Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 24, 2014


Catfish and the Debutant 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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George wanted the three of us, Robby, Fred and I, to share his ass. I was the smallest man there, but I had the biggest cock, so I went last. During a break in the action, Robby went get some Cokes.

"Did watching me and your Dad go at it bother you?" George asked Fred in a whisper. Fred shook his head.

"It was okay," Fred said. "I didn't know he was so into it. It was a relief to realize we like the same things." When Robby returned he played the role of teacher, giving his son helpful hints. Robby knew George well and he knew how to ring his chimes. He shared this information with Fred. Robby would demonstrate a technique and then pull out so Freddy could try it. Robby got carried away and popped, filling George with his cream. Fred took his place and I think he liked using his Dad's cum as lubricant. That was good for George too. When Fred pulled out it was my turn.

While my cock was bigger than any George had taken before, Robby and Fred's loads had slicked up the way. It was messy with semen squeezing out as I went in, but it was easier than I thought it would be. The pleasure was so extreme, George came close to passing out,. There was barely room for my cock and his prostate, so the pressure on that little gland was intense. It was good for me, but I didn't feel the urge to climax. It was a long session.

Fred and Robby were talking and drinking a coke on the other side of the room. I pulled out of George to let him breathe.

"Can you tell me about Belle-Beauregard?" I asked. "Do they have their hooks in you?"

"Who in hell are you?" he asked. He looked frightened and worried. I shoved my cock deep into him.

"I'm on your side. I'm investigating a catering-blackmail scheme," I said. "I'm not with the police. You aren't in trouble with me. I need some leads." I pulled out.

"It was Tony Jarvis. He was the project manager for a big corporate event. He was nice and friendly. We connected. I actually thought he loved me," George said.

"There were pictures?" I asked.

George nodded. "Tony comes back for money every few months. My wife has 51% of the stock in my company. She is not sexual at all, but she is possessive. We have one daughter."

"Where were the pictures taken?" I asked.

"It was at an apartment in a house near the Battery. I found out Belle-Beauregard owns the place. Tony said it was for out-of-town guests. They use it for special guests, such as the family of the groom," George said. "The room must have had a two-way mirror. Tony said they had a video too."

"That is real helpful," I said. "I need to get back home. Would you mind if I gave your prostate a sperm bath?" He smiled. I was close and it only took a dozen thrusts. He moaned each time I ejaculated so I knew he could feel it. I pulled out and went to the showers. When I left, Robby was fucking George as Fred sucked George's cock. They were three happy men.

I had the night off, but Jeb called me and asked me over to their motel room. They had been drinking a little, but they were in much better shape than the night before. I asked them if they had been at a party.

"Yep, this was a dress-up affair at a private club. It was okay, but nothing great," Calhoun said. "The food was better at your party. I let my eyes linger too long on a waiter's crotch. He copped a feel later on. It was odd."

"Was he good looking?" I asked.

"He was a pretty boy, real pretty. It seemed to me that he was too pretty to be interested in me," Calhoun added. "I look like something the cat dragged in and it was not a particularly picky cat. The waiter gave me the, "I'm attracted to distinguished looking older men," line. Jeb can look okay if the lights are low. I look like a redneck auto-mechanic."

"A waitress came on to me too," Jeb said. "I was near my sister and it could have been embarrassing. I like to keep my sex life and family life separate. There are women who try to hit you up for a better price on a car. I had a nephew who was delivering pizzas. He told me a woman offered to let him fuck her for a free pizza. I told him to avoid her. If she would do that for pizza, her cunt was probably calloused. Can you imagine what she would have done at Best Buy shopping for a television?" We all laughed.

I asked them more about the party, but they were not good on details. They did know the wait staff had uniforms with a B-B monogram on them. They thought it was named Bell-Bow or Ben-Bow.

We had a good time. Jeb and Calhoun were comfortable with messing around. It was pure, getting your rocks off fucking for them. They liked me because I was willing, hung and new. They had been messing around since they were teenagers and some variety was nice. I did notice that once my cock was in the ass, things intensified. That always happens when you get near an orgasm, but they were close friends. Neither man objected to being fucked. They liked watching the other take me. Neither one had much trouble taking me.

The next morning I saw the local paper with the headline, "Local Businessman Dies in Hit and Run." The picture was of the codger I had overheard complaining about the blackmail attempt at the party two days earlier. The man had been drunk and not at all careful. Someone else must have over heard him. I went to Pinkney and told him about it.

Pinkney made a call. Ten minutes later a Charleston detective, Tommy Gerard, came to see me. I told him about the conversation, and that I was a detective from Richmond doing a favor for a friend. Tommy was not too sure about that. I gave him a name to call in Richmond to check up on me. The number was for the Richmond Police, and I told him to talk to Captain Miller.

He called it right off. Miller's voice carries and I heard him asking, "Is he really short and ugly?" Gerard said yes. Miller vouched for me.

Tommy warmed up to me. I told him what I doing. The vandalism and poison pen letters seemed to be minor. The potential prostitution and blackmail might be the reason for the problems. The profits in expensive catering can only be so much. Blackmail has a much higher profit margin. I also mentioned the deaths of former Belle-Beauregard employees.

He had not made the connection. Like many police forces, they did not pay much attention to murders associated with "lifestyle" problems such as drugs, prostitution and alcoholism. The drug and vice squads usually handled those crimes. Tommy knew of the deaths, but was not that familiar with the details. Most prostitution deaths were related to prostitute-pimp interpersonal relationships, or a bad John. The police focused more on crimes that could affect the city's tourist business.

Since I was already on the inside of the catering business, Tommy asked me to keep him up-to-date. He would pull the cases together and see what they had. He told me that Belle-Beauregard catered the annual Police Ball. He knew what that could potentially mean and was unhappy about it.

This was the day of Sally's party so I went with a large group to do the final work. They installed all the fresh flowers and fragile decorations at the last minute. There had been a thunderstorm the night before and I was to clean up the debris. When we drove up there was another problem. The house sat behind a stucco covered wall. Overnight, vandals have covered it with memorably vile graffiti. I immediately noticed it was in high gloss paint that would show up even when painted over.

I had some experience with vandalism and I knew what paint would cut the gloss and allow you to cover it. it was a time consuming process. I thought Pinkney would had a fit when he saw it. The wall was a hundred feet long, fifty feet on each side of the entrance gates. Pinkney was calm and collected. He was a problem solver. He decided I would clean up the area near the gate and he would cover up the rest. He called a theatrical supply place for draperies, and he called a tree nursery. The nursery had a large shipment of big trees ready to go out next week.

An hour later, two vans arrived. One was filled with the paint remover and paint. The other had eight men he picked up from a temp agency. Actually, there were six men and two women. Most were Latino. We went to work. Luckily, Eleanor could speak Spanish, and was helpful. The wall was in full sun and the heat was brutal. Eleanor sent cold drinks out from the house and that was appreciated. Eleanor had some of her mother's skills and was a hard worker. An hour later, a large truck filled with trees arrived along with heavy equipment to put them in place.

The landscape supervisor was a young guy named Phil, who was on the ball. Landscapers are usually anti-graffiti and anti-vandalism. He didn't just plop the trees down, he designed an impressive screen of trees. He could speak Spanish and he got along well with my crew. One of my men, Juan, was a natural leader and they worked well together. Fred and Robby came to look over the damage and they joined the crew. Robby took over providing drinks and food for the crew working on the wall.

I went in the yard to work on the storm damage. It was not bad, except for one tree. I had Phil look at it. He told me what to do and I began to prune. The party began at eight. The wall looked great by six. You could not tell there had been a problem and the landscaping looked as if it had been there for years.

The Latinos painting the walls were good workers and most had a job when they went home that night. The neighbors had hired them for projects. Phil ran out of business cards. Everyone wanted him to do some landscape work. One neighbor had videotaped the vandalism and the repair work.

This was not a beer type party, so I was doing the trash hauling and janitorial sort of work. Of course, everyone knew about the vandalism, but the repair effort had been so impressive, it overshadowed the crime. The neighbor's video was on the television that night and it was a sensation. It was almost time lapse.

The party was also a success for both Pinckney and Sally. It was beautiful and elegant. It was less boozy than I would have thought, and Eleanor looked great. Everyone was happy. After the clean-up, I returned to the dorm and showered. Everyone was too tired to do anything but go to bed.

The next day we started the preparations for a country club ball. This was going to be in a tent, so I was working with the erection crew. The tent suppliers did most of the work but I was helping with the special items needed for electrical and sound connections.

The country club staff was a bit snotty, but two of the members of the board were exceptionally difficult. Armstead and Wallace were old members. Some of the debs' parents had been denied membership in the club. The club was restricted with no Jews and no Black people. It is a sad situation when the debutants in a Southern city are considered liberals. The country club board voted to allow the ball since it paid a substantial fee. The two members who had voted against it were not much into majority rule.

The main complaint was that the tent was ripping up the lawn. It was a good lawn, but nor a great one. I was doing lawn repair after the minor damage due to the tent erection. Pinkney had me do this to sooth the two men. It was a wasted effort since they had no intention to be soothed. They were consistently rude and abusive to me. I was a pipsqueak and twerp, and the tent men were rednecks and wetbacks. The men, Armstead and Wallace, were over six feet tall and overweight.

I quickly figured out that this was purely recreational on their part. It got worse as the day wore on and turned much worse after the bar opened. The supervisor of the tent crew, Luther, wanted to beat them up. I told him not to worry. I had been dealing with bullies for years and it was not a problem. Some of the club members began to take offence. Several came over and apologized to me. There was a minor women's tournament in progress. The club manager came out and told Armstead and Wallace they were too loud and were bothering other members. The men went back to the bar.

By two in the afternoon, the bar had been open for three hours and they were obviously drunk. They returned to their harassment. The president of the club and three board members tried to talk with them. This induced a major outbreak of obscenity. Sally was in the Club House and came by to see what was going on. Sally did not suffer fools gladly and had standards. She joined the fray saying the language was inappropriate.

Wallace called her a fucking bitch. Then, he took a swing at her. He missed Sally, but he broke the nose of the club president. The other men were stunned. This sort of thing did not happen at this sort of club. A foursome of women had been watching and ran over towards us with clubs in hand. Wallace was trying to get at Sally. I jumped on his back to distract him.

The tent crew had been watching, but they were more than ready to deal with the problem. In some ways, it was lucky that the tent men reached the drunks before the women golfers. Golf clubs could had done some real damage.

Luther intercepted a fist aimed at Sally, and then he landed a heavy blow to Wallace's gut followed by a second blow to his chin. He broke the jaw. After one punch from one of the Latino tent men, Armstead rolled up in a ball on the ground and begged the men not to hurt him. They didn't hit him much.

I heard a siren. Police officers appeared and ran over to us. It was an ideal crime scene with an oversupply of witnesses. The club president had a concussion in addition to the broken nose. He went off to the hospital. That turned the event into serious case of assault and battery.

We went back to work finishing the tent by five, when Pinkney's lighting crew arrived. I was filthy and hot after an entire day in the sun and dirt. I was ready to go home. One of the board members came over to me.

"I can't tell you how sorry we are about this episode," he said. "I am John Wills, I am the vice-chair of the board."

"They call me Catfish," I said. "There are assholes everywhere. It's not your fault."

"In some ways it is our problem. We have been putting up with them for years. I knew there was a problem, but they are old members from good families," he said. "I should have said something." He looked me over. He did a little double take when he saw my basket. "You look like you need a drink."

"Something cool would be nice," I said.

"I live on the course, be my guest," he said. We walked to his house. He lived in a Spanish type house wrapped around a courtyard with a pool. The courtyard was walled and well landscaped. It was beautiful. "There is a shower in the corner if you want to rinse off. Take a swim."

"No trunks!" I said.

"This is a nude pool whenever my wife is away. She is in Texas seeing her folks." John said. He paused. "I should warn you. When I see a naked man for the first time, I sometimes get hard. Don't be offended."

"I think of that as just being friendly," I said. John went to get the drinks. The shower was the corner surrounded by Tropical plants. I rinsed off.

John joined me. He was an average man in most respects, but he was well tanned, toned and in good shape. John did not play hard to get, and he wasn't shy. He was fully erect and he didn't even pretend to be uninterested in my equipment.

"Is it what you expected?" I asked.

"It's about four inches more than I expected. I didn't guess you were uncut," he said. "I wasn't sure it was real. What is it like when it's hard?" He did not wait for an answer. John dropped to his knees and sucked the tip of the foreskin into his mouth. John knew what he was doing and I soon had me up.

"Do you like uncut cocks?" I asked.

He looked up from his sucking duties. "I do now," he answered. "Damn, you're a heavy leaker. It's sweet. I didn't think it would be so sweet. You're so . . ."

"I take it you don't mind an ugly man who is well hung?" I asked.

"Have I offended you?" John asked.

"To tell you the truth; it's real hard for me to be offended by a man who is sucking my cock," I said. "By the way I shoot a huge load. I can deliver it to your mouth or ass."

"Do you take your time?" he asked. He returned to sucking without answering. We went into the pool to cool off, but John had a hard time keeping away from my cock.

"I'm not much of a bottom," he finally said. "I've done it but it wasn't that good."

"That's not a problem," I said. "We all have our likes and dislikes."

"I have a friend who likes being fucked a lot. He's a size queen too. I could call him," he added. We talked a little while and he called his friend. Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. The man's name was Norm, and he was incredibly well groomed. Some have described me as shaggy and natural. That is better than ugly as shit. Norm did not seem to notice that; he didn't look at anything but my cock. He had that, "Oh my god, I found the Holy Grail look," on his face.

John liked to suck, but he loved to watch. To say that Norm was all hot, bothered and very responsive understates the case. He was tight and it took some work, but I worked every inch into him and he loved it. I screwed him for almost fifteen minutes before I popped and filled him with sperm. When I pulled out Norm's hole didn't close up and sperm drooled from his ass. That excited John. Norm went home and I played with John a little more and then left.

Norm was waiting for me outside. He wanted more. I followed him home. He lived about a mile away in a more ordinary neighborhood. His house was hidden from the street, the landscaping was so dense. He was on a small lot, so it was almost jungle-like. Inside it was nice and filled with photos. Norm was the morning news and weather person on a local television channel. A man entered the room.

"Catfish this is my partner, Terry," Norm said. "We all like the same things." Terry was six-feet tall, 250 pounds and looked like the missing link. His eyes and teeth were the only parts of him that were not covered in curly, reddish-brown hair. We shook hands.

"If we like the same things, let's do it!" he said as he unbuttoned his shirt. Terry was not into small talk.

"Damn, you've got a big one," he said when he saw me naked. "Norm, do you want us to tag team you?"

"I sure do," Norm replied. "He has cum in me already. I'm lubricated,"

"Hot damn," Terry said. Norm bent over and Terry shoved his cock into the broadcaster's ass. Terry's cock was not as big as mine is, but he was not a small boy. Norm moaned in pleasure. "Damn, you are nice and juicy," he said. "I love to fuck, but I like to suck too," Terry added. "Get closer."

He pushed Norm onto his hands and knees and continued to fuck as he tried to swallow my cock. He took it all, and enjoyed it. We traded places and he loved watching my cock vanish into his partner's ass. When I was ready to shoot he wanted me to pull out, squirt on Norm's hole and then push it in. I did and he loved it.

I stayed there for two hours and we tried it all. Norm liked it all as did Terry. Terry rear-ended me as I fucked Norm and later I did the same to him. Jon told me that was a special occasion. Terry only rarely entertained on the rear porch. I had turned him on.

During a break, we talked. Terry was a bouncer at local nightclubs. He was going to school to become a mental health nurse. That was unexpected. I told him I was working for Pinkney. I asked if there were other party planners.

"There is another one, Belle something or other. You aren't their type," Terry said. "They like their waiters pretty. They wouldn't use me as a bouncer. I am not pretty enough. They wanted a smooth body builder. They also like folks who will put out for a client. Some of them get big bonuses."

"How big is big?"

"I heard on guy bragging that he could get a thousand or fifteen hundred. I assume that is full Monte and deep penetration," Terry said.

"Shit, I do that for free!" I replied. Terry burst out laughing. They were both nice people. Norm was a complete straight arrow with the exception of his sexual needs. He was a Southern Baptist who sang in the choir and was shocked to discover that a cock in his ass made life complete for him. Terry was trailer park trash who discovered a better life with Norm.

Next: Chapter 166: Catfish and the Debutant 5

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