Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 5, 2015


Catfish and the Debutant 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Coon and Holland both liked the video. It was not going to win any awards, but Hector had a target audience in mind, and these two men were part of that audience. If you like a graceless, plot less, up-close view of sex, with lots of close ups, an oozing cock, and cum dripping from the ass, this was your sort of video.

Monty's photographic skills surprised me. The video was in focus and he held the cam steady. Hector wanted me to pull out often so Monty could get a detailed shot of Lefty's ass responding to my thrusts. Close ups of an asshole are not everyone's cup of tea in spite of the almost clinical detail of the video, you could tell Lefty loved it. There was sperm and lube everywhere. Iit was clearly a video about an aggressive top and a needy bottom. You could tell.

Coon and Holland loved it. They were not friends who had just dropped by; they were potential participants. They talked continuously during the video. They were both complimentary and technically knowledgeable about the details of capturing sex on video.

The curse of sex videos was that the most intense sexual experiences normally took place hidden from view. The actual orgasms took place in a mouth, ass or cunt. Of course, it was easy to fake this. That was the curse of old porn. The main attraction vanished in the ass or cunt. In many old porn movies it was hard to tell if there was real fucking. If you pulled out, the ejaculation could be captured, but it wasn't the same for the actors. It was a letdown. The best alternative was to pull out, shoot off and then plant the sperm in the hole.

One solution was to hire tops with long cocks. They were easy to photograph. Thus, I could be a star, as long as the public did not mind a big cock on a short, ugly man. The big cock tended to counteract the ugliness. In real life short or thick cocks tend to work just fine, they just are not as photogenic.

Like Lefty, Holland was a needy bottom too, but he had a special skill. He could control his sphincter. Control is not the right word; he could relax it. Once he was stretched wide, he could keep it open after the cock pulled out.

Once Monty discovered Holland's special skill, he figured out ways to photograph it. The thicker the fucker's cock, the wider Holland's ass remained. Apparently, there is an interest in gaping assholes. That was Holland's strong suit. Coon said the video would deserve an Academy Award if there were an award for pure sex, unadulterated by art, plot, or any acting skill. I think he meant that as a compliment.

With five gay men watching a gay porn video, the evening ended as I expected. Holland and Coon began to strip during the video. Hector and I followed their lead, and finally Monty stripped too.

Monty had a nice, long, uncut cock with extra skin, his balls hung low too. I wonder if he could get it hard. Holland was average, but more than adequate. Coon was a surprise. He was well hung with an organ that was almost as long as mine is, but not as thick. While he was not as thick, it was by no means thin. Coon looked at me with a gourmet's eye. He saw me as a main course for a potential dinner and he was experienced and knowledgeable.

Monty's objective was to video my cock shooting into Holland's open ass. He wanted a view of my sperm shooting and splattering into Holland's open rectum. I would then churn it up some and then pull my sperm-slicked cock out of his dripping ass.

There are some thing I will not do sexually. I cannot do pain and I cannot even fake rape. The idea of forcing my cock into an unwilling ass turns me off big time. I lose my erection if I hurt a guy. The open ass and shooting sperm scene was messy and complicated, but that did not bother me at all.

I asked Holland if he had a problem with the proposed scene. He looked me in the eye. "I'm not much of a romantic, but I like sex a lot. I am a happy man when I am hard and being sucked or fucked," he said. "I have no problem at all. I've never done it before, but that is a turn on. Are you okay with it?"

I smiled at him. "It's never been much of a problem before," I replied. Looking back on it later, I realized that all of them saw sex as a job. They were professionals who sold sex. It was an intensely enjoyable job for them. I was an experienced amateur. I never had any problem with group play and I did not mind being watched.

Coon was normally a top, but he was acting as a fluffer this evening. He had no problem getting me hard, although that is rarely a problem. Monty had a hand-held camera and he recorded the scene. Holland was on his hands and knees and he wanted it doggy style. Hector provided some lube and I went to work. Five minutes later my bush was tickling Holland's sphincter.

Holland was a good-looking man, but not my type. He was dressed for the country club and every hair on his head was perfectly manicured. The hairy, chimp-like man fucking a country Club type was good. As soon as I was lodged in his ass, I knew he loved it. It is hard to be Country-club cool when there is a cock up your ass. Holland did not play hard to get or pretend to be a virgin on her first date. He loved cock and I could tell. He was a size queen, but he seemed to zone out when I was fully lodged. He moaned, twitched and shivered, but his eyes had glazed over. He was on automatic pilot. I pulled out a few times because it seemed as if he forgot to breathe, the sensations were so strong.

Coon took a few trips into his rectum. I suspected Coon had a complete knowledge of Holland's sexual anatomy. Coon told me it took a while to relax Holland completely, but he was still enthusiastic. Hector took a few turns too.

Once Holland was open, he stayed open and it was hard for me to work up to an orgasm. It was like fucking a feather pillow, pleasant but not intense. Hector offered to help. Coon continued to fuck Holland as I worked my cock into Hector's behind. Hector was not a natural bottom, but he was a good sport and he was curious. I took my time and got most of my cock in him. He was tight and that was good.

When I was close, I pulled out of Hector and switched asses. Monty was ready with the camera. Aiming an ejaculation is difficult and I thought it was an impossible shot to get, but Monty captured three volleys as they spurted into Holland's ass. The next few splattered on the ass. He pushed me out of the way and took a shot of my cum quivering in Holland's love tunnel. I then returned to the hole and shoved my cock in deep. I pulled out and did it a few more times. I had several later ejaculations.

I was wiped out for a few minutes. Coon rimmed Holland's still-open ass, licking up some of my sperm. The group broke up. I went with Monty to his studio. "Can you make enough money with porn to make a living?" I asked.

"Barely, I take candid photos at parties. That is a more regular source of income," he said. "I did it for a catering group and they seem to have skipped town."

"Do you give them the negatives, or computer files?" I asked.

"Shit no, they only get prints. A photographer never give away the negatives. I keep the originals, they only get a print or a print out," he explained.

"I bet some are really embarrassing?"

"Never underestimate what a person will do when they are drunk," he replied.

"I heard the Belle-Beauregard people were in trouble for blackmail," I said. Monty turned white. "Maybe you should clean out some files."

"Who in hell are you?" he asked.

"You don't need to know that, but I'm giving you good advice," I said. Monty understood. I went to Hector's loft to spend the night. I went to Monty's studio in the morning. He was passed out and snoring. I checked his computer. All of the Belle-Beauregard files were gone. The police could almost certainly recover the files if they wanted them. I doubted they wanted them that badly. Ruining the lives of the victims of blackmail was counterproductive.

The murdered victims were part of the blackmail scheme. If they caught the murderers that would be good, but not high priority. I assumed the police had tapped Monty's phone in case anyone from Belle-Beauregard called him. That would be good, but Monty would be useless as a potential witness. He was safe from jail, assuming he didn't do anything stupid.

Later that day I ran into Fred and Robby on the Battery. They were waiting for a call to give them the location of a party. Apparently, Robby had a party group and he was taking Fred along for the first time. Robby asked if I was interested. I know that I should have declined the invitation, but saying no does not seem to be part of my sexual make up. Robby got call and we went off. Apparently, the host rented a hotel room and then called the participants.

We drove out of the city to a small village 15 miles out to the west and went to a cottage off some dirt roads on a creek. There were three cars parked on the grass. The house was on a rise in what was otherwise a swamp. I recognized George. The men were having a beer. I had the feeling they were waiting for Robby to get the ball rolling. There were three older men. Each was with a much younger man, although Fred was the youngest man there. Aubrey DeVine drove up with two younger men in tow. Henry Miller came right behind DeVine. He had a young Hispanic man with him. Jeb and Calhoun were the last to arrive. They came with two younger men.

"I think we are all ready for some fun, so let's postpone introductions until later," Robby said. "For those of you who are new to the group, this is a free for all. Ask first before you do anything penetrating, but enjoy yourselves. I will make one introduction; this hairball next to me is Catfish. You may have heard that one local operation, Belle-Beauregard, has gone out of business and has fled the country. Catfish had a lot to do with that. As you will soon find out, he is a member of the club. Actually, he is both a member of the club and has one hell of a club hanging between his legs. He's on our side, so give him a nice thank you for pest control." With that comment, Robby stripped. Everyone followed suit.

I had been under the impression that Robby dabbled in man sex. It was clearly more than dabbling. Fred seemed to be relaxed and I remembered he had been relieved to find out his dad shared his sexual interests. Now he was sharing his friends.

Jeb and Calhoun came over to me. "Nice to see you again," Jeb said. "This is my nephew Josh and a cousin Dennis. I told them about you and they didn't believe me." He emphasized that point he took my cock in hand. "Remember boys, he's still soft!"

"Shit, Uncle Jeb, he's hairier than I am!" Josh said. He was a heavy-set, six footer covered in dirty blond hair from head to toe. Dennis was conventionally handsome. Aubrey came over to him and said hello. They went off. I think they knew each other professionally and were willing to turn it into a sexual connection.

One of Aubrey's companions, a man named Biltmore came over to us. He was a well-built black man. He wanted to look at my equipment, but was too polite to stare. Calhoun dropped to his knees and began to suck me.

"Josh is embarrassed to be hairy. He tried to shave it off once, but he got a bad razor burn and gave up," Jeb said. "Hairy men can have fun too." He glanced at Biltmore. "Of course being horse hung is always good!"

"It's not how big it is but how you make it big," Biltmore said. He was firming up. He dropped to his knees and buried his face his the golden bush at Josh's crotch. The black man had no problem with the redneck meat. After a while, he stopped sucking Josh. Josh was fully erect and looking good. It seemed that cock sucking was this group's equivalent of shaking hands.

One of Aubrey's companions had come in with a duffle bag. He had been busy in a corner with another man. They moved out of the way and they had built an elegant, wooden sling in what looked like Danish Modern. I had never seen anything like it. It caused a stir and we went over to see it.

"It had been tested, but never had a real workout," the man who assembled it said.

"Karl, it's fucking beautiful!" Aubrey said. "Could you make me one, perhaps in Chinese Chippendale?" The men burst out in laughter.

"Okay, who is going to get in for a maiden voyage?" Karl asked.

"I can't do maiden anymore!" Aubrey said. There was more laughter.

"I'll do it," a man I did not know said. He was an older, bland looking man.

"I thought you were a top Johnny?" Jeb asked.

"I have been learning new tricks!" Johnny replied. He climbed into the sling. Fred was first in line. Johnny looked really happy about that. Fred was a polite and gentle fucker, but it intensified as he built up steam. The party intensified at the same time.

At first, I thought the men were shy and inexperienced. This illusion did not last. They were conventional men who were mostly closeted and uneasy about their sexual preferences. It took them a little while to warm up. Once they were up to speed, it was clear they were into it big time. The older men were more experienced than the younger men, but the younger men were not shrinking violets by any means. You could say they all rose to the occasion.

I discovered this was a version of father-son night. Fred was the only son, but nephews and cousins were there as well as men who were willing to pretend to be sons. The young men were in their twenties or thirties. There were no cradle robbers in the group. I asked Robbie if he or Fred were uneasy.

"We were, but that passed quickly," he explained. "We both lived in dread that the other would discover the secret. It was an incredible relief to get it out in the open. I told him I would never have sex with him. We are both adults, but that is not in the cards. He told me he would have had a hard time saying no, but he was relieved."

"I suspect few men would say no to you?" I observed. "Do you have a problem with trophy hunters?"

He smiled. "When I was younger and on the team there were football groupies who were trying to get fucked by each member of the team. It was like collecting baseball cards, except they wanted sperm in place of the cards. That turned me off. When I got older, there were men in the health club who were turned on by a former pro player. I assume you attract size-queens who are hoping to get Mount Everest shoved up their ass?"

At that point, Henry Miller and his friend came up to talk with Robby. Henry's friend was interested in Robby so I went off. Johnny was out of the sling. Karl, one Aubrey's friends had taken his spot. I went over to Johnny.

"The sling looks good, was it comfortable?" I asked. Johnny looked at my face and was unimpressed. He then looked at my cock and mellowed.

"It was comfortable. I tend to be a romantic, and the sling turns sex into a mechanical process."

"Does that offend you?" I asked.

"I thought it would, but I was surprised at how much affection a hard cock can express," he said. Johnny looked at my semi-erect cock again. "You sure have a lot of affection hanging between your legs. By the way, you did the city a service by taking care of Belle-Beauregard."

"Did you use their services?" I asked. He nodded. "It is really unlikely that they will come back to town. You can relax if you have a . . . problem."

"You know about the problem?" he whispered.

"It is not a problem anymore," I said. "Blackmail and tax evasion are not their only problems. They are on the run and they will be on the run for a while. A return to the United States is not in the cards."

"I like them young," Johnny said. "The guy was in his twenties, but looked younger. That could have been a real problem."

How much did they hit you up for?"

"$20,000.00," he replied.

"If things work out right, you might get some back," I said. "They don't know where they stashed the money."

"I don't want it back. If I never get a cent back it would be just fine as long as the whole thing disappears," he said. He went off looking for a "son" to play with.

A dapper, older man came over to me. I would guess he was in his later sixties. He was naked, but every hair on his body was in place. "I'm Wilfred. Robbie said you were a good man. I thought you looked a bit scary.

A younger man joined us. "Hi, I'm Wilfred's nephew, Guy," he said. "Wilfred likes men who are preppy and cute. He is a bit of a size queen too. He wanted to see you close up. I hope you aren't offended." Guy was about forty years old, well groomed and his chest hair had been manscaped. Oddly, even naked you sensed he was a golfer. He was also well equipped. He must have made friends in the shower room.

"My cock sometimes attracts sightseers. That doesn't bother me," I said. We had a pleasant conversation. Wilfred was a retired doctor and his interest in my cock was anatomical. He thought it would be nice in a museum. Karl walked by and Wilfred went after him. Karl was downright pretty.

"Wilfred likes men who are young and virginal,' Guy whispered.

"I suspect Karl's virgin days are well behind him," I said.

Guy chuckled. "I should have said he likes men who look virginal. I excite him and that train left the station years ago. It is a fantasy," Guy said. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

Then he whispered, "Wilfred was one of Belle-Beauregard's patrons. He lost a lot of money. He was afraid they would expose him as a homosexual. Everyone knew that, but he thought he was deep in the closet and no one would guess. "I'm an accountant and do his bookkeeping. Most of his payments to them were directly to the firm, but there was a problem once and he sent the check to another group," I heard that the police are looking for the money," he said as he fondled my balls.

"Do you remember the name of the bank?" I asked.

"I am a fucking accountant; of course I remember the name. It was in the name of BB Enterprises, and the account was in Caribbean Bank and Trust. They are the State side branch for some of the more suspect West Indian tax shelter banks," he said. "Are your balls filled?"

"Yes they are," I said. "I shoot a big load. Are you into the cock or the cream?"

"Cream," he said. "I do like your dispenser too." We went to a quiet corner of the room. He dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock. TJ seemed to have a detachable lower jaw and he had no problem sucking me. He came close to deep throating me, and then did a convincing imitation of a vacuum cleaner. We ended up on the floor and got in the 69 position. He was able to take it all from that angle.

He asked me to warn me when I was close. I assumed he wanted to pull off. When I told him I was close, he pulled off part way to make sure a came in his mouth, not down his throat. He took and loved every drop. If he could have gotten his tongue into my balls and licked up the still forming sperm, he would had done it. When the party broke up, he slipped me a piece of paper with the bank account information and his phone number.

Next: Chapter 169: Catfish Goes Naked 1

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