Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 21, 2014


Catfish Finds Inner Peace 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

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Troy was the strong silent type but he could be talkative when there was a cock in his ass. That was good for me.

Sheriff Banks won the election on a fluke. As far as he was concerned three votes was a mandate and he immediately set about screwing things up as quickly as possible. He proposed cutting patrolmen's pay and then giving them a percentage of the take on the tickets they issued. He tried to get the State Troopers to give him a percentage of their fines.

The local judge found out about that and put a stop to it. He then forced out the older men and replaced them with untrained friends. Troy was 35 so he remained. Banks was planning to save money so he could use that as an achievement in his next campaign. There were a number of false arrest and similar incidents due to his inexperience.

"At first, I thought Banks was just stupid or just dense," Troy said. "I think it may be worse than that. I think he is delusional. He likes to drink with his buddies and talks freely when he is drunk. I have an office behind his and the walls are thin. He wants to run the county and then take over the state with guys who think right, real Americans."

"He also thinks he is the heir of the Van der Wahl family. He is the rightful owner of Hill Top Farm," Troy said.

"How did he come to believe that?" I asked.

"In 1948, Emma Jean Morris's aunt wrote a novel about the Van der Wahl's. It was what would now be called a romance novel. It mixed some historical facts with a romance between the young daughter and a handsome chauffeur. Banks thinks he is the product of that romance."

"Is there any chance?" I asked.

"The only girl in the family died at age thirteen," Troy said. "It's a novel. It also said the family converted it's wealth into jewels and buried them on the farm. In fact, the families' possessions including jewelry were sold at a public auction in New York. Emma Jean Morris' aunt went gaga near the end. Banks' Momma knew her. She may have forgotten that she made it up."

"Buried treasure is always a nice feature," I said. "It excites weak minds."

"There is something odd about the whole thing. Banks seems to have a lot of cash on hand. He has a new car and a new truck. He didn't get that from his salary," Troy said. "What kind of an idiot would give him money and what would he expect to get from him?" We talked a little longer, fucked some more and then, I went back to Hill Top Farm.

I ran into Phil Michaels, the owner and we talked. I wanted to know more about Banks, but Phil didn't know anyone who was close to the man. "He's ultraconservative; do you know anyone who moves in those circles?" I asked. "The must be some ultraconservative religious nut jobs who like cock."

Phil looked at me, burst out laughing and told me he knew several of those. Several patronized the Farm.

"Getting them to talk is the problem," he said.

"Are any of them size queens, by any chance?" I asked. Phil laughed again.

"I don't know about size queen, but we sort of have one of the conservative types here now. Wendell Anderson is a piece of work. He here with his assistant, a man named Jameson Hull. Wendell is deeply closeted and just stays in the cabin thinking deep thoughts and letting Jameson blow him," Phil explained. "Jameson likes to play around. Wendell is strictly monogamous unless we find him a man who looks like a boy. He likes Orientals and they tend to look young. This year's boy is from Viet-Nam named Bruce. Wendell takes an afternoon nap. Jameson can get out and play. That just happens to be the time our little fortune cookie drops by."

"How do I meet Jameson?"

"He's interested in the Tantric stuff, but he is busy in the mornings. Maybe Ram could give an afternoon class," Phil said. "He sure likes you as an assistant." I smiled. "I like Ram, he a good man under the hocus-pocus. I hope he's not getting the wrong impression about you?"

"I don't let things get out of hand emotionally," I said.

"I would appreciate that," Phil said.

An hour later, Ram came to me and asked if I would help him with a special class. I agreed. "I don't like doing this. Apparently, the man is too shy to join the regular class. Do you object?" he asked. I said no.

"We will have the class in my apartment," Ram added. "The Tantric Room is too big and not intimate enough." Jameson appeared at Ram's door on time. He was thirtyish, blond, tall and beefy. He looked as if he had not lost his baby fat. He wasn't exactly fat, but he didn't look like a runner either. He had a well-trimmed beard and a hairy chest.

Jameson took one look at me and decided I wasn't his type. "This class is nude, so let's get prepared," Ram said. He stripped, as did I. Jameson like what he saw. He casually looked in my direction and I watched his opinion about me change when he focused on my cock. He was indeed a size queen and he was with two, well-endowed men.

I later found out that Jameson's attraction to Wendell's was primarily financial. The millionaire was modestly equipped and no longer could maintain an erection. Jameson wasn't a gigolo, but he knew a good thing when he found it and the sexual aspects of the job didn't bother him. He was willing to serve.

"The objective is to open yourself to your full potential to feel, experience and give pleasure." Ram explained. "Noland, my assistant, and I are open and available for your pleasure; I hope you will be open to us. Do not worry if that does not happen right away. You may have heard that we are looking for extended periods of sexual pleasure and that we avoid orgasms."

"Don't worry about that," Ram continued and he stroked his cock. "The objective is to teeter on the delicious edge of an orgasm without falling over the edge. We are all men and that is difficult. We all fail from time to time. That is not a problem. Don't worry about it. I do not give failing grades or demerits."

Jameson was fully erect by now. He had been staring at my cock, and I could see his low hangers.

"We have just met," Ram said. "Would it bother you if we became intimate immediately?"

"I think I can handle that," Jameson replied in a deep voice. He had a hard time saying that with a straight face. He knew he could handle it. He stepped closer to us. "I'm already hard, is that okay?"

"There is no need to pretend you aren't excited. Why should a man be embarrassed by his erect penis? It is man at his most manly!" Ram said. "It means we excite you and you are willing to do something about it. It is what men do!" There was not much conversation after that.

Jameson was a big, pink man. His coloring was almost feminine; his actions were all man. He went after my cock. I sat on a couch, so he got on his hands and knees. He was an experienced cocksucker. I noticed Jameson spread his knees to open his ass. I knew what the meant, but wondered if Ram noticed.

Ram noticed. He did not exactly screw Jameson. Ram used his cock head to massage Jameson's anus. That was a technique to build up desire. Ram pushed in deeper, but he did not fully penetrate the ass.

Sometimes sex can catch you off guard. Jameson was not my type and I wasn't his, with the exception of one organ. I had no expectations, and he had only his size queen lusts driving him. Ram had toyed with his ass and we switched positions.

I had Jameson on his back with his legs spread wide. His small hole was well lubricated by Ram's cock juices. I positioned my cock at the hole. It quivered in response. I pushed a little. He moaned and his anus dilated. I pushed a little harder and his ass swallowed my cock head. I didn't fuck him. It was as if he sucked me into his rectum. His ass immediately constricted to grab my cock firmly.

I had not realized that Ram had shot his man seed into the welcoming ass. The tight grip, the warm ass and the sperm had an almost magical effect. I looked at Jameson. His eyes were glazed and his body was quivering in response to my movements. He was in a sexual daze. I spent the next ten of fifteen minutes working his hole.

Ran was behind me. "Jameson doesn't need any lessons in opening himself to pleasure does he?" he asked. "He seems at peace." Ram's cock rested on my ass crack. I shifted my legs apart. He shifted slightly so his cock was at my hole. He was hard again.

"Would it bother you if I spend some non-Tantric time in your ass?" Ram asked. "I feel a need to let go."

"Just let nature take its course," I replied. His long, thin cock slipped into me effortlessly. My cock is a battering ram, thick, long and stub nosed. It stretches the ass and wedges its way in. Ram had a stealth cock. It was easy to take and it felt good. Five or ten minutes after it entered it began to work its magic.

When I rotated my hips to work over Jameson, Ram rotated his cock to find my good spots. I like to keep my feelings to myself, but that is difficult when there is a cock in my ass and my cock is rock hard and thrusting. I didn't need to react or say anything. Ram's cock was a finely tuned medical instrument designed to find and generate pleasure. He knew what I was feeling.

Poor Jameson was squirming and reached the point that he was begging for release. The pleasure had reached the point that was close to feeling like pain. I thought I would keep it up, but my prostate had other ideas. Ram had discovered my prostate and was using it as a punching bag. He gave it a sperm bath. That triggered my orgasm, which in turn set off Jameson. Triple orgasms are rare and this one was perfectly coordinated.

We were all still for a while and then we pulled apart. The cool down period was punctuated by single ejaculations.

I had a chance to talk with Jameson as Ram slept. He was an average English major type, without much ambition or drive. He became a low-level political operative who mostly worked on rallies at campaign stops. He ran into Wendell and was soon working for him. Wendell was in the closet and there was room for two.

Jameson had no taste for political science or governmental policy. He liked the life of the political operative, meeting important people and being able to drop their names. Wendell had been an important figure years ago. He was a massive resistance man, who had fought school integration tooth and nail. He had mellowed some, but now that he was older, former patterns reemerged.

Wendell was never a member of the KKK, but he was now associated with some militia groups. These groups were not officially racist, but they had no minority members. Officially there were all-American, but only if American did not include blacks, fags, Latinos, women, Jews, Indians or any non-born again Christians.

Wendell was mostly behind the scenes, but he knew everyone. Jameson said that Wendell seemed to like any group that had Patriot in its name. That was often a code name for anti-government groups and militias.

"Recently Wendell has been interested in the Homeland Movement," Jameson said. "Some of those folks are a bit weird. Wendell likes them. He likes real Americans. He tends to have political infatuations. He currently likes a man named Guy Loving. He's a military type and thinks he is a combination of Patton and Stonewall Jackson,"

"What in hell is the Homeland Movement?" I asked.

"They want to create a home for real Americans, and succeed from the union," he explained. "They want to create a place where white Americans can be safe.

"I thought they tried that 150 years ago?" I observed.

"I don't think they want Blacks or Mexicans there at all," Jameson said. Ram shoved his cock into Jameson's backside with vigor. Jameson moaned in pleasure. He wasn't too concerned with racial purity. Our conversation stopped as we tested his sexual limits. Jameson simply could not get enough cock in his ass.

It was nearly four and I had to bet to work. Jameson showered and asked if we could have another session the next day. That was fine with Ram and he left.

Eddie had a big crowd at the Renewal Center. This was a football themed week and the men were here to meet him. Eddie was an outgoing man and generous to his admirers. The place was a mess after is afternoon workout. They showered and went off to dinner. I cleaned up and the place was spic and span. One man remained behind. He was on a couch and had dozed off. He had the look of an ex-jock who over did it.

He woke up and was startled to see he was alone. "Where did they go?" he asked. I told him that were in the dining room. He went to the shower. He seemed slightly unsteady so I followed him. I wanted to make sure he was okay. We talked and he told me his name was Buck Davidson.

He went to the steam roof after the shower and we talked. Davidson was one of those conventional men who just happened to be gay. He ran a big electrical contracting firm. He had just been divorced. His wife married a recently widowed millionaire. She had expensive tastes and he found out that putting in sixty hours of work a week for her could not give her the life style she wanted. He was blindsided. If it hadn't been that shock, I don't think he would have been at Hill Top Farm.

Buck had one playmate back home who sent him to the Farm for a rest. He was an avid football fan and finding Eddie here was an unexpected benefit. Buck had played football in high school and Eddie was a hero. Buck had just arrived that morning and he had not been to any of Ram's classes. He knew the place was gay oriented, but I don't think he knew just how gay it was. I didn't think he knew what was possible.

He was a good-looking man, but his wife had done a job on him. She was looking for a Cary Grant or Roger Moore type and she treated him like dirt. Buck was not an international man of mystery, if you get my drift. He was a golden bear, muscular and covered in reddish-blond, curly hair. At first, I thought his equipment was all potatoes and no meat, but when he was excited, he grew a solid, telephone pole style seven incher.

In the steam room he asked me what was expected at the farm, "Are you gay?" he asked me, "You don't look it."

"Well, if it wasn't for my taste for man sex, I wouldn't be gay." I said. "I love to suck and fuck with men. I think that makes me gay."

He laughed. "If that's what makes you gay, I'm in the same boat," he said. "I haven't done much, but I like what I have done."

"Did you sort of like it, or did you really like it?"

"When I first did it, I told myself I sort of liked it. I was just fooling myself," he said. "I loved it." he looked at me. "Damn you have a big one!"

"Do you like it?"

"I sure do, but I'm not sure I would know what to do with it," he said.

"I think the usual things would do the trick!" I replied. I went over to him and took his cock into my mouth. I think Buck was over ripe. He could have won a world speed record for getting hard. His slit was dribbling precum a second or two later.

I thought he might shoot off immediately, but he held back. A little later he quickly figured out what to do with my cock. He liked to suck and he was good at it. I returned to sucking him and this time he gave it up. He had a whole body orgasm, shivering, sharking and moaning. He must have been saving up, since I had to swallow twice.

He had to get to dinner, but I told him I would be at the Tantric session the next morning. He had not been planning on that, but he said he would try to make it. The rest of the night was quiet. Eddie brought his harem back for exercise after dinner. Buck was in the group. He also attended Eddie's post exercise meeting in the steam room. When he left the room, Buck looked as if Christmas had come early. I noticed something creamy dripping from his cock.

I had a chance to call into my office. I had asked them to check up on the Homeland Movement and Guy Loving. Rudy, one of my nerds called back ten minutes later. Guy Loving had set off alarm bells. My nerds tend to enjoy conspiracy theories, and off beat organizations. They are not followers; they are skeptics. They are firmly in the fact-based world, not in the faith-based realm. Many are former cops and tend to suspect movements and crackpot theories were dressed up swindles.

"I can smell something," Rudy said. "I suspect a little Mien Kampf, mixed in with a real estate scam. It is too early to know. There is no real evidence but there is a stench. Loving is a real find. He's looking for a homeland for white guys. People contribute money so he can buy the land. He is also the man who has the deeds to the property. You can see where that is going." Rudy said he would get back to me later in the week. "This is a potentially big deal."

I slept well and made it Ram's session. Buck was there as were several members of Eddie's harem. Buck had spread the word that Ram's class was worthwhile. Eddie had recommended it too. Eddie and Ram were unlikely friends, but they shared a common interest in sex. Football player sex is not too close to Ram's Indian based Tantric sex, but Eddie could see the advantage in making it last longer. He also saw that some of the men he attracted would be more fun if their objective was more than just getting off.

Ram was good about reading an audience. He discussed the actual time spent in an orgasm. That time is measured in seconds or a minute if you are lucky. He then talked about the ways you could extend that time. "What if you could make it last two minutes or ten minutes?" Ram asked. "I have gone for an hour on the edge of a climax."

"I think your watch is fast!" a man said. Everyone laughed.

Ram took no offense. "My watch is good, but is it my fault if everyone else suffers from premature ejaculation?" There was more laughter. He then launched into a detailed and erotic description of ways to delay a climax while maintaining a sexual high. He then asked for volunteers to be either bottoms or tops.

Much to my surprise, several men were willing. There were eight men in the group in addition to Ram and me. We had two bottoms and three tops. Ram then asked for some fluffers and some lubricators. That caused some laughter but the rest of the men came forward. I wondered who would be in what role by the end of the demonstration.

The bottoms were the biggest and most muscular men in the group. Ram had the biggest man, Buster, get on his back and he had everyone gather around to watch. He demonstrated the easy way to use your own cock the lubricate the ass and then how to work it in slowly.

He asked if one of the tops would like to try it. Buck came forward. He wanted to ram it on but Ram guided him to go slower and massage the rectum. Buck was soon too close to shooting so he pulled out. Ram asked Buster if he would like to take another cock. Buster said, "Shit yes! Bring them all on!"

Ram went to open up the other bottom as the men took turns in Buster's ass. Most of the men were used to quickies and the slow approach was new and exciting to them. Ram also said it was good to be vocal in your appreciation. "We are all into that same things," he said. "There is no need to hide your feelings; let it all hang out."

Buster was free so I asked if he was interested.

"If you take your time, I am good with it," he whispered. Buster was a good sport and I took my time. As soon as I took up position, the men gathered to watch. Some were curious, but most wanted to encourage Buster. Buster was a big, massive man, but he has a small, tight hole. Since many had already been in him, they knew how tight he was.

Ram and Buck joined us and served as cheerleaders. Buck leaned over to whisper encouragements to Buster as Ram entered his ass. I could see Buck enjoyed Ram's probe. Once my knob made full contact with Buster's prostate all was well. I made very gentle motions rubbing the two glands together as he moaned in appreciation.

Ram made slow but deep thrusts into Buck. Buck kissed Buster and all was well.

Next: Chapter 156: Catfish Finds Inner Peace 5

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