Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 30, 2009


Catfish does Shakespeare 6

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Sometimes the most casual, lust filled event can bear fruit. After Dean and the dwarfs left I got a call from Rufus. He needed to talk, right away he said. I told him to come over early the next morning. I was afraid he was having guilt pangs about his trip on the wild side.

"How early?" he asked.

"I'm up at six," I said.

Rufus arrived at 6:30 with another guy named Temple. Temple was older and bigger than Rufus and knew who I was. He told Rufus the actor portraying wall was in fact, Catfish, the detective. Rufus knew something and he was afraid.

"I think I'm in trouble,"Rufus said. "Temple and I were talking about the bomb at the theater. I think I know something about it."

"Tell me what you know," I said. "I can tell you if you're in trouble."

"I don't want to rat on a friend," he said.

"Ratting on a friends has to do with a baseball breaking a window," I replied. "We are talking big time felonies here. Bombings and murder."

"Murder?" Rufus said, obviously shocked. Then it dawned on him. "That costume maker?" I nodded.

"Temple lived in the Fan District near the Temple. I was thinking the bomb was a joke. He says it isn't," Rufus said.

"My neighbor's house was burned out. My little brother was cut by flying glass," Temple said. "Bombs aren't jokes."

"They actually didn't use the words bomb. They said Midsummer would go out with a bang, with a great big bang," Rufus said.

"Okay, who is they?"

"Emma and her pal Eileen were talking. Eileen is writing a play on Russian anarchists and was doing research on home made bombs," Rufus said. "They were talking about how easy it was to make a bomb. They were talking about making a little list."

"Eileen was in a production of the Mikado when she was in school," Temple added. "She played one of the three little school girls, but was really bitter about not getting the Lord High Executioner role."

"Who played the Lord High Executioner?" I asked.

"I did," Temple said. "I'm a bass-baritone."

"Are you a theater major?"

"Nope, I was a music major, specializing in choral directing," Temple said. "I am the associate director of music for Wally." Wally was a old friend and playmate of mine. Wally ran a tight ship, and if Temple was his associate, Temple was okay.

"Eileen is 100% bitch, mean nasty and rude. She has a chip on her shoulder as big as Mount Rushmore," Temple said. "She never fails to get a part, she is screwed out of it. Every one of her performances is perfect, if she only hadn't been sabotaged by the no talent drones she's force to work with."

"Miss Sunshine?" I asked. Both Rufus and Temple laughed. "Getting back to business, why are they doing this? What could justify a bomb?"

"Eileen hates Shakespeare. She says it why real plays are so rare today." Rufus said. "Emma is a follower and has no mind of her own. She just does what Eileen or Tony tells her."

"Is Eileen associated with Tony?"

"Just professionally," Rufus said.

"They sleep together," Temple said.

"Your kidding!" Rufus exclaimed.

"Of course I am. Tony use to fuck her two or three times a week just after rehearsals. They never slept." Temple said. "I had the apartment next to her for a year. Tony was a regular visitor."

"They fucked?" Rufus asked in disbelief.

"The walls were thin. "Get it deeper, deeper, deeper!" was the phrase I heard," Temple said. "I don't think they were planting Tulips."

"Eileen did not get in the all female Lear, and she regards the all male Midsummer as a gay plot," Rufus said. "She has relationship problems with men. She thinks it because her potential mates are lured away by the lure of the gay life style."

"Was she at CVU when they had the earlier poison pen event?" I asked. Rufus knew nothing of the earlier out break, but Temple knew about it.

"I'm not positive, but she could have been," he said. "I got one of the letters."

"I thought it was an all Theater Department thing," I said.

"That was while I was playing the Lord High Executioner. My letter suggested I got the part by blowing the director and I had kept the part from going to a real man," Temple said. "It was completely untrue. I fucked the director an year and a half after the last performance." We laughed.

"How were the reviews?" Rufus asked.

"They were glowing. We had to add extra performances," Temple said. "I was listed as an up and coming musical comedy star. "A gifted actor with a beautiful and expressive voice," were the exact words they used, not that I remember the exact words."

"Was this before or after the ill fated Hamlet?" I asked.

"Just before," Temple said, "As I recall Tony referred to it as drivel for the plebeians. Tony was always gracious to other plays and directors."

"Did either woman mention Tony with respect to the big bang?" I asked.

"No, not at all," Rufus said. "There is one odd thing. Emma asked me where she could get some petrol. I asked if she meant gasoline. Petrol is what the English call gas. She said she needed petrol. I told her to go to the Petrol station. She looked it up in the yellow pages and found a Petrol Station."

That is what they call a clue. Rufus had to leave. He had a job. Temple stayed.

"Wally said I'd like you," he said. "Actually he said I'd really like you."

"Are you a size queen?"

"I think it would be more correct to say I aspire to be a size queen," Temple said.


"God yes!" he replied.

"I need to take a shower. Do you want to join me?"

Temple started to take off his shirt. I took that as a yes. He was naked by the time I got the water going. He over six feet tall and looked as if he still had his baby fat. Temple would need to be careful about his weight as he got older His body was covered in curly black hair and his cock was more than respectable. He was a solid seven inches and had bull balls. It took about two or three seconds to realize he was a first rate cock sucker.

He didn't look it, but his father must have been a snake. He must have had one of those detachable jaws that let snakes swallow things three times their size. We had a quick shower so we could get on the bed and 69.

Being enthusiastic and appreciative is an nice characteristic for a man, and Temple was that. He liked my cock and wasn't afraid to show it. I got into him big time too. When I deep throated him I suctioned great globs of precum from his balls. He was ripe and ready. When I buried my nose into his balls I smelled the musky scent of man, but also caught a whiff of lubricant. His ass was already lubricated. That too is a clue to what he wanted.

He wanted to get fucked from the rear. I got him on his side and wedged my cock between his buns. Temple was no virgin and he had a realistic sense of what it would take to get my entire cock in his ass. He wasn't shy, and he was willing to do what he needed to do. It took a while, but both he and I were happy with the results. The first half of my cock was hard for him to take, but the second half was fine. I was hitting spots in his ass never before touched by a cock.

Sometimes I wonder if there is ever a point when you can say you've done it all sexually. It seemed to me there are always new experiences. Sometimes it's due to a new partner or situation. Temple was young and had hardly scratched the surface. I'm not so young and feel the same. I've been surprised when I was with a old friend or playmate like John the contractor or Wally the organist, and we end up in a new place. I don't know how many times I've fucked them, and it's new more often than not.

Once I got Temple fully impaled and I kept the pressure up until he shot. I pulled out and let him rest, then went in from the front. That position on his back with his legs on my shoulders leaves me in the drivers seat. I get to watch his face and cock and see him react.

He had already shot off so I wasn't sure how good it would be for him. As my cock slid into his hole, Temple's cock inflated. It was as if my cock was pumping it full. I guess in a sense it was. Temple ass was a wonder and it seemed to accommodate my cock easily. We had ten or fifteen minutes of fun then he popped a second time and I shot off too. We showered again the day was well started. I called Dean and told him what I had found out.

This was to be a long day. The theater was being cleaned and repaired, so it was a mad house. We were to do a photo shoot of the costumes and scenes. These were to be used for publicity and for the actors resumes. While I didn't have much of a future as an actor, I was in a number of scenes and I had to be there to complete the ensemble. My costume had turned out well and Skyler wanted good photos.

We went to the CVU theater for the photos. It was between plays and was big enough to stage the photos with a black background. The actual scenery was being cleaned and freshened up. The Duke of Richmond's Players was independent of the university, but there was a close informal relationship. A number of students appeared to clean up the scenery.

My friend Bobby Wilmot went to help and I asked him to take attendance. I was interested in who might show up. Bobby was a fixture of Richmond Theater life and he provided coffee and refreshments for the cleaning crew. He was also a confirmed gossip and no one would think it was odd if he was asking questions.

The photo shoot took forever. The photographer was good and Charley wanted the pictures to be atmospheric. Once the performances were over, this would be the only record of the play, so the actors needed good pictures.

The photographer was a rather aggressive woman named Liz. She was no nonsense, but had a clear vision of what Charley wanted. She had two helpers to do the lights and set up. One was a slim bearded guy named Carl, and the other was a nerdy guy they called Stoner. He had a slightly ZZ Top like look, but was good with the lights.

Carl helped with the costumes, since most of the dressers were working at the theater. He was business like with my peasant costume, but when I changed to my wall costume, Carlo was less business like. I couldn't get into my costume without being completely naked. It was an all male cast, so that wasn't a problem. For Carlo it was an opportunity. I needed help getting some of the straps that held it together attached. I was the last one in the dressing room. I told him I needed some help. He said he'd help, but had to do something first. He disappeared for a few seconds and returned. Carlo was helpful. Stoner came into the dressing room and he was willing to help too. Skyler had been strictly business. when he dressed me. Stoner was strictly funny business.

"Damn, is that fucker real?" he whispered to me. That was a rhetorical question. He had my cock in his hand. "Damn, it's a beauty."

"You like them big?"

"I sure do," Stoner replied. "Do you give samples?" He was like a kid asking a star for an autograph. If I weren't always horny I'd have told him to buzz off. Stoner had all the sophistication of a construction boot, but I kind of liked the direct approach.

"I have my heart set on not getting my pictures taken without a hard on," I said. "Maybe after the shoot?"

"I have hit the jack pot today!" Stoner exclaimed. "I live near by. I'll wait for you after the shoot." I finished getting dressed and went to get my picture taken.

I hadn't shaved in two weeks so my face was a furry as my body. Carl had fluffed up my chest, back and belly hair so it merged with the ivy and the primroses Skyler had woven into the costume. If anything shifted and inch or two I would have a problem with indecent exposure. I soon realized that wasn't going to happen. Skyler was a craftsman and everything stayed in place and was surprisingly comfortable too.

The photographer, Liz, had a good time. We were the last shoot and she was fast. Liz did film and digital pictures. I saw the digitals and they were good. I looked spectacular. It looked like an unruly patch of second growth. If you knew who I was you could tell it was me, but otherwise I was transformed. After the shoot, I got out of my costume and went home with Stoner.

Stoner live in a hippie pad a few blocks from the university. He wasn't old enough to have been a hippie, but he must have liked the look. Given the combinations of beads, tie died fabrics and Lava lamps, I immediately noticed the absence of the smell of marijuana. I mentioned that and Stoner told me that was all in his past.

"You've had some problems?"

"That's one way to put it," Stoner replied. "I had the worse case of self hating fag known to man. Carl straightened me out." As if on cue, Carl came in the front door of the apartment.

"Damn it Stoner, you're mellowing. I thought you'd be naked by now," Carl said. "Stoner's the romantic type. Every once and a while he looks at the face of the guy he's sleeping with."

"I'm the romantic type too," I said. "I like to get down to business and then talk afterwards."

"Do you mind if I watch?" Carl asked.

"As long as you get naked, it's fine," I said. "I like threesomes too." By then Stoner was taking off his shirt. We went to the bedroom. They were an oddly miss matched pair. Both were tall and thin, Carl worked out, but Stoner wasn't in bad shape. Both were hairy. Carl had pitch black hair and while his chest, gut and back were hairy it looked as if every hair was manicured. Stoner was dirty blond and it looked like he had been tumble dried and had no access to a comb. He had that look some dogs get when they really need to go to a groomer.

I soon realized they were a team. While Stoner was the most vocal in his admiration of my cock, but I think really turned on Carl. Stoner was also a bit shy, unlike Carl. We had a good time. Much to my amazement, it was Carl who took a ride on my cock. Not only did he ride it, he did a convincing imitation of a cowboy on a bucking bronco.

Stoner wanted my cock but was timid. I took my time and it turned out to be fine. I slipped in his rear as we laid on the bed. It was slow and gradual. Carl spiced it up by rear ending me. He had a long thin member and it was nice and easy. Eventually we traded places and I fucked Carl a second time as Stoner screwed me. That was the highlight of the afternoon.

Carl was open and my cock slid in easily, then he tighten his sphincter and held me in. Stoner had a fat, meaty cock and it did a job on my prostate. We were all excited and turned on. Stoner was a lovely fucker. He made love to my asshole, no mean feat. I noticed he produced a lot of pre cum, so ehrn he was in my as he was self lubricating. He had a tendancy to had single shot ejaculations rather than a single orgasm. We had an impressive triple orgasm and rested. We talked.

They were CVU graduates and had been together for six years. They had been at CVU during the last poison pen episode and Stoner had been the light man for Hamlet.

"You know, the only thing the critic from the newspaper liked about the play was the lighting," Stoner said. "If you want to learn how to lose friends, let that happen to you. Tony hasn't spoken to me since."

"What I hear about Tony makes me think he's a special guy," I said.

"Special is one way to put it," Stoner said. "Have you ever seen the movie, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie?"

"A long time ago."

"Well I was impressed by Tony when he came here, then I saw the movie. Miss Jean Brodie was a teacher who lived through her students. She got them to do hat she was too timid to do," Stoner explained. "That is Tony. He leads you on and gets you to take risks he's unwilling to do. He's the big time radical, but you get to be stuck in a disaster of a play in front of half the town and all your friends. He walks away and says the actors were too immature to carry out his high concept. It was the concept that ate shit, not the actors."

"Do you know Emma and Eileen?" I asked.

Carl rolled his eyes. "Emma is just pathetic, Eileen would have been well suited to be a nurse at Auschwitz. They are two stupid women."

"Talk about the Miss Jean Brodie problem!" Stoner exclaimed. "90% of the students who fell under Tony's spell out grew it. Not them. They both think he's Jesus here for the second coming, and Studly Do Right too."

"Could they have been part of the anti gay letters writing campaign?"

"Shit, I could have been part of that campaign," Stoner said. "Tony was into real men, and that's what I wanted to be, not a gay guy. I can barely write a word. If I sent the letter the recipients would be complaining more about the spelling than the contents of th letter. I'm a lot better hating myself than hating other people."

"What made you see the light?"

"Carl. I had no idea anyone as handsome and talented as Carl could love me," Stoner said.

"You're overstating it again," Carl said.

Next: Chapter 120: Catfish Does Shakespeare 7

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