Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 11, 2014


Catfish Finds Inner Peace 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Technically Eddie, Elbert and I were old guys. Our blushing virgin days were well behind is. As dirty old men, we had a good time. Elbert was an old fucker who was having a problem getting it up. He had to bottom now. His hole was not exactly callused from overuse, but he took my cock like a man.

The ass is a dark and mysterious place. I've spent a lot of time in asses and you are always fucking blind. I could tell I hit some new spots in Elbert's ass. Finding virgin places in an old guy is rare. I was surprised, but was nowhere near as surprised as Elbert.

He didn't know he was capable of feeling like a teenager on his maiden voyage. Elbert was a naturally aggressive man, but he turned into a quivering schoolgirl. Eddie was amused. I think they had shared intimate moments before and he enjoyed watching. He also gave me a few looks indicating he was next on my dance card.

The cock is not mysterious at all. It hangs out there for everyone to see. In theory, I associate emotion with my brain, or the part of the brain we mislabel as the heart. From time to time, I have noticed that my cock finds relationships on its own. My cock was carrying on a meaningful, but non-verbal conversation with Elbert's rectum.

I suddenly heard my beeper in the next room. I pulled out and responded. There was a fire in one of the service buildings.

The fire department arrived, as did the local cops. Some of the guest came out to watch, but I noticed Elbert and his friends were not among them. A state senator at Hill Top Farm would have been a problem. It was a volunteer fire department, and they were efficient and fast. Sammy told them about the gasoline and they knew what to do.

The Fire Chief was a man named Hal Walker. He was there as was the Police Chief, Eugene Banks. You could feel the tension between the men ten yards away. They did not get along well at all. That is a very rare occurrence in small towns. Actually it rare in big cities. Usually the police and fire departments are comrades in arms. Banks was barking orders at the firefighters. It took fifteen minutes to extinguish the fire.

I watched the operations. The firefighters obeyed Chief Walker and ignored Banks. I had been involved in arson cases in the past, and watched a good many fires. It seemed that Banks' orders were nonsensical. Of course, he had no right to order the firefighters to do anything. Banks didn't seemed to have a sense about how to fight a fire. He actually told some men not to waste water. He seemed to think letting it burn-out was an option.

One of the yardmen, Humphrey, was a fireman and he said there was gasoline was in a concrete block shed to the rear. It had a concrete roof and a fire door. Several patrolmen were there for crowd control, but there wasn't a crowd.

Banks wanted to start an investigation, but Walker would have none of that. It was a fire, not a crime. If necessary, the Fire Marshall would deal with it. Banks was both loud an ineffectual. He had also called the local newspaper, but the editor told him they did not do garage fires. Everyone went home by 10:30. Humphrey said he would stay at the farm and watch for flair ups.

Walking back to my room, Elbert saw me and asked me to come into his cottage. At the door he whispered, "We have some unfinished business. I was hoping you might like to finish it." I told him that would be fine.

Wayne, the state senator was in the cabin. "Wayne and I are sharing the cottage. I told him about you and he was interested," Elbert said. "You didn't seem to mind being watched."

"That not a problem," I said. "Threesomes can be nice too."

I thought I might have a problem getting in the mood again, but Wayne took care of that problem. He was not shy and he liked to suck and to deep throat.

Elbert was well lubricated and I slipped in easily. The senator liked the view up and was most complimentary. The former sheriff speculated as to whether my cock would fit in Wayne's tight ass. Wayne said he didn't know, but he would like to try it.

Elbert had been half-hard most of the time as I fucked him. When the conversation turned to fucking Wayne, he became fully erect. I began to pick up the pace of thrusting and Elbert had a beautiful, hands free orgasm. There was cum everywhere.

"Is it my turn now?" Wayne asked. Elbert was a fat hairy man coated in sperm. He was a mess. Wayne was handsome and every silver hair was in place. He obviously worked out and it looked as if his chest hair was manscaped.

He was on his back and put his legs on my shoulders. His ass was a pretty as an ass could be, small and delicate. It did not seem possible my cock would fit.

"Are you sure you want this?" I asked.

"Don't worry Noland, Wayne's a trooper," Elbert said. "Crude, ugly men turn him on. I've fucked him hundreds of times. He'll love it." Luckily, when you are rock hard, being called crude and ugly does not bother you.

He was tighter than Elbert and may well have been more responsive. I was revved up and I shot off in ten minutes. It was a nice long orgasm and I filled his ass. I was tired and had to get to my bed, but both the senator and the sheriff had a smile on their face when I left. Actually, Elbert had his tongue in Wayne's ass, licking up my sperm as it drooled out. I assumed he was smiling.

Elbert and Wayne were he sort of men I had assumed were casually interested in a trip to the wild side. Elbert was not just cleaning up Wayne's ass; he was making love to it. They were close.

I woke up in time to make the Tantric class. There were just six men there. I was tired and Ram used me for a demonstration, fucking me for an hour or so. Ram described his feelings and sensations continuously as he fucked. It was hypnotic.

Humphrey, the yardman I had met the night before, was there and he took a turn screwing me when Ram was too close to an orgasm. Humphrey looked like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, and had a big head on the end of a long thin shaft. It was good. Humphrey had a poker face and he didn't lose his erection when he shot off. He squirted his load in me, churned it up and then turned me over to Ram. He had forceful ejaculations, but never lost his poker face.

Ram was a cock master and had to know Humphries' sperm lubricated my ass. Ram did not complain at all. It was clear to me that some semen improved the non-orgasmic Tantric sex. It was all, deep in my ass and only the three of us knew. At the end of the class, Ram's cock was dripping sperm when he pulled out. He too, had a poker face.

Later that morning, I looked at the damaged building with Humphries. The fire looked worse that it was. I saw the concrete block shed to the rear; it was completely undamaged.

"The fire department didn't seem to get along with the police. Is there bad feeling?" I asked Humphries.

"The cops and the firemen get along well," he replied. "It's the fucking police chief. He wants to run the county and he doesn't know shit."

"Is he stupid or an asshole?"

"I think he's stupid, but you have to peel back the asshole in order to fine the inner idiot," Humphries said. Humphries looked like a dim light bulb, but he had a way with obscenity that was imaginative.

"I hope you enjoyed playing in my asshole."

"I don't want you to get a swollen head, but you are a real find, asshole speaking," he replied. "When I first saw you I thought you were just another ugly-as-sin coot. You are a real find even without that cock of yours that belongs in a fucking museum. Damn, it's a beauty. I've been told it's even prettier when it's shoved in an ass."

"Are you into that?" I asked

"Nope, my ass is big enough as it is. It don't need no stretching exercises. I do have a buddy who would love it." Humphries said. "Would you mind making a redneck real happy? My pals is a cop by the way."

"I've been known to help a man in need," I replied. "Is this a local guy?"

"Yep. He would have been the assistant chief if Bank's hadn't won the election," Humphries explained. "He's a good, church-going, straight-arrow except for liking a cock in the ass."

"Everyone needs a hobby," I said.

Humphries smiled and leaned close to me. "He had a good ass, not as good as yours, but real good. He lives six miles from here. I was planning to drop in on him tomorrow for some fun. Would you like to meet him?"

"That sounds like fun. Are you positive you want this? I'm a no-strings sex man, but he is your buddy," I said. 'Some men get carried away when I do them."

"Would you think I'm a trashy man if I told you I'd like to see that?" he replied. "I'd like to watch."

The Fire Marshall dove up and began his investigations. I was there when he found a cigarette butt. There was no smoking at the Farm and someone had been cheating.

As I walked away, Elbert called to me and offered me breakfast. The Senator and Eddie were with him. They ate in their cottage. I asked what was up with Sheriff Banks. They knew just about everything.

"Eubank is a sad case," Elbert explained. "His folks were nice people; his dad was a good doctor much loved and respected. Eubank thought you inherited respect; you did not need to earn it. They sent him off to school; he had learning problems. When he returned he couldn't seem to find a job that suited him."

"Eubank ran for the town council and lost. He was shocked and he started running for just about every office. He became the perennial candidate. He seemed to think that someday the people would see the light and elect him," the Senator said. About three years ago, he got involved with some militia types and found some money. I don't know where the money came from. He jumped on every passing bandwagon."

"He finally won an election during a late tropical storm. Half the roads in the country were blocked by high water and only a quarter of the voters made it to the poles," the Senator continued. "He won by a stunning mandate of three votes. That was Eubank and his mom and dad, although the charitable didn't believe that old doc Banks would actually vote for his son."

"Eubank has no legal or law enforcement qualifications or experience. Luckily he was born knowing everything he would need to know," Elbert said. "Most folks think he is a joke, so the lawsuits have been minimal. He is anti-gay, anti-black. Anti-Mexican. The story is that he is also anti-Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodist. Their preachers don't like him much."

"What does he think about Hill Top Farm?" I asked.

"He doesn't like it but that's because it brings "outsiders" into the county. The Chamber of Commerce types had a problem with that. If his folks knew your folks, you are probably okay. Everyone else is suspect," Elbert said. We talked a little longer and I went back to my room. I called the office and asked them to look into Eubank's financial support. Money from unknown sources always interest me. Why would someone give him money?

New guests began to arrive at noon, so the staff was busy. I could take a break, since I was the night shift. Ram came by to talk.

"I enjoyed our connection this morning. I hope it was good for you?" he asked.

"I was good. It's was good to be so relaxed and excited at the same time. That was a bit odd, but I could get use to that," I said.

"As you know I have spent my adult life investigating, experiencing and pondering the mysteries of sex," Ram stated. "I have exclusively devoted myself man sex. This is due to my personal preference, not due to academic requirements. I assume your interests are personal and sexual, not academic."

"That is a safe assumption," I said. Ram burst out laughing.

"You did very well today. You were relaxed and the men were comfortable watching you take my cock. I was afraid you might feel over used," he said. "Does that bother you?"

"Don't worry about that, I am a hearty type. I can take it."

"Do you enjoy it?" Ram asked. "I have a confession to make, my interest in you isn't Tantric or platonic."

"I did enjoy it and I don't mind a non-platonic cock or ass for that matter," I said. "I am not sure if sperm is ever platonic. I noticed your cock was dripping sperm when you pulled out of me."

"I am sorry about that," Ram said. "Did I offend you?"

"Ram, I can't tell you how hard it is to offend me!" I replied. "We're both experienced men. It was nice that you were so turned on."

Ram's cell phone rang and he had to leave. I figured we would connect later. I took a nap. When I woke up five hours later, I realized I was more tired than I had thought. I went to dinner and then to the Renewal Center.

Eddie was there introducing the new guests to the exercise room. Ram liked early morning classes. Eddie like the afternoons. The new men were beefy, heavyset men who looked like football players or men who wanted to be football players. Eddie was a star and they looked at him in admiration.

Hill Top Farm was a gay resort and I could tell they all hoped he would play with him. Eddie was an energetic, enthusiastic man. He was cheerful and upbeat, the sort of man you liked to be with. He was also a good storyteller and he had a knack of telling stories about his career in the pros and including your own personal stories. You somehow felt you shared the same experiences.

Eddie was a big man, bordering on huge and but his genitals were modest. That was only in comparison to his body. He possessed a nice, thick, seven-incher and potato sized balls. He was comfortable being naked in the showers and locker room. He liked the Sauna and the seam room. They were more private and intimate.

He was modest and reserved in the showers unless a man dropped the soap. That turned him on. Usually the other men in the shower would gather around and provide some privacy when he fucked the soap dropper. His cock was thick and not easy to take. No one seemed to complain. He was always polite and asked if you wanted his cream.

I discovered Eddie was also a cum-hound. A top man who is also a cum-hound is rare. Eddie seemed to like a sticky and somewhat sweet snack before bed. He often went to the steam room and took anyone who was willing. He liked cum shot directly in his mouth. I liked that too. It was less to clean up!

I went to bed after a final cleanup and slept for six hours straight, a near record. The next day, he Tantric class was a repeat of the introductory class, but I gave me a chance to meet some of the new men. I would like to think that my sparkly personality attracts friends, but no one looked at me until I stripped. Ram made a point of saying it was acceptable to stare. "We are taught to ignore our cocks and hide them from view!" he said. "We all know that not only are our genitals a part of our body, sometimes it's our favorite part." The men laughed.

I had a chance to call into my office. We used an accounting to check into financial matters. They made my computer nerds seem like debonair men of the world. The accountants found Sheriff Banks to be very interesting.

He had to file campaign finance disclosures with the state. Those are just a list of names and numbers to me. One of the accountants was interested in black money and secret slush funds. Banks' list of donors ran up a red flag for her. Ann said these were big time operators, and it was odd to have them giving to a small local sheriff race.

None of this was directly evident. Most of the donors was persons who had a tie to a company that was connected to a holding company associated with a corporation that was entirely owned by a multi-billionaire.

After the call, I saw Humphrey and went over to him. We got in his truck and went to see his cop friend. We drove a few miles and then turned onto a dirt road. It was much closer to being a trail or a path than a road. We came up to a long cabin. Humphrey liked things rustic. He introduced the man as Troy. Troy looked like an ex-marine. He was tall, muscular and stood ramrod straight.

We went in the cabin and stripped. It was clear that Troy and Humphrey were no-nonsense when it came to sex. Troy was my kind of man, but I suspected I was not his idea of a dreamboat. Thank god, gay men like cocks and mine came to my rescue. Troy was a size queen.

He dropped to his knees and took my uncut cock in his mouth. He was genuinely enthusiastic and skilled.

Troy and I went to school together and we've been messing around for a right long time," Humphrey explained. "I'm more adventurous that he is, with him being a cop and all that. I get around some and try things with other guys. Almost everything we've tried has been successful. You are the first guy I've ever brought back with me. Describing your cock doesn't do justice to it." He dropped to his knees and joined Troy at my cock.

Eventually we went to the bed. Humphrey fucked Troy first; he wanted to open him up for my cock. Humphries was good, and Troy was responsive. When I took my turn, Humphrey had been nice enough to lubricate Troy's with his semen. Troy was juicy.

I took my time; Troy was both very nervous and excited. He was muscular and had buns of steel. He was willing and I finally worked my cock in deep enough to rub his prostate. I had just touched the prostate when he surrendered and so I slid in deep.

Troy let out a guttural growl, and his eyes crossed. Once he was open, he was wide open and welcoming. He did not talk; he growled. Luckily, he was able to express affection with his rectum. It loved my cock. I took a few breaks to change positions and to give Humphrey a chance to drain his balls into his pal's behind. Humphrey never expressed any emotion, but there was always new supply of new warm and slippery man seed to ease my way into his lover's ass. They were both non-verbal types and seemed to express emotion in cock and sperm.

It was a cooperative effort between Humphrey and me. We both enjoyed it, but perhaps not as much as Troy. He was in a sexual trance most of the time. I had a spectacular orgasm in his ass and he shot off in response. Humphrey was there, taking his cream.

We had a good, post orgasmic buzz and we talked. I found out some interesting information about Sheriff Banks.

Next: Chapter 155: Catfish Finds Inner Peace 4

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