Millennium Construction Company

Published on Apr 6, 2009


Catfish Does Shakespeare 7

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Things were moving along at a good pace. I called Dean with the information I got from Rufus, Carl and Stoner. Dean was good and had the resources to get a lot of the leg work done. Emma was in the cross hairs.

Dean called me the next morning. Emma had fallen off the balcony of her apartment. She wasn't technically dead, but that was a mere technicality. There was massive brain damage and a broken back. There was no doubt in my mind that Emma was in this sordid affair up to her eyeballs. She was stupid and delusional.

There also was no doubt in my mind that she was not the brains behind the scheme. Emma wasn't a leader, she was a spear carrier, not a lead. Being stupid and delusional doesn't deserve the death penalty.

Up until this event, it was possible to consider the poison pen letters as a effort to sabotage the play. There was jealousy of another director's success and the perpetrators apparently had no grip on reality. The possible success of Midsummer's Night Dream would reflect badly on the failure of Hamlet. While the persons involved wouldn't admit it to themselves, Midsummer was going well.

This all could be interpreted as a nasty prank gone bad, or just extraordinarily over the top. That made sense given the personalities of the people involved. Maurice's death could have been accidental, man slaughter rather than murder. I could visualize Maurice coming on someone doing something in the wrong place. There might have been a struggle and Maurice fell.

Emma couldn't be an accident. Emma had been sloppy and obvious. She knew who was behind the scheme. Nothing about my brief encounter with Emma suggested she would hold up to serious police style interrogation. No, she wouldn't squeal on her friends, but she would get tripped up on a simple question. She would make a slip and all would come out. She might not realize the true import of what she knew. I doubted she would have been involved in Maurice's death, but she might have known who was at the theater that night.

Rufus called me just after I heard of Emma's fall. He knew the full import. I told him he needed to call Dean and ask to give a full statement on the record. This was too serious to let informal exchanges of information. I also gave him the name of a Lawyer friend of mine who might be able to help.

I went to the theater. I had a man prowling the area, but I also noted two police undercover agents in the area too. Inside the theater there was the smell of fresh paint, and a very slight reminder of smoke, but all was well. The cleaning and repair crews had done a good job. We were to do a full run through of the play with costumes, scenery, music and lighting to get the technical stuff right. Dress rehearsal was the next night and opening night on the next day. Everyone was keyed up and excited.

I had one of my men serving as a janitor in the front lobby and another back stage. There were a number of people in the audience. These were all friends of the actors or staff. Stoner was working with the lights. Carl was in the balcony with a video camera. He was taping the performance.

Charlie was nothing if not anal retentive. He wanted to see what it looked like from all areas. They provided instant replay of potential problems in the play. I could feel the tenseness, but there was a strong "the play must go on" feel too.

The first scenes went on without a hitch. They were the boring part of the play as far as I could tell. Our first scene went well. The costumes for this were simple and it was mostly a strong performance by Fred as Bottom. The fairies did very well. The dwarfs were surprisingly effective, even Samuel as Titania. He played it straight, imperious and willful.

There were several screwup in the lighting and a dry ice problem for the fairy scenes. These were quickly resolved. I was a problem, or more correctly my costume was. It was a lot of work to change from my peasant garb into my wall costume. Skyler was there to help. I was the least important of the characters in the play, but Charlie wanted every character to play his part. I was at the center of the play within the play at the end. That the wall got a laugh was important.

The chink in the wall, that was at the core of the Pyramis and Thisby story was at my crotch and the risqué peaking through the chink was a typical Shakespearian off color joke. It came off flawlessly. The stage crew was laughing. Fred was spectacular as Bottom, and the play ended on a high note.

The bomb had focused attention on the play in the city, and the publicity was building. There was a comment in the paper that the play might well be exceptionally clever. The publicity photograph's were out. They featured Fred in his ass head and me as Tom Snout, the wall. Since I was almost nude I was memorable. As a group we rustics looked like a hair fetishist convention. I was described as a furry creature with a severe outbreak of ivy.

Dean was in the audience and saw me afterwards. "It may sound stupid, but you were good," he said. "It may have been a small role, but you stood out."

"What was your impression of the whole thing?" I asked.

"I've never got Shakespeare before, but this this was good," he said. "I understood it. Lots of laughs, funny lines. It a pretty show too. It took me ten minutes to get into it and then it took off."

"How do you think our whack job will take it?"

"My guess he or she would rather eat broken glass, than see this succeed," Dean said. "We're going to have high security for the next few nights. There's not much time to make a move. My main worry is for the individual actors."

"That may not be a problem. Skyler told me he's warned everyone they should not go out alone, and to stay near friends," I said. "that's where the audience came from today. Henry thought that was foolish, but Skyler doesn't take no for an answer. He called Henry's wife and she called his folks. They are here. His mom is baby sitting, his dad is watching."

"Was that the beefy man to the side of row three?"

"The man who looks like a professional wrestler" I asked. Dean nodded. "That was papa. He looks like a one man demolition company. No one is going to get near to Henry. Charlie's partner was there too. He runs a gym."

After the rehearsal I got a message from Dean on my cell phone. Emma was officially brain dead and her parents were coming to decide what to do. I had another message form from Rufus. He had run into Tony and Eileen at a restaurant,and they seemed to be having a celebration of some sort.

After the rehearsal Liz the photographer came over to me. "I hate to impose of you, but I teach a photography class at night and I would love to use you as a model. You present a challenge," she said.

"A lot of people think I'm a challenge, even my mother sometimes," I said.

She laughed, "That's not what I meant. The hairy body and the ivy present a challenge in focusing," she explained. "You could give the autofocus a run for its money. You are already in costume, it would only be for an hour."


"If you could do it," she said.

"Did your regular model just call in sick?"

Liz looked shocked. "Damn, Charlie said you were smarter than you look."

"That doesn't take much," I said. "If you're in pinch, I'll do it,"

"Charlie said you were a good sport too," Liz added. She had her van near by and I put a raincoat over the foliage and got to the studio in the CVU's art building. It was a class of 15 or 18 men and women. About half were undergraduates, but the remainder were older.

They were a bit shocked when I appeared. The regular model was a pretty young woman, but they adapted quickly. As I would have guessed Liz had the shoot well organized. She would set up lights for a particular effect. There would be a ten minute shooting session, then she would reset the lights. She did soft indirect light, strong shadows, back lighting etc.

The student had to work quickly. Most had two cameras, some had three. Most had a digital, a traditional camera either black and white, color or both. A few of the students weren't into it at all, but they were the exception. By the time we reached the third pose most had figured out what worked and were having a good time. At the end, Liz asked if I could stay for a final longer pose. I said I would.

"Class, If you wish to stay our model will stay for a final pose. This pose will be up to you and you will have more time. This will give you an opportunity to use what you have discovered in the first four poses." she said.

The dead wood left the studio. One girl apologized she couldn't stay; she had a ride she had to catch. Now that the students were use to me they began to talk mostly about Midsummer's Night Dream as they worked. They knew all about the poison pen letters and the one of the older students knew about the earlier incident.

They also knew there was something fishy about Emma's death. "I heard she was the letter writer," one student said.

"She may have written them, but I bet she was taking dictation," the student who knew of the earlier incident, said, "I had a date with the Wicked Witch of 32nd Street when I was a undergraduate. She wrote the letters."

"Who in hell was the Wicked Witch of 32nd Street?" a younger student asked.

"Eileen Miller. She was here during ther earlier incident. She and Emma were thick as thieves. Back then she was pretty and willing to put out. That was really important to me at the time. I was 20 and she was an older woman of 24," he said. "Once the sex was over things went downhill rapidly. Men were the cause of all evil. They were either fags or they betrayed her; they cheated he;, they used her an through her away. She was a bitter woman who couldn't understand why she only got one night stands. She actually hit me. As far as I could tell she hated all men, not just fags. I've known guys who disliked women except for the sex, but she was the first women I met who hated men, but like their cocks.

"I thought they made dildos for that?" a man suggested.

"it ain't the same!" Liz replied.

"She never found true love, I take it?" a younger girl asked.

"She found true love alright. She found Mephistopheles for her Faust. She told me about him. He was a director of some sort, and a genius, an unrecognized genius if you get my drift.

"That must be Tony," Liz said. "No one can recognize his genius because there isn't any. He moves with an entourage. Emma and Eileen were the leaders, a few impressionable undergraduates and Fenton."

"Who is Fenton? I know about the others," the older student asked.

"He's a sad case. He took a course from me, but he knew it all. He was unteachable. I tried to get him to get some counseling, but I don't think he did." Liz said. "At the end of the semester he scared me."

"Damn it Liz, I thought you could scare away the abominable snowman?"

"Normally, I can," she said. "He failed to turn in his final project for the semester so he got an automatic failing grade. He sent me a letter saying I was unworthy of teaching a student of his talents." Liz's cell phone rang. From her conversation it was obviously about a sick child at home.

"I have to get home. Do any of you need a ride? You know my rule, no one walks home alone. Ladies, pack up your cameras. Gentlemen, you can close up the room when your done?"

"Of course,Liz," the older man said. "Is it Robin again?" Liz nodded.

"Oh, I have our favorite Wall's clothes in the bag in the corner. Someones going to need to help him get out of the ivy. Make sure you don't damage it, or Wall for that matter,"Liz said.

"Don't worry, we've got it covered," the older man said. "You take care of Robin. We'll take care of the Wall."

Liz and all the students except for two left. "Liz's daughter has leukemia, it's an iffy situation," the older man explained. "I'm Steve by the way. This is Slim." he said as he introduced the remaining man.

"I'm Catfish," I said. "Taking this thing off isn't easy. I have my own dresser."

"I'm a fashion design student," Slim said. "There ain't anything I can't take off and put back together again." I knew the basic arrangement of the costume, but had no idea what was attached behind my back. The costume wasn't fragile, but it wasn't made for mountain climbing either.

It took about ten or fifteen minutes of work, but I got out of it and all the parts were intact. I was so worried the costume would get damaged, I hadn't noticed I was naked in front of the two men. They, however, noticed me.

"Damn, surprises never cease," Slim said when he saw my cock.

Steve laughed. "Slim's not the refined type. He's always looking for love in all the wrong places. I myself would never notice that horse cock hanging between your legs."

"I have friends who claim it's not a cock. It's bait," I said.

"Does anyone swallow it hook line and sinker?" Slim asked.

"Damn Slim, I didn't know you could think that fast. That was good." Steve remarked. "I hate to put an end to this witty repartee, but is there any chance you would let us take some nude pictures? They'd be art, not porno."

"I'm naked anyway, why not," I said. "I don't really have much of a problem with porn for that matter."

"I have a sneaky suspicion CVU wouldn't approve." Steve said. We had a quick photographic session then I got dressed. Steve and Slim had a dispute as to who would take me to my car. I knew what the real problem was.

"If you boys want to get me alone so you can make a pass at me, forget it. I've got no problem playing with either of you, or both of you for that matter," I said. They took me to the theater to return the costume. Skyler was still there making last minutes improvements. When Slim met Skyler I saw love at first sight blossom. Slim volunteered to help and Steve and I went off to his apartment. It had been a long day, but it was only 9:30.

Steve was a high school English and Drama teacher who was adding photography to his skill set. He was not a size queen and he was a top. I asked him if he wanted me to come home with him. It didn't seem like a perfect fit.

"If I told you I haven't had any sex in six months when my partner walked out on and and I'm horny as shit, would you still come home home with me?" he asked.

"I'm a fucking Mother Theresa when it comes to horny men," I said. "Guys have to help each other out sometimes." He said thanks and we went into his apartment. We took a shower together then went to the bed room.

"I was trying to think, but I'm not sure I've ever been with an uncut guy before," Steve said. I sat in chair and he got down and began to nurse on my cock. At first he didn't suck it, he just played with the skin. He tongued the skin and sucked it into his mouth and then slowly worked his tongue into the pucker.

I hadn't realized how tired I was. I don't think I actually fell asleep, but I was more than willing for him to play with my foreskin without expending the energy on getting an erection. I was afraid he'd think I was rude for being so laid back, but that wasn't a problem at all. Steve wasn't a size queen, but he was in the process of discovering he was a foreskin fetishist. Steve didn't know this. He had never sucked an uncut cock so there was no way for him to know. He also hadn't realized that one of the extras of horse cock is a wide slit. I had a wide slit and a wide cum tunnel. The pucker of the foreskin pretty well lines us with the slit. His tongue didn't just explore the warm space between the skin and my cock head, it went down the tunnel into my shaft.

The chance this would happen and I wouldn't get hard was slim but it happened. I was in the chair half asleep. Steve was a stealth sucker. He was slow and gentle and made no sudden moves. When I came out of the half sleep, Steve was excited.

We got on the bed and sixty-nined. I got hard them but Steve was already hooked. He was a average guy. He was of average height, slightly hairy and possessed an average cock. It was beefy but average length. His head was well defined and flared. His balls were big and he had a nice sack.

Somehow his cock was perfect for sucking. I could easily take it all and every time I did I suctioned precum from his balls. It twitched and once and a while I'd get a little taste of his sperm mixed in with the precum. It was intensely pleasurable and stimulating, but I didn't feel the tenseness you get when are building up to a climax. It was low stress.

We took a rest break. "I didn't think you'd be like this at all," Steve said. "I thought I'd be trying to keep your cock out of may ass. I haven't had this much fun in years."

"I like to fuck, I don't need to fuck. Your former partner wasn't active sexually?"

"He could never quite get his act together. He never had a job for more than six months. I think he was looking for a man who could support him in the manner he was accustomed to," Steve said. "That isn't a high school teachers salary. I thought he was too depressed for sex. It turned out he was giving samples to potential benefactors."

I made a stab in the dark, "When was the last time you fucked a guy." I could read his mind.

"Maybe a year and a half ago," he replied. "Are you offering?"

"I guess I am," I replied. We returned to sucking for a while. I used my spit to lube his cock and then I sat on it. I don't know exactly what happened, but the cock that was perfect for sucking was damn good for fucking too. It was big enough to know I was being fucked, but easy to take, I think it must have been just right for rubbing my prostate the right way.

We switched positions so I was on my back and he got my legs on his shoulders. This gave him control and let him fuck at his own pace. Steve was hard but fair. There was no question he wanted to shoot off, but he also wanted to have some fun along the way. I knew exactly where his cock was at all times, his cock head was bigger than I thought and I could feel it. He knew exactly where my prostate was and he loved rubbing his bloated knob against it. In short it was the perfect fuck. It took him twenty minutes before he gave me a sperm bath.

He had a total body orgasm. He shook and shivered and quivered as he shot his seed deep in my ass. He collapsed and rested. A few minutes later he was licking my foreskin again. I was tired and dozed off. When I woke, Steve was asleep with my cock in his mouth and his tongue inside the skin.

Next: Chapter 121: Catfish Does Shakespeare 8

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