Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 4, 2002


Millennium 13.

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at, or at

I really wanted Catfish in my ass again, but was a little afraid that I had inflated the feelings I had the previous time. The second his cock head poked in my hole, all the sensations rushed back. I moaned in unison with Butch as John slid his cock into the policeman's ass. The top's had evidently decided to solve the bottom shortage by switch hitting.

Steve, Julio and Karl watched the fuck fest for a short while and then they joined in. Karl rolled Steve on his back and slipped into the young firefighter's ass. Julio took advantage of Karl's unoccupied ass and the three men had a great time. I had been siting on Catfish's pole, but we soon rotated so I was on my back and my legs on Catfish's shoulders.

"Let's get down to some serious fucking!" Catfish grunted as he thrust deep. Skeeter was briefly left out of the games, but satisfied himself by working his head between Catfish's legs. He started sucking his low hangers. When Catfish was in deep Skeeter got to lick both of our sets of balls. Catfish had spread my legs so my ass was tighter. Skeeter's head made Catfish open wider and I discovered he had really sensitive balls.

Skeeter's sucking must have slowed Catfish's fucking and it just got better and better for me. I squeezed my ass as Catfish slowly slid in and out. I could feel Skeeter's breath on my balls. Catfish slowed and began to shiver. As I squeezed my ass. Skeeter slurped as he sucked Catfish's balls. Catfish then let out a deep guttural growl and had a hands free orgasm. I could feel him squirting deep in my ass.

He pulled out slowly and collapsed on the bed beside me. I was pleased Catfish had lost it so completely. I had been embarrassed to be so sexually intoxicated when he was in my ass, so it was good to see him panting for breath after his orgasm.

I got up to see how the other guys were doing. Butch was in John's ass now and John was obviously enjoying it. Steve was back in Karl's hole and Julio was poking his head into Steve ass. Julio was just toying with his partner's sphincter, massaging it with his cock head rather than fucking. Poor Steve was going crazy.

Suddenly Julio rammed Steve good. Steve rammed Karl and it was as if someone had pressed the orgasm button. Steve and Julio's cum were confined in the ass of their respective partners, but Karl sprayed enough cum across the room to meet the most confirmed cum hound's needs.

Skeeter was in heaven just watching. It was a great night. Even the tops enjoyed a ride on a friendly dick from time to time. It takes something special for a confirmed top to open his ass for a friend and the enthusiasm seemed to have affected everyone. The next morning Steve and Julio left for New York and Catfish and Butch returned to their regular duties. I returned to the operation of the Millennium Construction Company, full time.

Until the work at Magnus' New Samoa Island I had been running one crew on a major project and another doing small jobs. New Samoa was a big job and I had to find a second big crew. The island also required a different sort of work. The theater required highly skilled craftsmen with specialized skills. The island was more of a conventional building project with fewer demands for skills and more heavy labor.

The new crew also had to live closer to the island. Richmond was almost two hours away and with the boat ride the travel time would have eaten the profits away. Cost didn't matter to Magnus, but I couldn't screw a guy because he was wealthy. Ed and I spent a few days in Urbanna and then went to Norfolk to find workers.

Captain Burt was helpful. He knew all the gay men in the area, most of whom lusted after him at one time or another. Most were good craftsmen, but I could tell that booze and drugs had played an important part of their lives as much as they had in the Captain's life. We hired three men. Jerry was a first rate carpenter. He was a university graduate who had lost his way. Wearing a Polo shirt to the interview and Duck chinos, he looked as if he had come here from the country club. The Captain assured me Jerry knew his stuff.

Wayne was a middle aged, country boy from the Eastern shore who was a jack of all trades. He was big with a salt and pepper beard and a cheerful attitude. Our best find was William Trent. He was a former general contractor who had fallen on bad times after a divorce and was trying to get back on his feet. Trent was small and muscular with dirty blond hair and a military style mustache. As soon as I told him about the project, he was figuring out ways to supply the island and get temporary power and water to the site. He planned ahead and looked for potential problems from the start. I liked that.

We needed some men to help us clear the island of the smothering vegetation. Trent knew of a landscaping contractor in Norfolk who was going bankrupt. He employed some good people who might be available. Ed and I went to Norfolk and met the contractor in a restaurant. He was named Jack Aldanian. I was impressed. Jack was a big Armenian with curly black hair and a two-day's growth of beard. I bet he had actually shaved that morning. I explained my project and the extensive clearing and planting work envisioned. When I asked if he had any good men for me to hire he almost cried with relief. He desperately wanted his staff to get a new job and was concerned about their welfare.

Jack explained his problem. The landscaping business had always made money, but his business partner had invested in condos in Virginia Beach. The bank foreclosed on them and Jack lost everything. He didn't say it, but I guessed that business wasn't Jack's strong suit and Jack had been taken for a ride. Jack left everything. The partner left town.

"You can have my men, or you can have me and my men. We're all available." Jack said. "I have some older equipment the bank didn't want and one other item. I still have my houseboat."

"I'm not sure I need a houseboat." I said.

"Wait until you see mine. We do a lot of waterfront properties, so the boat is outfitted to house my crew and equipment as well as to feed them. It sleeps eight." he explained. "We live on the job. It saves unbelievable amounts of travel time when you are in an obscure place. Let me show it to you." We left the restaurant and went to a nearby marina.

The Queen of the Bay was an odd looking boat, low, wide and long. It was three fourths house and a quarter office. "I have a small barge-like thing that holds supplies." Jack said. "The Queen is self contained for both living and working. If your island is as out of the way as you say it is, this could make a big difference in the profit on the job. No travel time, no commuting time." It all made sense. "I feed the crew and make sure they keep away from demon rum and that weed during the week. They love it. It's like summer camp for adults."

We tentatively agreed to meet again. The houseboat could simplify many things for the project, but I wanted to check up more about Jack before I made a commitment. A week later we made another visit to the site with Ed, Magnus, Max, the architect, and the potential new crew. It was a late winter day and above sixty when we left Urbanna. There was little wind and it felt like spring.

Jack had three men with him to help clear the site. Stavros was from the Greek Islands, Eduardo was Honduran and Buck as white and redneck as a guy could get. I heard Wayne mutter that it looked like the "fucking United Nations". This worried me a little, but when we got to the island everyone went to work and got along well.

Wayne and Eduardo went to work clearing the vines from a massive wall. Max wanted to know if the vegetation had damaged it. Eduardo had an incredible eye for poison ivy and saved Wayne from coming in contact. Eduardo looked as if he was half the size of Wayne, but they were working as a team in ten minutes.

"I hate to say this, but I'm afraid that much of this will need to be cleared before we can tell if it's salvageable." Trent said. "The second growth is so thick, even with the leaves gone you can hardly see. We need Round-up!" Max agreed that extensive clearing now might save a lot of problems in the future.

"Not in the Bay! No Round-up!" Jack said. "We'd poison half of the fish in the bay if we got enough stuff on the ground to kill this stuff. Old-fashioned digging and grubbing are what we need." Stavros and Buck went to work on a section of ground near the wall to see what it would take to clear it. Jack and Trent were hands on managers and pitched in. Jerry was looking at the other ruins to figure out how to stabilize them.

Captain Burt arrived from the boat with drinks and sandwiches. It was getting hot, well over 70 and felt like it was nearing 80 in the sun. Wayne and Eduardo were shirtless as they hacked at the dense trunks of the vines. Wayne had a swimmer's body, if you remember that Walruses and Sea Lions are good swimmers. There had been too much beer, but there was a solid foundation of beef underneath. His body hair was black except for a white patch in the middle of his chest.

Eduardo was nut brown and looked as if he were 100% Mayan, except for the black chest hair. A Spaniard had passed through his village at some time. He had the toned musculature of a fitness center. I later found out it was Gold's Gym.

Trent and Jack were similar in spite of their opposite physical appearances. Jack was all bear, 6'-2", 250 pounds and covered in curly hair. Trent looked almost delicate beside him. He had the Master Sergeant look, but was 5-6 and a trim 150 pounds with a flat top and bristly mustache. They were both ambitious hard workers who were having troubles. They both wanted to prove themselves and get back on their feet.

Max, Ed, Magnus, and I wandered off to the interior pool we had discovered on the earlier trip and had a chance to chat privately. Ed and I were comfortable with the men. Magnus concurred. He had been a successful businessman and was a good judge of character. He knew a hard worker when he met one. Max was more worried.

"I think we should let them loose clearing the island and then see how they do. Hire them for the one task. " He suggested. "If they work out, we can continue with them, if they don't, we can let them go without trouble." Magnus liked that idea, as did Ed, so we hired them for a month of work on the island. I would pay the mortgage on the Queen of the Bay and Jack would move it to New Samoa. They would start in two weeks.

We arranged a visit every Friday to assess the work and developed a work plan for the following week. I was hoping Trent and Jack could manage it without much participation from the office. I did decide to assign one of my men to the clearing project. Ed thought Bobby was the prefect choice. He was unimpressive and affable, but loyal to the firm. If there were problems, he would let us know.

There were front end costs, but both Trent and Jack were good about receipts. Ed was pleased with that. Ed and I took our first trip to inspect in early April. It was a beautiful and unusually warm day; the sky was clear and deep blue. The Queen of the Bay was tethered to the dock. The dock itself was transformed. The entire upper deck had been replaced and stabilized. It was now safe to walk on.

Trent greeted us. "I hope you don't mind, but I fixed the dock. There was no way we could unload equipment and material on the old one." he said. The area next to the dock was similarly changed. There was an area to store material and a broad road open to the ruins of the lodge. We passed through an area of remaining vegetation. Behind this screen of underbrush Trent had stored the materials he needed under camouflage tarps. They were concealed from view from the water.

Jack had been clearing the area around the retaining wall and the remains of the Lodge. He had saved any bushes or trees he thought might have value. Several appeared to be exotic and unusual. He had found enough to determine there had been a formal arrangement of trees connecting the house and the pool.

Trent's men had exposed the front wall of the building, clearing weeds and the burned wooden beams of the house. I had thought all the wood was consumed in the fire. It actually had fallen to the ground and been covered by the vines. There were six, tall stone piers and four, smaller ones. Jerry produced his big find. Hidden in the debris of the porch was a carved classical urn of granite. There had been an urn between the columns on the smaller piers.

Five of the piers were in good condition, one needed to be rebuilt. Bobby found the bottom landing for the main steps and a stone terrace at the main entrance. Wayne and Jerry built bracing for the main wall of the house. It was in good condition, but lacked the stiffening once provided by the porch and first floor. I was pleased with the progress and the way the work was done. The site was orderly and neat.

"I thought it would be difficult to keep the guys on the island for a whole week," Trent said, "but that has been no problem at all. The guys do think they are at summer camp! They like it here, working all day, fishing in the morning and evening." I laughed,

"That sounds good to me!" I said. "Watching television isn't that much of a thrill for your spare time."

"The television broke anyway!" Trent continued. "Wayne was worried, but Bobby took his mind off of the blank screen." He laughed. "As a matter of fact, he took all our minds off of the television. Bobby has quite a skill at keeping guys entertained; he's insatiable."

"I hope he's not worn out."

"He must have a cast iron ass." Trent said. "Always willing, always smiling, always ready for more." He lowered his voice. "Burt told me about your company and its staffing. Frankly I was scared half to death someone would find out about me. And scared half to death I'd be with some limp wristed queens. And scared half to death I'd like the queens." He paused. "You know I really need this job. The last two years have been really bumpy. I figured I could put up with anything you threw at me, as long as I got some real work."

"You didn't expect to like it. Did you?" I asked. Trent looked me in the eye, got a sheepish grin on his face.

"I love it here, the job is great." he said. "I had no idea sex could be as good as it is." I smiled.

"Bobby's that good?"

"Well. Let's say I have discovered the cure for alcohol cravings is an insatiable bottom." he replied.

"Have you ever been in a place where your sexual likes and urges are accepted and understood? Where you can relax and do what you want to do and screw whoever you want? And where you don't need to be afraid of being caught and exposed?" I asked. "You can relax here, it's safe."

"Is everyone gay at Millennium?" he asked.

"As far as I know, everyone is." I said. "It's a nice friendly group. It's a business, not a therapy encounter group, but it is friendly."

"I've met Bobby." he said with a smile. "If you are all like him, friendly is hardly the word."

"Bobby's single mindedness is exceptional." I said laughing. "Although, if you meet Skeeter, you will encounter another obsession. He is the oral equivalent to Bobby's anal fixation. " Captain Burt came up to us and said he had to get back to Urbanna for an emergency. He asked if we wanted to return now, or he could pick us up tomorrow morning.

I'm no fool, but I know a set up when I find it. I said I would need to talk to Ed. I found him and gave him the low down. I was sure Burt had given Trent a full description of the sexual preferences of Millennium Construction, and he was curious.

"Shit man, I'm a little curious myself." Ed exclaimed. Our eyes met and he winked.

"Frankly, I have a touch of curiosity myself." I said. "We may not get much sleep tonight."

"Tomorrow's Saturday. We can sleep late."

I told the Captain we would spend the night if it wasn't too much of an inconvenience to Jack. Jack had joined us and assured me it wouldn't be a problem.

"The Queen sleeps eight, but I've never had a problem with ten before." he said. "Someone can double up, or sleep on deck. I've got sleeping bags."

The rest of the day was spent looking over the site and deciding on next week's work plan. Jerry had some knowledge of architectutal drafting and he was going to make sketches and take dimensions of the house for Max's use.

We all returned to the houseboat at five. They rotated cooking duties and it was Stavros' turn. He had goulash slow cooking since lunch and the boat smelled like a Greek restaurant. Jack had an imaginative solar hot water system, so there was water for showers and clean up. With ten men in a comparatively small space, the room was warm and most men wore shorts only after the shower. I wondered if Captain Burt had told them about the session on Magnus' boat. I had a distinct sense of deja vu.

Dinner was good and the group was comfortable. Stavros, Eduardo and Buck were part of Jack's harem. Jack was the daddy and he liked lots of sons I guessed. Jerry also seemed to find Jack's massive bulk reassuring, although with Wayne and Ed in the room there was no shortage of beef. Trent was both short and masculine, but he wore shorts that made it clear he wasn't short where it counted. Jack came over and sat next to me.

"You like my boys?" he asked. "They've been with me for years."

"They're hard workers." I said.

"I've taught them everything." he said proudly, like a father speaking of his children. "About work and play. I play with one every night, but the others are available."

"I don't want to horn in." I said. This was like a middle eastern potentate offering you the use of one of his wives. I felt a bit uncomfortable. Jack laughed.

"Let me tell you. It makes life better for me when they all have something to do. They get jealous." he said. "I never meant to have three." He began to whisper. " Actually, I never meant to have one. Eduardo is a refugee, Stavros was the orphaned son of a cousin in Europe and Buck was doing the "will work for food" routine. They all wanted a daddy. I never looked for sons. It was after my wife died and I sort of fell into it." Trent was on the other side of me listening.

"But regular sex can be only so bad!" Trent whispered. Jack chuckled in agreement.

"You got it." Jack exclaimed. "But I share the wealth." I was a bit taken back by the frankness of the conversation. I didn't have much interest in young men, not to mention boys. Ed had once said he liked guys with a little mileage on them, with a proven track record. I felt the same way. "Trent and I are old friends," Jack continued, "I knew him before that bitch he called a wife left him. I taught him how to take it like a man."

"And love it" Trent added.

I wasn't into the Daddy-son fantasy, but it seemed I was in the minority. Stavros seemed to have cuddled up to Ed and Ed didn't seem to mind. I decided to go with the flow. As Skeeter always says, sex can be only so bad. "I feel over dressed." I said. When I stripped, it was as if I shot the starting gun.

Jack swallowed my cock. He wasn't a great sucker, but he made up in enthusiasm what he lacked in finesse. I had gotten the impression he was a top. I think he was being polite and wanted me to know he was a team player. I was on the bench with Jack at my cock. He stopped when I began to get close and he stood. He was hard, thick and oozing. The head was still half covered in the foreskin. I licked the bead of precum on the piss slit.

His cock head popped free of the skin and oozed a second bead. The head was purple. As I licked it, the head almost turned blue and was so bloated it had a shine. My uneasiness about the evening's play vanished.

Next: Chapter 14

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