Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 13, 2014


Catfish and the Debutant 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I returned to the dorm and had another good dinner. Things were relaxed there, but Mason told me things would get frantic as the weekend approached. There were three parties on the schedule: a wedding reception, a corporate reception and a small birthday event. The next week had Sally's garden party and a big wedding anniversary.

Pinkney worked with several caterers who provided the food, but he provided the serving staff. He liked to control the client contact with his own people. I had trimmed my beard so I looked a little like Czar Nicholas. Mason figured I could work as a bar man serving beer and wine in a pinch. He used professional bartender for mixed drinks. The firm had a basic white shirt, tie and black pants uniform and they had a fancier more tuxedo like thing for more formal events. The jacket was scarlet. Pinkney wanted all of his people to be easily identifiable. They also had an informal, open shirt and Bermuda shorts uniform for beach parties.

I went to my room and studied Sally's file. Sally was organized and had useful notes. I had showered when I got in from my day in the garden. I showered again around ten. There was a thunderstorm in the distance and the air was muggy and thick. I found out that ten was the normal prowling time for the men. They were all aware of my connection with Roscoe and Ray. They knew I was playful.

Mason was meeting with Pinkney and both men liked to watch. Lee joined me in the shower, as did Roger, one of the divorced men from the third floor. Lee was a thin, redneck type with a Fu Manchu and unkempt look. Roger was fortyish, handsome well groomed and in good shape. He was hairy, but manscaped. He had been married and had to kids. His wife had left him for a doctor.

Lee was a size queen; at least, I think he was. He entered the shower, looked at my crotch and got hard. I think of that as a good indicator. Roger was less obvious, but he was interested. His cock was at half-staff. I was excited enough to let them know I was not standoffish. I was a little worried that Lee might pop at any moment, but he controlled himself. In most places being erect in front of your boss would be a problem or at a minimum embarrassing. That didn't seem to be a problem here.

We showered and then went to my room. Overt fornication in front of the boss was a step too far I guessed. Roger and Lee right behind me. They were pals. Lee wanted my cock badly and Roger was there as a cheerleader. I asked them if Pinkney and Mason played.

"Mason liked to watch, but he likes real sex to be one-on-one in the dark," Roger said. "Pinkney plays only for special occasions. He lets you fuck him on your birthday." I laughed. I had seen Pinkney looking at Roger intently.

"How often do you have a birthday?" I asked Roger. He looked me oddly and then he smiled.

"Six times in the last three months," he said.

"My birthday comes once every three years," Lee said. He was amused, not insulted. He was still staring at my cock. He looked up at me. "I like them big."

"Lee had some bad experiences being fucked. I was the first man to do him right," Roger said. "He wants you in him, but I'm not sure it will fit.

"You have a nice one," I said.

"It's not in the same weight class as yours," he said. "Lee's a good bottom. Appreciative and tight."

"I never poke onto places I'm not welcome," I said. We got on the bed and I sucked Roger as Lee sucked me. Lee had an uncut beer can. Roger was calm and collected except for his cock. It had sprung a leak. Roger's wide slit drooled high-test precum. He was seven inches long and meaty, but not thick.

Roger fucked Lee first to get him open. It took a while for me to get into Lee's ass. I did. Sometimes, men want something really badly, but when they get it, it is not what they really wanted. Fortunately, that was not the case with Lee. He was tight, but he suddenly opened wide, let me in and then clamped shut. His sphincter gripped my cock. It took him five minutes before he relaxed enough to get into it, but he did. He squirmed, wiggled and twitched. Whatever he did was good for me.

Roger watched Lee squirm with a look of approval. When Lee popped, Roger jumped into action, sucking up every spurt from Lee's cock. They might not be lovers but they sure were pals. I shot off at the same time. I slept well that night.

The next day I was back pruning. Sally and Eleanor were off to go shopping in Atlanta so it was quiet and I got a lot done. Fred came over in the afternoon. Fred was a find sexually and a source of information. He was a friend of Eleanor, but he wasn't part of her social set. He was not into parties and he wasn't suitable as a debutant's escort. While he knew most of her friends, they were not close. His father was successful but Fred had two brothers and two sisters. When you have to divide by five, living on an inheritance was not realistic for him. He was giving up on football to concentrate on getting into graduate school in environmental science.

He had heard about the pranks. He thought they might be due to one of Pinkney's competitors, and thought it might be the Belle Beauregard group. They were party planners who had been successful before Pinkney came on the scene. Tammy Bell and Beauregard Jones owned the firm. Pinkney had more talent and a better staff.

Fred's father had almost used Belle-Beauregard but he found out their sales representative was a beautiful woman who rubbed his leg under the table. He thought that might have been an accident, but when his wife met with them, there was a handsome man who was overly attentive to her. "My mom is a nice Italian girl from Philadelphia and she didn't like that at all. Mom is sixty years old and has five kids. She knew there was something wrong with a twenty-fire year old telling her she was a fox!" Fred explained. "Some people say they are good, but mom and dad said the events were pretty ordinary. They don't know why they are still in business. They are really expensive."

I could figure out several reasons for Belle Beauregard's success. It could have been simple lust. If the sales representative converted the hand under the table to real sex, a client might return to keep the sex going. Blackmail was another obvious possibility. If the young stud struck pay dirt, he could threaten to tell the husband if they were not rehired. It would be comparatively safe since there was no way to prove the services were overpriced or that there was a quid pro quo.

I knew of some party planners who provided escorts too. Most of the time this was done in the form of a willing waitress or waiter. In the corporate world thus was a good way to connect with out of town dignitaries. Some foreign guests expected it.

Fred and I had him if he had been bothered when I shot off in his mouth.

"It surprised me. I know that's silly; I've unloaded in a guy's mouth enough to know it could happen," he said. "I shot off in your ass, so I guess it was a fair trade. Semen does not taste that good, but it's not bad. After I went to sleep, I dreamed about it. I'm not sure I would like just anyone's sperm, but I liked yours. It was a testosterone cocktail."

"Fred, I have a feeling your sperm has a good percentage of testosterone in it too," I said. "I think of it as cock caviar in a testosterone sauce. I like to give it and I like to take it, but it's best when you trade it."

The next day I went to a different client's house. It was an old Colonial plantation in good condition. The Owner, Henry Miller was giving a birthday party for his wife, Billy-Jean. The family was not at home. They were in Europe, but a man who lived in one of the old out buildings told me what to do. He was Eddy Miller, the brother of the Henry Miller, the owner. Eddy was about fifty had had seen better days. He said he was a writer, but he still smelled of the pervious night's booze.

The house had a gate and he was in charge of pressing the button for the electric operator. I had the feeling that was near the top range of work like activity he could achieve.

The house had a brand new pool and cabana layout, but the garden looked neglected except for lawn mowing. It was going to be a pool party and I had to get the trees, bushes and shrubs near the pool looking better. The main house was locked up, but garden sheds and cabana were open. The pool was on a maintenance contract and it was in great shape. The pool man had been there the day before.

I worked all morning and made some major improvements. Eddy was in his cottage either working or sleeping. He came out at noon and asked if I would like a sandwich. I said he didn't need to bother, but he said he liked company at lunch.

He brought two sandwiches, a bag of potato chips and a cooler of drinks to the pool and we ate. I was dripping with sweat. I drank a coke; he had a few beers. After the second beer, his gaze began to focus on my crotch.

We talked a little and he told me about his novel. It was going to expose the superficialities of upper class life in Charleston. He suddenly stood up, stripped naked and jumped in the pool. "Come in, the water is fine," he yelled. I had no desire to do anything with Eddy, but I was so hot, I joined him.

His personality seemed to change in the pool. He was a good swimmer and was doing laps. He later told me he had been a swimmer in college and he had made it to the regional championships. I had the feeling that was the high point of his life. We talked a little and I got out of the pool to get back to work.

"Your aren't shy about being naked, are you?" he asked

"My classic beauty attracts stares, but I can deal with that," I said.

"I'm not sure I have ever seen such and impressive cock on such an unimpressive man," Eddy said.

"Everything averages out, I guess. You are a good looking man, but I didn't get a chance to see the family jewels before you jumped in the water," I said.

"They are okay, but there would never win first prize at the county fair," he said. "Do you get much sex? I would think you have a problem with curb appeal. I do just fine in the curb appeal department. Things go south when they get to know me."

"I do just fine with the ones who look at my crotch before they look at my face," I said. "If I could let my cock hang out most of the time I would be a popular man. Men seem to have less problem with me than women do. Women are afraid they might have a kid who looks like me."

"It looks like it is too big to be easy to take," Eddy asked. I knew where this was going.

"You would be amazed what an excited size queen can take up his ass," I said. "Since we are getting personal, are you in that category by any chance?"

"I don't think I'm a size queen. To be brutally frank, my combination of being shiftless, lazy and alcoholic limits my sexual appeal," Eddy said. "I use to swing both ways, but lately I have either been too drunk to get it up or passed out." He paused. "Would you be willing to sit on the edge of the pool and let me look at it up close?"

I am an open-minded man. Eddy just wanted to look at first.

"Damn, it is a beauty. It should be on a statue in a museum, but it's too big," he said. "Is it in full working order?"

"It is. My balls work too. Sometimes they are over productive. I have to admit being over productive is rarely a problem," I said. "Cum sucking isn't for everyone, but those who like it like it a lot."

"I've done a lot of things sexually in my life," Eddy said. "I do have a hard time remembering what they were."

"I don't want to hurt your feelings, but that seems to define a sad case," I said. "I remember what I did, how I did it and what it felt like." He had been studying my cock for a while, getting closer as he did.

He did not suck me at first. He kissed it. It was hot and I was relaxed. My balls hung low, halfway to my knees. He kissed them, and then moved to the tip of my cock. It was enshrouded in foreskin. He kissed the tip and then used his tongue to get in the foreskin. He soon had his tongue in the space between the skin and the cock head.

He looked up at me. "Are you already oozing precum?" he asked. I nodded. "It's nice and sweet. I don't know if I could take your load. I don't know if I like the taste," he added.

"Some men don't like it. I can shoot it in your ass. There is no need to taste it there," I said.

"I know I couldn't take it up my ass," Eddy said.

"I wouldn't bet the farm on that," I said. He got out of the water and we went into a cabana. Eddy became increasing excited as he got into it. He talked and became increasing frank as the sex intensified. He had a complicated booze shrouded sex life that included being in a gangbang at his fraternity. He could only remember the first five man who fucked him. He had fond memories of the event.

He was sober now and my cock worked its magic. He took my load and seemed to like it, if having a spontaneous orgasm is any indication. I licked up his spunk and went back to work. I was done by 3:00, and Eddy had been watching from the cabana.

He came over to me as I packed up my stuff. "I'd like to do this again," he said. He handed me a $100 bill. I looked annoyed. "I don't want any trouble, like the last time," he explained.

"The pruning is expensive. Sex is free and not part of the service. It was good for me and I hope it was good for you. That's enough," I said.

"I didn't mean to insult you. We had a party a few years back. One of the waiters blew me. It ended up costing me a few thousand dollars. He was going to tell my brother," Eddy said. "It was a nightmare. I told Beauregard about it and he just laughed. He said the waiter was free-lancing and Beau did nothing. My sister-in-law found out and she paid for me. She was nice about it. That surprised me."

"I don't kiss and tell, not to mention suck and charge," I said. "I'm pretty sure Beau was getting a percentage of the take. My boss would fire me and maybe cut off my balls for doing something like that." I reached over and fondled his balls. "Have you recharged?" I asked. I touched his cock. It was rock hard. We returned to the cabana.

After we exchanged sperm a second time. He did not pretend to be uneasy about my sperm this time.

"Have you been in a gangbang?" Eddy asked. "I loved it."

"I don't like the word gangbang. I do not mind sloppy seconds and I've tried a sloppy fifth or sixth a few times. All the sperm can make things messy but it was really smooth. I pushed all the cream deep into the guy and then add my own," I said.

"Could the guy feel you shooting?" he asked.

"He said he could. The guy said he liked it." I said. "It tickled." Eddy had been playing with his cock. He shot off again. I licked it up.

"Could we do this again?" he asked.

"That might work out," I said. "It would be better if your cream didn't have the beer after taste. Is that a possibility?"

"If I have some warning I could try," he said.

I went back to the Dorm. I called my office and asked them to check up on the Belle-Beauregard operation. I also called Mrs. Barrington and told her of my suspicions.

"Well that could explain a lot," she said. "The Belle-Beauregard group's success has been hard to understand. Their events are adequate, but only adequate. When you pay for a party planner, you expect more. I will make some calls."

"Please be careful, I don't want to warn them," I said.

"I'm a middle aged woman with too much time on my hands and not enough to do. Gossip will not be suspicious at all!" she explained.

Most of the residents of the Dorm were at a party, so I had dinner at a nearby restaurant and had a quiet evening. When I to take a shower there was another man in Mason's room. I asked if he was looking for anyone.

"I'm Mason's brother, Dixon," he said. "I just dropped by to see how he was doing. I guess he's at a party?" I said he was. Dixon was a few years older than Mason was, but I could see a strong family resemblance. We talked a little. He was the headwaiter at a fancy restaurant near the Battery. We talked a little while and he went into Mason's room, I took a shower.

I was surprised when Dixon joined me. "Is there room for two?" he asked. I just smiled.

"Mason had been holding out on me," he said. "You are my type."

"You like short hairy rednecks?" I asked.

"Would I insult you if I said there was one part of short, hairy rednecks I like?"

"Is it the same part of tall, black, horse-hung men I like?" I asked. I reached over and held his cock, then put my cock on top of it. They were the same size, only different colors.

"Have you ever wondered what your playmates are feeling when you fuck them?" he asked.

Next: Chapter 164: Catfish and the Debutant 3

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