Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 31, 2009


Catfish does Shakespeare

By Bald Hairy Man

This story is intended for adults who are interested in gay stores involving man to man sex. If you aren't interested, or are too young to read the story, Do Not! This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. If you have any comments on the story send them to or

It had been a quiet period at my office. We had things under control. Most of our clients were happy and crime had taken a holiday. One afternoon I got a call from Santa. Several years earlier I had spent a Christmas with Santa and his elves. There had been storm and air ports were closed, Santa and his elves asked me to there room and we had screwed our way through the holiday. Santa was a well known Shakespearian actor who specialized in playing Falstaff and other comic roles.

He was in Richmond for a play. "Catfish, we've got a problem," he said. "I think something bad is going on here."

"Tell me more," I said.

"I'm with the Duke of Richmond's Company. It's the new Shakespearian company here. We're doing the second play of our first season. Did you read about Queen Lear?" I had. It had been a all female cast reworking of King Lear. It had been daring and original. "I'm here playing Bottom in a Midsummer Night's Dream. It's going to be an actual period production with Elizabethan costumes and an all male cast. Young men will be playing the female roles. David and Rudy are here playing the fairies. They're all going to be played by dwarfs."

"What is the problem?"

"Poison pen letters. Actually they are more like threats," he said.

"Are they that bad?"

"There is something very wrong about them. Maybe a stalker, maybe an obsessed fan. They are ugly."

"Is there anyone in the play who is famous enough to have a stalker?" I asked.

"Not even close. That's the problem. It makes no sense at all," Santa said. "I have a bad feeling about it. Could you look into it?"

I said I''d help.

The next day I went to an old theater on Broad Street that was the rehearsal hall for the company. Santa greeted me. It was mostly a young company, and Santa was the daddy. I met the director, Charlie Smith; he was 35 or so. We went to the office. They had several of the letters. Most poison pen letters are poorly written with many grammatical errors and spelling problems. These were carefully written and seemed to indicate intimate knowledge of the victim's lives.

"I think we have a voyeur," I said. "Have there been any incidents?"

"A tire was slashed," Charlie said. "My partner had a problem with his car breaks. A line had been cut. One of our actors was followed. Nothing happened, but he was scared."

"I can get some guys to watch the area around the theater," I said.

"I think we need someone inside," Santa said.

"There's no question someone on the inside is involved," Charlie said. "I don't know if it's a spy, or the letter writer himself."

"I have a role for you to play in the production, Catfish," Santa said. "Are you familiar with a Midsummer Night's Dream?"

"I only know the name," I said

"There is a play with in the play. It's a love story and a fantasy about fairies and woodland sprites, but there are comic interludes featuring rustics putting on a play," Santa said.

"Are you thinking no one could be more rustic than me?"

Santa smiled. "Well the thought did occur to me. The roles are small except for mine. I am Bottom the ultimate buffoon. The other roles are minor and it would give you a good excuse for being here."

"Do I have any lines?"

"Very few," Charlie said. "I was thinking about you playing Tom Snout, a wall."

"A wall?"

"It's a long story,"

"Does it make any sense?"

"Technically no," Charlie said. "It's a romp. That why Frederic is here. It takes a good actor to make it work."

"Frederic? Oh, you mean Santa." I said. Santa turned out to be Frederic DeVille, a well known actor who pinch hit as Santa if he wasn't working on a play at Christmas.

"If you were to call me Fred rather than Santa it would be nice, Catfish."

"Maybe you should call me Will. Someone might get the connection to my security firm," I said.

I joined the Duke of Richmond's Players. They gave me a movie to watch. That would be an easier way to get into the play than reading it. I got to like it after the second time. It were three stories that touched accidentally. Bottom was funny and over the top. I could see how it would be fun if it was well acted.

The next day I went to rehearsal. In the morning I went each of the actors' resumes and photos. About half of the company had gone to the local university. Another quarter lived in Richmond, but had been trained elsewhere. The remainder were from outside. Many of these were the dwarfs who were playing the fairies.

Much of the cast attended the same local university. I would do some checking on that. I had some connections there. Later when I met the actors I didn't recognize many of them from their head shots. They all had a good photographer.

There may have been a few straight men in the group, but there weren't many. There was a full range of gay types from leather punks to flaming queens. The dwarfs added an element of fantasy. David and Rudy were there with several younger dwarfs. They had been Santa's elves when I last saw them.

Charlie introduced me as a new cast member playing the role of the rough cast wall. I said a few words, and the cast seemed to think I was in character as a rustic buffoon. So far so good. I knew the older man playing Theseus, the Duke of Athens, but he gave no indication he knew me. He was John Smithers and was the morning weather man on Channel 3. He had received one of the letters, so he must have known why I was there.

They did a read through of the first act. All I had to do was read my lines and act stupid. That I did admirably. After the reading John came to me and asked if I'd like a cup of coffee. I said sure, so we went to his apartment. I was a few blocks away in a loft building. The young guy playing his future wife in the play came with us, he is name was Lance.

The apartment was new and nice. He got the model apartment when they sold out the building, Complete with furnishings. John had a cute Cocker Spaniel named Anchorman and was affable. John was one of those men on television who seemed to go to all the local events and was well known and well liked. He was also one of those men who was more photogenic than handsome.

"I take it you are looking into the problem?" he said.

"yes. I'm not sure if it a nasty prank, just a guy with really bad attitude or something worse," I said.

"Someone must think it's bad if you're involved?"

"It's still more bad vibes than fact," I said.

"Well someone followed me," Lance said. "I live next to the campus." Lance was in his early 20s and blandly good looking.

"Did you see anything?"

"I caught a glimpse of a man in a long coat," he said. "It was a warm night and the coat was unnecessary."

"You're sure it was a man?"

"Yes. His walk and stance was masculine. I've played female roles and seen women playing men. This was a man," he explained. John sat next to Lance and had his arm around his shoulders. I had met John at a gay party. I had aways assumed his sexual preference was why he was still the morning weather man.

"Do you have any problems with former friends?" I asked.

"Lovers you mean?" Lance asked. "Not that I am aware at. I tend to be faithful as Anchorman here. They leave me, not the other way around." "Are you two a couple?" I asked.

Both men laughed. "I think it would be more correct to say we are recreational outlets," John said. "Plain old friends with benefits."

I smiled. "That can be good too." I had the feeling they had a recreational activity planned after I left.

John was a mind reader. "Would you like to join us for some fun?" he asked. "I'm a bottom and have been trying to develop Lance's top side. He is a natural bottom." I must have looked a little uneasy. "By the way, Lance is a size queen." The three of us adjourned to the bedroom.

Lance was nice enough to be fully erect by the time we had stripped. He had a thin lollipop style cock. John looked good naked. He was well tanned and in good shape. He had shaved his body hair, but it was growing back in an even layer. His cock was shaped like a stumpy butt plug. That John was a bottom was an understatement. As soon as he was naked he got on the edge of the bed, hooked his legs with his arms and opened his ass wide.

A second or two later Lance's cock head was in John's ass. Lance looked at me with fear and trepidation as I stripped. I think I was a lot more hairy than his usual playmates. When he saw my cock fear turned to lust. I got on the bed behind John and held his legs open for Lance. My balls dangled in John's face and John licked them, then he got turned on and went at it. He shot off easily.

Lance took his time pulling out. My balls were still in John's mouth but I was nice and hard. "It's going to take a lot of lube to get that in me," Lance said.

"Are you getting cold feet?"

Lance smiled. "No, just thinking aloud."

"I o take my time, but there's a point of no return," I said. Lance had been slowly stroking his cock as we talked. Suddenly warm stuff began to splatter on my body. He had popped. Lance was as surprised as I was. I asked if I could get a rain check, he he readily agreed. I went home.

That evening I got a call from David. He and the other dwarfs were in an apartment a few blocks from mine. He asked if I could get come by and renew old acquaintances. I said sure and I walked over.

They were staying in an old Art Deco style apartment house on Grove avenue. Apparently the theater company maintained an unit there for visiting actors. David and his friend Rudy were very masculine bearded men. David was blond and blue eyed, his beard was more luxuriant than I remembered. David had a black beard. David was playing Puck, he had been a gymnast and was in good shape. Rudy was going to Oberon, the fairy king.

There were two younger men I didn't know. Samuel was perhaps 22. He was blond and looked younger than his years. He was to play Titania the queen of the fairies. Tommy was to play Cobweb one of the lesser fairies.

The third floor apartment was nice and well furnished. It was hot. The men were in varied states of undress. When David answered to the door, he whispered, "We're all horny as hell. Is that a problem?" The answer was definitely no, and I stripped and got to know the men sexually before I really met them. There was a comical discussion as to exactly what could be done with my cock. Tommy and Samuel agreed it was pretty, but over scaled.

It was fun. Sex with a dwarf is a novelty, and they knew some men did it just to say they did it with a dwarf. I had the same problem with my cock. Some men just wanted to say they could take a cock as big as mine.

I got on the bed and they crawled all over me. David fucked me as Samuel and Rudy jointly sucked my cock and I sucked Tommy. Tommy had a comparatively small cock, but full sized balls. He leaked precum from the second my lips touched his cock. It was a taste treat.

Samuel was effeminate and badly wanted his man hole opened by a big one. He sat on my cock, using it as a stool. David and Rudy supplied lubricant and were into poppers. Sam snorted some poppers. His ass opened and a good four or five inches popped into his ass. He sat there dazed until his friends lifted him off my cock.

Rudy fucked Samuel and after he shot his load into Sam's ass got Tommy to screw him too. Once Tommy came, Samuel remounted my cock. He was really open by then and he got seven inches. I have no desire to hurt anyone, so I let the dwarf set his own pace. Samuel was bouncing on my cock when he shot off, Roman Candle style. We all took a break.

They were an affable group and excited about the play. Casting dwarfs as fairies was common, but Oberon and Titania was unusual. They were always full size. Since I was new to the cast I asked if there were any members I should watch out for.

"It's a good group in general," Rudy said. "For some reason some are tense and on edge. At first I thought it was acting with little people, but I don't think that's the problem. One of the rustics is a bit odd."

"What do you mean?"

"It's Robert, who's playing Flute," David said. "He whines about not playing Lysander, the romantic lead. He'd be unattractive even if he didn't have acne. Not much of an actor either."

"The two female leads have a problem. Bruce and Mark are a pair of flaming queens who don't like the idea of sharing a kingdom," Samuel said. "They think the stage isn't big enough for two queens."

"Little do they know a third queen may carry the day," Tommy said looking directly at Samuel.

"I may be a queen, but I do my part," Samuel said. "I play my role straight."

"How straight can that be?" David asked.

"Some of us are men playing women because it was a convention of the stage at that period," Samuel said. "Some times men play women for comic effect. It's important that I not be comic until I have the big scene with Bottom."

"Is Lance in the Queen competition?" I asked.

"He's a nice boy," Samuel said. "He's having fun, not trying to undermine another actor."

"Acting troops seem to be awash in intrigue and rivalries," I observed.

"Actually this is better than most," Rudy said. "Charlie is a thoughtful director and respectful. I can tell you he's been very good about we little people. Sometimes we are treated on the level of the trained dogs or animal acts. He's demanding, but good. I think he's on his way up. Queen Lear was a success. If this play works, he may move up."

We had a few beers as we talked. My cock was at their mouth's level most of the time and they all liked to take a passing lick. The men had recharged after the earlier orgasms. This time we had a hot foursome done mostly for my benefit. They wanted to get me off. Rudy, who I knew from before took my entire cock up is ass, he was a good sport and we really got into it. I was on my back when he sat on it, but a doggy style interlude really rocked his boat.

In that position, Davis fucked me again and I got to suck Samuel and Tommy's meat as I slowly pumped my cock into Rudy's innards. I liked Tommy's precum. I loved his cream. I shot off as I fucked Rudy and David deposited his load in my hole. I sat up when David came, with Rudy still impaled on my cock. Samuel sucked Rudy and took his load.

Rudy had a spectacular orgasm, his whole body twitched and shivered as he ejaculated. My cock liked that and I pumped a second load into Rudy's quivering ass. All in all it was a great success.

Next: Chapter 115: Catfish Does Shakespeare 2

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