Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 26, 2014


Catfish Finds Inner Peace 10 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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We had a light lunch and returned to the Tantric Room at 2:00. That gay everyone a chance to shower and get in the mood. Ram had made it clear that the afternoon was going to be a fuck fest. That morning I was clear that if you wanted to be sucked, you had to suck too. The afternoon had the same expectations. I wondered if some of the men would not attend. My guess was that Loving and Wilkes would not join in.

If you like to be that Alpha dog, you can't have a cock up your ass. I prefer the top, but I can swing both ways. I do enjoy a friend's cock in me more than a strangers. I have to admit that sometimes the stranger in my ass turns into a friend quickly.

Many men are uneasy about being in a group. Sucking a cock is less intimate than being on you back with your legs spread wide and a cock shoved into your most private parts. Men are proud of their cocks, but the asshole has no allure.

It hard to look your best while being fucked. That was so bad for mem since my best was none too good. Loving and Wilkes had good hair and both men were carefully groomed. They were not the sort of me who liked to be all sweaty, hot and bothered, and covered in semen.

That being said, sex is a powerful draw and lots of sex is even more compelling. I wondered what choice Loving would make if he had to make a choice between putting over a swindle and wild, mind-blowing sex. I suspected Wilkes found dominating and humiliating men sexually exciting. Was being in an orgy of crazed men more exciting than humiliating?" I bet they wouldn't show up.

I was wrong about that. Sex conquers all. Ram was a good judge of men and he had a plan. Ram has talked with Wilkes before the session. He told him that he needed a real leader of men, a real macho man to take his cock in the first demonstration. "The men admire you and look up to you," he said. "If you take mine, they will all follow your lead. I can almost guarantee that you will have been in every ass in the group before you leave on Sunday afternoon."

That line worked and Wilkes volunteered to take Ram. Wilkes got much more than he expected. Ram had spent much of his adult life either fucking or thinking about fucking. He was indeed an oriental master of the anal arts.

Wilkes was not a bottom and only rarely took a cock. Ram's long, thin tool was easy to take, but intensely pleasurable. His cock was a scientific probe that sought out Wilkes' hot spots and then worked him into a frenzy. Once Ram had him, he toyed with the man, taking him to the edge of an orgasm and then pulling back. He fucked Wilkes for a half hour and had reduced him to quivering sexual jelly. Ram never made fun of him, and treated Wilkes's state of sexual excitement as a desirable objective of continual stimulation and edging. Several other men took turns in Wilkes after the official demonstration was over.

Ram had asked if anyone wanted to take my cock for the demonstration period. Carter volunteered. When I had first met him, I thought he was a slightly dumpy old man. He was one of those rare men who looked better naked than dressed. He had been active in the morning program, and now he was on his back with his legs on my shoulders. He had not impressed me as prime bottom material.

I tried out a Ram-inspired slow entry, taking my time an easing my member into his rectum. I was right in that he was very tight. He wanted me in him and once I was in six inches, he relaxed and opened some. I was sure my cock was bigger than his hole, but as long as I was gentle, it was good for him. At one point, I pulled out and let Talbert fuck him. Talbert's tool was long and thin and that was good for Carter. Talbert also lost it and squirted a pint of so of sperm in Carter's ass.

Talbert had good instincts, and as he ejaculated, he slowly pulled out, lubricating Carter's entire fuck tunnel. I reentered and it was much easier. Carter was still tight, but my cock had much easier movement in his sperm coated rectum. It was good for me, but it was great for Carter. Once I had churned it up a bit and then I pulled out again. Tommy took my place. He had a nice fore plug cock that kept Carter's sphincter open. I realized he shot off by looking at Carter's face. Tommy had a massive orgasm that must have tickled his ass. I could see that he felt it.

I slipped in for a third time and the inside of Carter's ass was a sperm stew. It felt wonderful for both of us. By this time, the group was two clusters with one group around Ram and Wilkes and the other around Carter and me. Carter was still game, but I did not want him to overdo it. I pulled out and helped him get up.

Eugene got on his back and opened his ass wide. Loving stepped up to the plate. Loving's cock was on the high side of average and his fucking style was graceless. He just shoved it into Eugene's quivering ass. That was fine with Eugene. I encouraged Loving to slow down and enjoy the trip.

I think Loving was use to racing to the finish line. He had never slowed down and enjoyed the trip. Eugene had a good ass that was almost prehensile. It gripped and grabbed at Loving's cock. This turned out to be very exciting for him. I suspected that fucking was a way to establish dominance rather than feeling pleasure. Eugene was a master bottom.

Ram had pulled out of Wilkes and turned him over to the other men. He came over to my group to observe. Loving was bent over Eugene trying to force every inch into him. As he did, he exposed his ass. Ram saw that and took advantage of the situation.

Ram had told that men only opened their ass to take a shit or to take a cock. Ram made a quick thrust and his cock vanished into Loving's ass. The long member was in all the way, before Loving knew what had happened. I had been with Ram often enough to know that while his cock was exploring new territories deep in Loving's body, the thicker base of his cock was working the prostate.

By 4:00, almost everyone in the group had up close and personal knowledge of Wilkes' and Loving's prostates and sphincter muscles. Most assumed that had been the reason for the event. That was not the case. I think they had intended to be the tops. Both men were used, but not abused. After a while, Wilkes' hole stopped closing up. You could look into the hole and see the pink lining, and watch cum drip from it. Loving could close it, but it drooled man seed.

Jameson liked that and was nice enough to lick it up. That caused a stir. As Jameson tongued Wilkes's ass, Wilkes shot off. That caused applause. Lance seems to have a warm spot for Loving's ass.

By that time, the help had joined in as equals. They were younger and the older men liked that. In some ways, naked men are all equal. The older men did not mind the feel of a young, hard cock in their ass.

Ram was egalitarian in his attitude. He bottomed and topped. I will top or bottom depending on who is nearest to me. Roger, Carter and Tommy took a turn as well as a guy I didn't know. Everyone had a good time; that included Eugene, Wilkes and Loving. Everyone was a pal and a fuck buddy.

That was not so good for Loving and Wilkes. The men liked and enjoyed them sexually, but that was not what they were after. They wanted authority and control. They had portrayed themselves as financial geniuses who had the ability to change lead into gold. They wanted mindless acceptance and obedience. It was hard to play the man of destiny when many of the men in the group had watched their seed drool from your ass.

That night Loving and Wilkes tried to reestablish their control and assert themselves. Had they been clever, they would have switched to being just one of the guys and a good buddy. There is a certain comradeship in sharing an ass. However, Loving wanted the deep thinker and a man of destiny. That did not work anymore. Wilkes wanted to be tough as nails, decisive leader. That did not work either.

Later that night the situation deteriorated. Everyone was drinking some, but Loving and Wilkes had been drinking a lot. There are good drunks and bad drunks but there were definitely in the bad drunk category.

Wilkes wanted to beat up Eugene for some reason, but Loving was trying to get Tommy to kill Carter. Carter was well known and a natural leader of men. His cock and ass had made friends. Men were pleased that he had seen fit to fuck them, or had let them fuck him.

Tommy had not been drinking and wanted nothing to do with Loving's drunken ravings.

Loving and Wilkes left that night at about midnight. Loving took his entourage with him, although they were in a differ car.

Loving was driving and he was in no state to drive. Eugene left too. I think he wanted to stay near his leader. Somehow, Loving vanished at some point on the drive back to town. Banks called the Farm to see if Loving had returned here. He had not. I assumed he must have turned off the road and found a spot to sleep it off.

The next morning was a final tantric session. The remaining men were mellow. Ram told us we had ben naughty the day before. While we had enjoyed ourselves in extended sexual sessions we had not been that sincerer about avowing orgasms.

"I seem to remember that you were not as sincere as you might have been!" Carter called out.

Ram looked contrite. "I admit I slipped up a little in restraining my urges," he said. "I am afraid is failed to hold back six times, or maybe more. I wasn't counting." The rest of the group laughed. "Today I would like for us to try the near total sexual connection we had yesterday, but hold back and see if we can make it last longer. Are you willing?"

To no one's surprise, the men were willing. Ram paired us off with men we had not connected with the day before. I was with Roger, Lance's employer. I wasn't his type and he was not mine, but it worked out well. He had a smallish cock, but it stayed real hard and was just long enough to give my prostate a real workout.

Roger was watching Carter work over Lance and he enjoyed that. Lance was a prima donna who liked to protest that his ass was too small. Lance complained as he was squirming on Carter's cock. Roger stayed hard but didn't shoot and my prostate enjoyed the long session.

Ram came over and took Roger away for an anal massage session leaving me with a man named Smithson. He was one of those men who faded into the woodwork. He was shy, and tended to watch. He was a software genius who invented something that was essential and had made millions. When God gave him a brilliant mind, he forgot to give him any social skills.

He was pale and scrawny, and I decided to do it all. He was not a self-starter. He had an average cock, but when I sucked him, it had a hook. It curved up and then touched his navel. He had a nice knob, plump and juicy. While he was shy, his precum making glands were working overtime. I had to get in the sixty-nine position to get it to go down my throat. He liked that and his precum reached flood stage. He moaned and since my cock was near his face, he took a lick. That too was a success.

I was wondering how his cock would feel in my ass. The curve interested me. During a breathing brake, I straddled him and sat on it. I was good and different for me. Smithson almost passed out because of the pleasure.

I tried all of Ram's tantric techniques on Smithson and I rode him for twenty minutes. At every point., he was just a few seconds from an orgasm. He was in heaven and I was having good time.

Smithson was self-lubricating and that made it easy for my ass to readjust itself to accommodate his curved member.

When he finally shot off, it was more of a cloud burst than an ejaculation. Lance was near when I pulled off and he saw Smithson's sperm drooling from my ass. Lance was one of those men who liked the taste of still warm sperm, especially if it had been briefly stored in another man's rectum. He also seem to think a slightly dilated anus was the perfect serving platter.

That does not turn me on, but I don't mind helping the needy. He asked me if I could relax and let it flow. I switched to the doggy position and spread my legs. Lance rimmed me and tongue fucked my ass. I could relax and Lance was a happy man. The session was over and we went to the dining room for brunch.

Most of us had just finished eating when there was some commotion outside in the lobby. It was Eugene. He came into the dining room and looked pale. "They just found Loving and Wilkes. They went off the road last night into a ravine. They are dead," he said.

The ravine was not that deep, but they had been speeding, and didn't wear seat belts. "I think they died instantly. I saw the bodies. I don't think they could have survived."

That was the end of the weekend. I went home. The Feds were involved as soon as Loving died. I think they were days from arresting him. They immediately froze all of Loving's assets and were able to access his off shore accounts. I talked with Troy. Wilkes kept a diary and they found evidence that he was the vandal and prankster at the farm.

While Loving was promoting Eugene, Wilkes was framing him for the events at the Farm. His son was not involved. Wilkes did not trust his son. The situation was unbelievably complex and complicated. There were scams within swindles. Wilkes trusted his enemies more than he trusted his friends.

There was no publicity on the scam. Loving had not had time to cover his tracks. Money launderers and crocked bankers were being arrested in Europe and in the West Indies. Loving's investors got their money back. Eugene resigned and Troy became the acting Sheriff.

I was busy with new cases in Richmond, but Ram and Eddy came to visit me and he was a decidedly non-tantric session in my apartment. There was sperm everywhere/ Eddy had a good time fucking the football fans in my office. I gave him several loads, but he wanted mine in his mouth.

Smithson came by for solo lessons. My cock was too big for his hole, but I had some nice guy from my office take a poke. He was very receptive as long as I held him in his arms as he took the cock. He trusted me.

Six months later, I was back at the Farm. This time I was the guest of Carter and Smithson. I did not know how they found out about my role in the affair. They were connected and wealthy. I assumed they could find out whatever they wanted.

I had never been involved to a thank you orgy before, but it seemed like an improvement on a handshake and a bonus. Carter and his friends had their money back, but that was not why they were pleased. Thye didn't want it to be known that they had been cheated.

Ram's class had a role too. Carter was a sophisticated, worldly man. He was shocked to find there was something sexual he hadn't tried before. My cock in his ass had been the button that opened up a secret chamber of delights. Smithson was shy and inept. His interlude with me had been the best sex he had ever experienced. I had opened up a new world of pleasure for him.

When I arrived at the farm on Tuesday, Ram greeted me. I asked how things were going at the farm. He said all was well. They were busy and so they scheduled our little reunion for Tuesday to Thursday because they were filled up every weekend. He told me he had helped Carter with the guest list. "They aren't the prettiest men who have been here, but they are sexually exciting and participatory," he said.

Carter arrived with Tommy and Jameson. They had joined his harem. Talbert and Sully came shortly thereafter. Eddy was on vacation, but came back for the event. He had been vacationing with Buster and Buck, so he brought them along. I was surprised when Isaac arrived. The folk singer was a cum hound who liked to rim. Troy and Sammy came last. Troy was the police chief now. Eugene had resigned and was getting some professional help.

It was a rainy day and we all went to the renewal center for the afternoon. Big hairy men in heat and their admirers filled the room. Most of the men knew each, other but after introductions, the men knew they were like spirits. Eddy came in the room and stripped immediately.

Normally he was more reserved and kept the guests wondering if he was actually into it. The cat was out of the bag and he was ready to boogie. They men were talkative. Most had been "investors" in Loving's scheme. Loving had not transferred the money to off shore accounts, so their losses were minimal except to their pride.

Carter, who had connections, explained that Loving thought his bakers were skimming cash from deposits and had held back his deposits until that issue was resolved. There had been crackdown on Swiss accounts, so Loving had been using some strange Bank of Northern St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The president of the bank was the Prime Minister's bother and made of the banking regulations depending on his whim.

Troy had little to say, since investigations were on going. Wilkes' son was not involved as far as anyone could tell. He took a job in Georgia and was trying to start over. Sammy was a born gossip and told us about Eugene. The only time he shut up was when there was a cock n his mouth. When there was a cock in his ass, he tended to babble. I knew he had enjoyed my cock, but he liked cocks in general. He took any and all, and that made him popular.

If anyone felt an urge, he would open up for you, anywhere and anytime. Carter tried him out early. He said Sammy had a cozy ass, you felt at home as soon as you popped his sphincter. Sammy had a warm spot for beefy men with fireplug type cocks.

Roy was new to the group, but he made friends quickly. He was conventionally handsome and in good shape. Carter and Isaac like him a lot. I knew Troy as a bottom, but he did really well as a top. He seemed to like long sessions and seemed to have an affinity for Smithson's ass. I am not sure he had ever had a man that good looking in him before. That was good, but was even better when Isaac licked up Troy's sperm for his ass after the orgasm.

On the second day, we had exchanged all the information and gossip on Loving and Wilkes activities and the event turned into a low intensity, continuous orgy. The intensity pick up right before a climax, but we came close to achieving Ram's Tantric ideal. Every ass was open; every cock was willing. Oddly, no one seemed to be tired due to the sexual activity, they were relaxed and casual.

Eddy set up a sling and that was popular. It was comfortable and convenient. Not unexpectedly, Sammy was the first to get in it. I did not expect Troy, Sully, Buck, Eddy and Isaac to take turns. I noticed that comparatively few men shot off when fucking the man in the sling. It was more of a friendly anal massage than inducement to an orgasm.

By the time I returned to Richmond, I decided I needed to take more time off. I had discovered the joys of non-work related orgasms.

Next: Chapter 162: Catfish and the Debutant 1

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