Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 30, 2008


I saw Donnie and Scooter in the shower the next morning. Donnie was unhappy with Scooter's information. As I had guessed, Scooter had gotten carried away with the sex and had forgotten to bring home the bacon. Scooter couldn't remember who was at the party. Donnie was pissed and nasty. "Julio will be nasty about this," Donnie said.

"I've never met fucking Julio,"Scooter said. "He's your problem."

"My problems are your problems, asshole!" Donnie exclaimed as he left the locker room.

Later that day I saw Juan and asked about Julio again. He said he's ask around. I had the day off so I called Ken and Rick. Rick was home and told me to come by in an hour. He lived several blocks from the Coral in a 1930s era building. They were in a top floor apartment, very nice. It was not decorated the way an interior designer does it. There were many archaeological artifacts and comfortable furniture. It looked informal, but beautiful and personal.

Rich was there with a man I didn't know. "I hope you don't mind, but this is a friend of mine, Norm," Rick said. "I told him about meeting you. He wanted to meet you himself."

I said hello to Norm. He was a bulldog of a man, barrel chested and massive. He had a flat top and a bristly mustache. I immediately knew he was a cop. He was nervous.

"You told him about my personality?" I asked Rick.

He laughed and said, "Sure! That and one other aspect of you?"

"Well, why don't we get naked and see if I'm what Norm is looking for?" We stripped and it turned out I was what he wanted. More correctly, one part of me was what the wanted.

"I hope you don't mind, but when I told Norm about you, he wanted to take a gander," Rick said. "He's kind of new to the scene and curious."

"How new is new?" I asked. I had my pants down to mid pubes and stopped. He could only see the base of my cock.

"I was his first experience of real, in bed sex," Rick said. "That was a month ago."

"I take it you liked it?" I asked of Norm. I dropped my pants and he saw my entire cock. Norm was a bit shy, but warmed up as he got more excited. Lust beats reticence every time. By now Rick, the ginger bear, was naked and furrier than I remembered. Norm was muscular and mostly smooth except for a dusting of hair on his chest and a thick bush. Uncut, his cock a balls formed a compact cluster.

"I did,"Norm said in what was almost a whisper. "I liked it a lot." He stared at my cock. He had that deer-in-the-headlights look. I never know if the deer is frightened, or interested in the lights. Norm was both.

"You can get closer, it won't bite," I said. He edged closer, but Rick got on his knees and started to suck. Norm looked relieved that Rick had taken the plunge. He watched for a few seconds then joined his friend. There's room for two on my cock.

Norm was tentative at first, but got into the swing of things quickly. He liked cock and was a size queen. I had met guys like Norm before. He was a masculine, driven, straight arrow. I guessed he had been in the army, or Marines and never fully acknowledged his true sexual preferences. Rick was a man's man too and attractive if you like that type. I did and apparently Norm did too.

When they came up for breath I got on my knees and sucked them. Norm wanted to be the cool and collected type, but he was a leaker. Rick leaked too, but Norm drooled and there was a supply of aged precum in his foreskin. He had been excited in anticipation. Aged cock juices can have a tang, but I don't mind it. Especially if there is new juice freshening it up.

Rick wanted to get fucked, so I got him on the bed. Norm wanted to watch. I suggested he he 69 and get an up close and personal view. That was good for both of them. I took my time easing my cock into Rick's ass.

With Rick's cock in his mouth, Norm could both see the penetration and taste the reaction to it. Rick wasn't the calm and collected type at all. You knew exactly how excited he was and how much he enjoyed the experience. That worked out well. We took a breather and Norm was really excited. It looked as if his cock was going to explode. He said had never fucked and man, or been fucked. I figured he was over due for that.

"Do you want to give it a try?" I asked. Norm nodded. He got off of Rick and traded places with me. He tentatively placed his cock at Rick's hole. I coated it with lube and he slowly pushed. Now Rick wasn't at all a virgin and I think he must have sucked Norm's cock in deep. I thought Rick had a nice ass, warm, tight and juicy. I watched Norm's expression as his cock slipped in. It was more than nice for Norm.

Norm didn't last long, but he had a ball draining orgasm that could have made it into Ripley's believe it or not. When he pulled out. Cum poured from Rick's ass. Rick shot off too, so the interlude was over. We talked a bit and Norm said he's love to do it again some other time. I said that was fine with me. I got dressed and walked back toward the Coral.

Sometimes you get reminded of how small the world is. As I walked back to the Club, someone in a white Cadillac Eldorado honked at me.

"Catfish! What in hell are you doing here?" a voice yelled. I looked at the huge car. Two gigantic, bearded men were inside. It was Ali Baba and Mandelbaum, professional wrestlers I knew from Richmond. I had heard they had retired. The last I had heard they planned to open a restaurant. I got in the car with them. They had retired to Miami and now owned a restaurant called the Ring.

I wasn't due back at the Coral until 8:00, so I went with them to see the place. The Ring was a 1920s style two story commercial building in an out of the way part of town. The restaurant was below. They lived above. From the outside it was ordinary. The lower floor was okay, but more gym like than restaurant like.

The apartment upstairs was a wide open loft, well furnished with unusual antiques. Large tropical plants sat under skylights. The ceiling was 15 feet high and there was only one enclosed area. It contained the toilet. The large shower area and whirlpool was almost a part of the living area. The whirlpool was designed as a fountain pool. Colored Mexican tiles covered the entire floor. With ceiling fans the room was airy and comfortable.

I asked them how retirement had been.

"Well, I don't miss wrestling at all. It turned into a hassle," Ali said. "The restaurant has been fun and successful. We have a good regular clientèle."

"Nice and quiet compared to the world of professional wrestling?" I asked.

"Damn, I got tired of all the yelling. Being in character all the time is drain," Mandelbaum said. "Oddly, the only thing I miss is the special exhibitions we use to put on for high paying fans." The duo use to give nude wrestling matches for those who wanted it. These usually ended in sex. I had been to one of these matches at the Alcazar in Richmond. Neither Ali, nor Mandelbaum were at all shy. It was wild even by my standards.

"I thought you didn't like that part of the business?" I said.

"I didn't, or at least I thought I didn't," Manny said. "When we stopped doing it, I discovered I liked it. Maybe I'm more of a exhibitionist than I thought. When you're wrestling you're next to naked all the time. The jump from next to naked to nude and erect was a turn on for me. Really got the juices flowing. We missed it."

"Maybe you like the admiration?" I suggested.

"That maybe part of it," Ali admitted. "We been having some matches here for special friends. It's been nice getting into the swing of things again. What brings you here?"

I told them I was working at the Coral. They knew all about the Coral. Ali and Mandelbaum had done exhibitions for some of the Coral's guests. They knew I ran a security service.

"What's the problem?" Manny asked.

"There seems to be a potential for blackmail," I said.

"Oh shit!' Ali exclaimed.

"So far I've found some attempts at photos, but none have been successful yet, as far as I can tell," I said. "There's a guy named Donnie and he reports to a man named Julio."

"There's a guy who comes here with his boy, Julio and Donnie," Manny said.

"Is Donnie a smarmy blond guy who's still thinks he's a teenager?" I asked.

"That could be him," Ali said."Julio is an older Italian man. Not too agreeable. He came here from Jersey. The word his he was sent here after a big fuck up."

"Could the fuck up be related to blackmail?"

"He's real interested in who attended the special exhibitions here. During an exhibition no one asks for names and addresses," Ali said. "I had to explain that to him once."

"Did he take that well?"

"Not really, but I'm a convincing man," Ali said. "Julio thinks he's a big man, but he's not that big."

"Do you by any chance have Julio's full name?"

"He uses a credit card to pay, "Manny said. "He's also on our mailing list."

"When is your next exhibition?" I asked.

"The day after tomorrow," Ali said. "We're closed on Mondays, so we have get together at 8:00."

"In the restaurant?"

"No, up here. Do you want an invite?"

"I sure do." They laughed. We had a great time the last time we were together. I got Julio's name and address and they took me back to the Coral. I had some calls to make. I called my office and they called back in an hour.

Julio Martini turned out to be an alias for Julio Samartini, a minor Mafia hood. He had a warm spot for blackmail and he had the misfortune to use it against a member of the family. He was apparently notably inept. Had he been better at it, he'd have been dead. He left the north East and was exiled to Miami. He had been arrested twice in Miami as a con artist, but the charges were withdrawn. Often that sort of charge was substituted for blackmail.

I told Julio about Mr. Martini/Samartini. He was most interested. Juan called a friend and gave him the name. "Alberto will get back to me. He doesn't like out of town gangs moving into this area," Juan said.

That evening I was manning the Locker room when Juan appeared with another man. It was Alberto. Juan asked me to show him the facilities. Alberto was downright scary looking. He was a solid six feet tall, with pitch black hair and a three day stubble. Dark skinned, he was also deeply tanned.

"Juan said you were having some problems," Alberto said in accented English.

"We're trying to nip it in the bud," I said.

"That's a good policy. Juan and I are old friends. We grew up in the same neighborhood in Havana," he said. "What is the scam?" I explained our suspicions. "Where can we speak alone?" he asked. "Steam room?"

"Sure, if you don't mind seeing a naked, hairy and scrawny guy."

Alberto smiled. He looked a bit less ferocious when he smiled. "Juan told me I'd have something interesting to look at."

Alberto had a wolf like body, lean and wiry. His body hair was turning gray and I assumed he dyed his hair. He had a nice uncut cock and low hanging balls. He was curious about my cock, but in a scientific way. Alberto wanted to help his friend Juan out, but more importantly he wanted to keep things on an even keel in Miami. He didn't like then idea of another organization sending their rejects to Miami. They had a good relationship with the police and didn't want anything to crew things up.

I mentioned Ali and Mandelbaum. Alberto knew of them and one of his bosses attended the special exhibitions. Trying to expose and shake down a judge or a preacher was one thing. His boss was in jeopardy and that was a real problem. Alberto left and said he might see me at the next exhibition. I suggested he might have a guy on the street checking to see if anyone was checking on license plate numbers. Alberto glanced at me with a look saying he realized I was smarter than I looked.

I got a call from Ali that night asking if I would be willing to wrestle with them the way I had at the Alcazar years earlier. "I'm fine with it, but that was a tag team match. Do you have another small man?" I asked.

"As a mater of fact we do," he replied. "You'll like him. Can you get here early?"

I said I'd ask Juan, but I didn't think that would be problem. That night and the next day were uneventful. The Coral was quiet and none of the members were particularly demanding. Donnie was nasty as always, but I stayed away from him. We were closing in on him and I didn't want any slip ups.

Juan was pleased we were gaining, but none too happy that our blackmailer might be associated with the mob. Alfredo had found out more about Julio and none of it was good. He did fine one bit of information. Julio's bosses in New Jersey had no interest at all in him. He had been the son-in-law of one of his bosses. He had tried to blackmail his relative when he discovered a mistress in Newark. He survived because of the family connection. Julio had since abandoned his wife and children, so there was no love lost.

I got a call from Ari who had done some checking on Julio. Julio was gay, but liked to blackmail his sex partners. This wasn't particularly profitable since his taste in men was for rough trade and they weren't normally wealthy enough. Apparently the Coral was an effort to move into the high rent district. His interest in wrestling at Ali and Mandelbaum's was part of his searching out rough trade. He was looking for men he could fuck then beat up. "That doesn't include us, but some of the audience meets Julio's requirements," Ali said. "We've got to get rid of that ass wipe!"

"As far as I can tell, there are several guys who are after him," I said. "I wouldn't do anything rash. The problem may be solved by others."

I had the day off so I went to Haulover beach for the morning. I was surprised when Rick's detective friend, Norm was there. I didn't know if he was undercover, or just enjoying the nude beach. He sat next to me.

"Where do you hide your badge?" I asked.

He laughed and leaned close to me and whispered, "I have it the same place you have your P.I. License."

"Do you check up on everyone you meet?" I asked.

"A friend of mine was having a problem with a guy at the Coral," he explained. "I thought it might be you. Is there any chance we're after the same person?"

"If your friend is trying to keep something quiet and likes youngish men, we might be," I replied.

"My friend is a good guy, married and three kids he loves. He has this quirk. It would destroy him. I don't know why I checked up on you. It was just a hunch. You're not his type at all."

"I'm sniffing out a blackmailer," I said. "Are we talking about the same thing?"

He nodded. "My friend is in the administrative end. I had a problem and he saved my ass. He's a real good guy. I owe him. Do you know who's behind it?" I told him what I knew and what was up.

"You think the problem may resolve itself?"

"Are you in homicide?"

"I can be," he said.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do anything for a week or so," I said. "The Jersey Mob, the Cuban Mafia and two big wrestlers have it in for him. That's not a recipe for long life. If he's lucky he'll take a long trip to Brazil."

We talked for a while. Norm was much more relaxed and at ease. He was a good looking man who attracted admiring glances. When he went in the water and other guys followed him. After a few hours I left and after showering at the coral went to the Ring Restaurant. They had a buzzer at the door and let me in.

They had rearranged the upstairs apartment around some mats in the middle of the room. The furniture was to the side. The plants that had screened the shower area were moved so the shower was open to the rest of the room. Ali was wearing a jock, Mandelbaum was naked.

"It's going to be all naked tonight. No one's going to be hiding a camera!" Ali said.

"Will that cause a problem?" I asked.

"Shit no. They'll complain some, but we'll give them their money back. The ones who complain the most will stay after all and be the ones who are hard throughout the night," Mandelbaum explained. It's for sex, not for the love of the sport.

"Catfish!"a voice called out. "It's you!" I looked and saw nothing, then I looked down. It was David and Rudy, two dwarfs I had met several years earlier on Christmas Eve. They had been playing Santa's helpers and we had been stranded in a winter storm. David looked like Grizzly Adams and Rudy like an escapee from the Lord of the Rings. Under four feet tall, they were generously equipped sexually. As I recalled they also had full sized ass holes. David was nice enough to get hard when he saw me.

"Get naked and we'll workout tonight's entertainment," Ali said. I stripped. The plan was to start with Ali and Mandlebaum doing a straight Greco-Roman style match. They would then say they wanted a tag team match. David and Rudy would appear and they do a comic match. Finally they'd ask if anyone from the audience was interesting in wrestling them. I would volunteer and they'd oil me up and have a greased pig match.

"Since you guys are our co stars, I need to ask you a question," Manny said. "Do you care if this is a full service sexual romp, or oral only? Some guys have a problem getting fucked in front of an audience."

"The real question is do you have a problem getting fucked by a dwarf?" Rudy asked.

The two huge wrestlers laughed. "Not one little bit! Anything you can shove into our holes is fine with us."

"What about a fist and an arm?" David asked. The two men looked unsure. "Catfish can vouch for us." They looked at me.

"These guys are good at what they do," I said. "I do think a trial run might be a good idea. How well do you guys know each other?"

"Well, we've known each other for a week or so, but there's been a lot of fucking and sucking since then," Ali said. We were all standing. That meant that our cocks were a t the dwarf's mouth level. Davis took advantage of that. "The boys here aren't pregnant, but not for lack of trying. As a matter of fact, they just gave my prostate a sperm bath last night."

For the next half hour we had some experimenting. Ali found a way to integrate dwarf fisting into the matches. It would be an interesting night.

Next: Chapter 113: Catfishs Miami Adventure 7

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