Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 24, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 12

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at, or at

After a week of having firemen or policemen on watch in the upstairs bathroom, I had to admit it was getting on my nerves. Poor Skeeter was almost in a decline because of the lack of sexual stimulation. I felt petty for thinking that way, since getting the arsonist was high on my life list and I wanted to do anything I could to help. It was damned inconvenient.

Julio and Steve had returned to New York and the regular arson investigators were back in charge. The new men didn't have much flare. We had been in the middle of the investigation for several weeks. We were now definitely on the sidelines.

At the end of the second week Vince returned to visit and gave me an update. As the Baltimore people got deeper into the scheme, they had uncovered a complex plot. At the core it was a land clearance scheme. The arsonist would get rid of inconvenient historic buildings. The arsonist added the murders and the greedy real estate agents found themselves accessories to murder and were hooked. The Baltimore investigators strongly suspected blackmail provided an additional source of income for the arsonist.

I thanked him for the information and told him I appreciated being included. I confessed my minor irritation with having officers in the house all the time.

"It's natural." Vince said. "A stakeout must be the most boring thing we ever have to do. Everyone gets testy and irritable. No one wants a bored and testy fireman in the bathroom." Skeeter came in and overheard the conversation.

"Steve and Julio were no problem at all." Skeeter said. "I could have kept them from getting bored. It would have been a pleasure!" Vince laughed.

"You know the Richmond Police force is notably anti gay," Vince said, "but there are exceptions. Some cops move in the same circles I do and we hook up occasionally. Next week Officers McRoy and Noland will be on watch. I think you'll like them."

"Hot damn!" exclaimed Skeeter. "The cum drought will be over!"

"They're top notch men, really gung ho, but I think they will enjoy this place." The older fireman explained. "They were prison guards who decided they would rather put guys in jail than watch them when they are behind bars. Butch McRoy is 100% American Prime beef, a marine type. Catfish Noland, well, you'll have to decide what he is yourself. He doesn't fit in any predefined categorizes if you get my meaning. They're good men."

"How exactly did you tell them they were going to be doing a stakeout in a gay man's house?" I asked. I was a little worried that the word might be out. The Richmond force was known for Gay baiting.

"I met them at the Alcazar, several years ago." Vince said. "I told them you were working on a replacement for the club." He paused and chuckled. "I said you and your crew were going to take payment in kind! Butch liked that. I thought he would bust a gut he laughed so much. Don't worry one bit."

The two men arrived at dusk the next day and took up residence in Skeeter's bathroom. Butch was more than six feet with a blond flat top and movie star good looks. You could see his toned and buffed body through the city police uniform.

Catfish looked like something the cat dragged in. Dumpy and short with a drooping handle bar mustache, he had an unbelievably strong mountain accent. In his defense you could see something impressive was hanging between his legs.

They were absolute straight arrows when it came to work. They were both in their forties and had joined the force late. They wanted to rise and they very much wanted to catch the arsonist. Off duty they were complete sex maniacs with a monumental tolerance of almost any sexual activity. Any activity that involved men and cock, that is.

Only one man was to be on duty at a time. The budgetary shortcomings of the city made two men a luxury. Their plan was to have one of them sight the arsonist and the other would drive over to apprehend him. Only one of the men was on duty and the other had a free night unless there was an alarm. Skeeter thought he had died and gone to heaven.

With high powered night vision binoculars, the view from the window was extraordinarily clear. The second night they were on watch, Butch saw a purse snatching three blocks away and Catfish, who gave the impression of languid lethargy, was out of the house and onto the snatcher in two minutes. I never saw a man move so fast in my life.

Butch guided him by radio as he called in reinforcements. Butch saw Catfish tackle the man as additional patrol cars rolled in. Catfish returned an hour later looking like a terrier who had just killed a rat.

"I hate those guys! They terrorize women for ten or twenty bucks!" he said with ferocious intensity. "Somehow I think I may have just broke his wrist when I got him." he said. Catfish was smiling. "I just wonder if his hand will work right the next time he tries this?"

Skeeter had been doing all of the entertaining for the first nights. I knew him well enough that neither of the policemen could have left the house with a full load in his balls. All of a sudden I began to feel an attraction to Catfish. I never get infatuated or have the hots for a guy. I like men and I like cocks, but I seem to have friends and sex buddies rather than lovers. They are deep friendships like with Skeeter or Ed Gray, and the sex is great, but I rarely lusted after a particular man. I, improbably, found myself lusting after Catfish.

I also noticed the upstairs bathroom was being catered. The first night, Bob and Karl brought over cookies and a piece of cake. Two nights later it was dinner. Butch volunteered it was the best beef stew he had ever tasted. It was Boeuf Bourguignonne, Karl glowed in appreciation of the compliment. I noticed Bob looked happy too, especially when Butch was off duty and had time to talk. I had noticed Karl usually cruised men solo and wondered if Butch had inspired their first joint cruise.

They caught another purse snatcher the next day, and discovered they had found a ring of young men who attacked women at dusk. Many of the victims were black women who hadn't reported the crime, but Catfish's special interrogation techniques had led to the second snatcher telling him a lot about the ring before the back up car arrived. In spite of his size Catfish was strong and could handle himself.

I was embarrassed at my interest in Catfish and was in a quandary as to how to get him in bed. Skeeter seemed to be able to deal with the sexual needs of both men and it seemed too obvious to show up and make a pass. It was early Saturday morning when Catfish came down the stairs from the attic. This was after he caught another purse snatcher and he was still keyed up with the adrenaline rush.

He had tackled the man in a puddle of water and was drenched. He hadn't noticed how wet he was until later when he calmed down and realized he was cold. I was in bed. He knocked on the door and asked if he could use the shower. I said sure. I toyed with the idea of jumping in with him, but I was dead tired and fell back asleep before I could formulate a course of action. I woke a little later with Catfish in bed with me shivering. He was having chills. I put my arm out and pulled him closer.

He rolled over next to me and I put my arms around him. His body was still cold and I held him. Catfish must have been at the lower limit of the size requirements for the police department. I was a good hundred pounds heavier and six or seven inches taller. After five or ten minutes my body heat warmed him up and he stopped shivering. I wondered if it was just the cold, or the excitement of the arrest and the psychological let down that follows a dramatic event that had an effect on him.

I was so surprised to find him in my bed I didn't get a chance to think of him sexually until he had warmed up and was more comfortable. My cock seemed to have different ideas. Lusting after a man in your mind is one thing. Lusting in your cock is another. I didn't want to take advantage of the cold and tired man. My cock had no problem at all.

I was lying behind him and began to get hard. Human anatomy being what it is, my cock was in his ass crack. I hoped he didn't notice.

"Hey, buddy." he whispered. "I love cock, but I'm a top man."

"Sorry." I said. "I'm not trying to fuck you. It seems that my cock got inspired." He chuckled and turned over.

"Inspired is fine with me." he said. "I could use some inspiration. I just don't find it in my ass." He paused. "Skeeter's a sucking fool. What's your poison?" I laughed.

"Well, I'm not as single minded as Skeeter." I replied while I reached down and fondled his cock and balls. "I'm more of a Renaissance man. Top, bottom, sucker and suckee, they all work for me. Damn, you're hung! Your cock must be half your body weight!" He laughed.

"That's me! I knew one guy who thought it was a birth defect it was so big." Catfish obviously was proud of his equipment, and had a lot to be proud of. Even soft, his cock was thick and heavy. I stroked it several times and it began to inflate. He had a ball sack with two, huge, apricot sized testes in them. Everything was oversized.

"My cock ain't pretty like Butch's, but it's all cock." Catfish continued. I felt inside the pucker of skin shrouding his cock head and felt the slippery fluid that was already oozing from his slit. "Let me be straight with you." he added. "I like to fuck as much as Skeeter likes to suck. That's kind of my objective once I get revved up."

"That's fair enough."

"And my cock ain't for amateurs." he explained. "It's not for first timers. If you like cock in your ass and like it a lot, it's for you." I had skinned him back and his head was exposed. It was thick and covered in ooze by now. He had a club cock, a classic blunt instrument, with the shaft and head about the same size.

"Do you always end up fucking?" I asked.

"Nope. I like to suck, don't mind draining a guy's balls from time to time. Of course, I like to be sucked." Catfish paused as he stroked my cock. I was as hard as I ever get. "I'd really like to fuck tonight though. Really."

"I'm no amateur, "I said, "but I've never taken one quite like yours." He laughed.

"Take it from Dr. Catfish." he said. "The doctor has some experience in these matters, and I think you are ripe and ready for plugging. I think we're going to have a really good time tonight. Do you have some lube?" Catfish was business like in his approach to fucking. I had lube in the night stand and a bottle of poppers.

I was turned on, but unsure what he would do. I knew he would be in my ass shortly, but I didn't have a clue as to the way guys fucked in the Mountains of Virginia. He worked some lubricant in my ass with his fingers and my worries vanished. He knew his way around an ass. I lost my inhibitions and moaned as he poked my prostate. He was like a horse trader evaluating a possible purchase. He hit a good spot again and I moaned again.

"That's it!" he said. "You're nice and ripe. I love a guy that's moaning and oozing before I've even slipped an inch into the love canal. We are going to have a good night!" By this time he had my legs on his shoulders and had nuzzled his cock head in my hole. He applied some pressure and didn't seem to like i,t so he added more lubricant to his cock and tried again.

"The love Doctor's in charge now." he said. "A little cock therapy is what we need." He gave me a sniff of the poppers and took a snort himself. "Do you like it fast or slow?" he asked. Suddenly my sphincter lost all of its strength and his cock slid in to the hilt.

"Holy shit! That's good!" he cried. Up to this point Catfish had been detached, almost professional about sex. He made two thrusts and that vanished. He was good and I was good and the next half hour vanished in a sexual haze. In spite of his appearance, he was a considerate and tender lover, very responsive to me and my sensations.

For the first ten minutes or so, I could do nothing other than moan and squirm in pleasure. Eventually, I got more in control of my feelings and began to squeeze my ass to caress his cock. Catfish liked that a lot. He began to moan. He asked to slow down several times to keep from cumming too soon and we did. After a rest we went at it again and he shot as I shot. It was spectacular, but also satisfying.

I figure that sex can only be so bad, but Catfish and I were perfectly sexually compatible. My ass was meant for his cock. Neither of us was romantic, but we got downright affectionate as we decelerated from the orgasms. I had enjoyed playing with the Captain a week earlier, but that was nothing like Catfish. The moment the diminutive Policeman was in my ass, we were fuck buddies and friends.

I fell asleep and Catfish got out of bed without waking me. He finished the watch for Butch. Just before dawn there was thunderous noise as Catfish and Butch raced down the stairs. "They caught him!" Catfish yelled as the left. Their cruiser raced toward downtown.

Butch called the house at 8:00. The other watch site at the church in downtown spotted the torch at 5:30. He was caught with an accelerant and an incendiary device, as well as a body in the trunk of his car. The body was that of the owner of Continental Reality, Smith.

Everything fell into place. The torch was a Baltimore man, but had airline tickets to Philadelphia and Chicago as well as Richmond. It was clearly a major arson ring. With the string of burned buildings and dead bodies, he wasn't going to talk, but the police raided the homes of the number two and three men at Continental and they would do anything to cooperate and reduce their sentences.

Much to my surprise, Butch and Catfish remained on watch from the attic window. Butch and Catfish had stumbled onto a ring of purse snatchers who had been victimizing the downtown residential areas for six months. Fortunately it was a loosely affiliated group of thugs and they didn't realize individual members were disappearing from the streets. The police wanted to get as many as they could before word got out.

I was relieved to have Catfish in the house for a while longer. Bob and Karl were more relieved. They moved into high gear. Catfish's sexual interests were soon well known. He was very open about his preferences and skills. Butch was the strong silent type who seemed to be uninterested in sex. Skeeter assured us that wasn't true, but, Bob was uneasy. He was a reserved banker and was afraid he would be rejected.

Julio and Steve resolved the problem. They returned to Richmond to give evidence and help coordinate things. They stayed with Bob and Karl. They too liked Butch, but I could tell they didn't have a clue as to what Catfish was. He was like a man from another planet to the New Yorkers. The purse snatching watch was over at 10:00, so Butch and Catfish were relaxing in Skeeter's apartment when Julio and Steve arrived with Karl and Bob, who were bearing food as usual.

Vince must have told the firemen about the policemen's sexual orientation. Steve and Julio were only in town for one more night and they wanted to make the most of it. Sex was in the air and everyone was in the mood. Julio and Steve knew Bob and Karl, but didn't think of them as sexual playmates until now.

I thought I was going to go to bed early and leave the men to play by themselves. Unfortunately there was something in my ass that was telling me otherwise. If there was a chance to get Catfish's cock massaging my prostate, I was going to stay on the off chance he'd fuck me. I soon discovered I was a necessary component of the party.

Catfish and Butch were both tops, as was Bob, Julio and Steve. Skeeter wasn't into anal as a top or bottom. Thus, Karl and I were much in demand. All the tops were good sports and were willing to swing the other way, but their preference was to top and I felt a need to help them out. They had been working hard and had captured a vicious arsonist ring as well as some unsavory street scum that had been terrorizing the neighborhood. The least I could do was to let them in my ass for a few minutes.

I heard Bob whisper to Karl that he had never been to an orgy before. I was a bit shocked. I had never thought of the sex as being part of an orgy. Perhaps it was because I had never thought of the participants in an orgy as polite and considerate. Rude, inconsiderate people liked sex too and the experience would be very different. Somehow I was surrounded by nice guys who liked man sex a lot. They may not have actually said, "Can you do me a favor, may I fuck you, Please?" There are other ways to tell that a man is interested. All of our sex was consensual. Sometimes you found yourself going a bit further than anticipated and sometime my ass was stretched, but mutual enjoyment was the objective.

It wasn't organized like a gang bang, but somehow three hours later there had been a lot of cock in my ass. I had never been in an all anal group before. Most group activities had been oral, with some anal after everyone got revved up. I'm not turned on by uniforms and figures of authority, although I know some men are excited by images of authority and domination.

Bob and Karl resolved the slut problem well. Butch liked to screw doggy style and Karl liked it that way too. Karl got on his hands and knees and Butch popped in his ass. I had guessed Butch was a no fooling around kind of guy and he went in deep on the fist thrust. Karl was winded. Bob scooted under his lover and sucked Karl's cock and Butch's low hangers at the same time.

I sat on Steve's cock and Julio licked his partner's balls. Catfish and Julio were helping. Catfish was giving pointers on what I liked and where the good spots were in my ass. I got carried away as I did a dance on Steve's prick, I leaned forward to kiss him and the cock popped out. Before I could sit back again, Julio was in my ass.

When you sit on a cock the fuckee is in control. When I kissed Steve, I was in the classic doggy style position that gave the power to the fucker. Julio would pump until he got close to shooting. He would then pull out and guide me back onto Steve's meat. When Steve got close, he would tell Julio and he would push me forward so he could replace Steve in my ass. They were partners and well coordinated.

Catfish was even impressed. He played traffic cop, insuring that the flow of lust was uninterrupted. It was spectacular but exhausting and I asked for a rest period. We all collapsed on the bed. Skeeter came over and sucked my cock.

On the other side of the room Bob was fucking Karl now and Butch was under the caterer, sucking cock. I get tired after a long session. Karl seemed to get more excited and the cocks relentlessly pounded his ass. It was as if they were pumping energy into him. He was moaning continuously.

"I was hoping to have some of your ass tonight." Catfish stated. I was almost asleep when he said this. Instantly, I was wide awake.

Next: Chapter 13

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