Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 15, 2014


Catfish Finds Inner Peace 9 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Willy Wilkes dad was what my Uncle Jake would have called a piece of work. To his face, he was Mr. Hamilton Wilkes and he was a realtor in the next county. In public, he was a big man, gregarious and outgoing and a great salesman. Behind the scenes, he was a bitter, borderline sadist.

When he smiled he was a handsome man, but when he snarled he was downright ugly. He was one of those odd men who had disdain for the men he fucked. I noticed men tended to stay away from him. I assumed he was 100% gay and hated that. I also noticed he did not mess around with any of the bigger men. He went after the smaller men. With that sort of man you can never tell if it a personality problem or something deeper. I have known some people who adjust their personality to match the people they are trying to impress. If you are important, they are all sweetness and light. If you are a peasant, you are dirt.

When I was back at the office, I had my staff check him out. They confirmed most of my suppositions. In early December, I had a call from Phil Michaels, the owner of the farm. Wendell was coming back with Jameson and some other high placed politicos including Loving. Wendell wanted me and Ram to put on the tantric demonstrations for his pals. Jameson had also specifically asked for me. This was the off-season and the Farm was understaffed.

I have what might be called a high tolerance for sexual activity, and there had been a lull in Richmond. Phil told me it was a group of ten or twelve men, so I might get to meet a fuller cast of characters associated with Loving than I had met before. I had no idea if this was a group of "investors" in the scheme or if they were participants in the swindle. Whatever it was, a weekend of tantric sex sounded good to me. I agreed to spend the weekend there.

My men had been working their computer magic and discovered that Hamilton Wilkes was one of the straw men making purchases for Loving. He was involved, but I wondered if he might have some action on the side. I wondered if he would be attending.

The sessions was to be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so I got there on Thursday to see if anything was new on the ground. Phil introduce me to John Butler who was officially an assistant director in charge of security. He was a retired cop and suspicious as hell about everything. He wasn't much into sleep and he tended to prowl around at odd hours. I knew the type. He was use to catching some shuteye whenever he could. He was on alert 24/7.

Ram was happy to see me, as was Eddie Batten, the former football player. Eddie seemed quite enthusiastic. He had been preoccupied with his exercise classes before. He was a top who saved his ammunition for his clients. For most of them sex with an actual pro football player was as good as it got.

Eddie walked in on me doing some anal stretching exercises with Ram's ass. He watched. When Ram told him to get naked or leave, he got naked. When Eddie fed Ram his balls, I bent over and sucked his cock. Eddie liked that a lot. He was excited and shot off. I lost my concentration as his sperm filled my mouth. I let lose in Ram's ass. I was afraid Ram would be annoyed I came in him, but that was not a problem. He continued to milk my cock with his sphincter. You don't do that unless you want all of it.

We had a nice conversation afterwards. Eddie loved man sex, but he didn't think it was gay sex. I didn't correct him on that. He made many men happy with his cock and that was good enough for me. He both liked doing it and having it done to him. He told me he had to get really excited to take it in the ass, but that did happen from time to time. He told me it was hard to get into it in a group. He liked one on one. That sounded a bit like an invitation to me.

The next morning, Wendell arrived early with his aide, Jameson. Loving appeared with two flunkies, Thomas and Seth. They were handsome, younger men. Thomas was a bodyguard, wrestler type. Seth was more of a personal assistant. Wendell went off with Loving, leaving the men to their own devices.

The next men to show up were Eugene Banks and Hamilton Wilkes. They were with a third man I did not know. They introduced him as Carter. He looked slightly familiar to me, but I couldn't place the face. Hamilton went off to join Wendell and Loving.

Eugene joined Jameson, Thomas and Seth in the exercise room. Eddie's reputation as a pro football player worked its magic. Thomas had seemed sullen when he arrived. It seemed that this was part of his persona as a bodyguard. Loving was not well known enough to need protection. Thomas was an expensive accessory to impress potential clients. Loving's real protection came from high paid lawyers who devised his financial schemes.

Seth was gay as a goose and a flaming faggot when he was not playing executive assistant. He had a high voice and effeminate mannerisms unless Loving was in the room. He became a serious and differential. I wondered if he had played that role on the stage. Carter was middle aged and a bit dumpy. Eddie impressed him.

I was just the locker room attendant and they did not pay any attention to me. That did not last. Both Eugene and Jameson had spent time squirming on my cock and they let the others know.

Later that afternoon the rest of the men appeared. One of the men, Roger, came with his own "executive assistant," a guy named Lance. They were mostly middle-aged businessmen, well-dressed and well groomed. There were two exceptions to that rule, men named Talbert and Sully. They were both regular guys who had hit the big time. Sully was a paver. He had a big regional paving company, but he hadn't inherited it. He started from scratch. Talbert was a real estate developer. His family were farmers and they just happened to own farms near a small Carolina city named Charlotte. Talbert's daddy bought up abandoned farms and accumulated several thousand acres in what turned out to suburban Charlotte. The Armani suits men stuck to themselves and didn't associate with the help or with Talbert and Sully.

I soon found out this was a sex and sales event. The men thought it was a little sex vacation given to them as thanks for being investors. I didn't know how far the swindle had progressed. Most collapse under their own weight, and I had a feeling this scam was nearing that stage.

Con men are often more like kleptomaniacs than you average robber. It is a compulsion. There is always one more con. I wondered if Loving had his tickets bought for a quick trip to a Caribbean isle. I was also surprised that Hamilton Wilkes was a part of the inner circle. Was he the local man in the field? I wondered if Loving knew about his other side, the side that abused his son. Did Hamilton have tickets too, or was he a dupe to be left holding the bag. Hamilton was a smart man, but being a smart crook is not the same as being smart.

The group was more up tight than the men is some of the earlier groups I encountered at the Farm. I didn't see how things would work out. I think I underestimated the ability of horny men to forget differences and concentrate on satisfying their cocks' needs. Lust can overcome even a con man's urge to cheat.

After dinner, Loving had a little program for his guests. Staff members were definitely not invited. After his little program, the men were free to socialize or wander around. Socialize meant get drunk on very expensive liquor or try out the exercise room. I was in the exercise room with Eddie, Jameson, Tommy and Seth as well as Lance. Sully had heard that Eddie was there and he came to see him with Talbert.

Eddie had a good way of making men feel welcome. He liked talking sports and trading stories. His stores were about pro ball and most of our guest stores were about college or high school ball, but Eddie liked them all. I was at the whirlpool next to the steam room with Jameson, Lance and Seth.

There was a lot of activity under the water in the whirlpool. No one was shy. Thomas was with Talbert and Sully with Eddie. Eddie was usually slow moving and avoided any sexual overtures until he was in the shower or steam room. Business had been slow for the last few weeks at the farm. He must have been more sexually needy than usual. He usually gave the impression that he was okay with sex, but he did not need it. Today he took his men to the showers and then asked us if they could join us in the whirlpool.

There wasn't room, so I volunteered to get out as did Jameson and Lance. Eddie glanced at my semi-erect cock as I left. "I see you boys have been enjoying each other," he said as we got out.

"The water is real nice," I said. The men chuckled. Both Sully and Eddie's cock firmed up before they were in the water. We were on the side of the pool and joined in the conversations.

"I remembered being a teenager and being afraid I would show hard in the showers," Eddie said. "At that point seeing the sun rise or having a banana at breakfast was enough to give me an erection."

The men laughed. "I suffered from random erectile attacks,' Tommy said. "I would get full-scale boner at any time with or without a reason. It happened in the shower room once or twice."

"Did the guys laugh at you?" Talbert asked.

"Of course then did, but I had matured early and I soon realized I had more than they did," Tommy added. "I was the new kid in town and the guys became friendlier after that."

"That happened to me once," Eddie said. "I was from a good Methodist family and I didn't know what it was or what to do with it. It was a puzzle. One of the older kids took me aside and explained it all."

"Did he molest you?"

"Let's just say we had a few, very interesting demonstrations. I thought of it as more like lab experiments, but technically it might have been sex," Eddie said. "It was both educational and enjoyable." Eddie looked at me. "Did you do some experimenting?"

"I always had an imposing physique, but my cock grew to full size when I was thirteen," I explained. "It was more like an exhibit at the Smithsonian than a sex toy. I was willing to play, but I thought most of them were afraid they might catch a serious case of ugly from me."

"When did that Orangutan like coat begin to sprout?" Sully asked. He was hairy too.

"By the time I was fifteen I scared people at the beach," I said. "It was at the height of the Frankie Avalon and Bobby Darren period. It was nice. On a crowded beach, I could sit anywhere I wanted and soon I had it all to myself."

"I was a real babe magnet too," Sully said. "My dad was a paver too and I helped out at work. The aroma of asphalt and tar under the fingernails was a nice feature. I was a good tackle, but that wasn't enough."

"Some guys talked about getting laid, but I never had any luck," Talbert said.

"I had the same problem," Eddie said. "Once I made the pros it was different. Being ugly isn't a problem if you're a pro. I didn't fall for the locker room bimbos. Luckily, I had some old pals who were willing to help me out. "

"I had some buddies too." Sully said.

"At first I thought my buddies were just a substitute for the real thing," Eddie said. "I was just fooling myself. I finally admitted I like man play. It is fun, intensely pleasurable and low stress. I have never fallen in love with a man, but I have some real close friends. I liked a good blowjob, but that's not all. I'm not sure you can be semi-gay. Eventually I jumped in with both feet. Actually it was with my cock, balls and asshole."

"I had a run I with the town fag Lou, the florist. He was the only openly gay man in town, but he could do flowers for a wedding like no one else," Talbert said. "I was just horny. Lou was no virgin. When I left his house, I had discovered a world I didn't know existed. He was the Mozart of sex."

"I've never felt anything that intense," Tommy said, "but I am willing!" Eddie smiled.

"You are among friends," Eddie said. "It would be really nice if we were good friends by the time you go home on Sunday afternoon.

"I am just a hired hand," Tommy said.

"I like fun. It is purely recreational for me. It's not a business thing." Eddie said.

"I'm sorry if I offended you," Tommy said.

"Some men misunderstand the relationships here," Eddie said. "I run the exercise area. Everything else is strictly up to me." We went off to the steam room. Everyone was more than ready to play. Eddie was the main attraction, but there was enough to go around. My erect cock is big enough to be seen in the steam. Eddie was entertaining two men at time, sucking one and being sucked by another. Sully was in heaven. He hadn't guessed that Eddie was willing to suck him. Not only did Eddie suck; he took the load, all of it. Tommy was sucking him.

I was busy with Jameson and Lance. Talbert joined us. He was tall and thin with a matching long, thin, white snake dangling between his legs. He had extra skin that covered a strawberry cock head even when he got hard. Jameson peeled the skin back, exposing a one eyed cobra head. Talbert was a bit slow to get into it, but he soon made up for lost time.

Lance was a bottom slut. He was not a size queen and while my cock received admiration from him, he was uneasy. Talbert was a top and it had been a while since he had tickled another man's prostate. I was sitting on the marble bench; Lance was on his hands and knees sucking me. He had spread his legs wide and his ass was wide open.

Talbert might not have been that experienced, but he knew an invitation when he saw it. He placed his cock at Lance's ass. Lance reacted by spreading his legs wider. Both Lance and Talbert moaned as his cock slid into him. The atmosphere became more relaxed as the two men enjoyed each other.

"I love a tight hole," Eddie whispered to Sully.

"You are thick. Do you have a problem finding men who can take it?" Sully asked.

"No, but I do have trouble finding men who can enjoy it," Eddie said. "They want me in them, but they are too tight for an easy fit."

I figured someone would step up to the plate. Tommy was willing, but Eddie surprised him when he sat on Tommy's meat. Tommy gave Eddie's prostate a nice buff and shine. It was so nice that Eddie drained his balls into Sully's waiting mouth. For Sully and Tommy Christmas came early.

The next morning was the first of the Tantric sessions. I was there with am giving his spiel. Ram was a smart man and he adjusted his program for the audience. "As you may know, the Farm is what is referred to as a high-end resort. As such, we attract successful men. To be more direct, we attract spectacularly successful men." Having said that he moved on to part two of his introduction.

"Successful men are not always consistently successful in every aspect of their lives. Sometimes they neglect aspects of life in their quest for success," he said. "Let me be direct. My objective is to make you as expert sexually as you are financially. I mean feeling and experiencing pleasure. I am not talking about a quick blow job, or a poke. I'm talking about hours of sexual pleasure of the highest level."

"Let me warn you about several things," Ram continued. "I assume most of you are accustomed to hold your cards close to your chests. That will not be possible here. Humans are designed to feel sexual pleasure, to experience ecstasy. You cannot hold back when you are doing it right. Naked men can't hide their sexual excitement. You can't make plans as to teeter on the edge of an orgasm. You can't worry about what you look like and what others think of you as you experience the most intense pleasure of your lives. Good sex is not possible with loners. You need to share. If you place yourself into my hands, you will have the best sex possible. You will become a sexual athlete of the first order!"

I have to admit, Ram had a knack for presenting things in a convincing way. It was a presentation that appealed to the men's vanity and competitiveness. Ram stripped naked. He was handsome and well equipped. The men were in robes, and as he lectured, the men removed them.

"I teach by demonstration. Don't be shy. Get closer if you want to see better. Nolen, would you join me," Ram asked. I took my robe off. "You may have guessed Nolen is my assistant. That is partially because you can see his cock from the back row." The men laughed. We were off to the races.

Wendell was not in the group, but Loving attended as did Hamilton. Hamilton was a tough nut for Ram to crack, but sex sells itself. Jameson, Thomas, Seth and Lance were there as was Eddie. He had not participated in the Tantric stuff before but Eddie oozed testosterone and machismo. He was there to reassure the men who were afraid they would be considered fags. No one would think that of Eddie. Eddie was into it and that was the seal of approval for some of the men.

Carter was into it from the start. I remembered who he was. He had been the macho and often shirtless star of a television cop show in the eighties. As Bobby Bullard, he had been a hit. He had moved into producing and then into real estate. He was older, but still attractive and quite muscular. Carter had been shaved smooth for the show. His muscular body was a bit shaggy now, but more masculine. He knew he had a good body, was well hung and was not shy. He stripped quickly,

Carter was a natural leader of men and he was into man sex big time. Soon everyone was excited and into it. Carter volunteered to work with Ram and me. Ram was talking about stimulating the cock, swallowing it and using your tongue to caress it. He swallowed Carter's organ. Carter moaned as Ram slowly pulled off. Ram asked for more volunteers. "Would anyone like to work on my friend, Nolen?" Ram asked. "It is a challenge." He bed over and opened his mouth. He slowly took my entire cock in his throat. Ram was a sword swallower and it impressed the men.

Hamilton came up. He picked me up, flipped me over and swallowed my too. Since his cock was at my mouth level, I sampled it. It was a nice one. After thirty seconds or so, he squirted a burst of precum. At first, I thought he had shot off, but it was too sweet to be cum. Hamilton intended to show how strong and big he was and how small I was in comparison.

I discovered he was sexually exited and on the edge of an orgasm. When he pulled off, his tongue lingered at my slit. He was both tasting and enjoying my special sauce. He tried to drop me, when he realized he was into it. As I felt him release his grip, I did a sort of a back flip and landed on my feet. The men applauded. The room dissolved in to sucking pairs. The staff was definitely involved. I wanted to see who was doing what to whom, but I was too busy to check things out.

Normally we would have had a class the next morning, but the men were here for a shorter time than usual. "Men, we are going to have a second session this afternoon," Ram announced. "It will involve anal stimulation and penetration. Keep your powder dry!" the men laughed and disentangled themselves.

Next: Chapter 161: Catfish Finds Inner Peace 10

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