Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 26, 2014


Catfish Finds Inner Peace 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I had many leads and a theory or two, but I needed more. So far, there wasn't a crime yet. At least not a major crime. I usually thought of myself as a crime fighter, but it was better to be a crime stopper. I had a strong feeling that something was going to happen, but I hoped I we could avoid it. My suspicion was that this involved a real estate swindle. That is one problem, but swindlers tend to become over confident and make mistakes. When confronted with the possibility of jail some lose their heads.

Swindlers usually associate with other swindlers and can get in over their heads. Partners get greedy; underlings always want more. The crime world attracts psychopaths, sadists and delusional people. That is a rough crowd to run with, especially when things go bad. Things always go bad.

There was no Tantric session that morning, so I went in town and talked with Troy. The meeting with Sheriff Banks, Loving and Wendell had been at a hotel and was private. Banks had returned to the office excited. He called in some of his buddies and told them there were big changes coming. He was babbling and Troy thought he had lost it.

One of the buddies was Troy's friend. Sam was a young, rowdy redneck who was now a patrolman. "He's a nice kid, but dumb as shit," Troy said, "He's also my cousin. Aunt Alice married a complete jerk. Sam says he's going to be the police chief when Banks becomes the mayor. That is the blind leading the blind. He says Banks will be moving back to the family home soon."

"By family home does he mean Hill Top Farm?" I asked. Troy nodded.

There was honking in the yard. Troy went to the door. "It's Sam," Troy said. "He drops by once and a while for a tune-up and a fluid change, if you get my meaning. He doesn't know he is gay. He thinks he is just having some fun."

"Some fun is good for everyone," I said. "Is he the shy type?"

"Not at all," Troy said. Sam was at the door now. "Where is the biggest cock sucker east of the Blue Ridge?" he bellowed.

"No problem," I said. "I didn't know Troy was the biggest cock sucker east of the Blue Ridge. I thought I was!" Sam looked at me and then burst into a smile.

"I'm Noland," I said, extending my hand. He shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sammy," he said. "I'm Troy's cousin, and I have to be a work shortly; I wish I had more time to get to know you."

"What I like doing doesn't take much time," I said as I scratched my balls. Sam looked at Troy. Troy smiled and scratched his balls. Sammy began to unbutton his shirt. I had no idea what Sammy was into, but as soon as he saw my cock, he went for it. Sometimes rednecks just want to stand there and be sucked. He wasn't one of those. He was greedy and he worked on Troy and me frantically. He calmed down after five minutes and we formed a three-man daisy chain.

Sammy was one of those boys who can go from zero to sixty in ten seconds. He was a taste treat if you like precum. He had just showered so there was the faint taste of soap mixed with his cock juices. He also sported a pair of big low hangers. I worked on them and then took a look at his hole. It was small and pretty. For some reason I knew it would be all puffy, stretched and oozing my cream in a little while.

My tongue strayed from his balls to his hole. He shivered and moaned. I knew he wanted it. Sammy was a talker and he talked non-stop unless there was a cock in his mouth. I thought that was an attractive feature. I told him I liked to top.

"I've never done that," Sammy replied. "I doesn't look like your tool would fit. If I was going to be fucked, I think I would start with a smaller one. On the other hand, I never played with a man who wasn't family before either. This has been good, really good!"

"If you like family, why don't you let Troy take a poke?" I asked. "He has a nice one and if it's good, I might stretch you wider, if you are still game." I didn't know if Sammy was into that, but Troy was. Once Troy was in deep, Sammy was a happy man. I was sucking him as Troy pounded and I tasted his reaction. Troy did not last long and when he pulled out, I slipped in.

Sammy had not guessed I would do that and I surprised him. He was relaxed and did not fight me at all. Troy had filled his cousin with high quality cop lube and it was easy. Troy went off the bath to shower. I had a chance to both fuck and talk with Sammy.

"Damn, I've never been with anyone who wasn't family before," Sammy said, "Now you're in my ass!"

"Do you want me to pull out?" I asked.

"Shit no!" he exclaimed. "I wasn't complaining. Actually, a cousin did me once and just now Troy did me. Troy was the only one I wanted in me."

"You are nice and tight; you feel good," I said. "I don't need to shoot in you if you don't want it."

"I don't mind the gravy," Sammy replied. "My cousin had just sucked off an uncle. He spit Uncle Elon's scuz on my hole and the shoved it in me with his cock. That was the only good part of it. I liked Elon."

"You must come from quite a family," I said. He laughed.

"Troy is from the good part of the family. His folks got the smarts, mine got the used trailer and the recliner on blocks in the front yard," he said as I made a hard thrust. His eyes crossed and I made a few more deep pokes to keep him happy.

"You like working for the Sheriff?" I asked.

"It's okay. The work is easy and the pay is good. I was a bagger in the grocery store and delivered pizzas at night," he explained. "The pizza job was good. It had nice fringe benefits."

"What do you mean?"

"I had an accident as a kid and as a result I am shooting blanks," he explained. "That can be real attractive to lonely ladies. The Sheriff's wife was really needy. He is a bit light on keeping the home fires burning, if you get my drift. I kind of think he likes the boys. I like it all, but he tends to like the pretty boys."

"I heard he was anti-gay," I said.

"That's just a cover. He real interests are hunting for his fucking family treasure and playing with Patrolman Wilkes. Wilkes is not my type. He doesn't care which side of the toast is buttered as long as there is enough butter."

"I thought you said you might be the next chief if things work out for the Sheriff?"

"Wilkes will be his administrative assistant and the county Commissioner of Revenue," Sammy said. "He's good with numbers."

"Well, Sammy, this ride is coming to an end. Are you sure you want my home brew up your behind?" I asked.

"Shit yes!" he replied. I think Sammy's story must have excited me. I felt like I shot a pint of semen into him. "I can feel it," he cried. He squeezed his ass to milk the last drops from my cock.

As I went back to the Farm, I wondered if the big money behind the scheme was aware of the Sheriff's plans. There wasn't much illegal going on. It was more pranks than a crime. The real estate thing was probably a swindle of some sort. If the men behind it were smart, they could do it without any criminal activity. The men who are into that sort of scheme usually can't stop without going too far. They had a drive to take it too far and milk the last nickels from their marks. If they made two or three hundred percent profit on a fraud, they would want to make it three hundred and one percent.

The sheriff might well be delusional or plain old stupid. When you trade in reality for fantasy, your options expand. I assumed he would go too far and get in trouble.

At the Farm, I talked to Phil about the situation and told him that I doubted he needed my services anymore. "I think a good night watchman might solve your problems," I said. "I have enjoyed my stay here, but I am probably over qualified."

"You may be right, but I still have a bad feeling about something," Phil said. "The staff and guests have enjoyed you. Ram tells me that you have enjoyed them too. I'd love to have you stay for another week. Would you consider staying as a guest? Do you take vacations? You could help Ram and be pampered."

"Come to think of it, I don't vacation much," I said. "Technically speaking, I don't vacation at all."

"I've hired a new clean up man, but Ram loves you as an assistant. You can be the assistant instructor in the Tantric center," he said. I called my office and everything was under control there. A week of relaxation sounded good to me, so I stayed. The office was fine with it.

When I saw Ram, he already knew of the change. We were at the weekend and new group of men would be arriving shortly. My room was going to the new man, and Ram asked if I would mind sharing his apartment. That was fine with me.

"There is one thing I must warn you about," Ram said. "It is embarrassing, so I hope it won't offend you."

"Ram, it takes a lot to offend me," I said.

"I have some friends who come by to see me. They are intimate friends, but they are not here for a tantric experience," he said. "I am not true to my teachings."

"Are you talking ejaculations, orgasms and sperm spurting all over the place?" I asked. Ram nodded.

"Well, you are all man after all," I said. "There is only so long a man can hold back. I understand and it does not bother me one bit. Don't worry, I won't tell and I won't be in your way."

"You don't think I am a charlatan?"

"Ram, I am the last person in the world to judge other men's sexual lives," I added. "My virgin days are long behind me." Ram looked relieved. He went off to greet the new guests and I moved my stuff into his guest room.

I then sat back and watched the television. I found an old movie and got into it. Someone knocked on the door and I went to open it. Julio was there and asked if Ram was in. I said he was out, but asked him in. It took an entire second or two to realize he was one of Ram's special friends. He was nervous and jumpy. Julio was Cuban, tanned and dark. He always wore his Chef's uniform and hat. He had unbuttoned his chef's shirt. They don't make hairnets for a man's chest, but Julio would have needed it.

We talked some, and I suspected he knew where Ram was and he was hoping for some fun with me. I wondered if he thought I would have sex with anyone who came by. I laughed to myself. That was pretty close to being the case. Julio needed some quick stress relief. He was taking quick glances at my crotch every time he thought I wasn't looking.

"Has Ram converted you to his interest in Tantric sex?" I asked.

"Some aspects are good," Julio said. "Are you a follower?"

"I liked it more than I thought I would. I thought holding back would be frustrating, but that was fine. It gives my cock more quality time in a guy's ass," I said. "Ram thinks you are savoring the moment. I think it just builds up extra cream in my balls. It makes the final blow out better." Julio smiled.

"Extra cream is always good," he said. "The taste is distinctive."

I smiled. "I like the way it is served, hot, straight from the balls." Julio had unbuttoned more. I took off my shirt and undid my belt. We were off to the races. Julio had oversized balls and an average cock.

"Do you give free samples?" he asked.

"No I don't, I said. "I do like to trade." Julio was on his knees a second later. He pulled my pants down and tried to swallow my cock. Julio was not into Tantric sex at all, he was into milking. I got him to calm down, and had a chance to suck him. His cock was a spigot. I barely had his cock head in my mouth when he filled it with is prime, fine vintage, ball juice.

At one time, a quick climax had seemed convenient, especially when you were at a rest stop. I liked longer sessions now, but I appreciated his excitement. I kissed him. I still had his cream in my mouth and he appreciated that. He dressed and left. I took a shower and went to the main building to mingle with the guests.

It was strange to be without an objective. I was usually hunting for information and clues. I felt a little lost. I smiled to myself. I was at a gay sex resort. I could do what everyone else was doing, looking for a hook up. Some may have been looking for true love, but that had never worked for me.

I was fully dressed and that put me at a disadvantage. Looking like something the cat dragged in put me at a disadvantage. What was useful on a steak out was not helpful looking for love. I was wearing jeans and the wear mark was moderately helpful. Thank god that many gay men check out the crotch.

A well-groomed man wearing a Rolex came over to me and introduced himself as Carl from Charlotte. I said I was from Richmond was staying for another week.

"It was that good?" he asked.

"It is nice here. I helped out with the Tantric sessions and that was good too," I said.

"I heard they were wild," Carl whispered to me.

"Wild isn't the right word. They were intense, pleasurable and intimate," I said. "The intimate part was a surprise. I was doing it in a group of nude men. Of course, they were all doing it.

"They were all naked?" he asked. "I heard you are not supposed to shoot off?"

I smiled. "When you are naked you can pick your poison. Ram wants you to hold back, but there are no demerits of you pop. If you can control your facial expressions and don't bellow, no one knows what's going on in dark, private places. No one seemed to mind if you slip your cock in an ass and found out it was extra juicy."

"My rooms over there," he said indicating a nearby cabin. "Would you like a drink?" I said sure, but I knew he wasn't after a drink. He had just arrived and he wanted some fun. In the room, I did note he had matching, very expensive luggage.

"What are the ground rules here," he asked. "I know it's free and easy, but just how free and easy?"

"It is a conventional spa except the wellness center. The Tantric sessions are the only places where there is organized sexual activity. The showers, steam room and sauna are like any health club in the nation, except no one objects to hook ups or a little play. There is a man who will wipe up any sperm. Anything goes in the private cabins and rooms," I explained.

"I've been playing around with guys for years, but never in a group. I have two or three pals I mess around with once a month or more if I get lucky. I heard about this place as an investment opportunity so I decided to check it out. I could get a big chunk of it for a good price, so I am here scouting. I had heard about the Farm as a sexual resort," he explained. "I don't know if I should be here."

"I don't want to insult you, but from the size of the lump in your pants, I'm pretty sure this is the place for you!" I said. "I think you will like it here."

Karl looked down and saw the clear outline of his cock. He blushed. "I'm sorry about that," he mumbled.

I smiled. "There is no need to be sorry or uneasy about that," I said. "Dealing with that lump is why we are all here. It looks like you have a nice one, by the way."

"I would love to have a little show and tell, but I'm supposed to meet a friend in fifteen minutes," Carl said. "He's the guy who told me about the place."

"You will see me at the Tantric session tomorrow," I said. "You will get to see all of me." I left. I think Carl was uneasy and he lost his nerve. I returned to the main house. Carl had mentioned local real estate and I wondered if that was associated with Mr. Loving.

In the main hall, Ram was talking with two men. He saw me and waved me over. "Noland, I'd like you to meet some returning guests, Scotty and his friend, Brian. Scotty was here a year ago and was a star pupil," Ram said. I shook hands. Scotty had unruly red hair and a matching beard. He looked like a Hollywood version of a Highland Chieftain. Brian had pitch black hair and a strong Irish accent. Both were muscular men although Brian had a long trunk and short legs.

Dinner was a barbeque, and the food was superb. Julio had a knack for turning ordinary ingredients into fine food. The guests included a group from Atlanta. I had the suspicion they were members of a sex club who wanted the freedom allowed at the farm. They were obviously enjoying themselves. Officially, they were on a hunting trip with no cell phones. Being unreachable was a luxury.

One of the group was Isaac Winslow, a well-known folk singer. I knew nothing of him, but he had a fine voice and he liked to sing. It turned into a singing around the campfire thing that was nice and mellow. This group seemed more relaxed that the preceding group.

I went back to Ram's apartment. I called my office. Carl had mentioned a big chunk of the project. I was under the impression there was a large number of investors involved. I was wondering if it was the same property, or another one. I wondered if they were they selling 300 or 400 percent if it.

The next morning's tantric class was full. The group for Atlanta was enthusiastic and into it. Scotty, Brian, Isaac and Carl were there too. The Atlanta group wasn't exactly a sex club; it was sort of an AA organization for gay men. If you felt the urges and wanted to go cruising, you could call a member and have sex with him instead. It was safer that a rest stop or park. They were all into sex big time.

The Farm was expensive and some of the group didn't fit the bill. I know what an automobile mechanics or a carpenter's hands look like. Some of the wealthier men like sex with working men so they must have paid the way. It was a nice group.

Next: Chapter 158: Catfish Finds Inner Peace 7

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