Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 28, 2009


Catfish does Shakespeare 10

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

My career as a Shakespearian Wall was over and I returned to my normal work. Dean was hot on the trail of my assailant and the murderer of three people. You would have thought there would be a public outcry about so many killings, but our victims were short on the requirements for public outcries. Not one of them was a young, blond women. Our only woman victim had mousy brown hair and was in her later thirties. No one cared about Emma.

The attack on me had been good luck in one respect. Rapists with a problem with premature ejaculation were a special breed, and somewhat rare. It also eliminated all women from our suspect list. Computer's are wonderful things, and they turned up an additional similar case in Richmond, two in Madison, Wisconsin and several in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dean was trying to connect our Richmond suspects with the mid-western crimes. He noted both Madison and Ann Arbor were college towns.

While the investigation proceeded, Freddy gave me a call. He was back in New York and there was going to be a festival of young theater companies in an Off Broadway theater. A foundation was sponsoring four companies to do a week of performances as part of a summer festival. The Duke of Richmond's Company was selected. The good review in the Washington Post had done the trick.

This was a dream come true for the actors and production staff. It was both recognition and a chance to hit the big time. The other companies were from Boston, San Francisco and St. Louis, much bigger cities than Richmond. Freddy wanted me to be there. "You know Skyler's design for your costume was a masterpiece. It requires your semi naked body to make it work," Freddy explained. "I know you aren't planning a career in the theater, but you could help make this thing work."

I wasn't sure I wanted to take two weeks off. "Think of it as a vacation. Have you been to New York?" he asked.

"Never for more than a day and mostly passing through," I admitted. "It's hard to get a grip on it."

"I'm a native and will guarantee you will love the place after I've shown you around," Freddy said with great enthusiasm. "To tell you the truth, I would like to have you here to keep an eye on things. They haven't captured the murderer yet. If jealousy is part of the motive, then this trip to Broadway is like adding salt an open wound." I said I'd think about it.

The next day Charlie Smith, the director officially made the official request to I continue in the role. Fifteen minutes later Skyler called. He was damn close to begging me to go with them to New York. "Let me be frank," he said, "I've tried the costume on several other guys. It simply doesn't work. I need you."

"Shit, I'm just playing a wall!"

"You are a perfect wall," Skyler exclaimed. "The stars are in alignment for this production. Most of the people involved are talented and gifted, but that doesn't mean shit in the theater. Sometimes things just don't click, or the right people don't see the play, or they see it on a bad night. This could have been a good production, but it turned into magic. The closest I've been to Broadway is suburban Philadelphia. 99.9 percent of the theater people only get to buy tickets on Broadway. This is our chance."

I decided to play the wall in New York. The next several months were frantic in Richmond. Most of the actors needed to cover day jobs, or to arrange for vacation time. The foundation sponsoring the festival paid for most of the production, but travel, rooms, food and other expenses were born by the Duke of Richmond's Company. Fund raising was going on behind the scenes. I called Dean and told him about the production in New York. He was hard at work on the rape connection, checking on men who had been to Madison and Ann Arbor.

He also said he would contact the NYPD and warn them about the situation. He agreed with Freddy. The visit to Broadway might inspire the murderer. Two weeks later, I went on a weekend trip to New York for advanced publicity. I went with Charlie, Skyler and John Smithers, our weatherman. Freddy and the dwarfs were in New York already.

We went up in a van with some of the costumes. There was to be a photo shoot and several interviews. The whole thing was rushed, but Skyler told me one of the four companies originally selected to give performances pulled out at the last moment and we were substitutes. A young guy named Russell met us at the Foundation's headquarters on East 87th street. The top floor had an apartment for guests. We got the van parked. That was an adventure. Russell couldn't have been more than 25 or 27 years old, but he was helpful and eager to please.

The photo shoot was going to be early the next day in Greenwich village. We would need to get to the studio at 7:00 to be ready by 8:30. Skyler thought that was too early. Russell explained the photographer had done a complete spread on the company which had withdrawn, so it was hard to work it into his schedule. We went out to dinner in a small restaurant nearby. The food was good.

We got back to the apartment by 10:00. Russell lived on Long Island so getting home and then back to the city by 6:00 in the morning wasn't an easy task. John suggested he spend the night with us. Russell looked a bit like John's lover Lance, and I think he may have had plans. John and Charlie shared the master bedroom that had it's own bath. Skyler and I took the other and we had a bath down the hall. Russell was on the couch.

I fell asleep right off the bat. When I woke at 5:30, Russell was in bed with Skyler. I didn't know Skyler was that fast. Russell was sitting on Skyler's cock moaning softly. I went over to then and fed russell my cock. That seemed to push him over the edge. He shot off . Skyler got up, rolled him over and made an early morning deposit in Russell's ass. We all showered, got in the van and made it to the studio by 7:00. I knew New York was big, but I was surprised how far away the Village was. I sort of visualized Central Park, Rockefeller Center and Greenwich village being within blocks of each other.

Freddy, Rudy and David were waiting for us. The photographer was grumpy, but warmed up considerably when we got in costume. Actually, he warmed up when he saw me naked as I got dressed. Two more photographers, Sal and Ira, arrived for the shoot. Don, the foundation's photographer, called them. We were there for three hours.

Don asked if I could stay for additional hour or so. He said he get me back to the foundation's headquarters by 4:00, when we had interviews scheduled. That was fine with me, but I told him they needed to check with Skyler. My costume was difficult to take off. It was okay with him so the rest left me with Don and his friends. I heard Don say, "Beleive me takign the costume off won;t be a problem at all." Skyler laughed.

Don, Sal and Ira were good photographers and nice guys, but I soon noticed their interest in me wasn't 100% platonic. My interest in them wasn't that platonic either. They were all my type. Sal was a beefy, hairy Italian. Ira was a fireplug of a man. Don was tall and imposing. He wore boxers and was imposing that way too.

I wasn't sure how to make the transition from a publicity photo shoot to sex, but I suspected one of the trio of photographers had some thoughts on the subject. The photographer and his model is the basis of 50% of the porn movies made, so I figured something would happen.

During a break, Don came over to me and whispered, "Sal's a little embarrassed, but he wants to know if size queens bother you?"

"Not particularly," I answered. "It seems to come with the territory." I looked him in the eye. "Is he the only size queen here?"

Don smiled. "In round numbers you could estimate there are about three in the studio. Two of us are lookers. Sal would like more."

"I'm a top."

"Skyler told Sal that," Dan said, "and that's what excites him. Do you have a problem with pictures?"

"I do. I'm a private investigator and go undercover. I don't like my face to be seen."

Don laughed. "It's not your face I'm interested in. Sal likes anatomical photos. You know closeups and detailed views."

Against my better judgment I agreed. I wasn't sure I would get hard with a camera present, but that wasn't a problem at all. Sal stripped and naked he was my kind of man. At 5'-8" he was a muscle man, firm and solid. Curly black hair covered him from his neck to his toes. Uncut, he possessed double the skin he needed to sheath his cock. He helped me get out of my costume and then went for my cock. We sucked and then sixty-nined. Sal wanted more.

He looked as if he had buns of steel, but where there is a will, there is a way. Sal wanted my cock bad and was willing put up with some pain. I'm not into pain, so I used a lot of lube and took my time. Don took pictures and provided the lube. Ira gave advice. He had quite a store of knowledge on how to get an oversized cock into a tight ass. Sal finally surrendered and my cock slid deep into his ass. Sal shivered as I went deep. I liked that reaction. I hate it when you do all that work and your partner doesn't like it that much.

I took my time and discovered Sal liked deep, long strokes. I pulled out all the way several times to lubricate my cock. Each time I did this he was more open and took my cock more easily. He reaction was better too. Eventually he zoned out and just went with the flow. He only job was to moan, twitch and quiver.

Don wasn't straight with me in one respect. He and Ira weren't just lookers. When Sal finally shot off, I pulled out and rested. I went to the toilet room to clean up. Ira joined me. He was naked by now.

"I've never been with an uncut man before," he said. Ira almost whispered. He was shivering a little. I think it was both very uneasy and very excited. "Does it get kind of messy in there?"

"In the days before regular showers I guess it could be a bit gamy," I replied. "Some guys like it that way. I had a few disappointed customers who were hoping for something really ripe."

Ira watched me clean my cock. I skinned it back and cleaned my head and then the skin. I assumed Ira was Jewish and was uneasy.

"I've never seen a cock as totally . . . gentile as yours," he said.

I smiled. "You can't decide it that's good or bad, can you?"

Ira smiled. "It would be a lot easier to make a decision if I wasn't so turned on."

"I'm not sure my cock had a religion, or if it does it's a really ancient one," I said. Ira finally let his cock do the thinking and dropped to his knees and sucked me. He got my skin covered head into his mouth, and looked up. At first, I thought he was looked at me, but I think he was doing a quick check for lightning bolts. Lightning didn't strike and he relaxed.

Don and Sal came in the room and joined us. This time Sal took the photos. Don was naked now. He was mostly smooth, but well built and nicely hung. I sucked Don as Ira sucked me. Don had one of those cocks that drooped when he was hard. It was perfect for deep throating. Ira shifted his location and I felt his cock at my ass. I moved a little to give him better access.

Ira's cock was mostly a big, flared head on a thin shaft and it felt great. It rubbed my prostate just the right way. We switched around a few time and eventually Ira got a mouthful od gentile man seed served directly form a foreskin covered cock. We all had a good time. I had to bet back to the foundation for the interviews, so I got dressed. They were all good about schedules. Don said they'd be sure to get to the performance.

The interviews were good. One critic went after Charlie for using the dwarfs in a freak show. Rudy and David took care of that in brisk fashion. They made it clear they were fully capable of selecting which show they wanted to perform in and they didn't need a patronizing "protector" to look after their welfare.

John discussed the advantages of clearly differentiation the three groups of characters. The elegant courtiers, the rustics and the fairies were all clearly defined and made the complicated play much more easily understood. "I'm quite sure Shakespeare would have used Dwarfs, giants and cute dogs if it served his dramatic purpose," he added.

The next day was available for site seeing. It was a rainy day. The Foundation headquarters was a few blocks from the Metropolitan Museum so Freddy and Rudy took me there. I loved it. There's a big difference between reading or hearing about something and seeing it in person. The Egyptian stuff was great, much nice than in the Three Stooges meet the mummy type movies. I like the Roman and Greek statues too. I had a great time.

That evening I got a call from Dean. "Tony directed a play in Ann Arbor at the time of one of the rapes. He was teaching at a school in southern Wisconsin at the time. Ann Arbor and Madison were an easy drive for him," he said.

It's time for a DNA sample," I said.

"Not as easy as you would think," Dean replied. "He seems to be on sabbatical."

"How in hell did he manage that? He not in an academic job anymore?"

"It seems to be a home made sabbatical. He told his employer he was going to take a year off and work on writing a play," Dean explained. "Without pay and without a forwarding address. He's vanished. His ex wife is mad as shit. Without pay seems to have translated into without child support."

"Has anyone else vanished?"

"The illusive Mr. Fenton has disappeared too. When we questioned him two months ago, he wasn't helpful. He had been a undergraduate at the school Tony taught at," Dean said. "We went to talk with him last week and he was gone. The landlord said he went back to his poor widowed mother in Iowa. The widow turned out to be a widower, and he wasn't on talking terms with his son. I got the impression Fenton had left home with a cloud over his head."

"What was the nature of the cloud?"

"The Father wouldn't say. I called the local police Chief," Dean continued. "Fenton was a bit rough with one of the local girls. It wasn't particularly clear cut, but his getting out of town wasn't voluntary. He had a partner in crime who left town with him. He ended up in Richmond too. That is Robert Miller, the guy who played Thisbe in the play."

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "He was pretty much an asshole throughout the production. Where is he?"

"He's left town too, with no forwarding address," Dean said. "He could have been just a spy or the perpetrator. The Police chief said he was he school bully." After we finished the call I gave the information to Charlie. He knew Robert had left Richmond and had to recast the part. He knew nothing of the connection to Tony.

Robert was at very least a spy and possibly more than a spy. He struck me as a whiner not a doer. It was possible Maurice caught him doing something. I didn't know if Maurice would have confronted him, or reported back to Skyler. Perhaps Robert thought Maurice had seen something.

I went to dinner at Freddy's apartment with the rest of the group. Robert's relationship to Fenton and Tony was a shock to everyone. It did explain how the poison pen letter writer knew so much about the actors. No one knew much about Robert.

"He was a pretty common type of person you find coming to auditions," Charlie said. "He was born to be a spear carrier, but had dreams of stardom."

"I thought he suffered the most common problems of his type. He thought he should be a star and the roles he had were beneath him," Freddy remarked. "He wasn't a particularly good spear carrier. Some actors have the ability to make an impression in a minor role. Robert wasn't willing to do that. He wasn't bad enough to lose the part, but not good enough to shine. I got my start doing a first rate grave digger in Hamlet. I've never played the Danish Prince, but I made all the way up to Polonius a few times."

"Do you think Tony, Fenton and Robert left because of the New Your run?" Skyler asked.

"Maybe, but is more likely the Richmond Police were on their trail and they knew it," I said. "Tony and Fenton knew the police had suspicions. It would be a good time to lave town

Next: Chapter 124: Catfish Goes to School 1

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