Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 22, 2011


Catfish Goes to School 6

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I went to bed and slept the full night, there were no prowlers, arsonist or even and locals looking for sex. I needed the rest. I had progressed from the everything hurts phase to the most things hurt when I move level. The next day was uneventful. The police were checking on all the guests of the Randall Inn on the night the hit man visited. Clem and Al's list of sightings of the men was very helpful.

Mrs. Putney returned to school for the mornings and early afternoons. Her husband was improving daily. She left at 2:00 in the afternoon and returned in the late evening. One of her friends or a faculty member always went with her. No one thought she should travel alone.

Sally had been at the school for three days and was a making headway with the students. Sally talked nonstop, was helpful and soon connected with the students. She loved gossip and no one worried about her asking questions.

In the evening, I went off to see Siegfried. He wasn't home, but Al was on the front porch next door. Clem was off in North Carolina at some NASCAR thing. He wanted to be a mechanic for a car driver and he hoped to make some contacts. It was difficult to talk with Al because of his bad stutter. Actually, it wasn't the stutter that was so bad; it was his embarrassment at having a stutter. He would stutter, apologize, then stutter again and apologize a second time. It took a long time to get though a sentence.

"Al, why don't we mess around some and talk afterward?" I asked. "I'm horny as shit."

He smiled and said, "Me too!" We went to his bedroom. The house was furnished in NASCAR Baroque. Clem liked Dale Earnhardt a lot. Al's bedroom was simple and furnished in beautiful country style furniture.

"You've got some good stuff," I said. "It's beautiful."

"I made it," Al said. "Gramps taught me how to do it." I was already half naked by then, so we stopped talking and got down to some serious sex. I worry that a good sexual experience with a man may be a one-time fluke. Al must have been on a special diet to increase the potency of his ball juices. They had been good before, now they were intoxicating. I was like a cat in a meadow of catnip.

Al wanted to be fucked, but I was afraid. It had been so good; I didn't want to hurt him accidentally. I took my time and all was well. It was a tight fit, but it was all Al hoped for. You don't expect a man as small as he to be a size queen, but he loved it. He had a hands free orgasm when I entered him. My cock felt his prostate fill just before he popped . His twitching set me off and we seemed to have coordinated our ejaculations. It was wonderful.

We shared a common quick recharge time. I sort of dozed off and woke up when most of his cock was in me. That was good too. I discovered Al got talkative when his cock was in my ass. He also lost his stutter. We had a five minute long conversation when he realized he had lost his speech impediment. He pulled out and the stutter returned.

I'm not exactly Florence Nightingale, but I told him to shove it back into my ass, and finish the conversation. Not only did he do as I asked, he fucked me for the next hour and a half. Al was self lubricating. He oozed continuously and kept me juicy.

I fucked him again, but while that was sexually good, but had no impact on his stutter. We traded places and as soon as his cock was firmly clenched by my sphincter, his stutter vanished once more.

"Does this happen when you fuck Clem?" I asked.

"I could never fuck Clem," he replied. "He's my Uncle."

"He sure fucks you," I pointed out.

"That's different. He saved me."

"How did he save you?" I asked. We talked and he told me his family history. His mom was fifteen when he was born. His father was a thirty-five year old man, with a drinking problem and no interest in his son. The father tended to vanish for extended periods, and his mother survived by waiting tables and entertaining men at night. Al mostly hid in a closet when she had company.

Al's father returned, found out about his wife's entertaining and seemed to think that was a good way to make extra cash. He pimped for her. If the men were abusive, Al's dad would charge them extra so he wouldn't call the police. If the abuse included Al, his dad charged double.

In the summer, Al had a hiding place under the trailer, but in the winter he was inside and it was bad. Al loved school, since it was safe, but had troubles there because of his stutter and small size. He mostly kept quiet and hid.

Uncle Clem dropped in unexpectedly and discovered Al's mother in bed with her husband and two other men. He found Al naked and covered in sperm. He took Al home with him and Al never returned to his parents.

"Uncle Clem had some boyfriends and other pals, but they never put a hand on me," Al said, "Clem is a nice guy and most of his friends were nice. The man next door taught me how to make furniture. He was a cabinetmaker. Clem called him Gramps. He had no family and I sort of became his grandson."

"Was he gay too?"

"I don't think so; he was a nice man who was lonely. I never played with Clem and he never tried to play with me," Al said, "I was out of school and working when we connected."

"How did that happen?"

"I had lived with Clem for five years and had seen him and Walter, his best bud go at it. Clem liked it, but Walter loved it. Eventually, I asked if Clem would do it with me," Al said, "He wasn't too enthusiastic but we gave it a spin. You watched him fuck me; he's good, nice and easy going. A few of mom's pickups had fucked me, but it hurt. Clem was nothing like that. I loved it. Clem loved it too. It's hard for me to talk. It's easier to say thank you with my cock."

"Are you thanking me right now?"

"Sort of," he replied. "It's nice to be with a man my size who is horse hung too. It was wonderful inside me. I'd never felt anything like that before. I shoot off easily, I hope that wasn't a problem?"

"It was no problem at all," I said. The doorbell rang. Al looked out the window.

"It's Walter, would you like to meet him?" Al asked.

"I'm not sure I'm dressed right," I said.

All laughed. "Walter will think you are dressed perfectly. He's a good man, you will like him." Al went to the door and returned a few minutes later with a strapping State trooper. I had seen him at the police station working on the case.

"Is that fucker real?" he asked as he stripped off his uniform. I could tell immediately he was a sophisticate. I also guessed he had been a Marine. He was blond, with a barrel chest and was moderately hairy, with well formed and compact equipment.

"You can suck him while I fuck him," Al said. Walter was game; he licked my knob and liked the taste. Al continued talking and fucking. Walter was engrossed with my cock, the stood up as if he had been shocked.

"What in hell happened to your stutter?" he asked. Al explained the situation. "Damn it nice to talk to you," Walter added. He was almost crying. He was much closer to Al than I thought.

"I just met you, but I was wondering if you might get on your back and let Al take a poke?" I asked. "It would be nice to know if it's me or the fucking that helps his stutter."

Walter was game and Al soon eased his cock into Walter's ass. Al could talk, so apparently being a top cured Al's speech problem. Walter also had an impressive orgasm, so everyone was happy. Usually Troopers can be uptight and uneasy in sexual situations. Walter was fine. The three of us tried out the possible sexual combinations and found out all worked well. I didn't screw Walter, but that was because he had shot off twice already and he said he needed a full head of steam to take a cock like mine in the ass.

Walter was working on case and tracing the hit men's contacts in Randall. The FBI found one of the hit men, Dave Ulburt, had a connection to travel agency in Philly that was connected to sex tourism.

"I didn't know travel agencies required hit men?" Al asked.

"This one did," Walter said. "It was under investigation by an anti-child prostitution group, and the investigator was killed. Officially, the agency did culture tours to the third world. For an extra $20,000.00 you could get special treatment."

"Do you have their client list?" I asked.

"No, but one of their travel agents was at the Randall House," Walter said. "You know the hit men had no cell phones? We thing the killer took them. Well our travel agent had several calls. We were able to get the list from the Cell Company. We are chasing down those numbers now."

"Was there anyone else at the Hotel of interest?" Al asked.

"Most of the guests were parents visiting their children, but there was one odd Episcopalian Priest," Walter said.

"What was odd about him?" I asked.

"Well, as far as we can tell, he wasn't associated with the church at all. We checked every source and they have no Reverend Cannon Eustace Smyth-Wilson," Walter explained. The Randall Inn staff remembered him. He went through four bottles of Scotch in two days."

"That may be why they call them the Wiskypalians," Al suggested.

"Well this was well beyond the normal level. We have not been able to trace him," Walter said. Walter had to get back to work; he had the night shift. Al and I had a final exchange of sperm and I went back to my apartment.

Mom and Aunt Sarah went home the next morning. Sarah felt it was time for Mrs. Putney to get back to her regular schedule. She and Mom had interviewed several nurses the previous day. Douglass would be returning and would need some help. She found a man who had been trained in nursing and physical therapy. There had been damage from the cuts, but also some brain damage from the loss of blood. Lincoln Brown was a retired older black man who, but was willing to do take private cases.

Lincoln was a friend of Rosa, the maid, and she got him to take the case. Mom liked him and felt he would be good.

We had a little conference with Mrs. Putney, Sarah, Mom and me. Mrs. Putney thought it was safe now after the deaths of the hit men. I told her that was possible, but I was uneasy.

"Murdering three trained killers is an extreme reaction to failure. Who every hired them had to be obsessed with hurting the school in general and you in particular. We can assume whoever it is very wealthy, is obsessed and is ruthless. They were many ways to take care of the hit men short of a triple murder," I said. "I would guess there will be new efforts."

"You think they are after me?" Mrs. Putney asked. I told her about the event with Mrs. Elliot.

"We have been mistaken at a distance. We have the same taste in clothes," she said, "You are staying on?"

"He certainly is," Aunt Sarah exclaimed. "Catfish has good instincts. If he's worried, there is reason."


"It's my nickname," I said. Mom and Sarah had been busy behind the scene. Lincoln was a big and muscular man. Sarah also hired Rosa's nephew, Leroy Brown was to be the gardener and chauffer. He was to escort Mr. Putney when she went out and patrol the yard. I was to work on the case, not just provide bodyguard services.

"You shouldn't do all that," Mrs. Putney protested about Sarah's efforts.

"Dear, Leroy is Rosa's nephew and a local boy. He knows everyone in town and can tell who is a stranger. Rosa knows best," Sarah said. Our conference broke up. I asked Aunt Sarah why Rosa was so involved. I assumed it was some relict of the old south master-house slave relationship.

"Eleanor has singlehandedly integrated the school. They had a few black girls from very wealthy families over the years, but she found local girls who could benefit from St. Cecelia's education and got them in on scholarships. She also got St. Thomas's to do the same. She gave them scholarships and helped get them into college too. Rosa's daughter was one of the first," Aunt Sarah explained. "She did the same to talented of gifted white girls too. She is a greatly admired person in these parts."

"Did she have any opposition?"

"No one was brave enough to say it out loud," Sarah said. "It was more of a problem at St. Thomas's. One of the board members tried to confront directly Wilda-beast on the subject. The Beast wasn't that happy about really integrating the school, but when someone confronted him, he became 100% in favor of the new policy. Frontal attacks are not the best way to a man's heart. It did help his football and basketball teams. He even tutored some of his students, when it was whispered they had been admitted only as ringers to improve the team."

"Who was the board member who crossed him?"

"I can't remember the name. I do remember he was a rude blowhard," Sarah said. "He had the manners of a . . . Actually, it's hard to find anyone who approached his manners. I remember him complaining about the food at a dinner party as if it were a restaurant. Do you believe that? At a dinner party!" I had a good idea who the rude man was.

They left and things quieted down. Most of the police work was being done out of state. I was busy getting ready for the end of the semester events, a concert, a play and the art show. Douglas returned. He looked bad. Lincoln, Leroy and Rosa had him well under control. He was both cared for and protected. The cook was at the house full time until Douglass was better.

There were social events associated with the end of the semester events, but Rosa and the cook had these under control. Jeffrey was evident everywhere. He served as a host, with Miss Smith, the Librarian, helping with some of the social activities. She knew almost everyone and was unexpectedly gracious. The President of the Student Senate, a girl named Mellissa DeVere, also has social skills. For the parents, she was what they wanted their daughters to be like. The student servers were all good.

I figured if you wanted to embarrass the school, this would be the week to do it. There were many parents, alumnae and visitors. St. Thomas's did plays with St.Cecelia's so there were many boys evident. Gerald was one of them. I wanted to talk with Newton to see if anything was afoot. Calhoun made the connection with him. We met at Bubba and Bro's cabin. Newton was there with a friend, Sean. Sean was a football player type.

Newton wasn't quite as virginal as he indicated at our first meeting. When you meet someone new, you usually clean-up your record. Sean was a wrestler and was on the team with Newton. They had a few winner fucked the loser matches. Newton lost and Sean took his ass. Sean liked that.

Recently Newton won, and Sean discovered an aspect of himself he hadn't dreamed existed. Apparently, Newton had described me and included dimensions. Sean wanted to see for himself. We had a little show and tell. Sean was very good looking and he knew it. He was excited and uneasy, and he was polite.

"I've never done anything with an old guy before," he said. "Newton said you were big."

"Do you want to see it?" I asked.

"I sure do," he replied.

"Well, let's all get naked and see what happens," I said. "Have you played with anyone not on the wrestling team?" they said no. I assumed everyone was new to the scene.

"Shit, you're hairy!" Sean exclaimed. "That mugger got you good!" I was still bruised and scratched from the attack on Douglass. "You're famous around school; you're the David who attacked Goliath. You don't look much like my vision of David. In the movies, you are attacked and are ready to go at it a minute later. Damn you got beaten up."

"Life ain't much like the movies. Violence is cheap on the screen. The whole attack on Douglass could not have been more than a minute or two," I said. "Douglas may never be the same again, and three men are dead. That works out to one life ruined for every thirty seconds of the attack."

"Gerald says it was just a piddling little attack on people who don't count," Newton said. "I've known him for years and have just noticed Gerald is full of shit."

"I noticed he didn't show up for any of the patrols just after the attack," Sean said. "He's one of the biggest men at the school, what was his excuse?"

"His Dad had a friend Gerald was to meet," Newton said. "The guy was supposed to get Gerald into an Ivy League college. Gerald said the man was odd. He was some sort of a Priest or something. They were meeting at the Randall Inn when the attack occurred."

""What chance does Gerald have of getting into the Ivy League?" I asked.

"Without his dad's money about zero percent," Sean said. As we talked, we continued to undress. I had a feeling being ugly, hairy and beaten up were all plusses to the young man. Sean was solid muscle, and shaved smooth. He dropped his pants and exposed his cock. He was half hard and looking good. Newton was already naked and hard. I was the last. I know I'm a scrawny, hairy man, who is hung like Godzilla. The second Sean saw my cock, he was in love with the Godzilla part.

Sean was transfixed. It was an involuntary reaction on his part. Whatever caused sexual attraction, attracted him to my cock. I have run into this a few times before, but Sean had it bad. He almost collided with Newton as they dove toward my cock. "There is room for two," I said.

They shared like nice boys.

"Now Sean, Newton and I have met and I know what he wants. What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," he replied. "I've like what I've tried."

"I'm not new to this scene," I said, "I've tried almost everything and liked most of it. Most of all I like to fuck. In general, I like men with more mileage than you. A tight ass is good, but not so tight, I have to force it in. Sean, you've been fucked? How often?

"Newton fucked me a week ago," he said. "A friend of my dad did me two years ago. He wasn't anywhere near as big a Newton. It was okay, but not great."

" I take it Newton's fuck stick did the trick?" I asked. He nodded. "Are you embarrassed you liked it so much?"

He looked at me a then told the truth. "I couldn't believe it was so good, and that it was clunky old Newton that did it," Sean said. "I'd fucked him, and he liked it, but I never thought I would like it. I've been treating Newton like dirt for years. He was good. Mr. Wellford, that's dad's friend, was crude. We did several more times. I didn't like it that much, but I wanted to do it again."

"Sometimes when a cock hits the right place or goes deep, it can rearrange your mind," I said. "Newton has a nice one. I hope you told him you liked it."

"I was too embarrassed to admit I liked it," Sean said.

"I could tell he liked it," Newton added.

"It took me a while to admit to myself I liked what I liked when I was your age," I said. "The need to sneak around and hide your likes makes it difficult to be truthful. Did you have any trouble taking Newton? Let's see how tight you are."

They got on the bed and I lubricated their holes, more correctly I finger fucked them. I had a finger on each side of their prostates and played with the tender gland. Sean loved it. He tried to play it cool, but gave up and began to moan; there was puddle of precum on his gut.

I got on the bed and fed Sean my cock as I licked his cock and cleaned up his gut. Sean was ready to trot. Newton looked disappointed. I told him to lubricate his cock and go deep in Sean's ass. "I want the lube deep!" I said.

Newton was so hard I could see my refection on the shiny surface of his knob. It was big and purple-lavender. It looked like a candies plum, glazed his lube and his own sex juices. He gently positioned it at Sean's hole and made a few test pokes. I watched as I sucked. Sean was tense, but drooling. Newton, pulled off and added more lubricant to his cock head.

I wasn't sure if Newton forced his cock into the ass, of if Sean's ass swallowed the shiny knob. Newton seemed to have a good technique. He massaged the sphincter until it stopped resisting at all, then he slid the organ in deeper and grazed the prostate. I could taste it when the knob and gland met. Newton rubbed this spot for a while, then went deep.

I got off of Sean, lubricated my cock and went to the rear of Newton and touched his ass with my cock. He spread his legs and I filled his hole in one smooth movement. It was hot, steamy and open.

"Damn it to Hell!" Newton exclaimed. I could feel his ass contacting as he shot his load deep into Sean's rectum. When Newton pulled out, Sean's ass remained open. I could actually see some of Newton's seed dribbling. I pulled out on Newton and slipped into Sean. My pubis hairs were touching Sean's ass lips, before he knew what hit him.

He was a bubble-butted body, builder and his ass was like a steel clamp, trapping my cock inside him. It was painless. The only problem was that his ass wasn't big enough for my cock and his prostate. That gland was wedged against my cock and every move, every jiggle was crazy pleasurable. He shivered, twitched, and bucked, but he never released his ass-grip on my cock. He finally shot off and I pulled out.

He rested for a minute or too, but he got off the bed and onto his hands and knees. I did him doggy style. Sean may have been new to the scene, but he knew what he wanted. This time I deposited my seed in him.

"You're shooting," he cried. Apparently, he could feel me ejaculating . He shot off a second time. We were all mellow and talked. Newton was licking the remains form my orgasm as it drooled form my cock. He did the same for Sean.

"Is there anyone in school who really dislikes the Putney's?" I asked. "I've only met Douglass a few times, but he seemed like a nice guy."

"Well, there's Dee Dee and the Bitch Brigade," Sean said. "Dee Dee is a slut and plans to get though life by getting fucked to get her way. She hates the school because none of the faculty will fall for her line. Her Mom was a chorus girl who hooked a multi-millionaire. That's the way she sees life."

"How about the boys at St, Thomas; do they fall for it? Is she popular?" I asked.

"Easy cunt can only be so bad," Newton said. "Unfortunately her lust only lasts long enough to get what she wants. Then you are excess baggage. I wrote a paper for her once. I got to fuck her and that was the last I have seen her." Newton seemed to be a sexual omnivore.

"Will she be back when she needs another paper?" I asked.

Both boys laughed. "You got it. I dated her for the Spring Fling dance," Sean said. "I found out later another girl had crush on me, and she dated me to hurt her. It was like fucking a log. Dee Dee's pals are the same way."

"Tyler Bremo likes older men. I saw her with Gerald's dad once," Newton said.

"Did he fuck her?" I asked.

"He couldn't have done that," Sean said. "She was fourteen and way too young for an old goat like him."

"Am I too old for young bucks like you?" I asked.

"Shit, I'm twenty. It's not the same thing," Sean replied. "By the way, fucking a log and being fucked by a log are different. You were good. I didn't know sex could be that good."

"I saw Gerald's dad having dinner with Flaming Fanny, another one of Dee Dee's friends. I think he likes to play the wealthy Uncle to the girls," Newton said.

"I take it Flaming Fanny has red hair?"

"Flaming Fanny is Francis Fleming. She is a pyromaniac wanna-be. She liked to watch flames burn. Mostly she likes candles, but several times, she's set her room on fire. She's always got it out before the house mothers find out about it."

"Does the school know about her taste for fire?"

`How could they?" Newton asked. "No one here tells on other students." We broke up and went home. It seemed to me several people there were playing with fire, both literally and figuratively. Wilda-beast knew Gerald III had sexual problems, including a taste for forced sex. He thought he could control Gerald and protect his boys. He didn't know Gerald had a taste for underage girls.

The students knew Flaming Fanny liked fire, but didn't associate that with the outbreak of fires at the school. They seem to think pyromania was a joke, not a disease.

Next: Chapter 130: Catfish Goes to School 7

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