Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 21, 2002


Millennium construction Company 15

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

The project on New Samoa Island turned out to be a good one for us. It was 75% construction project and 25% Summer camp for construction workers. I rotated the crews from the Palladium to the island for two or three week periods during the summer. The theater was dark and dirty and the work was complex and detailed. Several weeks in the open air, swimming and fishing in the sun was a refreshing change.

The island crew got along with my men. Jack and Trent quickly picked up on our way to do things. I would visit the site every week or so and take some men. On a Friday afternoon in early June, I took Tyrone and a new laborer, Matthew, to work on the project. Matt was a friend of C.W.'s. He was in his late 20s, solidly built, with dark hair and eyes. He had been caught in a corporate downsizing and needed a job. He had a little construction experience from summer work during summer vacations.

I was afraid he would have trouble getting used to the heavy labor we needed, but Matt never complained, even though I was sure he was in pain after days of lifting and digging. Matt had been at the theater project for a month and spent the time hand digging out some footings in the basement with Tyrone. He had done well and Ed thought he deserved to see the daylight for a while.

Tyrone was a human bulldozer. He was big, black, very quiet and a good worker. He hardly ever said anything and he was easy to forget even though he was working for me. He lived with his Uncle and Aunt. The Uncle told me Tyrone was a real good boy, clean and well mannered. He had never gotten beyond grade school, something happened in a car accident when Tyrone was a boy, the Uncle said. The men liked him and watched out for him. Bubba told me Tyrone loved to fish.

Jack greeted us as we landed at the dock and he seemed to take a shine to Matt immediately. Jack was friendly with everyone, but most of my men are older and this was the first time I brought a guy under 30 to the island. I recalled Bobby had told me Jack was really attached to the harem. I realized Jack also was attracted to younger men when I saw Jack looking at Matt. We got to the island early and Matt set to work with the crew that was working on the artificial pond.

I was with Trent and Jack surveying the work on the island. In warm weather we usually started work early, at seven or six, so they could be done by three in the afternoon. We avoided the heat of the day this way and this gave the crew a lot of time to fish or relax. Most of the men were shirtless by 10:00 and Matt joined them. His dark hair covered his chest and gut. He was exceptionally hairy for a young guy. You can't get a tan in the basement of the Palladium and Matt's white skin stood out among the well tanned members of the island crew.

"That boy's going to be burned to a crisp!" Jack said and he called to Matt. He took Matt to the house boat for some sun screen.

"You know, Jack always seems surprised the young guys like him so much." Trent said. "He's a regular mother hen. A lot of the younger men talk big, but they don't have a lot of experience. Thirty years ago, they'd have been working as an apprentice since they were 14 or 15. By the time they were in their 20s they would have a lot of practical experience. Today, most of them know little or nothing. Jack likes to teach and explain and watch over them. They like it."

"And they end up in bed with him?" I suggested.

"They do, but I don't think that's the reason for his interest." Trent said. "He's trying to get Buck to go to college. Buck told me he was real screwed up when he began working for Jack. Jack got him off drugs and gave him a real job. Buck likes the sex and made the advances."

"Jack didn't seek them out?"

"If you are an insecure, young kid looking for a masculine father figure, Jack is a dream come true. It's mutually enjoyable for all of them." Trent said as he looked over the work crew clearing the area of brush. "Damn, that guy can work!" he said as Tyrone hacked his way through some underbrush.

"Good job, man." Trent said to Tyrone. Tyrone beamed with pleasure. "Where did you learn to do that?" Tyrone look a bit confused.

"My Daddy taught me." he replied.

"Well he taught you real good." Trent said. "I like a guy who knows how to work." Tyrone smiled again and went back to work. I was getting to like Trent. He always took time to praise and complement men when they did well. He knew their strong suits and they appreciated his attention.

By three it was really hot and the work day was over. The fishing poles emerged and one group went out in a small row boat. The others went swimming in the artificial pond. I was going to spend the night there and joined the swimmers. The pond had been stagnant when we first found it. Jack's crew found the inlet and drainage systems and got it working again, so the pool was clean enough to be used for swimming.

The water was warm, so it was more like a bathtub than a refreshing swimming pool. After a hard day of work however, the water was almost therapeutic for the men. I was with Stavros, Jerry, Trent and Matt. Jack was on the houseboat getting dinner ready, the rest of the men were fishing. The pool wasn't visible from the water, so we were all nude, either in the pool or sunning on the side.

I saw a flash of light from one side of the pool. I had the uncomfortable feeling we were being watched.

Magnus, the Captain and another man emerged from the underbrush. All three were naked. The glint was from the Captain's Prince Albert. Magnus introduced the new man as Jonathan Baldur, an old friend and potential investor in the project. Jonathan was about 6'-2", 260 pounds, bald, with a small mustache and moderately hairy. He had the beginnings of a pot belly, but I guessed he worked at controlling it. He was one of those guys who could balloon to 300 pounds without much effort.

Jonathan had a big, cut, cock head and was five inches soft. The shaft looked like a balloon that was pinched as it disappeared into his dense pubic hair, and pinched again as it reached the flared head. He wasn't at all uncomfortable being naked in a group of men he didn't know. I assumed he knew his cock was big enough to hold its own in any group.

Jonathan had a deep bass voice and a hearty laugh. He was interested in the project and after a few minutes of conversation, seemed to fit in with the group well. He had been a opera singer and became an entertainment promoter and agent. Then he became a producer and had distinguished himself. He knew many stars. I don't go to movies often, or to Broadway plays, but I had heard of some of his productions.

Trent had a far better knowledge of modern entertainment and he looked impressed. We had been talkign for a while when I saw that Magnus and Jerry hit it off . Jerry was sucking Magnus. Jonathan looked over at them.

"Magnus said you were a friendly group." he said. "I didn't realize you were that friendly!" Trent took the hint and got close to Jonathan, within groping distance. The fishermen returned with the catch of the day and the sexual preliminaries were replaced by admiration for the fish. Tyrone must have had the magic touch, since he had caught more than the other men combined.

The fish had been cleaned and were in a ice filled cooler . The fishermen stripped and jumped in the water. Tyrone looked a bit uncomfortable getting naked in front of the boss, but when Wayne and Eduardo joined in, he got in the water and the group engaged in a huge water fight. I had thought of Tyrone as a big man. Naked he was tall and muscular with a thin waist and a long uncut cock. The skin totally covered the cock head.

It was getting late, so I wandered toward the houseboat to help Jack with the dinner. I ran into Jack and Matt coming toward me with two big picnic hampers. I helped Matt with a second cooler and we returned to the pool. Jack was a good cook and the food was cool, light and surprisingly filling. Tyrone cooked the fish on a small grill by the pool. The meal was a construction workers ideal, with a touch of Martha Stewart. We were all nude. There was beer and wine and the evening was very mellow.

Jack seemed to have distributed the harem to make sure the guests had a potential playmate. Stavros sat next to Magnus, Buck was with Jonathan and Eduardo was with Captain Burt. It was no surprise to me when Jack sat next to Matt. Trent and Jerry were talking with Jonathan.

Wayne and I were talking with Tyrone, sitting to the side. Tyrone didn't usually speak, but he liked to be near. I don't know who got the sexual ball rolling. Wayne saw there was some activity and slipped to the ground and began to suck me. He had been a late convert to the joys of cock sucking, but he was sincerely trying to make up for lost time.

Tyrone watched and smiled. Only his cock reacted to the scene. It was big even soft, but then began to thicken. The dark sheath of foreskin began to retract and expose its huge head. Wayne was 100% redneck and I didn't know what his thoughts on black cocks might be. I wasn't 100% sure of mine for that matter. I saw Jack 69ing with Matt. Matt would fit in just fine with the rest of the group. When I looked at Wayne, he was stroking my cock and licking Tyrone's head as it peeked out of his foreskin.

Wayne would lick, then stop. Tyrone would ooze a bead of precum, and Wayne would lick again. Wayne worked his tongue into the wide piss slit and Tyrone smiled. He was fully erect and when Wayne removed his tongue a stream of ooze dribbled from the bloated head. I sucked Wayne as he tongue massaged the black man.

Wayne and I had a good time before, but his cock was hard as a rock almost twitching as I sucked it. My worries about a red neck's reaction to sex with a black man were unfounded. I fingered Wayne's ass and he seemed to like that. Wayne had been a pure top, but I suspected he may have been having his prostate tenderized, he certainly didn't object to having my finger press his prostate.

Skeeter told me Tyrone liked to be sucked, but that was all he did. No one had any problem with that, his cock was inspirational, at least that's the way Skeeter put it. I was preoccupied with Wayne when Jonathan joined us and began to sample Tyrone's cock.

We broke up to take a breath. "Tyrone has one hell of a piece of meat, doesn't he?" Wayne whispered. Tyrone overheard the comment, looked at us and smiled. Just then, Jonathan deep throated Tyrone's cock. How the thing fit in his gullet, I can't begin to guess, but he did it. This must have been a new experience for Tyrone, because he looked a lot more than pleased. Jonathan had some real skills.

There was some thunder in the distance. It was dark and we hadn't realized it had clouded over. Drizzle was falling as we returned to the houseboat. It was full up, so Wayne, Tyrone and I ran over to Magnus' boat. Jonathan, Magnus and the Captain were already on board. We were more than welcome there, but I had a suspicion that it was Tyrone's meat more than my personality which was the attraction.

Magnus got out the good liquor and we all had another drink. Jonathan sat next to Wayne and started a conversation.

"I'm a New York boy." Jonathan said. "How in hell do you survive down here being gay? You can be open in the big cities."

"It's not that bad. I had a buddy from High School." Wayne said "It is all right to have pals even in the boonies. A lot of guys hang out together. I admit, I had a warm spot for the rest stops on the interstate."

"I liked the peep shows on 42nd Street." Jonathan said, laughing. "It wasn't love, but it felt good at the time.

"I had a few friends on the wrestling team. One guy had a set of mats in the basement and we could practice." Wayne added. "Both his parents worked, so we had some good times before 5:30 when they got home."

"Was that a winner fucks the looser situation?" Magnus asked.

"Eventually. It was looser sucks the winner and we only fucked once, that was two days before graduation. Lon joined the army and was killed in Viet Nam. I never saw him again." Wayne replied. "I seem to have associated sucking and fucking with winning and the guys here tell me it stunted my sexual growth!"

"Did you always win?" I asked.

"I sure did." Wayne replied. "I was big, strong and a smart ass. I knew it all and had enough self confidence to bluff my way through most situations. I was really good at the things I did well and did zero in the things I didn't do well."

"And what were they?" Jonathan asked.

"Anything that required thinking." Wayne said with a rueful look on his face. "I thought I was strong enough to get what I wanted. I just wasn't smart enough. That's why I'm a 55 year old carpenter. Thank God I can still fuck!" Everyone laughed.

"I had the opposite experience." Jonathan said. "I was talented and smart. I avoided anything physical. I wanted to see naked men, but it didn't seem to occur to me the locker room was the best place for that. Had I been on that wrestling team, your sexual repertoire would have been complete before you graduated."

"I liked sex , but didn't have much imagination." Wayne said.

"Well I had the imagination all right." replied Jonathan. "One of the guys in the choir I sang with gave me a little help in that direction."

"Oh no!" the Captain exclaimed. "Not another Choir Director story!" Jonathan laughed.

"No, not quite." Jonathan said. "I'm a nice Jewish boy, so there was no church choir. I had been singing in a semiprofessional group that accompanied symphony orchestras. My voice stayed high until I was 16, when I went from being a boy soprano to a bass baritone in three months. I was crushed. One of the basses took me aside and told me about the facts of life."

"And I bet he taught you a lot more too!" Wayne interjected.

"He was a nice guy. My Dad died when I was ten and I had been obsessed with music ever since. Singing was the only thing I did well and I thought I could become a star and support my Mom. I had skipped adolescence. I went from a ten year old to being an adult. Luigi was a big, Italian and he filled me in on the rest of life." Jonathan continued. "His dad had died too and Luigi supported his Mom. He was still living with her when she died a year earlier and Luigi was lost. He needed a friend and I needed a friend."

"Compared to me, he knew a lot. Looking back, neither of us knew much about sex ,but we were both willing to learn and experiment. I was fascinated by him. He was uncut and I had never seen that in my Jewish upbringing." Jonathan explained. "Do you remember the first time you sucked a guy? Being scared and excited at the same time."

"Like yesterday." Captain Burt replied. "I was 16 and at the changing rooms of a pool. This old guy came in. He must have been at least 24. He dropped his trunks and showered. I did the same. He looked at mine and I looked at his. There was a storeroom to the side and we slipped into it. I just wanted to touch his cock. He had other plans. He sucked me for 20 or 30 seconds, then I shot off. He told me it was my turn. It took a while to get him off and he came in my mouth. I was never so shocked in my life."

"Turned you off to the joys of gay sex?" Wayne asked.

"It did. Until the next day." the Captain said, smiling. "I was back at the shower waiting for him." Tyrone was looking at the gold ring in the Captain's cock. He seemed to like it. The cock was firming up as we discussed early sexual experiences.

"Did you see him again?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, he was a graduate student named Calvin. We got together a few more times in the storage room and he told me I might drop by. He had an apartment a few blocks away. I managed to get over one afternoon." the Captain continued his story. "I knocked on the door and he answered. Calvin told me he had company. I must have looked crestfallen. He told me I could join them if I wanted. I really wanted just him, but I was so horny that I said yes." He tool another drink and paused.

"Finish the damn story, damn it!" Wayne demanded. "Don't leave us hanging here."

"I went in the apartment and he told me to get naked while he told his partner they had company. I did as he said. I heard a voice from the bedroom say" the more the merrier." Calvin came to the bedroom door and motioned for me to come in. The other guy was older, hairy and well preserved. He must have been 50. It turned out he was a professor."the Captain said. "This was the first time I had been with a man without the threat of someone walking in and catching us. I felt like I had been freed from prison."

"I got to the apartment at one and left at five and I truthfully hadn't guessed sex could be so good. The professor liked to teach and he liked young guys. Cal and I were in and out of his mouth and ass at least ten times. He spent some time going where no cock had gone in me too." the captain explained and then paused again. "It was funny, I had gotten the impression that sex was dirty and consisted of one person using the other. The professor liked everything he did to us and we loved what he did."

"No pain on his first visit to your prostate?" Jonathan asked.

"Nothing that wasn't worth it!" Captain Burt exclaimed. "The professor told me what would happen and what it would feel like. I was ready. Plus I had fucked him twice and it seemed only fair."

"Luigi was good that way too. We had his apartment to ourselves, so there was no fear. He later told me I was the fist guy to suck his cock. Luigi had done all the sucking. I remember sticking my tongue out and flicking it on the pucker of his foreskin. I licked it open and soon was licking the head itself. Luigi was shivering. I was shivering. He was excited because this was the first time a tongue had touched his cock. I was shivering from sexual excitement and fear something might happen if a Jew sucked uncircumcised meat."

"No lightening strike?" I asked. The room erupted with laughter.

"None!" Jonathan said. "And if I had burst into flame, Luigi could have put it out with his cum! He must have been saving up for 45 years! I've never seen anything like it. I've seen one or two orgasms since then and nothing has equaled his. I've also loved cum ever since."

"I made my friend on the wrestling team suck my cum once." Wayne said. "I felt kind of bad about it, because he really didn't want to. I'll be damned if he didn't slurp it all up the next time we got together." I looked at the Captain and Tyrone was licking the golden ring threaded through his piss slit.

Jonathan was soon sucking Wayne's uncut cock and Magnus was stroking himself to an erection. I joined the Captain and Tyrone. Magnus turned off the lights.

Next: Chapter 16

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