Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 28, 2002


Millennium Construction Company 16

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

It was a good night. It wasn't exciting as much as it was enjoyable. Tyrone sucked his first cock and I sucked my first black cock. It was good for all of us. Tyrone was a sweet guy. He wasn't smart and he wasn't imaginative, he knew what felt good and liked to make other men feel good too. He was well hung and loved to have his cock played with. The Captain taught him how to suck, with me giving a demonstration on his cock. I would do what the Captain asked to Tyrone's meat and then Tyrone would try it on the Captain's gold pierced dick.

Tyrone had a long cock with a big mushroom head and a wide slit. His balls were low slung and big. They gave you something to hold on to. He came easily, with little warning. All of a sudden your mouth would be filled with cum.

I had been hoping for a longer suck session, but I thought he was finished. Tyrone didn't lose his erection. He also didn't lose interest in the Captain's cock and its gold ring. I get so tired after an orgasm it takes a while to get interested in sex again. Tyrone didn't seem to have that problem. He could take a licking and keep on ticking. The captain shot off after awhile, so he replaced me nursing Tyrone's cock, while Tyrone sucked me. He certainly got the hang of it. I would never have guessed I was only the second man he sucked. The Captain then discovered another aspect of Tyrone.

Not only did Tyrone stay hard, but he was ready to shoot again. Tyrone had a second orgasm ten minutes later. This wasn't a dribble, the Captain almost choked. By the time the sun rose the next morning, Tyrone had shot off six spectacular loads. His balls and cock never stopped working. Tyrone was a happy guy. We felt the same. I later told Skeeter about this. Skeeter didn't know. Apparently no one knew about Tyrone's ability to have instant replays.

Everyone was off work on Saturday, but for obvious reasons almost everyone stayed to have a day on the water. Magnus and the Captain returned to shore to take care of some business, but everyone else remained. Jonathan seemed to have hit it off with Wayne. They were about the same age and I suspected an uncut, redneck cock excited a New York Jew.

I spent the day wandering the island. I had always been there in a group and I hadn't had a chance to soak in the atmosphere. It was a hot, hazy day and the island seemed featureless. I sat back on a chair on the dock. Matt came up and sat next to me. When I sat still, I slowly became aware of the incredible richness of shore birds in the area. The bland tree cover of scrub like growth was filled with birds. There were herons flying over head, hawks and ospreys as well and ducks, terns and gulls.

Matt knew a lot about birds and was good company. He had been a lifeguard at a North Carolina beach and had become a specialist in shoreline life forms, as a means of breaking the tedium. He was affable, pleasant and knowledgeable. He was still covered in sun block, but fortunately he had skin which would tan and he was already looking less pale.

"I hate to ask this," he said, changing the conversation completely. "But why am I here? Is this a real job, or am I to provide sex for older guys?"

"It's a real job all right." I said. "The Millennium Construction Company is just that, a construction company. Sex has nothing to do with it."

"That's hard to believe." Matt replied. "It's so open." He paused. "Don't get me wrong. I like it. I'm gay and never guessed it could be so much fun. The boat last night was a trip! No one tries to hide it, no one is embarrassed or ashamed. I just don't know what is expected." I had been disturbed that he had thought he had been hired as a sex toy. Then I realized how easy it would be to think that.

"I founded the firm to keep from going crazy from boredom in my retirement. I hired some gay craftsmen to help me with my house and the company became a haven for gay construction workers." I explained. "It turns out gay guys like sex with gay men and we seem to have attracted guys who like masculine men. The after hours sex is a byproduct."

"One guy told me we were a bear firm. I guess that is a bit true." I conceded. "If you like your men hairy and beefy, we are the place for you."

"Well if you aren't an all bear firm, I don't know what one would be!" Matt said.

"The sex is fun, and only fun. If you're a construction worker who is attracted to other construction workers, in most places you need to be careful. Not here." I continued. "I've been in construction all my life and never admitted that until recently. I was never comfortable acting on my likes until now. Don't worry. You don't get promoted because you put out."

"To tell you the truth," Matt said, lowering his voice, "I am attracted to the guys here. I didn't know about Jack. He turns me on big time and he seems to like me, but I wasn't sure." Matt paused. "I thought maybe I was a fringe benefit for the job." I smiled.

"Don't worry about that. We hire guys because they can get the job done. If they like sex, that's all to the good." I said. "Jack likes young guys and there are no strings attached. He's genuine." Matt looked relieved. "He wouldn't mind having sex with you though, I'll bet!" I added.

"Quite frankly, I wouldn't mind that either." Matt said, then he dropped his voice again. "I heard him with Stavros last night. I was never so turned on in my life. Turned on and worried. I'm not much of a bottom. It's been okay, but I've never been with anyone as . . .a . . ."


"That's it. As impressive as Jack." he whispered. "I want it so bad, but I'm scared."

"It's my impression wanting is the key element. If you want it enough, it will fit." I said. "It may take a while, but it will get in there."

"Jack is a nice guy, but when I saw his cock." Matt said. "I'm embarrassed to say it, but I never thought I could be turned on by a cock before. I wanted it. I wanted to lick it like a lollipop and I wanted to suck the sperm as it spewed from the head and I wanted it in my ass. Have you ever felt that way?" I was going to say no, but then I remembered Catfish.

"When I was younger I thought you could control your sexual desires. I wasn't particularly sexually drive and it seemed it would be easy." I said. "You can pretend it's not there and you can sometimes suppress it, but it pops up somewhere else. You can't control what turns you on. Some guys get turned on by women with big breasts, or curvaceous ass. I got turned on by an uncut cock attached to a goofy looking policeman. You never know."

"There are guys out there who have dreamed and thought about other guys and cocks, but never done anything but dream." I said. "Maybe they are just virtuous people. I'm afraid they are just sad. I came damn close to never having enjoyable sex with a man. I sure am glad I took the plunge."

"I've never been with men who liked it and did it." Matt said. "I've been with guys my age and been to a few bars around town with C.W. I'm not much into the every hair in place types, or the bank teller leather men. I like the lack of attitude here."

"I went to a bar with my neighbors several months ago." I confessed. "I didn't like it much. I'm old and that was three strikes against you and it went down from there. At least every one at Millennium likes sex and admits it. They're all willing to lend you a hand when you feel an urge."

"Unless I'm mistaken, they lend you more than a hand." Matt said, smiling. Jacked walked up.

"You guy solving the problems of the world?" he asked. Matt answered.

"John is giving advice to the lovelorn. I have the hots for a guy and was trying to get his cock in my ass." Matt was remarkably frank. Jack burst out laughing.

"You are young! I'm not sure you even need to say please" and thank you' to get that." Jack chuckled. "You're on an island filled with guys who wouldn't mind giving you a lesson."

"It's not that." Matt said. "I'm not a virgin, but I'm not exactly. . ." Matt looked at Jack's cock. It was clearly outlined in his shorts and looked huge.

"You're interested, but you're a bit worried about the size? We have some big boys on this island." Jack finished Matt's sentence. Jack sat next to Matt and put his arm on the boy's shoulders. "That's a real problem. Some guys just aren't designed to take some cocks."

"You've had that problem?" Matt asked. "You're too big for the guy you want to bottom?"

"Some guys just pass it up. Others are so interested that they're willing to work at it." Jack said. He was talking almost as if he were an automobile mechanic discussing a problem in the engine of a car. "There is no need to take it if it doesn't work for you, you know. I never got much of a thrill from it the few times I've tried. It didn't hurt, it just didn't seem to be worth the effort. I love the top. No problem there!"

"Eduardo loves it. He's a small guy, but my cock slipped in his ass like a hot knife through butter. It was difficult for Stavros. His ass and my cock aren't naturally suited. He's got a tight hole." Jack continued.

"It sure sounded as if you were suited last night!" Matt said.

"The funny thing is that his hole isn't suited, but his prostate is. Stavros goes crazy when I poke it. Once I get there, it's fine." Jack explained. "It took some work and patience. I thought he was crazy going through all that work to get me in, but he must have known something I didn't. I hit the jackpot every time." Stavros was usually reserved and I had never seen him with Jack's cock embedded in his ass.

"Eduardo and Buck are regular fuck bunnies. They liked it the second my head touched their ass pucker. Stavros was different." Jack said. Jack knew exactly what Matt was interested in and he was just as interested.

"You keep them as private property?" Matt asked.

"Not really." Jack said. "I'm none too sure about Eduardo and Buck's taste in men. I like guys who are solid, not barflies. I've been holding them a bit close, so they don't get in trouble. They seem to be maturing. Maybe it's the Company. At least everyone here can do a full day's work. It's been instructive to them." Trent wandered by.

"If you want a good starter cock, Trent is the man for you!" Jack said.

"I don't know what in hell a starter cock is, but I'm willing to learn." Trent said with a smile.

"Our young friend here is interested in getting some cock riding lessons, but he's not sure he's ready to ride a bull." Jack explained. "You've got a nice one, but it ain't an ass splitter. It might be just right for Matt's purposes."

"What makes you think I'm ready to fuck just any guy?" Trent replied in mock serious tones.

"It's just that you never have said `no' to my knowledge." Jack said.

"That may be true, but I might do it some day. A guy hates to be taken for granted." Trent replied. Matt was amused by the conversation. He was also getting hard. We all were. We went to the house boat and Matt was naked and spread-eagled on his back. I worked some lube into his ass. I worked my finger deep and found his prostate. Matt liked that a lot. Trent lubricated his cock and nosed it in. They were balls to balls in a second.

Trent was no challenge to Matt, but it was clear Matt liked it. Trent was willing to turn him over to Jack now that he was properly opened up.

"Thanks for the offer, but I would kind of like for you to get some cum deep in his ass." Jack said. "Does that bother you, Matt?" Matt said `hell no', so Trent pumped away until he began to moan. Trent tried to pull out, but Jack held him. so his entire load was shot in the tunnel. Matt was bucking his ass and Trent was shivering. Trent's cock head got ultra sensitive while he climaxed and the movement was almost more than he could take.

Finally Trent got his cock free of Matt's undulating ass and he rested on the floor and caught his breath. Jack had been lubricating his cock and the monster glistened and shimmered.

"John, could you hold his legs wide and open, so I can get in?" Jack asked. Matt looked worried. "You've got to trust me." Jack said. "You tell me what you want me to do. You're in charge, I won't go a half inch deeper than you want." Matt still looked uncertain. "Trent did such a good job of opening you up. He shot a good load. That makes it easier for me and better for you. Man cum is nice and slippery." By now Jack's cock head was nuzzled in Matt's hole.

I don't think Jack was trying to get in the ass. He wanted Matt to get used to the heft. Matt looked relaxed. Suddenly the cock head popped through the sphincter and vanished into the ass.

"You caught me off guard!" Jack said. He pulled his head out and then slipped it in again. Matt had a raging hard on as Jack toyed with Matt's hole. He was sweating and almost looked as if it hurt, except for his erection. Jack's cock wore a path into the ass, he was slipping deeper into Matt's tunnel.

"Slow up a little!" Matt cried.

"Does it hurt?" Jack asked.

"I'm going to shoot if you don't slow down!" Matt explained. Jack slows to a stop, but well over half of his cock was embedded in Matt's ass. They were both still while Matt calmed down. "Can you go a little deeper?" Matt asked. Jack worked his cock deeper. Matt was wiggling his ass to get more comfortable.

"Damn!" he said as Jack forced it in to his balls. Jack began long cock stokes and Matt began to shoot. There was cum everywhere, including the ceiling and the walls.

"That may well be the best hands free orgasm I've ever seen." Jack said as he pulled out. Jack was dribbling cum, so he must have shot off in Matt's ass. Matt looked both relieved and exhausted. All his worries were without foundation, he had no problem taking Jack's cock and he had no problem enjoying it. It was a good day for him.

Jonathan and Wayne entered the boat in the last moments of Matt's orgasm and liked the show. Wayne came over and sucked Matt's cock. Jonathan licked up the cum on Matt's chest. After he finished, Jonathan got up.

"Damn, I love this place!" he said. "I want to retire here! For pure enjoyment this makes Disney World seem like a Baptist ice cream social."

"Come on. You're not giving up on Broadway or Hollywood?" I said. "You're being carried away by momentary lust."

"That may be true. It's great to have sex with someone who isn't after a part in a play." Jonathan explained. "There's no one watching, no one after anything but the juice in your balls. It's great."

Magnus returned to pick me up later that afternoon. I was due in Richmond and Jonathan had to be in Washington for a concert on Sunday. It had clouded over and a light rain was falling. We were sitting in the main cabin, having a drink.

"You can sign me up as an investor for the New Samoa project." Jonathan said. "How much are the shares? I have some friends who would like to be involved too." Magnus said the shares would be one hundred.

"That's no problem at all." Jonathan said. "Privacy is the key element. Some of my friends need privacy."

"That's hard to do. You saw how open it was. There is no place to be solitary on the island." I said.

"That's not the kind of privacy I mean. I mean no outsiders, no one who doesn't share our interests." Jonathan explained. Some of them are well known. They can't be exposed. It would ruin their careers."

"That sort of privacy, we can do." Magnus said. "We had a club like this in Richmond, the Alcazar. We had some distinguished guests and not a word leaked out."

"What kind of guests were they?" Jonathan said.

"I said not a word leaked out!" Magnus reiterated, "Not then, not now. I'm not sure, however, I don't want a club for the rich and famous. We are just plain men who like each other. Prima Donnas may not fit in. " Jonathan was silent for a moment.

"I see your point. But I take it you aren't opposed to the rich and famous as long as they share your interests and aren't ass holes?" Jonathan asked. "If they fit in, it's okay?"

"We set the rules." Magnus said. Jonathan indicated he understood that and he had some friends who would fit in just right.

Next: Chapter 17: Catfish and Company 1

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