blushed. "Oh my lord, I shouldn't have said that aloud!"

I smiled. "Are you uncomfortable being with another man in front of Surfer?" I asked.

"You picked up on that?" he asked. "Normally, it's not a problem. When I said I am a size queen, I meant it. I tend to lose control when I'm skewered on a big one. Scruffy, well-hung men turn me on. Surfer has never seen me lose it. It might be embarrassing."

"I suspect everyone has a sexual quirk that is both embarrassing and deeply pleasurable. I'm not sure it is that bad. I don't mind quirks as long as they aren't painful or nasty," I said. "Some things don't work for me. Bondage does nothing for me. I like men who are willing to play. I don't need to tie them up. I'm not into leather. That is just too much stuff to take off before you get down to business."

"You aren't a romantic?"

"That is safe to say. I am into fun."

Buster and Don returned from their swim. Both men looked happy, really happy. All three men went off, and I was alone again. There was a new group of men that afternoon. It was a mixed bag of younger and older men. Some were regulars and some who were obviously new to the beach. There was always a slight sexual atmosphere, but it was rarely obvious or overt. If the lifeguards and the Beach Patrol were occupied, there might be a little sucking under the umbrellas and there was some feeling out under water, but there was little more.

Late in the afternoon, two young men made a move on me. Perry and Dominic were buffed beach bunnies, and while Dominic looked at my cock; Perry was more into my gold accessories. Dominic was a slim muscular Brazilian. With his hairy chest, he was a classic Latin otter. Perry was all twink. He could have been a florist in training but he wasn't that macho.

This time I went into the surf with Dominic and Perry stayed at the umbrella. Dominic's interest in me was not platonic. We had a little playtime in the water. He was very excited and he added his contribution to the ocean. There were several ribbons of sperm floating in the surf when we returned to the beach.

We talked for a while and then they went off. I had Perry's fingerprints on my cell phone. I had dropped my wallet and Dominic picked it up. That gave me both sets of prints.

I went to my apartment and call Juan to check up of the fingerprints I had transmitted to him and asked about Buster. I had found out his last name, Brown. With a name like Buster Brown, his parents had not done him any favors.

An hour later I found out Buster had been a runaway child four years earlier. He was sixteen then and the police had not taken it seriously. The local police were aware of the family problems. He had no arrest records.

By contrast Perry was had a long set of arrests and one or two convictions. Juan told me that when they say "round up the usual suspects," they were taking about Perry. Dominic had no records of any sort, including the Immigration Service. He was not in the country legally.

"Since I have had two suspicious contacts, I was wondering if we could attach an electric device to some of my gold jewelry at my apartment and find out where they go should they be stolen?" I asked. "Some of it is pretty hefty. They put little things in dogs, don't they?"

"I can check on that," Juan said. "Maybe we could get you more jewelry. We know they like gold and more gold might help."

"I don't know how they get in the houses," I said. "Is it breaking and entering?"

"Only entering, apparently they get a key," Juan said.

"I will try to figure that out. It may be coincidental that two boys have been checking out my personal stuff," I said. "It's one hell of a coincidence if it is. The group may have multiple teams of scouts."

"That would make it harder to identify the scouts," Juan said. "I guess it is possible there are two gangs doing the same thing. Talk about coincidences."

I went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Walking back, I saw Perry in a car in front of my building. That was a surprise, and then I realized walking to a restaurant was a rarity in this area. He would not have expected to have me walking down the sidewalk.

I called Juan and left message. If I had been in Richmond, I would have an operative at the lobby of my building and maybe someone at the delivery entrance to see who was casing the place and how they get in the building. I asked if there were any cameras.

At 7:30, I went for a stroll down the beach. Sunsets were better on the Gulf coast of Florida, but it was pretty. The sky was unusually clear. The haze caused by heat and humidity had vanished. It was still in the upper eighties, but it was comfortable.

I saw Dominic with the older man I had seen with Raoul and Lance earlier in the day. They came over to me. I was decked out in gold chains. I said hello and the older man introduced himself as Ginger. I guessed he was in his early sixties.

We made small talk. Ginger had a South Philly accent, and close up I noticed some scars. They suggested fights rather than an accident. I had some scars myself. I was surprised to see them, but when I talked with Dominic, I noticed that Ginger glanced at my cock. I guessed that Dominic had described my physical charms to Ginger and he wanted to see my cock in person.

Sexual interests and fetishes are evenly distributed. I know people who think that gays are all arty types and do not realize there are gay rednecks. Gays can be bouncers, enforcers or crooks too. I scratched my balls.

Ginger noticed immediately. He returned the gesture and stroked his meat. Surfer drove by checking out the beach. He saw us.

"I live nearby, would you like to have a drink?" I asked.

"If the drink is coffee or a Coke I am fine," Ginger said. "I'm on the wagon."

"That is no problem at all," I answered. Dominic said he had a date. Ginger told him to take his car and that he would take a taxi home.

Ginger and I walked to my apartment.

Ginger and I were naked in seconds. He outweighed me by 100 pounds or more, but I had dealt with that problem many times before. It was not a problem. Ginger was a closet size queen. He has sent Dominic away because he didn't want to be seen taking a cock. His pals all thought he was 100% top.

When he was sucking me, I held his head. There was a depression on the backside of his head. The wound would have required a long stay in the hospital. I later found out he had been the muscle for big time underworld types. He had suffered brain injury in a fight and lost his edge. That was why he was working for a pimp. He looked scary, but he wasn't fast enough for a real fight.

He wasn't paid much but he had free access to the boys and it gave him something to do. Some of them thought he was a father type. Goodhue Rance was a difficult and nasty type. He entrapped the boys and had them under his control. Ginger wasn't nasty, he just had no problem beating up guys. It was just business for him. If he got paid well, he was happy.

As professional muscle, Ginger was all attitude. The second my cock head touched his hole, the attitude vanished. Once my knob touched his prostate, Ginger turned into jelly. He lost it. He seemed to zone out in a sexual haze. His cock stayed hard and drooled. Every time I made a hard thrust, his cock spurted extra precum.

He also opened wide, but when I went deep, he tightened up and grabbed my cock as I pulled out. That was good. I pulled out and let him catch his breath. I rolled him over and did him doggie style and then rolled him again and did him spread eagled. He liked it all. I liked him on his back, I could play with his cock as I fucked him.

It may sound odd, but I could feel his ass change as I fucked. At first, he gripped my cock. Eventually his sphincter began to caress my cock. It almost kissed my cock. It soon felt as if he had a prehensile ass. It seemed as if he was out of it, but he rotated his ass to get my cock into the hard to reach places. He shivered when I hit a good spot.

We had been at it for an hour when his ass contracted and squeezed my cock. That pulled my trigger and he spurted at the same time. We alternated ejaculations. It felt as if my spurts triggered his volleys.

When he left the apartment, he asked me not to tell anyone about it. I told him I liked it too, and that I didn't kiss and tell.

"Could we do this again?" he asked. I said yes.

I called Juan the next morning. I told him I had made contact with Ginger. He knew of Ginger and told me that Ginger was not the brains of the operation. "Brains are not his strong suit. He is most probably a proxy for the leader. I suspect he's more of a baby sitter than a leader of men."

It was Saturday, but there were thunderstorms in the morning, so I slept late. The weather reports said there was a line of storms coming though in the morning and there would probably be on in the later afternoon. From my balcony, I would see the beach was empty.

I had a call from Bobby who asked if he could come by. He wanted to talk. I was afraid he was feeling guilty about his sexual inclinations did not want to talk to him, but I couldn't figure out a way to say no without seeming like a jerk. He was nearby and I told him to come over. Bobby was with a friend, his best friend Jody.

Bobby wasn't guilty, he was at ease with his sexual tastes, and seemed to feel the urges of a born again gay man. He had told Jody about his experiences and had found a convert. Jody was a slightly overweight bear cub. He looked older than Bobby and Sean, but that may have been because of his beard. He had the ill kept look of a computer nerd.

Like computer nerds everywhere, he had a cyber-sex life, but no real experiences. He was shy and socially inept. He had watched sex on line, but never done it. He worked as a computer repair technician and had been visiting Bobby for the weekend.

We talked for a while. Jody wanted to know how you could tell if a guy wanted to have sex. I told him most guys want to have sex; the problem was finding men who wanted to sex with you in particular. Bobby went to the bathroom, and came back naked and hard. That got thing rolling.

"Could I watch you do it?" Jody asked.

"You can watch if you want, but you need to be naked," I said. "Are you okay with that?" He nodded and we stripped.

Jody looked had the body of a middle aged man, due to the extra weight. He had a full stand of body hair front and back. Fortunately, he had a young man's erection and a good, uncut cock. I was semi hard. When he saw my cock, he smiled and was rock hard seconds later.

Sexually, he was an untried thoroughbred just waiting for the starting gun. He has seen it all on line and wanted to try it. It was complicated at first because both men were hot to trot, so we went to my bedroom where the king size bed was big enough for all three of us.

We formed a mini-daisy chain. I sucked Bobby, Jody sucked me and Bobby sucked Jody. That worked well. We switched and I sucked Jody and Bobby worked on me. Jody's cock was a mouthful. He moaned as I licked his knob. When he began to suck Bobby, he began to ooze precum. I am no fool. Bobby and Jody were in love. That love had been platonic and had just turned sexual.

As with Ginger the night before, you can have a poker face but if your cock is involved, all your cards are on the table. Naked men can't hide anything. Once Jody broke through the shyness, he was enthusiastic and eager.

We sucked each other in every possible combination. Jody shot off and I took his load. He was still hard afterward and ready to do it again. When I stopped sucking, Bobby sucked him and cleaned up the post orgasmic drool.

Next: Chapter 171: Catfish Goes Naked 3

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