Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 10, 2014


Catfish finds Inner peace 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The next day's Tantric session was well attended and enjoyable. Some of the men had been to previous sessions and they were comfortable. My uneasy friend, Carl, from the previous day was there with his friend. Ram was mellow as usual. Since I had been at the class before I had a chance to analyze his technique.

He was so relaxed that he was able to say unexpected things and no one seemed to notice. I tend to be direct, but I think my, "Let's get naked and fuck like rabbits," would not have been as successful as Ram's, "Let's connect with our inner soul," approach. These were all conventional men, and the direct approach would not have worked.

Now, I think many would have liked the fuck like rabbits approach, but most were too afraid or conventional to admit it. Ram started by explaining sex was not a foreign aspect of life, but at the core of our human life. He then went on to describe our sexual habits and the odd way we treat sex.

"We tend to have sex in a darkened room, and try to do it as fast as possible so no one will find out. We should be proud of sex and proud of our sexual skills. We can all give pleasure and share it. Our objective here is to improve our sexual skills. We need to enjoy sex, make it last longer, rejoice in sex and treat it as an essential part of our lives," Ram said.

"Now, let me be realistic," he added. "I suspect that not all of you are sexual athletes of the first order. I suspect some of that is because you need more experience." The men laughed. "We can help with the experience aspect of the project. I can also add to your repertoire of sexual skills," he paused. "You may have noticed that I am Indian. India is a great and ancient culture with its own esoteric knowledge and practices." Ram sat on the floor and bent himself into a convoluted position.

"You will be relieved to know, but knowledge of advanced yoga techniques will not be needed," Ram added. The room burst into laughter. "Now it's time to get more comfortable," Ram unwound himself, and stripped naked in a single fluid motion. As his assistant, I stripped too, in a less graceful way.

The men who had been there before followed suit, with the new men right behind. One man saw me. "Damn, you didn't mention sword swallowing!" There was more laughter. It was a good group, much more relaxed than the previous one.

Ram and I demonstrated some techniques. Ram had a few new tricks. I had assumed he was going to do a repeat of the previous session. He seemed to have an unlimited number of sexual skills. I was the beneficiary of his skills.

I am demonstrative and the men became excited too. The Tantric session began to have the feel of a plain, old-fashioned sex party. It was both sensual and relaxed. Carl came over to me as soon as the main demonstration was over. He was with his friend, who he introduced as Freddy. Freddy was an older man, well into his seventies. He was also well hung and he was entirely relaxed.

"It is a treat to see a man of your endowments," Freddy said. "Brian said he thought you were impressive."

"You are no slouch," I said looking at his organ.

"Mine is merely a still life. It is a mere decorative accessory," Freddy said. "Brian and I have been partnered for twenty-five years. My prostate problem was two years ago. Brian has been monk like for long enough. I was hoping to let him spread his wings this weekend." He leaned close to be. "He's was used to my cock. I wanted him to maintain standards; he's a size queen," he whispered.

"I like size queens," I said.

I joined in with the rest of the group, but Freddy asked me to visit his cabin after the session. It was a good group and I had a good time. Scotty and Brian were into it big time, as were most of their pals. This was the introductory session and it was mostly fondling and oral. When it ended, I was feeling good, but fully loaded. At nine, we went to breakfast and then there was time to rest, exercise or have a massage.

I went to Freddy's cabin. Carl was there with Freddy. Freddy went off to have a massage. A little later Isaac, the folk singer, came by. Apparently, he had connected with Carl, and they shared an interest in large cocks. I was the center of attention.

Isaac was laid back and casual as a singer but he was more driven sexually and was enthusiastic. He was an average man, slim and hairy. He had normal six-inch organ, but he needed no lessons from Ram to use it to full effect.

Carl's ass had been unused for two years. He was ready. It took a little work and lots of lube to open him up, but it was worth the effort. His ass was tight and quivering. As I slipped in, Isaac knocked at my back door. He slipped in and hit my prostate. He knew when he hit it, and then he gave it a workout.

Carl needed a break and I pulled out. Isaac took the opportunity to make a visit. He surprised Carl who adapted quickly. Since Isaac's ass was wide open, I decided to give him a boost. My plan was to just rest my knob at his hole and see how he reacted.

I did not expect what happened. Isaac dilated his ass, sucked me in and then clamped tight. He possessed an almost prehensile ass, and he loved my cock. He moaned and shivered in response to every movement, but he did not neglect Carl. Isaac was a multi-tasker.

Isaac soon shot off in Carl's ass. He pulled out and I took his place. Isaac's cum added a little tingle and I pounded Carl until he popped. His ass spasmed as he ejaculated and I released my special brew. I pumped some after I climaxed. It was juicy and warm.

When I pulled out, I rested on the bed next to him. Isaac licked up Carl's cum from his gut. He then slipped lower in the bed and licked Carl's ass. Carl relaxed and some of the man soup in his ass drooled out. Isaac was in heaven.

"It's good to be neat," I said. "Do you like the taste?"

"Not really," he said, "I turns me on so much I don't care. Did I shock you?

"I'm open minded," I replied. "Size queens and cum hounds are all variants on the basic gay man. I like the cream straight from the spigot. I take it you like it after it's been used?" He nodded. "You should have a good week. Officially, his place is Tantric, but there is a lot of sperm stored up in men's balls and waiting for release. This place is a sperm banqueting hall."

"I have to be careful," Isaac said. "It's not the sort of thing my fans like."

"Privacy is what this place sells," I said. "You are free to enjoy it." I went back to my room and called my office just to see if anything needed my attention. There was one bit of information. My computer men had found that Mr. Loving had many corporations under different names in several localities. There were corporations controlled by shell corporations within conglomerates. "He has good lawyers and even better accountants. It was a chore to find out who owns what," my man said. "There is no reason for that complexity without something being bit off color,"

That afternoon I went out and sat at the pool. I sat in the sun. I don't get into the sun much, and I inspired several men to coat me in sunscreen. We were in secluded area and we were nude. The men were careful to make sure that my cock, balls and ass did not burn. Oddly, Brian made sure the inside of my rectum was protected too. He was thoughtful, that way, but he also protected my prostate.

Scotty saw me and asked me into his cabin. Brian was there with a third man who I had seen at the morning session. He was one of the shy ones. Scotty introduced me to Colin.

"Colin is an old friend of mine. This morning's session was a bit much for him, but he sure liked the scenery," Scotty said. "He told me that he thought that while your organ was pretty, it was too big to be useful. I told him it was not purely decorative. We made a little bet and that is why you are here. I was hoping you could prove that your organ would fit somewhere."

"I can give you references, if you want," I said, 'No one has been hospitalized yet."

"We were hoping for a demonstration," Scotty said.

"Are you drawing straws to see who gets to bottom?"

Brian laughed. "Yes, the man who gets the long straw gets to take it," he said. "After seeing you at this morning's session we were hoping you weren't too shy to help us out." Colin looked uncomfortable.

"Well boys, I never fucked a man who lost a bet. I like fucking men who really want it. If you can't admit you want me up your ass, it ain't going to happen," I said. There was a brief silence.

"I think you are talking about me," Scotty said. "I would love to have that thing of beauty up my ass, but I am not sure it will fit."

"You are a bottom?" I asked.

"I was mostly a top until a few years ago. I met Brian then. He's a top too and something had to give. It was my sphincter. He has branched out a bit since then too. You turn me on big time."

"Is it me or my cock?" I asked.

"I think it's a little of each," he said. "Maybe it's one-third you and two-thirds your cock. This may sound strange but thinking about you shooting in my ass excites me."

"What are your interests, Brian?" I asked.

"Sloppy seconds," he replied without hesitation.

"Jesus, that's hot," Colin added.

"I take it you don't mind watching men going at it like dogs in heat?" I asked Colin. He just smiled, but there was a wet spot on his shorts. I unbuttoned my shirt, but all three of the men were naked before I was undressed. I went over to Scotty, as did Brian. He sucked us both. Scotty had a fireplug type cock. Brian had a long snake and Colin had an impressive club cock. Colin was a bland looking accountant type, and his cock was a surprise.

Things do not always work out the way you would think. Scotty had good intentions, but he was too tight. I couldn't get him open without damage. I looked at Colin and he volunteered. Colin was a nice, prim and proper Southern Baptist accountant. When my knob touched his ass, he moaned and opened wide. I went deep on the first thrust and he went to a more pleasurable heaven than any of his Southern Baptist relatives ever went.

My cock shares my detective skills with my brain. It told me that I was not the first cock to visit the dark side of his sphincter. It may have been the biggest, but it wasn't the first. Colin wiggled, rotated and ground his ass to make sure my cock was happy. His was needy, not just for cock, but for a new cock that could stretch his limits.

I was pretty sure he had been entertaining at the back door for years, but he was tight and firm. His sphincter was vice like. I had a good orgasm and filled his ass with redneck man cream. When I pulled out Scotty took my place. His fireplug type cock did the trick for Colin too. Eventually Brian had his sloppy seconds, but it was more correctly sloppy thirds.

There was a quiet rapping on the door. Scotty went to see who it was. "It's Isaac," his said.

"Let him in, he will love this," I said. Isaac came in the room, sized up the situation and stripped. He was naked by the time Brian climaxed. Scotty and Brian were fans, and the party picked up again. Isaac went to Colin's cum filled ass. No one batted an eye. I think Isaac was a shy man, but licking up sperm from a guy's ass made it difficult to play the demure virgin. We were all willing to go with the flow.

I think everyone has a quirk or two about their sexual life. We tend to see our own quirks as odd but harmless. We tend to see other person's quirks as being deeply perverse, and either funny or disgusting. I separate quirks into two groups. I personally love size queens for obvious reasons. A little play-acting is fine, although it does not do much for me. Anything that involves pain or abuse is a turn off. Maybe the play acting stuff is okay, but it is easy to slip into real pain.

Sex is for pleasure, mutual pleasure. I also have a problem with boys. I am what people typically call a pipsqueak or a shrimp. There have always been bigger guys who want to humiliate small guys. I happen to be a mean as shit pipsqueak, so usually the big guys have the problem, but guys going after kids is a big problem for me. I know that some kids may really want it, but they want lots of stuff. Waiting until they are mature is never a bad idea.

Scotty and Brian were occupied with Isaac. Isaac's cock definitely fit Scotty's ass. Brian liked watching his pal take it. I was with Colin. Colin had relaxed now that we all knew how needy he was. "It's relaxing to be in a room where everyone has been in my ass," he said. "The secret is out!"

"No one knew you are gay?" I asked.

"I think most knew I was a confirmed bachelor, and they knew what that meant," Colin said. "Staying in the closet was a habit. I was comfortable there. I did not want anyone to know I liked it in the ass. I'm not a he-man but it seemed too effeminate."

"I think liking the bottom may have more to do with the placement of your prostate than anything else," I said. You were good at it. I could tell you liked it."

"You could tell?"

"Well, naked men with erect cocks have a hard time hiding their feelings," I said.

Colin looked at me and smiled. "I guess you could tell you weren't the first," I nodded. "I'm the county clerk in the next county. Everyone knows me back home. It's good to get out."

"You must be busy, I've heard there is a lot of real estate activity around here," I said.

"You know it's funny, but I have heard stories, but no one has shown up to record a deed," Colin said. "There has been some re-plating of property lines, but little else. What is odd is that the new lots don't make much sense."

"What do you mean?"

"They are all being done by out of state surveyors. The lots and parcels seem to start nowhere and end nowhere. They don't relate to roads or existing plots," he said. "It's turning the county into a crazy quilt. Even worse, the new parcels leave parts of the old parcels in place. I have complained to the Board of Supervisors to no avail. They don't care."

I wondered if you would realize existence of the new parcels without reading the fine print and boundary description. Would you know the property did not have access to roads? I was beginning to see the swindle take form. As I talked with Colin, Isaac and Brian worked over Scotty ass. I went over to Scotty and discovered his ass was now open and limber. I took my time, but I got in him.

We had a good time. Brian and Isaac were fucking Colin and we were somewhat alone. Scotty was on his side as I rubbed his rectum.

"I feel strange," Scotty said. "I've never been fucked by three guys before."

"Is it a good strange or a bad strange?" I asked.

"I would bet it will turn out to be a good strange. It is so different from anything I have done before. I've always been the macho type," he said. "I was acting like a two bit whore and loving it. I don't believe yours fit. Isaac's was good too. He shot off quickly. But it was good."

"You turned him on."

"You think so?" he asked.

"That's usually what a quick orgasm means," I said, "He wanted to shoot in you. Do you mind having his seed in you?"

Scotty looked at me. "I don't mind," he said. "It is oddly intimate."

"I pushed it in really deep," I said. "I added my own to the brew in your ass."

"That was just frosting on the cake," Scotty said.

Julio out did himself that night with dinner. Julio had the ability to take ordinary ingredients and make then special. He was nothing like the star chefs you see on the television. The results were exceptional. I went to my room to get to bed early. I would hate to think that there is a limit to my tolerance for sex, but I was getting close. The next morning was the Tantric anal session. I wanted to rest up for that.

I went to my room, got in bed and then woke at six the next morning. Ram was already awake and we went to the Tantric center. By six-thirty, men were waiting for him. This group was more sexually adventurous than the previous group from the week before. They liked sex and were much more comfortable with their sexual tastes. Some men aren't into anal. While choosing he top or the bottom may be a personal choice, I suspect it may be more of an anatomical choice than a personal preference. Some asses do not seem to be suited for being a bottom. A small anus is an obvious problem, but I also think the location of the prostate plays a role. There can be a mental problem too. Some men feel that that taking it in the ass is too feminine.

Ram was mellow as always and the men were both receptive to his message and relaxed. It was more like anal massages than fucking, but my cock often had a mind of its own. Several members of the farm staff were there included Julio, the chef and Humphrey, the yardman. With Ram and me, there were almost twenty men there.

Once Ram and I did a demonstration, the atmosphere warmed greatly. He slipped into me easily and he remained both fully erect and mellow. "I am in control of my emotions," he explained. "The tight confines of my friend's ass are intensely pleasurable for him and me. My objective is to reach that point where the pleasurable feeling are just shot of demanding release. We all know that feeling seconds form the orgasm when the pleasure is almost unbearable."

"Usually it only last for a few seconds. I want it to last for a minute or two. At that point I want to cool down and slide away from the orgasms," Ram continued. "I am not going to pull out. I wanted to remain fully enveloped by my friend's ass. I relax a little, but my organ continues to ooze my slippery ball juices. His warm ass is still tight, and my cock continues to caress it."

"What happens if you pop?" Scotty asked.

"The world does not come to an end," Ram said. "You can try to control it and limit it to one or two ejaculations. This adds some natural lubricant and can be pleasurable. In my own case, one or two spurts takes the edge off the need to climax and I can go longer."

"In this situation, there is another option. Since we are in a group, you can slowly pull out, ejaculating as you do this. Thus, you distribute you semen throughout the rectum. You can have a friend take you place and use you natural lubricant!" Ram said. "If he is a close friend this can be exciting. If he is a stranger, think of it as a special gift. It is a gift that only a man can give." At that point, Ram pulled out of me, rolled on his back and I took my place at his ass. He discussed how to relax your sphincter so you can open for a big cock.

After the session, Colin came over to me. "I have a favor to ask of you. I had a friend nearby who would like to meet you. He and I share a common interest. Let me be frank, we have an agreement that if we encountered a monumental organ such as your own, we would share it. His own interest is oversized cocks is perhaps greater than my own," Colin said. "This is entirely up to you, of course. He is younger than I am and masculine." After a little conversation, I agreed to meet the man.

After lunch, Colin picked me up in his Mercedes and we drove to a secluded mountain cabin. A man, who had been sitting on the porch, got up and came to meet up.

"Noland, I would like you to meet one of my oldest friends Eugene Banks. He is a fixture of these parts," Colin said.

Banks looked me over from top to bottom, lingering at my crotch. He smiled. "How do you do?" he said as he shook my hands. "Colin told me that good things cock in small packages. Your package isn't small at all!"

Next: Chapter 159: Catfish Finds Inner Peace 8

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