Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 10, 2011


Catfish visits a Castle 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

The next day Otis told me to have lunch with the security men. Casey wanted them to know me by sight. I thought it was going to be some sort of a picnic, but it was an "initiation." At least they pretended it was an initiation. It was more of a way to let me know who was boss. Casey was afraid I was going to get uppity.

Several of the men jumped me; stripped me naked and then browbeat me army style. I had a suspicion they had been watching master sergeants in old movies too much. They intended to scare and humiliate me. I played the role, but in some ways I'm at my best naked. I was a "little twerp, and piece of shit, an ugly chimpanzee, and a hairy turd. No one mentioned the phrase horse hung at all, but I knew they noticed.

Casey was in charge and the cheerleader of the group. He tried to produce some new expletives to degrade me, but he wasn't imaginative. Most turned out to be combinations of fuck, shit, turd, asshole and shrimp, with a few monkey and missing link references. It got very repetitive.

It was a long hour, but they got tired of the abuse and left me naked in the woods. They had ripped my clothes to pieces so I walked back to the pump building naked and got fresh clothes. Otis saw me and didn't ask what happened. He must have known. It was punishment for helping LeRoy with his cameras the day before.

At first, I was just pissed. I hate being passive and I could have inflicted some damage on the men. I knew that was counterproductive and whimpering a little helped define me as a no account person. That evening I began to see the "initiation" as a positive. At dusk, one of the security crowd, a guy name Harry, hung around the pump building and eventually came over to me and asked if I was okay.

"Sure," I said. "When you are my size it comes with the territory. It's happened to me since I was in grade school."

"I didn't want to do it, but orders are orders here. You don't want to get on Casey's bad side." Harry said.

"Does he have a good side?" I asked.

"Actually he does. He's okay when he lays off the sauce," he answered. "Every time Trevor or Ferdy dump on him he goes for the gin and there is hell to pay." As Harry talked, his eyes shifted from looking at my face to lower parts of my anatomy. I guessed where his gaze would stop.

Harry was beefy, good-old-boy type who liked beer and did what he was told. He was nearing fifty, I guessed. Grey hair streaked his beard making him look like a poorly groomed Schnauzer. I liked that look. I decided to throw the boy a bone and I scratched my balls. Harry noticed.

He scratched his balls. I looked him in the eye and smiled. "I have a couple of beers upstairs," I said. "Would you like to join me in a night cap?"

"Sure," he replied. The alarm went off and I went inside and pressed the reset button, then we went upstairs to my room. I got beers out of the old refrigerator in the corner, and then stripped off my shirt.

"It's stuffy in here," I said. It wasn't that stuffy, but Harry took off his shirt too. We talked as we drank our beers. I didn't turn the lights on, but it was a full moon and the room was bright enough.

I dropped my pants and went to the open window. "I'm out of beer. I have nothing for you to drink." They don't write romantic songs about moonlight shining on pubic hair and a semi-erect cock, but they should. It did the trick.

"I see something I could suck on," Harry whispered. I walked over to him and fed him my cock. I don't think Harry was a regular cocksucker, but he did his best.

"Get naked and I can suck you," I said. We went to the bed and sixty-nined. Harry had a beer can style cock, thick and stubby. He leaked sweet ball juices and I got enthusiastic as I slurped it up.

"It's beautiful but how in hell do guys deep throat you?" he asked when he took a break.

"Well it helps if you have a detachable jaw like a snake," I said. He laughed. "You are doing fine. What is your pleasure? Do you like the sucking or want the cream?"

"I want it all," he said. "Could you tell me when you're going to pop?" I told him that was fine with me. We sucked for another five minutes and he began to moan. He was a sexual soda fountain, freely dispensing his manly juices. He was ripe and flooded my mouth with his special brew. That pushed me over the edge.

"I'm cumming!" I warned him. Harry didn't pull off; he took it like a man. Somehow, I got the impression that was new for him. I will say Harry didn't take my cock just to be polite. He licked, sucked, and worked his tongue into my wide slit to see if he had missed any. He wanted it all. I had an anthropologist friend who said some tribes think sucking up cum give the sucker the strength and potency of the suckee.

"Damn that was hot," he said.

"It was good for me too," I said. "Drop by any time you need release. By the way, I can make deliveries at the back door too."

"I could never take yours up my ass," Harry said. "I know a guy who could. He was really interested when he saw you earlier."

"I like a tight warm rectum, but not an asshole. Is the guy a jerk?"

"Truthfully speaking he can be," Harry replied. "I plugged him once and he got humble and obedient. That was with my cock. What in hell he'd be like with yours up his ass I can't imagine."

Harry was dressed and started to leave. He turned, dropped to his knees and kissed my soft cock. He licked inside the foreskin and his tongue made another visit to my slit. "Damn, that thing is a beauty," he muttered as he left.

Heaven's curse was acting up and I had to reset two more time that night. I discovered if you reset it quickly, all was well. If you waited, it took longer and longer to get it going again. After resetting the pump at four in the morning, I sat outside of the pump house to take in the cool morning air.

"Are you staying up late or getting up early?" a voice asked from the darkness.

"I am up late, but I'm not sure if I'm going back to bed," I said. "I haven't slept much tonight, but I'm not tired either."

The moon had set so it was dark. "Harry told me you were playful."

"He did?"

Harry and I like the same sort of play," the voice said. "I'm Butch."

"I bet you know who I am. We met earlier today."

"Would it help if I said I'm an asshole and fuck-up," Butch said. "I have a hard time keeping a job, so it hard to say no to the boss."

"It's easier if being an asshole if that is what the boss wants?"

"I hadn't thought of it that way, but I guess it's true. Shit, I work for eight bucks an hour; it ain't worth it," he said. "I'll leave."

"Hold your horses. If you are the guy Harry said likes it in the ass, I might be able to do some forgiving?" I replied. It was dark, but I was sure he was smiling.

Butch got closer. It was still dark but I could see he was naked. He was average height, thin and scrawny. From the sound of his voice I suspected he was a pack or two a day man.

"Bend over," I said. "I want to see your good side." He obeyed. I touched his hole; he shivered and twitched. He was already lubricated. I thought that was a nice touch. At least he could plan ahead.

"What's a fagot slut like you doing in a nice place like this?" I asked as I fingered his hole. It was lubricated, but very tight. He had it clenched tight.

"Trevor likes the male staff to be gay. He doesn't want any competition for his harem," he replied.

"I would think that Trixie woman would be more than enough to satisfy any man," I said.

"He likes variety. The other women are dogs compared to Trixie. He likes to call them ugly sluts and has them do anything, and I mean anything to get fucked. They're like trained dogs doing their masters bidding," Butch said. "Once and a while Trevor brings in some paying customers to gang fuck them. I think they were paying $2,000.00 or more for the pleasure."

"Was Trixie part of a package deal?"

"No she wasn't, but she may have been available if you paid enough. I heard it was fifteen to twenty thousand," he continued. "They say Trevor's wife swings both ways and likes Trixie for herself. Ferdinand takes her from time to time, but he takes me more often than her. If Trevor found out, he'd be pissed. He thinks being a hetro pervert is morally superior to being a homo pervert."

"Ferdinand likes to stretch your hole?"

"There is no stretching involved with Freddy. It's not much different when he in me or not," Butch said.

"You've got a tight hole. I like that but sometimes I just have to make it bigger. You understand that?"

"Sure," he whispered.

"I don't like cry babies or screamers or guy who whimper. I'm done when I've dumped my load deep in your ass. I don't care if you are tired or can't take it anymore." Butch didn't say anything. I had two fingers in his ass already. He had a sphincter of steel, but it was opening.

I pinched his tits hard. Damn if that didn't make him relax his buns and my knob popped through to the dark and warm side of his asshole. I got my cock head a three inches of shaft in him. He gasped for breath, but didn't scream. H tried to close the door, but that wasn't an option.

He desperately wanted to close up, but my cock was very hard and by chance, my knob was in the right position to play tag with his prostate. Technically, there wasn't room for his prostate and my cock head in the same area. Every time I rammed it, Butch went to the moon. When he returned to Earth, he wanted to seal up the rear entrance again. He squeezed hard to no effect. I shoved a few more inches in when he was his tightest, just to make sure he knew who held all the cards.

My plan was to make him sorry for the mistreatment I had received earlier that day. My cock had other plans. My cock and my brain agree most of the time. My brain said the man was a piece of shit. My cock was having a great time in an odd resort located in the asshole's asshole.

By the time, my curly pubic hairs touched his abused hole he was beaten, defeated, ravaged and abused. He was also in heaven and in love. There was nothing I could do that didn't stretch him to his limit, hurt a little and he didn't love.

He sun was coming up, and I was time to get to work. I told him to go home and we would finish things up then.

"Tonight maybe?" He asked.

"Drop by and we will see," I answered. He left and I went to my room and showered. A sexual aspect to t he situation had grafted itself to the financial scam. Oddly, for my normal cases, it was heterosexual sex. I could understand being obsessed by a sex goddess like Trixie, but I tend to like my sex partners conscious and not drugged out their minds. That didn't seem to be Trevor's taste.

I don't like fucking a log. I wondered if Trevor was into trophies. I knew of size queens who wanted me just to say they did it. That wasn't a turn on for me. I'll admit most of the guys who did that were really drunk and called me the next day to apologize. I suspected Trevor wasn't into apologizing much.

According to Butch, the security people were making eight bucks an hour. That isn't a good way to get quality staff. You could probably do better stealing from the people you were protecting. I assumed the DeMonts had high quality protection when the old man was alive. I suspected some skimming of assets. I would bet Trixie was paying for top of the line services and receiving bottom basement remainders.

The rest of the day was quiet. I pruned and watched. Butch walked by me and muttered, "Watch out for a guy named Billy-Bob. He's bad news." I was nice to be warned, but more detail would have been good. I assumed Butch would come back, but he was on night duty and couldn't make it. The night was hot and steamy. I was outside trying to catch any breeze I could. The staff wasn't supposed to be in the view of the castle after working hours. I could hear thunder in the distance.

I walked toward the old carriage house where the boys lived. Dallas saw me and waved me over. He was in the mood to play. He and the boys were always in the mood to play. I went up to their attic sleeping area. The boys were all-naked and had two visitors. These were the younger members of grounds staff.

I scared them half to death. They were caught in the act, erect and face fucking Johnny and Jimmy.

"What in hell are you doing here?" I asked in my most menacing tone.

"Just messing around some," one of the guys replied.

"Well if you are just messing around do it right," I said, "Get naked and do it right. Strip! Let's have a party here!" They obeyed. I guessed they were in their early twenties. One boy, Ronnie, was a beefy cub with the beginnings of a fur coat sprouting on his chest. The other one, Robbie, was thin and looked as if he was thirteen. He was hairy, and it was odd to see a young face on a more mature body.

"Why don't you guys make me feel welcome and suck my cock?" I suggested.

"I don't do that," Ronnie said.

"I think you mean you used to not do that, but when you m saw my fucker, you couldn't resist," I said, returning to use my menacing tone. Ronnie bent over and licked my meat. I figured that if they were willing to use the boys as their playthings, turn-about was fair play. "Get your tongue in the foreskin. Nothing will bite you," I added. Robbie watched and was excited. A bead of precum drooled from his erect cock. I intercepted it and took a taste.

"Good stuff," I said. "Why don't you sample Jerry's home brew? It's good too," I said.

"He's old," Robbie whined.

"You could use some vintage cock juices," I replied. "He's been producing it for years and has all of the kinks worked out of the production process." Robbie smiled and went for Jerry's cock. Robbie and Ronnie turned out to be your basic every day redneck cock-suckers, who were too timid to go whole hog.

I dropped them in the water without a lifejacket and they discovered they could swim. Not only could they swim, they loved the water. I gave Robbie some advice on how to suction precum from Jim's balls. Jim liked the bottom and that was an unexpected benefit for Robbie.

Ronnie became a good cocksucker after ten minutes of practice. He hit it off with Johnny when they discovered the sixty-nine position. They both had long, thin cocks well suited for deep throating. Ronnie spread his legs as he sixty-nine, leaving his ass open. Trevor saw the opportunity and took it. Ronnie looked back to see who was at his ass. When he saw it was Trevor he returned to Johnny's cock.

I don't know if Ronnie's ass was virgin, but he sure took Trevor's cock without drama. Ronnie had Trevor in his ass, his cock in Johnny's mouth and was deep throating Johnny. We all witnessed a top of the line triple orgasm. It was good.

I had guessed Ronnie and Robbie were closet cases who only needed a push to get into the scene. Ronnie got on his back, pulled up his legs and let the rest of the boys and Robbie fuck him. I seriously doubted his virginity.

As we frolicked, a terrific lightening storm came across the mountaintop. I raced back to the pump house to see how Heaven's Curse took it. The storm at first seemed like a typical summer violent, but short even, but I soon realized it wasn't going to be short. Apparently, an ordinary large summer storm tried to get across the Blue Ridge and encountered a tropical air mass heading west. The storm stalled and absorbed the humid tropical air.

The thunder and lightning continued for four of five hours, nonstop. The rain came down at two or three inches an hour. We were on the top of the mountain, so the worst of the flooding was below us. The Castle was well protected from lightning, but it struck multiple times. The electricity went out. We had a diesel-powered generator to provide back up.

I was alone in the pump building for an hour when Otis joined me. He said it was a disaster below. We would be cut off from the world for days, if not weeks. Rockslides had cut off the interstate. No one knew if the interstate survived under the tons of rock and mud of landslides. Otis used a back, logging trail, but downed trees blocked every other road.

"I can't believe any bridges survive below us," Otis said, "It's a disaster." Otis told me about the diesel problem. As he explained the situation, the lights went out. The tank was empty. Otis told me the generator would have been fine if someone hadn't decided to sell the fuel when market was high, and then didn't replace the fuel. The generator ran for an hour and then went dry. While we were on the top of the mountain, ten inches of rain is a lot, and when the pumps failed, the basements and lower levels of the buildings began to flood.

Otis called the house on his cell phone and told Trevor of the situation. Trevor took it badly. He regarded the storm as an affront. I have never much admired people who, when confronted with a disaster, say it shouldn't have happened. Trevor was one of those. There was nothing to do until the storm ended. Trevor wanted to call for help, but the roads were out. Otis wasn't sure if any of the roads across the mountain were passable.

We do have some portable generators and gasoline," Otis explained. "As soon as the storm breaks we may be able to jerry rig some electricity for the castle." I could hear Trevor swearing on the other end of the phone followed by silence. He hung up.

"I see Trevor is good in emergencies," I remarked. Otis burst out laughing. "He wanted to fire me for allowing the storm," Otis said with a bemused look on his face. "I had no idea I had control over that."

Otis said he was going to check out the place and then would spend the rest of the night with the crew in the stables. He went to his four by four and drove off.

As he drove off Johnny and Jimmy knocked on my door. They were soaking wet. I got them in my room, out of their clothes and dry. Both were erect and ready to play. I was tired, but it was hard to sleep with the noise of the storm, I figured an orgasm might act as a sedative. I got on my bed and they joined me.

Johnny was soon at my cock, nursing. He seemed totally contented and relaxed. It wasn't the slightly frenzied sucking of a gay man; it was more like a baby at his mother's breast. Jimmy was relaxed as we carried on a disjointed conversation. As far as I could tell, Johnny wanted me, but didn't know how to get to me. Jimmy was his guide. Jimmy was a small man with a big cock, and I sucked him as he talked.

Jimmy said Johnny wanted to be like the rest of the boys, but he wasn't as smart. He was a good boy, but didn't get the talking thing. He wanted the same things the other boys had, and that seemed to include my cock. He watched me fuck Jerry and wanted the same.

"I've got a big cock," I said. Jimmy smiled. "I'm afraid I might hurt him."

"Johnny is a big boy," Jimmy said, "He never cries." Jimmy took Johnny's place at my cock and Johnny fed me his cock. His ball juices were flowing. Jimmy stopped sucking, and he got Johnny to straddle me and had him sit back on my cock. I had some lubricant by my bed and gave that to Jimmy. He coated my cock and Johnny's ass.

At least from this position, Johnny was in control and he could stop at any time if it hurt. Much to my relief, there was no problem. It was a near perfect fit. Johnny was halfway down my love pole when he got a positively blissful look on his face. I had hit the good spot. He liked to bounce and I like for him to bounce. He shot off quickly, but didn't dismount.

Jimmy eventually got him off so I could hug him. Johnny was peaceful and happy. I think he ws satisfied. Jimmy lifted my legs and popped his organ into my ass. That was good for both of us. Later that night I tried a few more fucking positions on Johnny. All were successful. He didn't resist at all, my cock eased its way through his sphincter and slid into his tunnel without effort, but to considerable effect.

The storm abated, they dressed and returned to the rest of the boys. I had a long day ahead helping Otis jerry rigging gasoline generators to get some power to the castle. The basement had 18 inches of water in it. I got into some of the locked rooms I had noticed when visiting with Leroy. I found one room filled with Asian pharmaceuticals. I assumed this was Hillbilly Heroin, and another room was a meth lab. It wasn't a drugged out stoner's lab. It was close to beign a full scale industrial lab.

Next: Chapter 136: Catfish Visits a Castle 4

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