Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 13, 2002


Millennium construction Company 14

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

After a few minutes we had all rearranged ourselves to get more comfortable. Buck joined the threesome with Trent, Jack and me making us a quartet. Buck was 25 or 30 years old with long, golden blond, hair parted in the middle. His musculature saved him from being scrawny. He was pale with a slight dusting of gold hair and his bright pink tits and cock head were the only strong color on his body except for his blue eyes.

Jack wasn't a good cock sucker, so Buck replaced him on my dick. Buck seemed to have a genuine interest in sucking. I was on the floor, so Trent straddled me, so I could suck him. He had a downward turning cock when he was erect and the position was comfortable for him and good for me. Buck was a good sucker. The boy knew his stuff and obviously enjoyed it. He had his ass high in the air. Buck's legs were spread wide, so I knew his ass hole was open and on display. Jack was right behind him and I knew he had plans for Buck's hole.

Jack was double the boy's size and I was afraid his cock wouldn't fit the boy's ass. Jack's cock vanished in Buck's ass rammed him. Buck whimpered a few times then began to moan. Buck's face Grimaces then a look of satisfaction spread across it. Trent was now in the push-up position. He was raising and lowering his cock as he did push-ups. I sucked his cock every time it came in range. As Jack's thrusts began to speed up, Buck lost interest in my cock. Jack pulled him off and Trent replaced the boy on my cock.

Trent and I now were in the 69 position. I had been concentrating on Jack and Buck. Trent was a side show. Suddenly it was as if Fred Astaire met Ginger Rodgers. The 69 position was Trent's favorite and we were perfectly matched and synchronized. It was the perfect meeting of cocks and throats. We would deep throat together, or we would alternate. Whatever we did, it was great.

We had matching cocks. They didn't look alike, mine is thick and beefy. Trent's was long and thin, with the attractive droop. They felt and reacted the same way. He knew exactly where I was on the road to orgasm. Remarkably he was able to stop a climax after one or two spurts. He would feel me tense up and shoot a bead of cum and he would slow down and get totally still. I would be at the point when any movement would precipitate a full scale orgasm, but Trent would hold off until I was calm again. It was unbelievable. We could have easily sucked for the weekend without shooting.

I tried the same on him. The first time was successful, the second time was an unmitigated failure. In this case failure meant Trent had a full blown, four alarm orgasm. It was one of the orgasms you can almost feel by just watching. I was tasting and it was good. We broke apart and came up for air.

Buck and Jack were sleeping on the floor. Jack's was deep in Buck's ass. Every time Buck moved, Jack thrust a few times to maintain his erection. The combination of the hairy, massive and swarthy man with the slight blond was oddly erotic. It brought to mind the Barbarian raping the Vestal Virgin paintings that were so popular in the 19th century. I was sure Buck hadn't been a virgin in a long time, but the image was striking.

Stavros was fucking Ed. Wayne was in Bobby's ass and Eduardo and Jimmy were quietly sucking. When Wayne finished, or got tired and pulled out of Bobby, Jimmy made a lightening fast movement to fill the void. Wayne came over and sat with Trent and me. Trent looked at Wayne's cock. It was dripping.

"Is that cum or precum?" he asked. Wayne smiled.

"Mostly precum, I think" Wayne answered. "That Bobby's a wonder. He never gets tired, never loses interest. He plumb wears me out."

"Are you complaining?" I asked.

"Shit no! I wouldn't trade that boy in for a brand new Harley!" the beefy carpenter replied. "I hate to sound like a red neck carpenter, but I truthfully didn't know sex could last for more that fifteen minutes. It was longer with my old woman once in a while, but I'd never spent more than two or three, five minutes top, in a guys ass before."

"Afraid a trooper would show up in the rest stop men's room?" Trent asked with a gleam in his eye. Wayne laughed.

"That's part of it, for sure!" Wayne said. "As I get older, I seem to like man sex more, a lot more. But I never had much of a chance to work on my skills. I've never had leisurely sex before. Never been able to take my time and really get into it.'

"I take it you like it?" I said. He replied by sucking my cock.

"Wayne has been broadening his skills too." Trent said. "He was a pure unadulterated top until now. Bobby introduced him to cock sucking. It's been a revelation to him."

"If you want to fuck me, you've got to suck me!" Bobby said. I thought he had been asleep, he looked so contented. Wayne looked up from my cock.

"I have seen the light!" he exclaimed. "I had no ideas how much joy there was in my fellow man." Wayne did a good imitation of a Baptist Preacher. "And, I didn't know that joy was deep inside of them and that the best way to get all that joy out is through their cock!" Everyone laughed. "I knew there was real joy shooting it out. I just didn't realize lapping that cock juice up could be good too!"

"You can get twice the use of the same sperm!" Trent exclaimed. "Energy efficient too! No need to cleanup."

"Alleluia and amen!" Wayne cried. There was a general rearranging of the room, as everyone relaxed and found a partner for the night. Wayne and I had a good time. As if to make up for his non-cock sucking past, he sucked me for most of the night. He took every load and sucked until the next. I fell asleep.

I woke anticipating another round of fun, but the Captain appeared early. He apologized, but he had a charter later in the morning, so we had to leave immediately. Ed, Bobby and I were on the road to Richmond by 9:00 a.m.

Bobby filled us in on the men. They were indeed hard workers and Bobby though Trent and Jack were smart to boot. Bobby liked to work, but needed direction and he liked the way they organized things.

Do you think they will work out well with the Company?" I asked.

"Yep, they'll be fine." Bobby said. "The boat was a good idea. It keeps them out of trouble."

"They need to be kept out of trouble?" Bobby considered his answer carefully before he answered.

"It doesn't hurt, that's for sure." he finally said. "I'm pretty sure there have been some problems in the past. Less temptation may be good for them. Shit, it may be good for all of us."

"You've got that right. And how was the sex?" Ed asked.

"Real good, but there is some room for improvement." Bobby said with the air of a true connoisseur. "They seem to be more "Johnny One Notes" than I like. They aren't very . . . imaginative."

"I though you were a true devotee of the bottom?" Ed said.

"I do seem to have a little bit of a warm spot for a cock in my ass," Bobby said. Ed choked on his cup of coffee. "But, I'm not opposed to a wide range of activities. I had to force Wayne to suck my cock!"

"How in hell did you do that?" Ed exclaimed. "He's twice as big as you!"

"Well, I wouldn't say that Wayne was 100% opposed to the idea. He's a typical carpenter. Set in his ways. Once he got his mouth on my meat, he was willing to admit the error of his ways. You guys might like to know he's a fast learner."

"And how about Jack and his boys?" Ed asked.

"Jack purports not to be that interested in his harem, but don't believe it. He's much more attached than he says, or perhaps realizes. He lets them suck other guys, but their asses are his!" Bobby said. "They like him a lot. But they might just have an interest in being fucked by other guys. When I let them in my ass they though they had died and gone to heaven! Jack doesn't bottom at all."

"You talked to them about this?" I asked.

"Nope. I did a test probe of Buck's hole." Bobby said. "He had no objection at all. I was only in three or four inches and he got worried he'd offend Jack. He thinks you only fuck when you are in deep. I figure the head is the action end of the cock and once it's popped through the ring, you're fucked, pure and simple!"

"I wouldn't get in the middle of that foursome!" I said.

"No problem there," Bobby said, "but I do wonder if a good top might like to have some idea what his bottoms are feeling? Just natural curiosity would lead a man to open up his ass once in a while."

"I guess if it works, don't fix it." Ed said. "Maybe it's like food. Some people don't like unusual or different food. They like what their mothers gave them and that's it. There is nothing wrong with that, but you miss out on a lot of interesting tastes. You don't have to like everything, but it's good if you at least try it."

"I think you're right." I was thinking out loud. "I still like Mom's old standbys, but I like a lot more now. I don't dislike her cooking, but I'm glad I found Chinese, and French and Mexican food."

"You're thinking fondly of your first blow job?" Ed said.

"Yes and no." I replied. "I liked it, but would have preferred not to be terrified we'd be caught"

"I've put my time in at the rest stops and in the peep shows." Ed added. "It was all there was at the time, but I would hate to think that was all there was to gay sex. I don't want to sound as if I was a believer in the old Playboy Advisor of the 1960s, but what in hell is wrong with sex? I was a good Baptist boy growing up in a nice family, but I can't figure out what is wrong with it? Why did it bother them so much?"

"It's a mystery to me," I said, " and I don't have any desire to talk to any of the Bible thumpers about it. Life's too short." We reached Richmond and got to my office. There was a stack of messages left over from Friday afternoon. I also had to call Max and Magnus to give them an update on the progress of the project. They were both pleased. information.

One of the calls was from someone named Neil Van der Velde. The name sounded somewhat familiar although I couldn't quite place it. When I returned the call on Monday, Van der Velde was the Executive Director of a new theater company in town, the Richmond Players. The company was interested in using the Palladium Theater. They were going to specialize in classical theatrical faire with special emphasis on Shakespeare and the standard repertoire. The intention was to integrate the troop with the local schools and treat it as an introduction to theater.

This sounded fine, but theater troops are a dime a dozen in Richmond and most of them didn't have any more than a dime to their name. Van derVelde wanted to meet with me to look over the building with the Chairman of his Board, Rollo Hunt. I immediately became interested. Hunt was wealthy, generous and dynamic. He could underwrite the company and had enough clout to get Richmond's moneyed elite to support it. It would be a perfect use for the building, but since the building was designed as a movie theater with limited stage areas, it would need to be modified to accommodate a full blown legitimate theater.

I suggested they talk to Max MacAffee, the architect, but Neil said Hunt specifically wanted to talk to me. We met at 4:00, that afternoon. Neil Van der Velde was about forty and he had an assistant with him, C.W., who was very young, perhaps 27, and clearly a spear carrier for Hunt. Hunt was younger than I had remembered. I had been hearing his name for years and assumed he was elderly.

Hunt was about sixty, must have exercised regularly and looked younger. He was interested in the cost of the project and I gave him a rundown.. The completed work was first class and the cost was modest compared to the complexity of the project. He seemed impressed.

"You may remember my daughter, Eloise, died several years ago in an automobile accident. My wife, Ellen, passed away last year of cancer." Hunt said. "I had promised Ellen to create a suitable memorial to our daughter, but hadn't been able to do anything about it while Ellen was so sick. I would like the Palladium to be that memorial, but I can only put $9,000,000.00 to $10,000,000.00 into it."

"Mr. Hunt is the chairman of the fund raising committee for the new Symphony Hall and doesn't want to divert money from that project." Neil explained. "He proposes to fund this theater by himself."

"I need to know if you think this project can be completed for that sum?" Hunt asked. "It's quite a bit bigger than I had anticipated, but it would be so appropriate for my daughter. She hoped to be an actress."

"Theaters are very specialized, but it seems to me we could do it for that price, if we can coordinate with an architect." I said. We talked for another two hours and Hunt was satisfied. He would take the theater. The $2,000,000.00 paint-up fix-up project for the Palladium Theater became a $12,000,00.00 conversion to a legitimate theater. Hunt and Van der Velde left. I was with C.W. discussing details of the project. Out of the blue he asked if I knew Magnus.

"Yes." I said, "I'm doing some work for him. Are you friends?"

"Sort of." C.W. said. "I house sat for him once. He came back early and he showed me in bomb-shelter pool. We messed around some. I'm not his type and he's not mine, but we had a good time."

"What is your type?" I asked. C.W. seemed to be a see all and tell all type.

"Well, that's why I'm here. Magnus and I were talking about that very question. I told him I had a warm spot for construction workers." C.W. said. "Magnus told me you might be the guy to talk to about my interest."

"I normally don't recruit sexual partners for my workers." I said. He could hear the annoyance in my voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend." C.W. said quickly. "That's not what I wanted." I looked at him sternly. "Well. I guess that's what I want eventually. I'm a 100% West End suburban kid. I'm turned on by construction workers and red necks, but I've never really met one."

"Your afraid they're going to beat you up, aren't you?"

"You've got it. Have you ever desperately wanted something, but been scared shitless about doing anything to get it?" C.W. asked. "I don't know enough to know how to make a pass."

"You've never made a pass at a man?" C.W. smiled.

"Usually they make a pass at me. I'm good looking and I know my way around the locker rooms of the better clubs." C.W. said with considerable self assurance. "I come from a good family and went to good schools. Older businessmen come to me as if I were magnetized. I have a feeling all of that doesn't count much with the guys I am really interested in." He paused. "I'm looking for someone to aim me in the right direction. Magnus said I needed training wheels. Frankly, once I get the hang of it, I don't think it's going to be a problem. I'm a fast learner."

"Your probably right about good schools not helping you much." I said. "I headed back to my office. If you want to come along and meet the guys, you're free to come along. You can assume everyone you meet is gay and no one's going to beat you up. I'll introduce you. The rest is up to you." C.W. eagerly agreed.

When we got to the house, Skeeter, Bubba and Bobby were fixing dinner. It was Bubba's birthday and there was a cake baking. I introduced C.W. as a liaison person for a tenant for the theater. C.W. looked as if he had fallen in a tub of butter. Bubba asked him to stay for dinner. It was a stew and there was plenty.

I caught a glimpse of Bubba as he looked C.W. over. It was clear Bubba was looking at him as a birthday entertainment. C.W. was wearing a suit, but when he took his coat off, you knew he wore boxers and he was hung. After he talked to Bubba and the guys, you could clearly see C.W. was half erect and interested.

C.W. was really relaxed and didn't seem to notice the swelling in his pants. I had a feeling the swelling had served him well in the locker and steam rooms of the city. C.W. needed no lessons in marketing. In some ways I had to admire his subtlety. You knew he was sexually excited by the men in the room, but there was nothing that would stand up in a court of law. Perhaps it was the light, or the way the fabric folded that gave that impression of the genital bulge.

It would have been almost coy, if the cock hadn't been so big. It was long and comparatively thin, with a big, cut head clearly outlined. Everyone noticed and admired the cock, but none more than Bubba.

I cleaned up the dishes and the men went upstairs to the attic to watch some videos Skeeter had rented. I was tired, so I watched the television for a while and then went to bed. I woke the next morning at 5:30 and found Bubba heading home.

"Where in hell did you find that boy?" he good naturedly asked. " I'm lucky my prick isn't callused."

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked. "Are you complaining?"

"Enough sleep and not really complaining." Bubba admitted. "The kid liked it so much I kind of got carried away. He liked it spread-eagle and doggie style, backwards and front ways. It was a trip."

"I'm glad you both liked it."

"He looked young, but he wasn't no virgin." Bubba smiled as he said this. "I'm no virgin either and we both learned some new tricks. I took a break fucking C.W. to keep Bobby happy. Damned if C.W. didn't rear end me. Never felt anything like it. I was pumping Bobby while C.W. pumped me. It was great."

"Cum everywhere?"

"That's the thing. We had all dropped a load earlier. It turned into a nice long session." Bubba said. "I'll swear that boy has eyes in his cock head. He knew where he was going and what he was doing. After a while we traded places and he got in the middle. He has a great ass and his cock seemed to hit just the right spot in Bobby's chute. It was a nice long session."

Next: Chapter 15

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