Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 4, 2009


Catfish's Miami Adventure 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Every once and a while I get worried that some Witch's brew I've concocted will explode rather than turn into a magic spell. That night above the Ring Restaurant it was damn close. Two things saved the day. Ali and Manny don't take no shit from no body. No one wanted to mess with them. They weren't the understanding type. Secondly, everyone was naked. There were no weapons available.

Julio and Donnie were there. On the other side of the room was Alfredo and his boss, Raoul. Between them was Rick, Norm and Norm's boss, Clive. There were ten or twelve other men there too. I didn't expect to see Juan there. He was with Humberto, the chef, and his assistant, Kielbasa.

Julio wasn't a rocket scientist in training, but after a while he realized he was the recipient of many nasty glances. I guessed Julio had once been a good looking man. He had gone to pot, but hadn't adjusted his attitude. He still had that "I'm hot, treat me like a rock star" attitude. He was 60 pounds overweight and on the high side of 60. It would have been a lot better if he hadn't died his hair an improbable shade of blond. He was average in every way. Donnie was half his size. Donnie recognized the situation was poor earlier than his boss. He was the field man and knew the men they were trying to threaten. Seeing them together had to have made him uneasy.

There were twenty spectators, in addition to wrestlers, the dwarfs and me. There were a few biker types, and three wrestling nerds. The nerds were mild mannered guys who enjoyed the pretend violence of professional wrestling. They had the pale look of computer gamers. Two were well hung and one was hairy. They were half hard from the start.

Julio kept taking glances at me. I first thought he was suspicious, but then realized I was the smallest man in the room other than David and Rudy. I knew Julio liked small men he could dominate. He was also looking at the son of the biker. Julio wasn't a good judge of character.

I hadn't understood what Alberto was after when he wanted to see my equipment. I soon realized he wasn't interested. Now I realized he was checking me out for Raoul. Raoul was interested. Raoul was a handsome, elegant older man, very tall and impressive. He reminded me of a 1920s lounge lizard in a Rudolph Valentino way. He was also size queen. He liked what he saw dangling between my legs.

By contrast Clive was a basic bear type, beefy and solid. He cock was average, but erect I guessed it would be a Budweiser can. He had bull balls too. He was next to two Bikers, Gus and Thurston. Gus was the daddy and Thurston was the son, a half sized copy. Gus was huge, almost as big as Ali, but there wasn't as much muscle in his physique as the the wrestlers.

The first match was a conventional Olympic style pairing of Ali and Mandelbaum. You expected to see a Walt Disney waltz of the elephants routine, but both men were agile and quick. The match was exciting and unexpectedly intense. Ali won, but Manny asked for the best out of three and Ali agreed. They loved wrestling and each wanted to win, so the audience got involved even though there were no flamboyant moves as you see on television.

Manny won the second match and Ali the third. It was also a hot and sweaty match. They were dripping in sweat. The sweat was rolling off their massive torsos, and dripping from their cocks. The audience appreciated that. The wrestlers weren't hard at the end of the matches, but they weren't totally relaxed either. I don't know how they did it, but Ali and Manny managed to be at the same level of arousal as the audience.

It was time for the tag team match. David and Rudy had been out of sight. When they appeared the room burst into laughter. They were muscular men and their cocks were a step more excited than the big wrestlers. Both of the little men were well endowed, and their cocks looked impressive on the diminutive men. David and Rudy were also masculine men and being naked eliminated the doll like, Munchkin aspect.

The tag team match started comically and ended erotically. One assumed the dwarfs were turned on by the wrestlers, but it was soon clear the attraction was mutual. There was no question the testosterone and sex drive was equal in all four men. David paired with Ari and Rudy with Manny. It wasn't a true tag team match. All four men were on the mats at all times.

If the first match was real, this match was choreographed. There was a plot. Ari and Mandlebaum wanted to wrestle. David and Rudy wanted to suck cock, or fuck ass. For the first period of the match there were a lot of near misses. In the second round dwarf tongue made contact with wrestler cock. The third period was a free for all. By now everyone including the wrestlers and the audience were excited and erect. I noticed that Clive had a beer can and a half. Alberto may have been straight, but he was hard and I guessed he was willing to get blown. He looked good erect.

The wrestlers had a cute little squabble as to who won the match, but agreed to settle things afterwards. By now all the wrestlers and the audience were erect and there was some mouth and tongue action mostly between the wrestlers. It was my turn now.

"Would anyone like to take us on?" Mandlebaum asked. "It's amateur time!" He and Ali made a great show of looking for a wrestler in the audience. It was good humored and funny.

Finally Ali came to me. "Here's our man. He's just the right size!"

"Damn it Ali," Manny exclaimed. "He's a shrimp!"

"Manny, you need to get bifocals bad!" Ali retorted. He stoked my cock, just in case someone missed the joke. The crowd went crazy with laughter.

"Which of us do you want to take on, mister?" Ali asked me.

"I don't want to beat you up too bad," I said. "Can I wrestle both of you?"

"Are you sure about that?" Ali asked.

"I'm sure," I said. "I want the sides to be equal. Why don't I take both of you and a dwarf?"

"Why not both dwarfs?" Manny asked.

"That seems fair to me," I replied.

"By the way, is your shit hole as big as your cock?" Manny asked. "There's a awful lot of cock that going to need to get in there when you loose."

"I've never taken four cocks at once, but two is fine with me, but you guys aren't really big. I might be able to take four." The crowd enjoyed this. The wrestlers were in character now. I recalled they like to ease the crowd from wrestling to overt sex in several easy stages.

"Now ladies," Manny said addressing the group. "If some of you are the delicate type, you may want to leave. As part of this match we're going to do a difficult operation known as a Sphincter Enlargement." He put his arm around me. "Our little, but feisty, friend here tonight will either have a much bigger hole by the end of the match, or if that doesn't work, we may need to tear him a new one!" There were gales of laughter. David was in front of me. He sucked my cock. Rudy came up behind and goosed me. Believe it or not, no one left.

Ali came up behind me and poured a bucket of oil over my body. The men let out a collective "Ohhhh," when they realized what was coming up. Manny and the dwarfs rubbed the oil over my body.

"Bend over," Rudy said. "You're really going to need oil up your ass." I bent over.

He lubricated my ass. "Damn!" Rudy exclaimed. "His ass swallowed my arm." His arm was in my ass up to his elbow. By now the men were rolling on the floor in laughter. We untangled ourselves and the last match began. We had rehearsed the pre match banter, but not the match itself. I was in the middle of four men and realized I didn't know if I was supposed to win or loose. I was worried for a few seconds. Then I realized once I had an arm up my ass, any cock was a piece of cake.

My competitive instincts took over and we had a good time. I could easily slip out of their grasp. They soon had as much oil on them as I had on me. The oil made everything fit better. I didn't exactly win, but I enjoyed it and the men were shocked I did so well. As the match slipped and slided to an end, we abandoned all pretense of wrestling. I think the objective changed from winning the match to plain old getting our rocks off.

I bent over to let Ali take is victory screw. Clive was standing in from of me, so I took a swig from his beer can. I've rarely been standing up while getting fucked. Ali pushed down with his hand on the small of my back and his oiled cock popped in and went deep easily. It was really good. Clive's thick cock oozed sweet pre cum and Ali took his time pumping in my ass. David got on his knees under me and sucked me as he watched Ali fuck.

As far as I could tell all the men in the room were ready for action. They also seemed to be open to the possibilities. You would think in a room of testosterone driven men things would be rough and tumble, but it was a mellow group. Apparently the wrestling matches had given then a chance to make contact and feel out potential playmates. The feeling out was both emotional and genital. By the time Ali's cock was in my ass, most had found a willing partner.

After the noisy match it became quiet. No one could talk with a cock in their mouth. I forgot to keep and eye on Julio and Donnie. I got preoccupied. I did glance around when Raoul came over and replaced Clive. He had a long downwardly curved cock that was ideal for deep throating. I noticed Alberto was not with his boss.

Ali pulled out and I stood up and looked around the room. I saw Alberto to the side watching Julio. Julio was making a move on Thurston. Gus was watching, most displeased. Raoul asked me to fuck him. "Have you taken a cock like mine?" I asked.

"No," he replied, but I've dreamed about it." He was a handsome man, well groomed and I assumed he was powerful and wealthy. He had a look of a man who was sexually needy. Raoul was too old for much of the gay community. Of course he could buy or take what he wanted. I wondered if he was too proud to do that. We were on the mat, so I told him to get on his back and we could see how far I could get. He looked relieved.

I got his legs on my shoulders. Rudy appeared with a tube of lubricant and a bottle of poppers. He squirted some into Raoul's ass and coated my cock. It took a while to get deep into Raoul's ass, but I did it. He was very tight, but willing. Rudy was the perfect helper. He seemed to know when a little more lube was need and when a snort of poppers would get Raoul through a rough spot. As I began pumping, Raoul got more enthusiastic.

I was on my tenth or twelfth thrust when he popped. I don't know if he had been saving up or just produce a shit load of spunk, but he coated his chest, the mat and may well have hit the ceiling with his sperm. I slowly pulled out and he had a downright blissful look on his face.

Gus and Thurston came over to me. "I was wondering if you could help my boy out?" Gus asked. "I've got a medical problem so my top days are over. My boy, Thurston, is a top, but some times he has a hankering to take a ride on some prime beef. Could you help him out?" Thurston was an inch or two taller than me and twenty-five pounds heavier. He had black hair and a straggly beard. I guessed he was in his early twenties. He had beautiful blue eyes and he looked at Gus the way a dog looks at his master.

"Would it bother you if Thurston likes it too much?" I asked. Thurston had a 7 inch cock with a lolly pop head. It curved up and almost touched his navel.

"How can you not enjoy watching your boy enjoy himself?" Gus asked. "He loved it when I got my ex to poke him. That was good for all three of us."

I got on the floor and Thurston straddled my cock. Rudy magically appeared with lube and he took care of the boy's ass. "Take your time," I told him.

Gus straddled my face and gave me something to nurse on. He was three-quarters hard, not hard enough to force its way into an ass. He was uncut and I sucked the skin into my mouth and played with it. I would say Thurston was cautious but not timid. Since he was sitting on my cock, he was in control. He got my knob in, then rested. Rudy told him to get off of it and he'd add more lube.

When Thurston sat on it the second time, it was much easier. Rudy gave Gus the bottle of poppers. They both took a sniff. Thurston slid three or four inches down my pole as they kissed. By now I was licking up Gus's plentiful cock drool. Gus and Thurston were making out like sex crazed teen agers as Thurston impaled himself on my cock and I sucked up Gus's juice.

We formed a triangle. Rudy got his head in the middle and sucked Thurston's meat. All in all, it was satisfying for all of us. Gus began to twitch. He had a slow motion orgasm. He twitched and shivered for a while, then the thick, creamy stuff began to drool from his semi erect member. By now, Thurston was fully impaled and was bouncing on my cock. He began to moan.

I felt his ass contract. Rudy took all the cum spurting from Thurston's cock, so it was neat. Rudy helped Thurston to disengage. He was a bit dizzy. "That was really nice, mister," he said.

"It was good for all of us," I said. Thurston had a strong Mountain accent, but not the Virginia mountains. I guessed he was from Georgia, or Tennessee. Gus had gone to the bathroom so I talked with his boy. Being a gay redneck can be rough. Thurston had been disowned by his family and was lost until Gus found him. Gus was an electrician and he made Thurston get trained. Now they worked together. "I make more now than my dad and my two brothers do combined," Thurston said.

"Living well is the best revenge," I said. We went to the shower to clean up. Gus joined us with Manny. By then much of the crowd had left. Gus and Thurston, the crew from the Coral and the four wrestlers remained. Juan seemed to know Ali and Manny, but Humberto and Kazinski, the Kielbasa, were new to the wrestlers.

It was clear we were all one happy family. Gus was muck taken by Rudy. Juan and David had a good time figuring out how to get the dwarf's cock into Juan's Cuban behind, but it worked out well. Manny, Humberto and Kazinski hit it off. I was with Thurston and Ali. Just to be polite, I was on my back with Thurston's cock probing my ass. He had a nice piece of meat and it was good. Ali made a not very polite attack on Thurston's ass.

It turned out Thurston had never been fucked while he was fucking. Thurston liked it a lot. Gus was moaning as Rudy royally fucked him. That gave Thurston the green light to really enjoy himself. Ali was hung huge, but I had already stretched the boy's ass. He took it well. With his cock in my ass, Thurston couldn't move. He just took Ali's pounding.

From Gus's moans, it was clear he was a bottom pig. Thurston knew what that was like now. When Ali pounded him. It drove his cock deeper into my ass. It was getting too intense, so we broke apart. We all wanted it to last longer and we needed a brake.

Rudy had popped in Gus's ass and pulled out. Thurston went over to his partner and slipped his cock into Gus's cum lubricated ass. When he pulled out, Gus rolled over and licked the dwarf sperm from Thurston's knob.

On the other side of the room, Humberto was taking Manny's cock while Kazinski fucked him. Ali winked at me and got behind Kazinski. "Just relax and this will be easy," Ali said. I don't know if Kazinski bottomed, but he took Ali's easily. I got to Ali rear and popped his sphincter. I had never been in a five man fuck and remarkably it worked.

Soon I popped and the orgasm rippled through the men. Cock after cock popped and shot into the fuck mate's ass. It nice when everyone in the group is turned on by the others. This was the grand finale of the night. It was good. We all took showers and went home.

The next day I discovered while we had been playing with the wrestlers there had been considerable action in the street in front of the Ring Restaurant. As I had suggested Alberto had some men watching the street. They found Tommy taking the license numbers of the cars parked there and taking pictures of the men as they arrived.

Alberto's men weren't particularly subtle about interrogation techniques and Tom wasn't either brave, or prone to fall on his sword to protect his boss. Julio wasn't the kind of man who inspired loyalty in his followers. He was an ass hole and when the choice was between a lot of pain and spilling the beans, the choice was easily made.

It turned out Maurice was the brains behind then operation, Julio was the front man. Tom thought it was funny that Julio thought he was in control. Donnie was the bait. Scooter had been bait in training, but had failed miserably. Scooter liked sex way too much and tended to fall in love with everyman he fucked. He couldn't betray them even if he could remember their names exactly.

Tom was nice enough to tell the Cubans where the photos and other information were kept. Alberto told me there had been a little fire in Julio's house. Maurice and his henchmen decided to leave town. I later heard Julio, Maurice and Donnie had an accident and were dead. I wasn't too happy about that, but apparently it had been a real accident. They had been driving too fast on a rain slicked road in rural Texas. Tom had vanished from Miami.

Juan suggested I take some real vacation time and stay at the Coral as his guest. I told him I'd like that. You would think that turning from a towel boy into a guest would cause a stir in the staff, but it wasn't a problem. There was an understanding that I had something to do with getting rid of Donnie, Tom and Maurice. They weren't well liked and the Coral became a better place to work.

Next: Chapter 114: Catfish Does Shakespeare 1

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