Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 10, 2011


Catfish Goes to School 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Calhoun leaned out the window of his car. "What's up?" He asked.

"I have a day off and time to run some errands," I said. "You are off duty?"

"This is my day too," he said. "The Chief has told us all to drive by the schools as often as we can on or off duty. I was on my way to see some friends." He paused. "You remember when I told you I had some pals?"

"Your letting off steam pals?"

"That's them," he said. "Would you like to meet them?"

"They don't mind some company?"

"Not at all, get in, they live three miles outside of town," Calhoun said. I got in the car and soon discovered Calhoun's three miles was more like ten. We went up the side of a mountain to a rustic cabin and then into a clearing. There were two trucks and sports car there. Inside were Bubba, Bro and a third man, a kid. The kid was Gerald's side kick, Newton.

"Are you are robbing cradles" Calhoun asked.

"Newton here is 20 and a member of the union," Bubba said. "He is cool with it."

"He's more of a probationary member," Bro said. "He's still got his training wheels on." He looked at me. "I was wondering if you were a member. I guess you are."

I smiled. "No training wheels here," I said. "Is this a conversation group, or a play group? If there is a choice, let me vote for play."

"Play it is!" Bubba said.

Bubba and Bro had no hesitation stripping naked, Calhoun and Newton were a bit uneasy, but natural horneyness took control. Bubba was all bear with a nice coat of brown hair from his eyes to his toes. Bro was thinner with a hairy chest and a treasure trail. A nice white snake hung from his thick bush.

Newton suffered from too much Burger King, and McDonalds. He was going to be a big hairy man. He wasn't my type, but the thick tool between his legs began to change my opinion of his as soon as it started to get hard.

I would like to think that a man's cock size wouldn't affect my thinking about him, or that at least I have grown out of it by now. By the time Newton was hard, I was interested. He had pale skin, but big pink tits. Bubba and Bro weren't shy but they weren't that experienced either. They were suckers and hadn't tried anything else. Calhoun had told them he had fucked me and they were interested.

My cock is usually inspirational and it was with these men. Bubba and Bro were first to try my man spigot. Calhoun held back and Newton fed me his cock. Newton was trying to play it cool but was entirely unsuccessful at that. Usually that turns me off, but since he was so new to the scene, I thought it was cute.

I assumed he was much closer to being a virgin than he let on. He was also vastly more into man sex than he admitted to himself if his drooling cock was telling the truth. Newton was so hard it looked as if it hurt. He was uncut and when he was hard his knob was tender and sensitive. He spurted when my tongue first caressed his bloated cock head.

He looked scared. I guessed he thought he had done something wrong. I moved the tip of my tongue to his slit and licked it and the glob of sperm he had just shot. He spurted a second time. I smiled at him; he looked relieved.

"I like man seed, but it's best as a desert, not as an appetizer," I said. "Can you hold back?"

"I'll try, Sir," he said. "I don't know if I can."

"I understand, so don't worry," I said. "You're naked, hard and oozing sex juices. You have a very experienced, over sexed, 55-year-old sucking your cock. There is no way this is going to anything other than the best sex you have ever had. How many times can you shoot off in an hour or two?"

"Five or six times, Sir."

"Well then, just relax and let things flow," I said. "I'll bet you have enough man seed stored up to feed us all." His balls exploded then and there. He twitched and shivered but I took it all.

"What's your recharge time?" I asked when he finished shaking.

"About ten minutes," he said. In the lull, Calhoun offered me his cock. He didn't last long either. He was hot to trot. His seed was hot and creamy. This may have won the record for the most loads I have ever taken in five minutes. I turned my attention to Bubba and Bro.

"Calhoun told me he took a trip up your behind," Bro said. "We was wondering if you give trips to other guys?"

"Have you fucked a man?"

"No, but I've thought about it," Bubba said. "Bro and I are old pals, but in a rut. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, I figure."

"You want to learn some new tricks?" I asked. "I'm basically a top, but I do open up on special occasions."

"What occasions?"

"Usually when I meet a new man; that's an occasion for me!" I said.

"Hot damn," the four men said, almost in unison.

"There is a catch," I added. "I like to top. If I'm going to help you out, I want a little fun in return. Have any of you men entertained on the back porch before?" There was dead silence.

"I've tried a few things," Newton all but whispered. "Not a cock, but some things."

"Did you like it?" I asked. He nodded.

"Look at the size of Will's horse cock boy!" Bubba exclaimed. "A little fun for him is eight to ten inches."

"I want to try," Newton said. We had a deal. Both Bro and Bubba gave me a poke. They were enthusiastic and enjoyed it, but they both had a short fuse. Bubba had one hell of an orgasm. I think you could have heard him bellow several counties away. Bro, by contrast, got affectionate when he popped. We had a hot make out session as he filled my ass. I'm not sure he knew it, but I guessed using his bud's sperm as a lubricant was a real turn on. Calhoun took longer to shoot. He had relaxed since the last time he fucked me and it was good. It was Newton's turn.

"I'm embarrassed," Newton said. "I've never done anything like this. I'm afraid the guys will make fun of me."

"You just spent the last fifteen minutes watching my asshole take three cocks and your pals popping their nuts," I said. "I wouldn't worry about them watching you."

"Okay," he said without enthusiasm.

"I don't stick my cock any where it's not wanted," I said to him. "You're either going still be a virgin in an hour or you're going to be royally fucked. I'm big; if you want I can get one of your pals to open you up? I understand if you have changed your mind."

"I really want yours," Newton said. "It turns me on more than any cock I've seen."

I smiled. "Have you seen that many?"

"At the gym here and at Dad's club," he said. "There were some nice ones, but nothing like yours. I thought Coach Ruffman's cock was big. One of my Dad's pals, Mr. Godfrey, at the club is big too. He saw me looking and didn't seem to mind. I was afraid to get too close to him. I might get hard. I talked to him once. He told me to come back when I was 18." I got Newton to lie back as he talked. Bubba, Bro and Calhoun were with the program, and reassured Newton.

"I liked cock the first time I saw Bro's," Bubba said. "We were 14 or 15 and swimming. I took a look and then a lick. At the time I thought I was the only cock loving man in the world. After meeting Bro I knew there were two. I was in my twenties when I discovered there are millions of us. We jumped in the sexual waters, one toe at a time. We had some silly rules about who would do what to whom. We like it all now, or at least we thought we liked it all until we met Will here. His view of what is possible is a lot broader than ours."

As we talked, Calhoun got some oil and lubricated Newton's ass. Newton liked that a lot. He stayed hard. Bubba and Bro began to get hard again too. They had recharged after shooting off in me.

"You know I have three loads in my ass," I said. "It may be a bit messy. Calhoun, push your fingers in a little deeper, the more lubricant the better it will be for Newton. For most guys the easiest way to get fucked is to sit on it. That way you control the show. Is that good with you?"

Newton looked relieved. I got on the bed and he straddled my pole. He centered his hole on my knob and tried to sit back. "Can I take my time Sir?" he asked. I said sure. He began to sit back. He bounced a little and my knob eased in. A second later it was on the dark side of his sphincter. Newton moaned. He rested a minute and then sat back more.

"Look at that fucker!" Bro whispered, "It's like watching the Washington Monument slide into an ass."

"It hurts a little," Newton moaned.

"Sit up and try again" I said. "Guys, add some more lube to my cock. That will make it easier. How does his ass look, any blood?"

"No problem at all there," Calhoun said. "His hole still looks virginal." Newton was a good sport and sat on my cock again. He got about half of my tool in him. The third try was a total success. I got total penetration and Newton was in heaven. At least, I think he was in heaven. He couldn't actually talk; he only moaned and gasped for air. He lasted for almost ten minutes and, then he was obviously tired out.

Calhoun and Bubba helped him off my cock and let him rest up. He was wiped out. The men were impressed. None of us thought he would be able to take it all. "How do you feel?" I asked him.

"I feel empty. Can you do it again?" he asked.

"Would you let me fuck you?" Calhoun asked him. Newton agreed and they had a good little session. Calhoun had a good cock, but it wasn't monumental."

"Would you like to have a cop shoot his sperm in your ass?" I asked. "Calhoun is getting ripe." Again it was no problem. The cop shot off immediately. When he pulled out I replaced him quickly. Newton's hole hadn't quite closed up and I was an easy entry for me. I'm not one of those men who think a little pain heightens the sexual high. I think a little pleasure followed by a whole lot of pleasure is the way to go. He shivered, twitched and a rotated his ass. Again, Newton couldn't talk when I was pumping him, but I took his hands free orgasm as a sign of approval.

I pulled out, since usually heavy fucking after an orgasm is rarely a pleasure. Bro came to me and sucked my cock and happily took my load. Everyone had climaxed and we were mellow.

"Damn, that was hot," Bubba said. "Newton, I didn't think you could do it. You have hidden talents. It was beautiful."

"How are you doing now?" I asked Newton.

"I couldn't be better. I didn't know I could feel so much," he said. He was on his back with his legs spread. His hole was puffy, but otherwise fine. Bubba had some lube and rubbed the hole. He slipped is cock into the unresisting opening.

"That's nice," Newton said. "It's kind of soothing."

"Do you have any pals who like to play?" Bro asked.

"Hell no," he replied. "I have one pal who is the most anti-gay guy in the world, and his dad makes him seem moderate. I played with a guy in the park once. I was too scared to really enjoy it."

"Why do to have an anti-gay friend?" Bro asked. "Could I take a poke at you too? Is four guys in your ass in one afternoon too much for you?"

"I could take eight!" Newton said. "At school I didn't fit in. Gerald was the only one who seemed to like me. Gerald likes losers. He's loaded. My dad did well, but nothing like Gerald's dad."

"Is that important?" I asked.

"Well, when you've been nothing but a fuck-up all your life, it seems so," Newton replied. Bro's cock seemed to hit something really good in Newton's ass. Bro's meat had a pronounce curve. Newton had been semi hard, but he re-inflated to full size. Bro was the second man to shoot off in Newton's hole.

I don't believe I've done this," Newton said. "You must think I'm a slut."

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine, but I don't know if I should feel fine," he replied.

"Let me ask you a question," I said. "Who enjoyed it more, you or me?"

"I guess we both did," he muttered.

"We all did. You did; I did; Bubba, Bro and Calhoun did. If we all enjoyed it, why is there a problem? Did we use you, or did you use our cocks to get you to where you wanted to be? I suspect you have just discovered the sexual equivalent of Technicolor."

Newton laughed, "It was I-max for me! It's strange, but I was wondering what Mr. Godfrey's cock is like. I didn't tell you about this, but when Mr. Godfrey saw me watching, he stroked his cock. He didn't get fully hard, but it was nice."

"How does Gerald treat you?" I asked. It was a stab in the dark.

"Okay," he replied. "He kind of treats me as a servant. He says I need to be led."

"You need better friends," Bro said.

"Sometimes I'm not sure he is a friend," Newton admitted. "As long as you do what the wants, he's happy. If you cross him he's nasty. He's like his dad that way."

"It seem to me it's time for you to get new friends," I said.

"Maybe I have," Newton replied. Calhoun took me back to Randall and I did my chores. It had been a good morning sexually, and I had a sense I had a foot hold in the enemy camp. I wandered around St. Michael's and got the lay of the land. It wasn't as pretty as St. Cecilia's, but it was nice. It looked as if it had once been a military school, and the buildings had a fortified look. I saw Wilda-beast talking some prospective students and their parents around. You could feel his energy across the quadrangle. One of the families was Sikh. The turban was a dead giveaway.

"Will," Wilda-beast called out. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Dr. and Mrs. Singh have to meet with me for an hour, but their daughter need to see Mrs. Putney. Could you escort here there?"

"Sure, is she to go to the house or the office?"

"I am to meet her at her residence," the girl said with an English accent.

"Let's go, it just a five minute walk," I said. We set off.

"Are you a hillbilly?" she asked.

"Technically no, but I'm probably close enough for most people," I said. "I'm from the southern part of the state where the accents get thicker."

"This is a pretty town, but I think it might be too quiet. I was raised in London," she said. "My parents need to go to India to take care of family business for two years. They want us to continue our education here. Two years is a long time."

"As far as I can tell, too quiet is better than too active," I said. "How old are you?"


"Too quiet is definitely good for you," I said. "It will give you a chance to grow up and get use to being grown up." We were at the headmaster's house and Mrs. Putney was at the door waiting. I went to my apartment and sat on the porch overlooking the school. All was well.

That night, I found a massive file from my office on my laptop. They had information on Gerald Milland III. He was very wealthy, due primarily to a well managed inheritance. He was associated with several major conservative groups. This was all well known.

My first big case had been a bombing undertaken by born-again whack jobs. I had made contact with many anti-whack-job groups and individuals, so when we searched for information on a person, we could dig way deep. Our contacts were into whispers, suspicions and whiffs of scandal. Some of this information isn't true, but it often points in a direction. One innuendo is easily ignored; twenty is an entirely different matter.

Gerald III had a darker side. He was on a watch list for his support of some ultra conservative groups. He wasn't the front man; he was a secret financial supporter for them. Several of these were associated with violent acts. These were mostly assaults, but there had been several murders and a bombing of a clinic. One of these groups was the League of America, which was on the fringe of the neo-Nazi movement.

He was also a member and financer of the Cranmer Society. I had never heard of it, but it was a nasty operation. It was opposed to women's involvement in church life, homosexuality, and the inclusion of non Anglos-Saxons in the Episcopal Church.

The Cranmer society used innuendo, character assassination, blackmail and slander as its primary weapons. They apparently chose to achieve moral purity through sin. As far as I could tell, it had no particular theology, but it seemed to be obsessively interested in sex.

Milland III had been married three times. Each wife had been younger than her predecessor. He was currently unmarried and liked to spend a part of the year in Thailand. He was believed to place a high value on virginity. That value was said to be $5,000.00 to $7,000.00 a pop. He had married his 18 year old last wife when he was fifty-five. He now preferred oriental girls. Men who could afford that kind of money could afford to be very discrete. His interests were for increasingly young girls and he was believed to be into young adolescents.

Gerald III was associated with several media moguls, and donated generously to political leaders. His name was known to few. He sexual tastes were indulged in distant and remote lands where women were little valued and girls were regarded as a commodity. He employed an army of lawyers to protect his name.

St. Cecelia's was by no means a center of leftist thought or even liberal thought, but it did have some standards and wasn't reactionary. I suspected to Gerald III educating women was a sin. He must have despised Mrs. Putney, a woman in a leadership position. If he had heard a whisper of Douglass' sexual inclinations, he would be exploiting it.

I wondered if his son Gerald IV was a spy, his man on the scene. Was he reporting back to his dad? Apparently Gerald IV was the son of the first wife. She committed suicide several years earlier.

From his behavior at the party, I realized he couldn't be conventionally polite in a group. I assumed he was even worse in private. He struck me as being out of control, a dangerous man. My Aunt's description of what was going on at the school was similar to the Cranmer Society's modus operandi.

I had to be careful. I suspected Gerald III wasn't prone to notice servants or maintenance men. A twenty foot long torpedo was enough to sink the battleship Arizona at Pearl Harbor. I hoped he was vulnerable to attack.

The next day was Sunday and I was to be at the Chapel for the service. I unlocked the doors and was available if I was needed. The Reverend Mr. John Gilbert and he was useless when it came to turning on the air conditioning, or the lights. I wondered if he could figure out how to turn the door knob. He gave a nice short service aimed at the girls and related well to them.

After the service, he showed me around the chapel. One of the windows in the chapel depicted Archbishop Cranmer. I asked if he knew of the Cranmer Society.

"How did you hear about them?" he asked. I told him I had overheard one of the boys mentioning it while he was cleaning up at the fire.

"You know the Archbishop was burned at the stake?" he asked.

"I'm not much up on church history," I truthfully replied.

"Cranmer had his strengths and weaknesses, but he wasn't crazy," Rev. Gilbert replied. "The Cranmer society is deeply flawed theologically, and almost criminal in many respects. How they call themselves Christians is beyond me. It's a secret society, you know."

"They have Episcopalian secret societies?"

"They certainly do not!" he replied. "I hate the idea of the Cranmer Society being active in Virginia. Where ever it rears its ugly head discord follows."

Next: Chapter 127: Catfish Goes to School 4

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