Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 24, 2014


Catfish and the Debutant 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Aubrey did not know a photographer named Montclair, but he knew one named Monty Carey. Montgomery Carey had been an up and coming glamour photographer decades earlier until Demon Rum got to him. Drinking increased his libido, and he had been charged for rape. He was found innocent, but he lost most of his clients and took to making porn and taking candid photos at parties. His porn career took a hit with the advent of the internet, but he struggled along somehow. He was good about developing film for other men, no questions asked, but digital had done that in, too.

Aubrey said his porn operation was named "The No Holds Barred Studio." It did gay and straight porn for persons with specialized tastes. This included morbidly obese women and sex between street people. Aubrey knew one of Cary's clients, Hector. He liked to pick up derelicts and pay them $100.00 to see how far they would go sexually.

I wanted to get in the studio and see what was up. Aubrey called Hector and said he had a down-and-out laborer he would like. I talked with Hector and he was interested. I had spent the morning in the sooty ruins of the cabana and I looked the part. He lived nearby and I walked over to see him.

Hector lived in a loft apartment in a warehouse near the river. The man had asked me to stand in front of a house across the street so they could look me over. If I was what they wanted, they would ask me in. I said I wanted twenty bucks for just showing up. That was okay with him. A man came out and asked me in. He said his name was Lefty. He was a huge, wrestler type. Lefty took me into the building and introduced me to Hector. He was perhaps fifty-five and had been handsome.

I had a strong feeling Lefty was his bodyguard. I told Hector I had some bad luck and needed some cash bad.

"I'll give you $100.00 if you will get naked and have sex with me in front of a camera," he said. "Have you had some fun with men before?"

"I've had a blow job," I said.

"Have you given a blow job?" he asked.

"A couple of times," I replied. "It was okay. I like to fuck."


"As long as the hole is tight I don't give a shit!" I said. I was not talkative, but I wanted to give the impression that I was more experienced than I let on.

"Do you bottom?" Hector asked.

After a long pause I answered, "That might take another hundred, but I could do it."

"I can do that," he said. "I could also give you $25.00 for each time you shoot off and $50.00 if you take my load."

"In the mouth or in the ass?" I asked.

"Either is good for me," Hector said. "Lefty likes a trip on the wild side once and a while too. I'll give you the same fee for taking his sperm." I said that was fine for me. He was pleased. "I have a good photographer who does a professional job. He's in the next loft. Are you ready to make some money?"

I said I was. Things moved along quickly. I assumed Hector wanted it over before his actors had a second thought. Hector made a call to Monty and asked if he was available for a video. He was free and lived in the unit behind Hector's loft. Monty was in his sixties and I could tell he drank. He could have been one of Hector's street people. The studio consisted of a dirty office and a big, black room with a mock-up of a motel room.

Hector played the role of an interviewer and asked me questions as Monty ran the cameras. After three or four minutes, he asked me to strip.

"I get $100.00 for that, right?" I asked. Hector took out a $100.00 bill and gave it to me. I stripped.

"You're a fucking gorilla!" Hector said as he saw my pelt. Then he saw my cock. His interest in me increased. "Can you get that thing up?" he asked. Lefty moaned a heartfelt, "Oh baby," off camera.

"I sure can and it still can get hard as a rock," I said.

"Stop everything, I fucking ran out of tape," Monty said.

"Get a new tape, damn it!" Hector exclaimed.

"I have a little credit problem," Monty said, "Can you help me out?" After some animated conversation, Hector and Cary left and went to get new tape. I was alone in the studio with Lefty.

"I guess we can get some coffee in the office," Lefty said. I did not get dressed. I figured Lefty would like that. He liked the view of my naked body. The office coffee pot was broken. He said he would go to a sandwich shop around the corner. I said I could use a sandwich.

"You won't run away?" he asked.

"I've got another "$100.00 coming. That will keep me in clover for a few weeks," I said. Lefty left and I went looking around in Monty's office.

The A to F file drawer was open and the Belle-Beauregard files took up most of the drawer. There were many bills to Belle-Beauregard, but the Job file was also thick. I found a file labeled Jefferson. In it was a bill for $700.00 marked "paid" and six contact sheets. The photos were bigger than a conventional contact sheets and I found pictures of Mr. Jefferson with Tammy. Tammy was spread-eagled with her skirt pulled up and showing all. Jefferson was on his knees with his tongue sticking out. The pictures were not artistic and were not subject to any possible interpretation other than the obvious. I looked at George's file and found a picture of him with a cock in his mouth.

The contact sheet had a file number. Monty had left his computer running and I went hunting for the digital files. I found the files easily and sent all of his job files to my office. I then deleted my e-mail from his sent folder. I had a chance to call my office on my cell and tell them what to expect. I turned my cell off and hid it in my clothes. I was sitting back in a chair when Lefty returned with coffee and a sandwich.

Hector and Monty returned with additional tape and we renewed the interview. I did not want to do a porn film, but I had just discovered the raw materials for the blackmail scheme. I had been eager to get the cash for the porn scene, and I needed to maintain my assumed character. If there ever was a weak link in a criminal enterprise, Monty was it. He might be useful. I went ahead with the shoot.

Behind the camera, Monty turned professional. Once he was working, he stopped being a drunk, and was in control. It was a glorified home movie in some ways, but he had worked it out carefully. He had two cameras in fixed positions that did overall views. He had a remote control that adjusted them for close ups. He controlled a third camera to get into much closer shots. He had seemed shaky talking with Hector before the shoot. Once he had a camera in his hand, his hand was steady.

Hector was the star of the show. He was comfortable being naked and erect. He had done this sort of movie before and had a plan. Hector was into oral and he was a top. There was an informal rule in gay porn that the bigger the cock the better the sales. Hector did not bottom, and my cock in an ass would improve sales. Luckily, Lefty was a part of the plan. Lefty was my favorite type of gay man, a size queen. He had no skills as an actor at all, but he was horny as hell. He was all but mesmerized by a big cock and was willing to do anything to get it in his ass.

In Hector's usual format, he played a director interviewing potential porn stars. The filming purported to be of an audition. Hector had a second set of videos called the Mystery Man series. In these, Lucky played an inexperienced innocent who had anonymous sex with a masked fucker. During the course of a Mystery Man video, Lefty turned from being a shocked librarian type to a libertine who craved anal sex. The Mystery Man videos were popular and sold better and at a higher price than the fake audition tapes. The mystery man wore a leather mask. That suited me just fine.

In the Mystery Man scenario, Hector played the role of an old friend who hires a man to cure his best friend of a serious case of virginity. Hector told me that his pal wanted it bad, but was far too timid to participate in a sexual act. The plot was not convincing, but that is never a problem in porn.

Monty's studio had a shower in a corner. I think Monty lived in the studio and this was his personal shower, but it provided a set. Lefty was taking a shower and I joined him. Lefty could not act at all, but when I entered the shower, his cock did his acting for him. Monty's strong suit was close ups. This was not the Gloria Swanson, "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille," sort of shot. Monty specialized in cocks, and he captured Lefty's cock as it grew.

I dropped to my knees and sucked on Lefty's tool. It was on the high side of average and he was already oozing precum by the time my tongue touched it. The mask was annoying and hot, but my mouth was free and I could deep throat him easily. Once and a while Lefty would try to add a line of dialog, such as, "This feels much better than I thought it would, Mystery Man." That was not successful, but he also moaned a lot and told me to do it again. That worked.

Lefty then sucked me and his portrayal of a sex-crazed sucker could not have been more successful. He came close to deep throating me. Hector was acting as a cheerleader and coach, telling Lefty what to do. I will say Lefty's acting abilities increased when I had his legs on my shoulders and my cock at his hole. He was into it.

This is when Monty demonstrated his abilities with up close and personal photography. I fucked Lefty in every possible position with Monty and Hector looking for the best shots of my cock and Lefty's ass. The first trip into his ass took some work. Hector wanted me to shove it in hard, but I took my time.

With each successive penetration, it was easier and Lefty enjoyed it more. He was a master bottom and a full participant. Sometimes he relaxed and he let my cock glide in. Other times he was tight and gripped my tool. His anus was a mouth that almost kissed my cock. Several times Lefty's ass stayed open when I pulled out. When that happened, Monty took a shot looking into his rectum. The second time he took the shot he captured my cream quivering in his ass. Again, it was not pretty, but you sure knew it was real fucking, not a staged simulation.

My fears of not being able to maintain an erection[BW1] vanished. I discovered I was capable of multiple orgasms too. I could have been a contender in the porn world, were it not for being ugly. Hector mentioned that my charms were for the specialist, not the public. That was a nice way to put it.

My cock is impressive rather than pretty but it looked like an oversized dildo when coated in lube. I was hard as a rock and the lube glistened. Hector loved that. He knew his audience well. While the video was not arty, it was most detailed anatomically and it focused on Lefty's quivering ass. That apparently would be a crowd pleaser too. I did not have any problem staying hard when necessary and I shot off three times.

Hector and Lefty were unexpectedly nice and considerate. Hector rear-ended me while I was screwing Lefty. He had a good-sized organ and it fit well. I do not like surprise attacks from the rear, but it was good and I did not complain.

Monty was competent when he was behind a camera. It was as if automatic pilot took over when he found a camera. He seemed to have a knack for getting the perfect shot. I shot off when I pulled out of lefty. His hole was still open and several volleys of my sperm squirted into his rectum. His anus began to close and my semen splattered against that. I shoved my cock into him again, planting the seed deeper in his body. Monty got the shot. He was in rough physical shape and I had a feeling he was not long for this world. I guessed he was well beyond the point of no return physically; the damage was done and could not be reversed.

Hector had a fetish for down and out men. They excited him sexually. He paid them partially because they need the money, but also because it gave them a good excuse to have sex with a man. He told me that very few had any problems with man sex. He helped some get jobs, if that was possible.

Lefty was one of Hector's success stories. He was a former Marine who had post-traumatic stress syndrome and was gay. Lefty was Hector's bodyguard, lover and sometimes his protector.

After the video session, I went back to the dorm. I assumed that since Belle-Beauregard was out of business, the vandalism would stop. My job was done; the remaining work was up to the Charleston Police Department. I called Sally and asked if any more poison pen letters had arrived. She did not think so. She told me she had heard some wild stories about Bell-Beauregard. I told her that I would not go there. She understood. "It is bad, isn't it?" she asked.

"A lot of people could be hurt with no benefit to anyone," I said.

The next day I met with Tommy Gerard and I told him about the photos and Monty. He knew Monty, but said porn wasn't illegal and Monty would be useless in a court case. "If I asked him to state his name, he could get confused. I told him I had the raw materials for blackmail, but he did not want it unless it was necessary.

"We discovered three deaths were related. They were staged accidents. There were many problem photographs, but two of the deaths occurred before some of them were taken. "I think the murders were due to greed, not an infuriated victim," Tommy said. "These were well planned hits, not spur of the moment things. A victim would be more likely to kill someone in a rage, not plan it out in advance."

"Do you have any leads on the murderers?" I asked.

"We do. A local hit man is associated with a drug smuggling operation here. We don't know his name, but we know his M.O. He does accidents and works for Estevan Morale, a smuggler-drug dealer. Belle-Beauregard catered Estevan's daughter's wedding three years ago. That was three months before the first murder. We want Belle-Beauregard. They were paying for the hit."

Tommy asked me how I got in with Monty and Hector. I told him about the Mystery Man video.

"I've heard of undercover police work, but that is way under cover," he remarked.

"To tell you the truth, nothing was covered up at all," I said.

Tommy laughed. "Did you find a contact number or e-mail for Belle-Beauregard?" he asked. I told him no.

"Is there any chance you could keep thing going with Monty? I was thinking they might want to keep the blackmail going, long-distance." He looked at me and added, "That may sound crass. I know you aren't a professional porn actor."

"I'm not exactly a virgin," I said. "I was afraid I might not be able to do it on camera."

"Was that a problem?" Tommy asked.

"Not at all," I said.

"None of our undercover people could do that. If they did and word got out in the department, life would be hell for them. You are from out of town and not on the City payroll," he said. "Any chance you could hang around and do a little more snooping at Monty's studio? I think they might keep in contact with Monty. If the photos are as incriminating as you say they are they could be a cash cow."

"I assume they have done well enough," I said.

"Is there any scam artist or blackmailer who has ever had enough?" Tommy asked.

"You have a point there," I said. I agreed to spend another week there. I do not like blackmailers and if there was a chance to get them out of commission, I was willing to help. Hector wanted to do another video. I was thinking that my video with Lefty had been interesting. I laughed to myself. It had been interesting, but it had also been hot and exciting. Hector told me he had a friend or two who would like to co-star with me. He also had told me that I could stay with him, if I needed a crash pad. I told him I would think about it.

I went to Pinkney's office and told him that my job was done. I said I might be staying around Charleston for a little while to see the city.

I went back to the dorm. It was quiet there. The party season was in two-week lull. The regular staff was busy with smaller events. Pinkney was happy to have me there in case something popped up. I was alone in the dorm except for Mason. I took a shower and Mason joined me. He had never done that before.

"My brother said you were fun," he said. "I'm not into redneck sex, but he said you were worth it," he reached over and fondled my cock.

"All sperm is white," I said. "Is this interest in me curiosity or lust?" he smiled.

"Is there any difference between a curious and a lusty cock?" he asked. His cock was rock hard, so we stopped talking. Mason was a leader of men and ruled the Dorm completely. I knew he topped, but discovered he loved the bottom, when he was along without an audience. We were along and he wanted to be dominated.

I am not into role-playing or master-slave fantasies. Luckily, when my cock is deep in a man's ass, that does enough dominating for most men. Mason was tight and it took some work to get in him. He wanted it badly and a little pain enhanced the sensations. I took him on the grand tour, fucking him form the rear, side and front. I liked him on his back so I would play with his impressive tool as I pounded him. He also wanted my special brew in him and once I shot off, he wanted me to churn it up some.

That evening I went by Hector's place and told him I would take him up on his offer of a crash pad.

"You know I'm into sex big time," he said. "I have some friends who are into it even more than I am. Is that a problem?"

"I kind of doubt it," I replied. I moved into his apartment. He cooked a good dinner for Lefty and me. After dinner, Monty came over with a preliminary edit of the movie. A little later two men dropped in. One was named Harry Holland and the other was called Coon. Holland was a stage name. He picked this name from the Holland Tunnel. His ass was commodious and photogenic. Coon was almost as attractive as I am. He was short, squat, fat and hairy. He wore a Hawaiian style shirt, unbuttoned. Both men were retired from mainstream porn, but they were still interested.

Next: Chapter 168: Catfish and the Debutant 7

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