Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 1, 2011


Catfish Goes to School 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

The next morning, I talked to Mrs. Putney and told her about Flaming Fanny. She was shocked, but went into action immediately. Girls with serious mental problems were not rare at St. Cecelia's School and she contacted the school Physiatrist and councilors. I also told him that some of her girls might have been dating Gerald Fitzroy Milland III. This genuinely shocked her.

Miss Fleming lived in one of the boarding houses, but she called the housemother of the dormitory she use to live in. There was no record of her signing out with Milland III. There was no record of a date with Tyler Bremo either. I told her I also had information indicating he had a taste for young girls.

She was silent. "How do I deal with that?"

"Let me take a try at Mr. Milland. He's on my list already," I said.

"He is an incredible bore, but it's hard for me to see him with young girls. Who would want him?"She asked.

"I think he prefers it if they don't want him," I said. She went into action with her staff to see want was up.

"You understand I don't want to ruin the girl's lives?" she said. "We have many troubled girls here. Criminal activity is one thing, but we try to help them if at all possible. Our specialty is young, very confused girls. Many have dysfunctional families, most think they are sophisticated and worldly. They think vacationing in Europe or eating at the best restaurants, makes them sophisticated. Some have techniques for getting attention that are truly disturbing." I told her I understood.

I went to see my operative Sally. She was in fine form. She was a gossip and had been using these skills to advantage. The girls were shocked but excited by the attack on Douglass. It was more like a reality TV program than real life to most of them. A third were scared, a third didn't have any real comprehension of the situation and a third were willing to play Nancy Drew. A few were too interested in the events and actually seemed to enjoy it.

The Nancy Drew girls didn't like that at all and wanted to catch the persons responsible. They thought the art studio fire was an inside job. No one had seen a stranger wandering around and any stranger would have caused a stir. There was a fixed checkout system, but the girls had ways to get out without being seen. There was no one on the back paths they used to get out. Two girls were suspected of having an interest in fire. Flaming Fanny and a girl I hadn't heard of. I got the name and would pass it on to Mrs. Putney.

Most of the girls liked the school. Most came from wealthy families with disinterested parents. "At the up coming events the Grandparents and Aunts may well outnumber the parents," Sally explained. "Several girls hate the place. Several of these have serious mental problems, aggravated by poor parenting skills. Several think the place is too much like a finishing school," Sally continued. "There is a group that dislike it because it's too academic. They think they will never need those skills because they are going to wed a millionaire. I told one of them I tried that approach and it wasn't as successful as I had hoped."

"One girl told me she had already hooked one and he was waiting for her to reach age 18 so they could marry."

"What was this girl's name?" I asked.

"Tilly Beemo?" Sally said. "That's not right but she was hard to understand. She had been told she looked like Katherine Hepburn and she tries to talk that way."

"Tyler Bremo?" I suggested.

"That it, that's the name," she said. "You must get around.

I went to see Wilda-beast. He went jogging in late afternoon and I happened to be on the jogging trail. It told him what was up.

"That fucking asshole!" he exclaimed. "Damn it to Hell! I didn't see that coming at all!" He calmed down. "I was playing with fire and thought I could control it. Damn I have fucked up! Do you know who he's fucking?"

I gave him the names and told him one was picking her wedding dress. We had a new outbreak of expletives.

"How did Eleanor take it? I'll get that asshole if it's the last thing I ever do!"

"Mrs. Putney is working on the girls. She says she has experience with that," I said. I then told him about Gerald IV's meeting with the priest at the time of the mugging. "The priest is a pal of his Dad's. I think the priest wanted an alibi at the time of the event."

"Who in hell is the Priest?"

"He may be the connection between the muggers and they paymaster," I explained. "I am guessing he is a member of the Camden Society. We have no real evidence connecting Gerald III with the event. Can you do anything to keep him away from the girls?"

"I think so," he replied. "I don't know how yet, but by hook or crook I'll do it." He continued on his jog and I returned to the school.

That afternoon I helped move the Sikh girl into the dorm. Her parents had to leave so she had come to school at a bad time. Her brother was moving into St. Thomas's. I will say the staff was very attentive to her. She got a room next to the housemother's apartment. Clearly several girls were recruited to take her under her wing.

The girl looked shaky when she arrived. She knew her parents were leaving, but to be fourteen and suddenly have her folks thousands of miles away is a shock when it actually happens. The girl had tons of stuff. I helped her get things in, but Melissa, the girl who was the head of the Student Senate came by to help too. I needed some help lifting some things.

She was a pretty, delicate looking girl, but was a workhorse and helpful. When we were done, she talked to me. "My Mother's from Richmond and knows who you are, what is going on?"

She was a smart girl, so I outlined my suspicions. I did not go into any detail.

"Well, we had some incidents before, minor sabotage and pranks. I thought they were pranks gone badly. They were designed to be embarrassing, and hurtful. Until the studio fire, they seemed misguided, but harmless," she said. "Mr. Putney's incident is another thing altogether."

"Are there insiders who might be on the other side? They may hate the school or think it is too liberal?" I asked.

"Liberal!" she said laughing. "There are some boys who are un reconstructed cave men, and a few girls who wish it was like the old days. At one time, we had classes in needlework and deportment. In most cases, they are just repeating what they heard at home. We have a good mathematics and science department here."

"Are any of them vicious?" I asked. "I met a girl named Dee Dee."

Melissa looked me in the eye. "Mom said you were smarter than you look. Dee Dee is a bitch magnet. She attracts all the bitter and unhappy girls. At St. Thomas's School Gerald Milland attracts the hopeless and the desperate. If they are lucky, they will out grow him."

"I am hoping you will not spread what you know about me around the school," I said. "I'm best undercover."

"I understand," she said, "Did you know some of the girls are scared of you? They think you're lusting after them. They figure being as ugly as you are you must be desperate."

"I don't swing that way, and I have my charms for men of unusual tastes," I said. "You might whisper that in a few ears and the girls may rest easier. Being wary of men with an interest in under aged girls is a genuine problem here."

"I can't believe that's a problem," Melissa said.

"Let me assure you it is," I replied. "Great wealth can make an ugly bore look attractive to some."

"I must have missed something," she said as she left. "If I find anything should I tell it to you?"

"Everything I hear goes straight to Mrs. Putney," I said. "It may be easier to give it to me than to go to her office."

When I got back to my apartment, I had a message on my phone from the Rev. Mr. Gilbert. He said there was a visitor at the Randall Inn I needed to talk with, the Rev. Mr. Herbert. I gave him a call and he asked me to visit him after dinner.

Herald Herbert was a solid looking man of about forty. He was dressed in black and a clerical collar. I didn't impress him much, but he was very polite and cordial. "You mentioned the Cranmer Society to Rev. Gilbert. He contacted the diocese and they contacted me. I am the point man for the Society," he said.

I explained my role and my Aunt's suspicions. I them told him of Gerald Milland III association with the society. Herbert warmed up considerably.

"The Society seemed to be one of those crank groups that rise up from time to time. Its main weapon was character assassination. In the last two or three years there has been increasing violence; one murder and several muggings as well as arson," he explained. "These have occurred across the county, and the only common denominator was the involvement of the Cranmer Society."

"The Cranmer Society is not a turn the other cheek group?"

"It is distinguished by the complete lack of any Christian virtues," Herbert said. "They have a knack for destroying and seem to have no creative instincts."

"What do you know about the society?" I asked.

"Damn little," he replied. "It is secretive in the extreme. Frankly, sometimes I doubt it is real; it could be a man with deep pockets with a grudge. There have been letters mailed from different cities. All are on standard inkjet paper, with no forwarding address. In some cases, there is clearly local participation. Typically, it is the parish grouch, but it is extreme. It is hard to tell if it is more anti-women or anti gay."

"They are very much opposed to the local leadership of the church, but also pronouncedly anti Bishop," Herbert said. "Why they claim to be Episcopalian is anyone's guess."

"What are they in favor of?"

"They seem to be partial to war, starvation, poverty and disease," he said.

"You are joking?"

"No I am not. They seem to think war, poverty and disease are God's judgment," he explained. "When the church addresses these big issues, we interfere with God's plan. They seem to regard the wealthy as god's elect, and it is wrong to interfere with their ability to acquire more money."

"Christianity without Christ, it had a nice ring to it," I said. He smiled. "Why would they pick St. Cecelia's School?"

"That is indeed puzzlement," Harold said. "I am wondering if a member or the member of the society has a personal connection with the school, or a grievance."

"I would think someone here would remember something that would generate this sort of thing. Three hit men is a lot for grievance."

"You are thinking rationally," he replied. "I don't think rationality plays much of a role in the situation. There is no evidence of proportionality here either. Some of the incidents have been at quite small churches. A gay choir director was mugged at a rural church after a vicious slanderous campaign. He was a twenty-three year old man, in a non paying position."

"I think you might check and see if Gerald Milland III had any connections to these events,' I said. He said he would check into that and I left. On the way back to school, I walked past Newton and a friend walking the other way.

I stopped; we chatted and then I went on. A minute or two later Newton came running back to me. "Will, I kind of told my pal Joey about you," he said. "He'd like to know you better." He leaned close to me and whispered. "He graduated a few years ago and he and some of his friends are here for the weekend. You know, checking up on old friends," Newton continued. "I guess you could say he and his pals are open-minded like us."

Joey joined us, "I'd sure like to see it, mister."

"I told him you weren't much into show and tell," Newton said. "Joey says his pals are into action, not site seeing."

If I had an ounce of common sense, I would have continued on my way back to St. Cecelia's. "There are six of us." Joey said. "With Newton that makes it seven. It's better with an even number."

"Are you a club, or just old friends?"

"We aren't as much friends as we are guys who share a common interest," Joey said. "We call ourselves the Honey & Cream Society. New members need to taste the older members' honey and take the cream."

"You get to know the members quickly that way," I said. "Newton, are you a member?"

"Not yet, he said. "I will be in an hour." He was smiling. "Joey's the president. I met him yesterday and we had the interview."

"It was an in depth interview and afterwards Newton told me you had been in deeper." Joey said.

"Newton told you I like to do the in depth interviewing?" I asked.

Joey nodded. "He told me you weren't much to look at, but really good. The boys and I like to test our limits." They started walking and I joined them. We went a few blocks off the main street, then went down a heavily overgrown drive to a cottage. It was dark, but inside were five, semi nude men in a dimly illuminated room. They looked with interest at Newton, and looked shocked at me.

Joey locked the door. "It's party time, strip!" he shouted. "Let's get down to business." They obeyed.

I stripped too, and the looks of shock turned to interest. I wasn't a dream come true for them, but curiosity took control. Joey had the look of a bland, college Republican, but God had seen fit to endow him with an impressive baseball bat shaped tool. He had the largest cock in the group, but the men had a nice variety of cocks. There were beer cans, lollypops and club cocks.

At first, there was no conversation. Newton got on his knees and began to suck any cock within reach. Soon he was in the center of a cluster of men, madly sucking their erect organs. Joey and the only other hairy man in the group came over to me and made me feel welcome. The hairy person, Harvey, was a former football player. While he was a cub in age, I guessed about 26; he was all bear.

There was about ten minutes of frantic activity and then things began to calm down. By then, the members saw Newton was second to Joey in size and very willing. My cock seemed to inspire conversation. I thought the group had hard, ridged rules, but one man was on the floor sucking Newton's organ as Newton worked on two cocks. One of the men popped and squirted cum on Newton's face before he had a chance to take it. Newton intercepted the second shot, and took it with great enthusiasm and gusto.

"That's it, Newton. Milk him!" a man said. "Our team can always use a catcher."

Harvey asked if I wanted to join the club, or if was I just a visitor. I told it was more likely that I was the entertainment. That seemed to spark everyone's fancy. Newton told them he had taken my cock, and they wanted to watch, Newton was more than willing. I fucked him doggy style so they could all watch me enter. I took my time assuming they'd like to watch Newton's ass peel back the skin and then watch my head vanish in the quivering ass.

I guessed right about that. They asked me for a few instant replays. This had the additional effect of getting Newton desperate to take the rest of my organ in him. The club members liked that too. I later found out the clubs best pig bottom had moved to Seattle, and they needed a replacement. Newton would be perfect.

I then had him sit on my cock. Two of the men helped arrange him so he could still suck cock, and get sucked too. With my cock in his ass, a man on his cock and two cocks in his mouth, he was happy. He was a good multi-tasker and soon swallowed the second and third of the six loads he needed to join the club. We pulled apart so he could catch his breath. He was still enthusiastic, but a bit tired.

I realized this wasn't a group of amateurs. Most of the men I had met in Randall were comparatively inexperienced. The Honey and Cream Society were pros. The liked man sex and weren't ashamed of it.

Most of the six men weren't my type. They were handsome, bland looking men training for a place on a corporate board of directors. They all liked sex and weren't afraid to experiment some. When I fucked Newton, they weren't voyeurs; they were professionals admiring another professional at work. They were looking for techniques to improve their sexual skills.

Newton's was well equipped and Joey volunteered to take a ride on the thick cock after Newton had paid the price of admission. It was an easy entry; Joey was nice and open. I fed Newton my cock and leaned over to taste Joey's cock. He was juicy and excited. This position left my ass wide open and soon someone lubricated my ass and doing some prostate prospecting with his fingers.

Soon he eased his man probe into the hole. Since I was sucking Joey I couldn't see him, but I assumed it was a young looking guy who possessed a big mushroom on a long shaft. It was easy to take and to enjoy.

This was all done silently until the man behind me was fully embedded. He became talkative. Considering my ass inspired Al to talk too, I wondered if it was my ass or something in Randall's water that caused the outbreak of conversation.

"I didn't know I could make it, but I sure am glad I did," he said. "When I saw Newton and Will I thought it was going to be downer of a night. This has been great." I could sense his enjoyment. I tightened my sphincter to play with his knob. A little later he was nice enough to rub his bloated gland against my prostate. I tightened my ass again and we understood each other. I could be sure, but I thought his organ was lubricating my ass. We went at it for a while, and he didn't need to pull out and re lube.

"A bit different from your usual diet of emaciated pretty boys, isn't it Jason?" Joey asked as he watched. I was sucking him so I knew just how interested he was. "Sometimes it's nice to try something new."

"Well, I admit I don't like them beefy and least of all hairy, but this is fucking wonderful. I got fucked by a real troll when I was here at school," Jason said. "He turned me off. I never wanted to be fucked ever again after he was done."

"I assume the Honey and Cream Society changed your mind about that," Harvey said. He was watching too. "Was it Jerry, "I love you more than anyone else in the world" who did you?"

"That was him," Jason said. "Apparently that has stopped. The story is that Wilda-beast got a whiff of Jerry's tastes and put an end to it." Jason changed the subject suddenly. "Will, would you mind if I pull out and feed Newton my load? I'm going to shoot and I'd hate to waste it."

I got out of the way and Newton got his fourth load of the night. Only Joey and Harvey were left. I now had a chance to look at Jason now. He was the youngest looking of the men in the group, but was the oldest. He was 28 and a stockbroker of some sort. He could have passed as 16 if you didn't look too close.

Jason had an impressive orgasm, and was vocally appreciative. As the last of his ejaculations spurted on Newton's face, Joey got off of Newton's cock and feed him his load. Newton looked out of it, but his tonsils must have had sperm seeking radar. The first volley went up his nose, but he captured the rest.

Joey had a cock head that became ultra-sensitive during an orgasm. He tied to pull away, but Newton would have none of that. Newton did everything short of forcing his tongue down the piss slit and licking the tunnel dry. As he ministered to Joey, Harvey entered Newton's ass and made his deposit six inches in his rectum. Newton was officially a member.

I wondered if the party was over, but soon found that when the official business of the day was done, it was time for new business. I was the new business. There was a lull in the activity while everyone got his second breath.

I asked Jason about Jerry. "He was a big man here. I think he's still on the board. I was 14 at the time and had a rough time with my parents. Dad had just moved out and there was a messy divorce. Jerry took an interest in me. He gave me presents and took out to dinner. We never went to a restaurant. He rented a house on the side of a mountain. He treated me like an adult and I took my first drink," Jason said.

"At that age I was already interested in men, and I saw his cock accidentally. You know, I got to his room and he was in the shower. He got out and stood naked in the room as he slowly dried himself. I stared at it and he did nothing to cover up," Jason continued. "Later we got drunk and he fucked me, I thought he was ripping me in half. Even now, I think if he had been nice, I would have been okay with it. I thought he was going to kill me."

"His cock was big?" I asked.

"No, it wasn't that. It seemed big to me, but it wasn't that big. I thought he was going to beat me to death for being a fucking faggot," Jason said. "He let me live, but said if I ever told anyone he's have me killed."

"I had the same thing happen to be with Gerald," another man said. He introduced himself as Dave. "I was a scholarship student and Gerald was rich as God. He told me when I got out of school he'd take care of me for the rest of my life. Then I walked in on him as he was getting out of the shower. You know I thought it was a real accident, not pre planned. This was the year before the Beast took over. I don't think he has done it since."

"He was calling you fags while his cock was in your ass?" I asked.

"When you're 14 you don't put things together," Jason said. "What was it like when you started playing with men?"

"I fell into a bunch of cock suckers and ass fuckers who were into it for fun, and they like repeat customers," I said. "I was big really early. My Uncle and his pals told me to never shove it where it wasn't wanted. They also told me asses get better with use. If I thought it was good the first time I fucked a person, it would be much better after the tenth or twentieth time. I loved fucking so much I was willing to do what I need to, so my playmates would want to take me again."

"Do they come back for more?" Harvey asked.

"They sure do," I replied.

Next: Chapter 131: Catfish Goes to School 8

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