Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 13, 2011


Catfish Goes to School 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I went to lock up the chapel and as I locked the last door Rev. Gilbert's wife was waiting for him. They asked me for lunch, but I said I had to stay on the school grounds. I was on call, so I wandered around the school just to see if anything was amiss. All was quiet. It was at the end of a session and everyone was studying or working on project. There were rehearsals for a play in the school auditorium, and the music building was active too.

"What are you doing here?" a man asked.

I turned to see who it was. "I work here," I said, "and you?"

"I've never seen you before," he said.

"I just started working as a janitor a week ago. I live above the Putney's garage."

"I was at a conference," the man said. "I'm Jeffrey Siegfried. I'm the head of the science department and the chemistry teacher. You're the one that called in the fire?"

"That's me."

"A friend of mine said he had just made a new acquaintance he thought I might like. Do you know Barney, the art teacher at St. Michael's?" he asked.

"I just met him a day ago. I was doing the clean up at the fire and he came to help Anton." I replied.

"How is Anton?"

"He broke his wrist badly, but it's still better than being burned alive," I said. "I'm afraid I am the one who threw him out the window."

"You must be the man Barney told me about. He said you are a big man."

I smiled. "You noticed I'm tall!"

He laughed. "Well Barney told me big things come in small packages. How about a cup of coffee? I live a block away." I said sure. Jeffry was a big man. He must have been six feet four or so.

"You look like the kind of man I usually scare off. The security men here are well meaning, but not intimidating," he said. "I walk around the school several times a day."

"You make a regular patrol?"

"No I make a very irregular patrol," he replied. "No one can count on when I will be about. Some of the girls like to sneak out to see boys or just be bad. That's mostly harmless, but it only takes a single problem and the school had big problems."

"I caught a peeping Tom last week," I said.

"Was it an older man?"

"No it was a kid from St. Thomas'," I said. "I scared him good." We were at his house. It was a tall Victorian house with a corner tower in a more modern neighborhood of unimpressive ranch houses. It was partially hidden from the road by thick vegetation. The older plantings were overgrown. Jeffrey liked his landscaping natural. A few pieces of furniture and many books furnished the place. It looked as if it should have been dusty and musty, but it was clean and fresh. One room was a green house filled with plants and some things that must have been experiments.

He made a pot of coffee. And we sat in his laboratory-style kitchen. The coffee was good. He told me he had seen glimpses of an older man near the dorms and near the walk to Boarding House Row. Most of the students lived in dormitories, but a street next to the school had become rooming houses over the years. These had been around for almost a century and had almost become informal sororities. They were not officially associated with the school, but they were very much a part of the school's life.

"Up until a few years ago the boarding houses were about the same. Mrs. Robinson's house has recently become quite snooty, and had been causing trouble," Jeffry explained. "The school prided itself on the "We are all sisters" approach, but we have a new group that seems to think there are sisters and then there are better sisters."

"Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others?"

"You hit the nail on the head," Jeffrey said. "It's odd. The group puts a high value on meeting and associating with the "right people" only, but they are arch conservatives and firmly anti-Darwin. They equally firmly believe in good breeding, but not in natural selection."

"Do they know that may result in a humanoid that can't see the ground because their noses are so high in the air?" I asked.

Jeffrey laughed, "I'll have to use that line on them. It would be nice to think it might get the point across. Several are vocally Christian, but it's a form that does not require them to love their neighbors and show any signs of charity. By the way, I think all cocks are equal too, but hope some are more equal than others. Are you offended at my scientific curiosity?"

I laughed. "I haven't heard anyone use the scientific curiosity line in a while," I said. "It's nice to hear a golden oldie."

"Apparently, you don't take offence easily," Jeffry observed.

"When you look the way I do, it's best not to wear your heart on your sleeve."

"You are laughing on the outside and crying on the inside?" he asked.

"Laughing on the outside, but not giving a shit on the inside," I said. "When I was in grade school, my Uncle Jake said I was remarkably self-confident and pleased with me in spite of considerable evidence to the contrary."

"Did you like your parents and did they like you?" Jeffry asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes."

"That is the problem with many of our students. They are good looking, intelligent girls with money and prospects, but many of their parents wouldn't recognize them in a line up," he said. "Mrs. Putney emphasizes being interested in our students and encouraging them to do better. For some of them this is the first time an adult has shown any interest in them. It's a shame."

"Do the girls tend to get attached to the teachers?" I asked.

"Officially, I am courting the Librarian, Ms. Smith. We help each other out. It's mutually convenient for us. She is attracted to older women. That deflects most of the inappropriate attention," Jeffry explained. "I have a taste for one night stands, often with the wrong kind of men. This is a good place for me; I can't get into too much trouble here. You really hit the spot for me."

"You like bad boys?"

"I like grungy looking men," he said. "Men who make me do what they want."

"I'm a poor play actor, but I do have my likes," I said. We went to his bedroom and got naked. Jeffry Siegfried was your basic Nordic god, big, muscular and impressive. He was so blond it was almost white, and his body hair didn't show up on his chest. He had a closely trimmed beard.

"Let me show you the best part of the house," he said as he led me up a narrow stair to the tower. It was a square room with tall windows on all sides. We were standing naked in a room with a view of the entire town and school.

"They are modern windows, with a mirrored film on them, no one can see in," he said. He was behind me and put his arms around me and rubbed his hard cock on my back. "Damn you're ugly!" I felt something warm squirt on my back. He ejaculated a single volley,

"Why don't you lick that up like a nice boy," I ordered. He obeyed. "If you're really good, I'll let you eat mine." We were off to the races. It took me a while to find Jeffrey had a rich fantasy life, but a limited real sex life. He had thought of many things and tried few.

He wasn't a daring man. I think that was part of his interest in bad boys. He lacked nerve, so he wanted to be pushed or forced into exploring sex. He also dreaded the possibility of meeting a sex partner in a nonsexual situation, thus his interest in sex with rednecks. His sexual relationship with Barney was all verbal and mostly on line.

Jeffrey was a nice man. He seemed to be an all American Boy Scout type, who discovered something unexpected in himself. Intellectually he knew he should explore it more, but he was too timid to jump in feet first. He wanted me to push him.

That I couldn't do. I may look like a redneck, but I am not a bad boy. I didn't want to hurt him physically or emotionally. My introduction to the world of man sex was good and enjoyable. No one tried to force me to do anything I wasn't ready for. I wanted to take my time and make sure he was ready.

One part of Jeffrey was ready; his cock was rock hard and over ripe. He had an average cock and oversized balls. I sucked him for a solid thirty seconds before the entire contents of his balls was in my mouth. I didn't swallow. I saved it. When he finished, I kissed him. I assumed he had tasted his own man seed, but he never had a mouthful; his cock spurted once more.

"I'm wiped out," he said once we broke apart.

"While you rest up, why don't you nurse on my cock for a while," I said. He didn't look too willing. "Do it!" I ordered. I sat on a window seat and he took my cock into his mouth. I was less than half hard to he could take most of it. He was a bit squeamish, he liked the shaft, but uneasy around the puckered foreskin and the knob it enshrouded.

"Get your tongue into the pucker," I ordered."It may be a bit gamey, but man taste's can only be so bad. I think Little Miss Muffet could have been more enthusiastic than Jeffrey. "Get it in deep. I want your tongue to lick my entire knob."

Jeffrey was uneasy, but obedient. After a minute or so he got more enthusiastic. After three minutes he was into it big time, and I began to ooze precum. Precum is an aphrodisiac for me, and it acted the same way for Jeffrey. He was hard again. By now he had forgotten the shaft and concentrated on the knob. I got him on the floor and we got in the sixty-nine position.

"How much of it can you take?" I asked.

Jeffrey apparently had a detachable jaw; he took it all. He could take it and he liked it. He shot off again. He was wiped out a second time, but I wasn't done. I got some lube and worked a finger into his ass. He later told me this was the first time anyone had done that. He thought this was in preparation for fucking him.

I actually wanted massage his prostate. It was exactly a finger's length inside his ass, and was plump and soft. I got a finger on each side and played. Jeffrey went crazy. He couldn't breathe; his eyes crossed. We quickly progressed from the gentle massage to a buff and shine once the organ filled with his genital juices in anticipation of another orgasm. I knew he was going to shoot off again so I engulfed his cock. It was more spectacular than his previous two climaxes.

"Jeffrey I need to be getting on home, but I need to get off. I'm a top and I'd love to shove my cock in your ass and deposit it ten inches in your ass, but it's been a long day for you already. Why don't just relax, open your mouth and I'll do some target practice."

He looked tired but he opened his mouth. I stroked my cock a few times and popped. The first ribbon of sperm hit the back of his mouth and went directly down his throat. He quickly swallowed my cock and took every drop. He sucked me for a good ten minutes, until I was soft and he was sure there was no more of my sperm left.

We went down stairs, got dressed and were talking quietly on his porch when we heard a scream. It was a man's scream of pain. We rushed to the street. Three men were attacking another. I recognized the car as the one used several days earlier in the incident with Mrs. Elliott.

"What in hell is going on, you mother-fuckers!" I bellowed. I'm a deep base and sound like Sam Elliot. I don't think they saw me. They saw all six-feet five of Jeffrey charging at them. They raced to the car.

"Help the victim, Jeffrey. I'll do the perps!" I yelled. One was slower and I almost got him. He was a good 250 pounds, so I was at a bit of a disadvantage. He also had a knife. Jeffrey had a cell phone and dialed 911. I had a tussle with the perp. I jumped on his back, He got hold of me and literally picked me up and tossed me into some bushes. That was when I got his shoulder. He lost control of the arm and he stabbed himself. I landed in thorn bushes and it took too long for me to get out to make a second attack. The car raced away with the perps inside. I heard the sirens as they left.

The victim was badly hurt. There was blood everywhere. Mom is a nurse and I had some first aid knowledge. Jeffrey had been a corpsman in the army. I applied pressure to a bad gash in the victim's leg; Jeffrey worked on a cut of the arm and neck.

"Jeffrey, it's you," the victim said. It was Douglass Putney. He was covered in blood, so I hadn't recognized him.

The Police Chief and Patrolman Calhoun arrived simultaneously. Calhoun had first aid training and he took care of another bad gash. Blood was still spurting everywhere. Neighbors appeared. "Were the muggers in that fucking black car?" a redneck man he asked.

"Yes, I didn't even get a license plate number," I said.

"I'll get him!" he said as a high powered Dodge car appeared. It raced off Duke of Hazard style. The Chief called in an all points bulletin. The rescue squad arrived. It was a madhouse, but the Rescue Squad knew their business. They called in a med-evac copter to take Douglass to UVA hospital. They had a major trauma center.

Mrs. Putney arrived in time to go with her husband. She asked me to stay in the house to answer calls. The schools information office was away for the weekend. Jeffry, Calhoun and I looked like creatures from a Steven King movie. We were covered in blood, mostly Douglass', but with some of my own from the thorn bush. When I saw her get into the copter, I noticed from a distance she looked like Mrs. Elliott. I mentioned that to the Police Chief.

We gave statements to the Chief and then to the State Police. The rednecks returned. The almost caught up with the car, but got cut off by a freight train. They did have a make. It was a 1998 Crown Victoria police special, and the license was from Pennsylvania. It was heading into the Blue Ridge when they lost it.

I had one area of blood on my shirt that could have been from the perps' cut. My shirt went off to the crime lab. One of the rescue squad men took me to my apartment to help me clean up. He had a first aid kit with him so he could clean any wounds I might have received. His name was Carlton. He was a country boy with a thick accent I had trouble understanding. His car seats were covered with blankets for his dogs, so he wasn't worried about blood making a mess.

When I saw myself in the mirror, I almost scared myself. Carlton had to help me in the shower. I couldn't see, or reach many of the bloody spots. Carlton was a blond, scarecrow-like looking man, except dirty blond hair replaced the straw. He was all business until I was cleaned up. He wasn't the shy type and he liked what he saw when I was naked.

"Damn, I thought I had a good one, but you take the cake," he said. "I've got the length, but you have some real meat."

"It makes up or my physical beauty," I said. "It's fun too."

"Well, I did notice you're almost as pretty as I am," Carlton admitted. "You do look a little better without the caked blood, but it's not enough better to make you a stud muffin. Does your cock cause riots in the locker room?"

"Only when the men there are open minded," I said.

Carton looked me in the eye. "I'm pretty open minded myself. I never mix business and pleasure, but if I stopped in a day or two to see how you're doing, would you mind?"

"That would be nice," I said.

"I'd put on two undershirts and not sit in upholstered furniture for a day or two," he said. "I'll give you my number. Give me a call if you're feeling kind of funny. I think you're okay, but there might be some side effects." He left and I went to the Putney's house.

The phone rang continuously for the next three hours. I talked with their son and daughter who were going directly to Charlottesville. The Headmistress of the Upper School called and said she was on her way. She was second in command. The information officer could not be reached. She was somewhere in New York City.

The Putney's maid and the cook they used for special envents came the house. The maid was an impressive black woman named Rosa. She did not think much of me until she found I had interrupted the attack. "I will get the house ready for guests. I know what to do," she said. Rosa called her daughter for additional help, and called the building and grounds department to make sure the yard looked good.

"Mrs. Putney says if there's trouble, look your best," Rosa said. She and the cook got ready for guests. Several students I recognized from the party appeared to say they were ready to help. Rosa's daughter lived nearby. She was a school teacher who had gone to the school and knew everyone. She took care of the phone.

Ms. Simmons, the Headmistress of the Upper School arrived at 3:00. The schools senior staff joined her as did the board members who lived nearest to the school. Wilda-beast joined the group. They decided to have an official announcement to the school at 7:00 in the chapel. I told them what had happened as far as I knew.

I suggested they ask that no girls should go out alone, and preferably in groups of three or four until the assailants were found. Ms. Simons said that was reasonable. Wilda-beast said St. Thomas would have a school meeting at 9:00. Ms. Simons would preside at both meetings.

"Is this overkill?" Ms. Smith, the librarian, asked. "Could this be a random mugging gone bad?"

No one said anything. "This was a vicious attack clearly intended to murder the victim. It was in broad daylight on a public street," I said. "Muggers rarely murder their victims. I think we have to assume the worst, prepare for the worst and hope we are mistaken."

"Should we take precautions as teachers?" a woman asked.

"Oh yes," I said.

The Police Chief had joined the meeting. "Let me interject myself, if I may," he said. "We must assume this is a premeditated attack, intended to kill Mr. Putney. There is a chance they were after someone else, but I doubt it. Sometimes the trailer trash gets restless, but no one would mistake Mr. Putney as a good old boy. This is both an unusual and dangerous situation. I would recommend St. Thomas' make the same precautions."

"Will went after the men and almost caught one. Will did inflict some damage on the punk, but that man picked Will up and threw him in the air 15 feet," Jeffrey said. "Will may not be a giant, but not many men could do it. We need to do everything possible to protect ourselves. One or two young girls won't cut the mustard if they run into those men."

The meeting broke up. Ms. Simmons asked if I would speak at the meeting. I suggested Mr. Siegfried would be more comforting to the students. She agreed. We I got up to leave my wounds were beginning to hurt and bleed some.

"Don't drip on the upholstery! It's yellow; I'll never get that clean!" Rosa said. She rushed in with a washcloth. She wiped up the chair. It was a wooden back dining room chair and the wood was a bit bloody, but it hadn't got to the seat.

It hurt when I got up. "I seem to be a bit stiff." I said. The Gym teacher took me to the kitchen and took off my tee shirt as Rosa went to get a clean shirt from Mr. Putney's dresser.

"You are going to be one unhappy man tomorrow," the gym teacher said. "You are bruised from head to toe." One of the board members, Dr. Ellen Wisher, came in to look me over. She checked and said nothing appeared to be broken.

"I'm a gynecologist, so you aren't my normal patient, but I think you will be fine. That is except for the pain. You should feel better in a week," she said. "What did you do to the assailant?"

"I think I dislocated his shoulder. That neutralized his knife and he cut himself," I said.

"There must be more to you than meets the eye," she said as she left.

We got word Mr. Putney was in critical condition, but was now stable. Jeffrey, Calhoun and my efforts had saved him for almost certain death from blood loss.

We went to the chapel and Ms. Simmons did a good job. She was clear, firm and in control. She was not an alarmist and her calm approach spread among the excited students. The phone lines were clogged, but Simmons said she would send out an e mailed up-date to the students and their parents every time there was something new to report.

She turned the meeting over to Jeffrey to give an eye witness report. He was calm and clear.

She concluded, "Let me assure you, I will send out only 100% verifiable and true reports. There will be no rumors, guesses or suppositions. Don't believe anything you hear unless it comes from me. I have set out clear rules for what you are to do until this situation is resolved. I expect 100% compliance for you the students and the faculty."

The Chair of the board spoke next. "I think you understand the quick, and might I say, brave, actions of Dr. Siegfried and our new janitor Will Noland have saved us from a great tragedy. We must pray that the skills of gifted doctors and our prayers will speed Mr. Putney's recovery. Let me emphasize two things. One is quick action. If you see something suspicious, call the police at once. It is better to be safe than sorry."

Secondly, things are difficult enough without making of stories or idle speculations. Dr. Siegfried and Mr. Noland are eye witnesses and the heroes of the event. They can tell you exactly what happened. They will not sugar coat it. The entire resources of the school, the Town of Randall, Rockmountian County and the State are concentrating on this crime. You will see Town Police, County deputies and State troopers around the campus. Let them do their jobs." She ended her talk with a prayer for Douglass's recovery.

Several of the students who had worked on the fire clean up came over to me and thanked me. I was off to St. Thomas's to repeat the presentations. Wilda-Beast and Ms. Simmons were well matched. They had several board members in attendance too. Gerald III was no among them. Newton was there, but Gerald IV wasn't. That surprised me.

Near the end of the meeting two elderly ladies entered the room. It took me a second or two to realize it was my mother and Aunt Sarah. The cavalry had arrived. Mom is a retired nurse, and she wanted to see exactly what happened to me. I had not realized the school telegraph system worked as fast as it did. The word they got was that Mr. Putney was almost killed and I was injured.

That I was sitting up and walking was good. Mom did not take my blood stained shirt well.

Next: Chapter 128: Catfish Goes to School 5

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