Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 7, 2014


Catfish Finds Inner Peace 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Everyone was relaxed and happy by the time we left Ram's session. Most of the men had never been both relaxed and sexually stimulated, some were dazed. Buster and I were almost engaged by the time I pulled out. Several men were shocked that they let themselves be fucked and that they had enjoyed it so much.

All seemed to be at ease with the openness of the sexual connections. I had the feeling that Eddie would enjoy the group later in the day.

That afternoon the Farm had a nature walk for the members. This was part of Ram's efforts to be a peace with nature. This gave the staff some off time, and several repairmen came to fix the little things that go wrong. Buck had twisted his ankle and did not go on the walk.

I had no janitorial duties, but I was helping the yardmen cleanup an old tree that had lost a branch. My pruning skills were superior to theirs. Buck hobbled over to me.

"You might tell someone that there is something strange going on with the telephone-computer repairmen," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if they are doing what they say they are doing, they are overcharging. They are taking an hour to do a ten minute job. They are also adding equipment that has nothing to do with what they say they are doing," he said.

"Like what?"

"There are boxes for mini-cams and video transmission equipment," Buck said. "I think they are bugging the place."

I went to see the manager. He was shocked. The men were not the regular installers who had said they were too busy. I called my own people and two of my technicians were at Hill Top that evening. The next morning the manager announced there had been an electrical problem and the wireless system and shorted out. My people, Oscar and Rocky, are top notch and they had suitably devious minds well suited for finding bugs and cams.

The bugging equipment was sophisticated and expensive. It was also easy to disable. Oscar was a software man and Rocky was into equipment. They were partial to what they called the double-whammy. They disabled both the hardware and software, but added false clues that would leave anyone trying to fix it spending days in useless repairs. Oscar added a little program that would install a virus on the computer used by a person trying to hack into our system. A day later, the County Sheriff's computers went down. In my business we call that a clue.

You could tell Rocky was a computer whiz a mile away. He was thin, with unkempt facial hair and glazed eyes. Oscar was a muscle bear. He said almost nothing. Rocky talked non-stop. He had a deep-seated hatred of snoops and hackers, and he had a well thought out story as to what happened to the system. It was entirely wrong, but it was intended to reassure the people that installed it that the spy cams were undiscovered and that it was a freak accident.

Oscar and Rocky were a couple and they bunked with me. Jameson came by my room looking for love. He liked Oscar a lot. You had to take both men if you wanted one, and that didn't bother Jameson at all. I came back to my room and found them playing. They had already discovered that Jameson was an insatiable bottom. They also discovered there was room for two cocks in his ass. Of course, I joined in. I had never played with Oscar and Rocky before.

Oscar had a fireplug style cock; Rocky had a long snake. While they had stretched Jameson wide, he was still smiling. There was another surprise. I replaced the duo after Oscar shot off. Jameson moaned as I entered him. It was easy since they had lubricated him well. Rocky noticed that Oscar's cock was as thick as mine was, but it was a bit shorter. He worked his snake in and there was room. Jameson went crazy. Rocky was a vigorous fucker. I stayed still as he worked on Jameson's prostate and my cock. It was as if I was being jacked off in the tight confines of an ass.

I pulled out, flipped Jameson and reentered. This time I worked his prostate as Rocky used his cock to stimulate my organ. Jameson was the first to shoot off and his ass contractions pulled my trigger. Rocky liked the feel of my semen spurting against his cock. He popped too. We pulled out and Jameson wallowed in the cum induced euphoria.

Jameson had to leave. "Wendell has a meeting in town with a local big wig and his pal Loving. It's a big to do," he said.

"How big is big?" I asked.

"I don't really know," Jameson confessed. "Everything is big for Wendell. He's a bit bombastic; nothing is small or minor. That just is the way he is. He could be plotting to rule the world, or he could be thinking about a new haircut."

"How do you deal with that?" Rocky asked.

"I just go with the flow and never act surprised," he replied as he left. I went off and found Humphrey and told him there was something going on with the Sheriff. I thought Troy might like to know. He made a call and I went to work.

The daytime man who cleaned the Renewal center seemed to think his hours were optional and had odd ideas as to what constituted clean. He was young, pretty and popular with the guests. I filled in the gaps. As a janitor, I faded into the woodwork. That suited my purposes. The men remembered me from the Tantric sessions, but when my cock was hidden, they forgot I was there.

I knew most of the men who attended Ram's Tantric events and Eddie's exercise classes. I did not know a third group. Eddie called them the room service crowd. They spent most of the time in their cabins and had most of their food and sex delivered. They were either public figures, men who though they were public figures and others who were so deep in the closet, they were afraid to be seen as gay by other gay men.

I was finishing cleaning the showers when Buck came over to me. "Do you have any time off this afternoon? I have a pal who would like to meet you," he said.

I'll be finished here in another five minutes," I replied. "What is the plan?"

"I told him about you fucking. He's real shy, but it excited him," Buck said.

"He wants to bottom?"

Buck leaned close to me. "He wants to watch. I was thinking I might like to try it out," he whispered. "You're big, but that kind of turns me on."

"You're a nice guy. I wouldn't want to hurt you," I said.

"I'm a big boy," Buck replied. "There is one other thing. I see the cams are still here."

"Don't worry, they don't work anymore. Somehow something broke in them," I said.

"All of them?" he asked. I nodded. "What is going on here? You're not just a janitor."

"I'm not sure what's going on, but it's under control," I said.

"This guy who wants to watch is a big time real estate agent in the next county. He is making huge bucks on sales here. There is big money involved. I asked him if the feds were expanding parklands. It private money," he said. "The farm is a big parcel." That bit of information would require a call to my office later.

I completed cleaning the shower room and went with Buck to one of the guest cabins.

Buck introduced me to his friend, William, and William then introduced me to his friend, Wellford. William was a handsome sixty-year-old man, perfectly groomed and dressed. Wellford was my size and didn't have a hair in place. He was a mess. William had lost his partner of thirty years six months earlier. Wellford was a childhood friend who was trying to get him active again.

Wellford was not shy. "Buck was telling us about your Tantric classes. Willy and I have never done anal, and Buck said you had a knack."

"Did he mention I have a big cock too?" I asked.

Wellford smiled. "He may have mentioned that. I'd be lying if I said we weren't interested. Buck said you were good and enjoyed it a lot. I'd love to see a demonstration."

"I have no problem giving a nice educational demonstration, but I have one rule. It is educational, but it is intimate too. I like everyone to be naked. We are all men, and I like to see if you understand my lessons," I said. Wellford looked at William and William nodded.

Wellford began to unbutton his shirt. I liked that, he was ready to go. William was toned and well-tanned. Buck and Wellford were both half hard. William's eyes were fixed on Buck's cock. When I dropped my shorts William glanced and said, "Damn!" I caught his attention.

Buck was a laid-back man but he was ready. If anyone is excited, I seem to catch the excitement. Wellford was downright enthusiastic, rock hard and drooling. William was less so, but he was getting harder.

I used Ram's techniques to relax Buck's anus, and lubricated hiss hole well. William and Wellford stood back. "Why don't you boys get closer? We are just men having some fun. We are not doing anything bad or dirty. When I was a kid, I though a cock was just a drain. It was a good day when I discovered it was a tool for pleasure," I said. "I'm not shy. Buck may be a little shy, but that will vanish when I'm in him. He will have bigger things to deal with." They came closer.

My cock was at Buck' hole and I was gently pushing. "I'm not fucking; I'm just introducing my cock to Buck's ass. I want them to be friends," I said. "Are you okay, Buck?"

"I'm fine, it feels good," Buck said. I continued my slow assault on his ass. By then William was fully erect and looking good.

"Wellford is real excited. Would you mind if he helped out some?" I asked.

"That's fine with me," Buck replied.

"I'm afraid I will shoot off," Wellford whispered.

"A little extra lube isn't a problem," I said. Wellford noised his cock head into Buck's hole. Wellford's tool was thin, with a strawberry sized knob. "Take it easy. We are all friends having a good time. There is no need to rush," I said. William was excited too. I was going to offer him a turn in Buck's hole too, but I didn't want to rush him.

Wellford began to shiver and shake. Buck moaned as Wellford's cream spurted against his hole. Wellford pulled out and went to shower. I stepped up to the plate and pushed the cream deeper into his body. He winced a little when I stretched his sphincter, but then he let out a deep growl as my organ filled him. William moaned too.

"We've done all the hard work, it's time to enjoy it," I said. I made slow, deep thrusts and Buck continued to growl.

"I can't believe we are watching this," William said. "It's so personal, so intimate."

"It is hard for men to share, but it's wonderful when you can be completely naked. You cannot hide anything, but most men would be lucky if they could feel what we are feeling now. We are taught to hold back and hide our feelings. That is good sometimes, but not during sex."

"I can't believe Buck can take it," William muttered.

"If you want it badly enough, you can usually take it," I said. Wellford returned form showering. He was still erect.

"Buck I need to pull out. I don't want to shoot off yet. Would you mind if Wellford or William give it a try?" I asked. Buck smiled. I motioned to Wellford to get closer.

"Ease it in Wellford. Take your time. Buck is nice and open, just slip it in," I said. He was a little timid so I guided his cock into Buck's hole. His knob vanished into the hole.

"Buck didn't fight you at all, did he? He likes it," I said. "Push in deeper." Wellford moaned as he pushed deeper.

"I'm going to shoot again," he cried.

"Buck likes to fuck too. He knows what it feels like. He knows you can't always hold it in. he will understand," I said. Wellford pulled out and I replaced him. Buck liked that. I provided more intense sensations than Wellford, but it had been good to have a break.

Eventually, William joined in and his trip into Buck's ass was a complete success. All four of us got into it. When Buck got tired, I took his place and let them hone their fucking skills in my ass. The three of them loved that. We were relaxed by then and we talked. William was riding high. Rural Virginia is not a goldmine for real estate agents. He had done as well as you can, but the sudden outbreak of activity was good for him.

"Are they local people who just won the lottery?" I asked.

"No, most of the locals would buy a new double wide after the bought a fully loaded Dodge truck if they won thelottery," William replied. "These guys are out of state and most is being bought by middle men. I assume they are planning a major development here, perhaps a resort. I don't know that much, but as long as the checks don't bounce, I don't need to know!"

Our little party broke up I went back to my room to make some calls. Rocky and Oscar were getting ready to leave so I told them of my suspicions. They would tell the office. I asked if there was a chance of reactivating the spy equipment.

"There is a chance, but I installed a program so we can monitor the system back at the office. If there is any funny business, we will know," Rocky said.

"Is there a chance they could circumvent your program?" I asked.

"Of course there is a chance," Oscar said, "but this is our own little invention. It is not off the shelf stuff and it had a built in early warning feature. It will divert an intruder to a site in India we call malware central. That will screw them over."

I had a quiet night and had time to think. I couldn't tell if this was a white supremacist homeland thing or a real estate swindle. I also could not figure out Hill Top Farm's role in the scheme. I wondered if the Farm was a sideshow. Was this just the Sheriff's obsession, a desire to collect on a fantasy relationship to the Farm's builders? There was a possibility that he was free-lancing. He may have been a tool in a bigger swindle, but he might not be smart enough to know that.

I went to the early Tantric class the next morning. Buck, Wellford, Buster, Jameson and some other men were there. Ram talked about extending the sexual high. While the objective was to delay the orgasm, he wanted everyone to think of sex as anal massage.

Wellford asked if the size of a cock might make it too intense. He was looking at me as he asked the question. Several men laughed. Ram took the question seriously. Wellford said his hole was nearly virgin and his experiments with it had been problematic.

"Would you allow me to open you up?" Ram asked. "If there are other men here who have the same problem, I would be glad to work with you." A man I did not know named Fed came forward. The group divided into pairs. I was with Fred, and Jameson was with Butch next to me.

Butch was a big bruiser of a man and he was going to top. Jameson looked happy at the prospect. Fred had been to the other sessions, but he was shy had held back. He came to me, and I guessed he was a shy and timid size queen. Wellford was with Ram.

Fred was nervous. "If you want me in your ass, I can get in," I said. "Everyone one here is into it big time. They all want cock and they all hope they will spend some time on the moon. They hope a cock will hit the perfect spot." I began lubricating his ass. He jumped when I touched his ass but he relaxed when he realized I was careful and gentle. His hole looked small, but I knew that didn't mean much.

"I'm not going in any further than you want," I said. "You need to let me in; I'm not going to force my way into you. I'm on your schedule, so take your time."

"What if I can't do it?" he asked.

"That is not a problem. It's your ass," I said. By this time, I had two fingers stretching his sphincter and was hunting for his prostate. "You are nice and tight."

"Is that a problem?" Fred asked.

"Not for me. I like a tight grip on my cock." I said. For some reason, I had a good feeling about Fred. I thought he would let me in and that he would enjoy it. I was right about most of that. He didn't enjoy it; he loved it. He was one of those men who were born lacking an important organ. That organ was my cock deeply wedged into his ass. His ass was almost prehensile and he could grip and massage my organ.

It was very intense and then we calmed down to a nice walk in the park type fucking. Next to us, Buster was deep dicking Jameson, and Jameson was talking. Jameson was a nice guy but he liked to talk and try to impress people. Buster wasn't listening, but Jameson didn't seem to notice.

"We had lunch with Mr. Loving. That man is so rich he was almost sweating hundred-dollar bills. He wants Wendell to invest in his company, the plan is to buy up a few counties in Virginia and West Virginia and make a place that white men can live in peace," Jameson explained.

I wondered if Buster had a truth serum mixed in with his precum. Buster wasn't the intellectual type, and I look like Chimp. Jameson must have thought it was okay to spill the beans. He talked freely about Loving's wealth and his plans. I noticed that Loving's plans were grandiose, but that Wendell's money was to play an important role in those plans.

Fred's rectum was all but shrink wrapped to my cock by then. It was sexually exciting for both of us. As I listened into to Jameson's conversation, my cock bonded with Fred. I pulled out and switched with Buster. Buster was a man's man and Fred was willing to take him.

Jameson re-energized as my cock entered his ass. He had been running out of chatter, but my cock must have recharged him. Buster had released his sperm in Jameson's ass and it was smooth as silk. Buster was a cool customer and he did not react during his orgasm. He maintained the illusion of Tantric restraint. Ram was playing Wellford like a violin.

After forty-five minutes, the Tantric class had become of group of happy, sexually connected men. Wellford was taking everyone who wanted to fuck him and Ram was giving Buster's prostate a work out. By the end of the session, everyone had connected with other men either as a top, bottom or both.

Jameson was talking freely, so freely that I concluded he knew nothing about whatever plots were in the works. He was impressed by Loving, but I noted that while he might have been a true believer, that belief came at a price. His followers paid the price.

I went back to my room and called the office. My men had been busy. Loving was involved in a cluster of organizations and corporations. Officially, these were promoting right wing causes, but most were high overhead operations. Salaries and bonuses for the executives were high, and comparatively little cash was distributed for the charities and the corporations generated no profits. In one organization, Loving was the executive director, chairman of the board and chief fundraiser. He received a salary for each position.

Loving did hire good lawyers and accountants. The organizations were continually merging, being bought out, or going out of existence. This was a shell game to keep the IRS a step or two behind the manipulation. By the time they were ready to go after a charity, it no longer existed.

Next: Chapter 157: Catfish Finds Inner Peace 6

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