Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 12, 2008


Catfish's Miami Adventure 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

My adventure with Tambor wasn't the beginning of true love. It was a case of perfect fit. His ass was made for my cock. For some reason, his rectum and prostate were is just the right configuration to get maximum pleasure from my dong. It was the Fourth of July with every stroke.

This happens to me from time to time, but had never happened to Tambor. I'm not sure he had ever really lost it sexually. By contrast Rex was sexually experienced and much more open about his sexual enthusiasms. Alan Tambor wasn't.

Alan had the misfortune to be a short, hairy, unattractive and very intelligent man. He told me the only women who through themselves at him were spies, well paid spies. I shared some of the same physical characteristics and he let his guard down. When he let his guard down he opened is ass. It wasn't just his ass I fucked. I fucked him from head to toe. I love it when a man's entire body reacts to a good fuck.

Tambor took the next day off, relaxing by the pool. Tommy and Donnie were attentive. I could tell Tambor was suspicious. Ngat, the life guard, took and interest in Alan too. He gave him some advice on his stroke. Walruses have swimmer type bodies too, but Tambor tended to power his way through the water. Ngat worked on Alan's stroke making him more efficient.

Later Alan went to the exercise room and Willy, the muscle builder, worked with him. At first he was just being polite with a guest, but when he discovered Alan was muscular he got downright enthusiastic. I didn't think Ngat, or Willy were in Donnie's group, but I'd kept my eyes open. It was a nice quiet day. I got to bed early and there were no calls during the night. Quite frankly, I needed the rest.

I was up and had to clean up the shower and locker rooms early. Someone had been there after hours and had made a mess. Donnie appeared with Tommy. They were on the early shift. Tommy said he had no luck, "the Chink was in the way." Apparently Ngat wasn't a part of the group.

"Julio will be pissed," Donnie said. "but not every lead works out. There's a guy taking room 204 that looks likely. Maurice thinks he's one of those born again preachers."

"What's his name?" Tommy asked. Tommy and Donnie were in the shower. I was in the drying area. When I looked in they apparently had been doing more than chatting. Both men were erect. They were good looking men, but not my type at all. I mentally kicked myself when I realized the erections made them look better to me. I needed to watch out for that. Sometimes a nice cock changes my opinion.

"He got a reservation as G. Leonard Dill," Donnie replied. "Bend over," he ordered. He roughly pushed Tommy over and shoved his cock deep into Tommy's ass. Tommy wasn't prepared and and he squealed in pain.

"Be a fucking man!" Tommy said. A second or two later Donnie pulled out spraying Tommy's back with cum.

I'm not the most romantic guy in the world, but I've never fucked a guy like that. A fuck buddy is a buddy too. Not so with Donnie and Tommy. I like to have some fun on the way to the orgasm. I also figure the better it is for the fuckee, the more chance you'll get a return engagement. Apparently that wasn't Donnie's approach. They left.

I was done cleaning so I went to the office to see if Juan was there. He was and I asked him about Leonard Dill. I told him Donnie was interested. I also asked him if he knew a guy named Julio. He didn't, but he did know Dill.

"He's been a member for years," Juan said. "He's known as Reverend Georgie. He has a big church out west somewhere. He seems to be a nice guy. He never leaves the club in case a member of the flock is in town. Usually several local friends come over here for some relaxation."

"What's his poison?"

"His friends are his age, 55-60. They all like them young, but one of them is a size queen."

I went off to have breakfast. I saw Alan Tambor in the dining room and went over to him. "Do you have any free time this morning?" he asked. I nodded. Ten minutes later I was in his room doing a fancy dance on his fire plug. This time the flared edge of his knob rubbed my prostate just the right way. I got damn close to shooting.

We traded places and again it was great. Tambor was the perfect combination of tight ass with receptive attitude. This time he surrendered right off the bat and let me have some fun with him. Alan and I were on the same wave length, and whatever I liked, he liked more. We shot off pretty quickly, but I kept my cock in his ass, and we rested.

We talked some and he asked me about Donnie. "Who was that twink who came up to me?" he asked. "He seemed a bit too eager."

"The guy named Donnie?"

"That's him. Some one needs to give that guys some acting lessons. He was way too interested."

"He's not my type," I said. "I keep away from him."

Alan squeezed his ass, massaging my cock. "Did anyone ever tell you that you have more cock soft than most guys have hard?" he asked as he squeezed my cock again.

"You're the second. I take it you have made peace with having a cock in your ass?"

"I've made peace with having your cock in my ass," Alan said. "You sent me to a place I've never been to before. Damn, I didn't know which way was up." We were playing a game of cat and mouse as he tried to grab my cock, My cock was hard by then so we had a second session. He was happy.

Reverend Georgie arrived at three that afternoon. He came in the back door and I was pressed into service as a bell boy. Room 204 was a suite with a master bedroom, small bedroom, kitchenette and living room. Juan thought he was 55-60. I could tell he was a solid 70, although a well preserved 70. He asked me if I could do some shopping for him. I said sure.

He seemed a little embarrassed. "It's not your usual shopping," he explained. "I need some personal lubricant."

"Do you want K-Y or Wet?" I asked.

"Wet would be nice," he replied, obviously relieved I knew what he wanted.

"Do you need some poppers too?"

He nodded. I asked him if he had a preference which one. He wanted my recommendation. I suggested some Jungle Juice. Georgie then mentioned he had forgotten a prescription. He didn't have it with him so he wasn't sure he could get it.

"Viagra or Cialis?" I asked. He preferred Cialis. I said I would see what I could do.

"I'm having a few friends over," he said.

"Do you need some extra towels?" I asked. He nodded and gave me three $100 bills. I went off to Juan and asked him about the Cialis. He made a call to a local doctor and gave him my name. I picked up the prescription there and went on my shopping trip. Juan gave me a hotel credit card for the Cialis. He called the pharmacy and told them I was coming. The Coral had arrangements for everything. It took about two hours to get the supplies.

When I got back Juan called me into the office. "Reverend Georgie called me and asked if you could be assigned to help him. He likes your attitude. It's best for him if as few people come in contact with him as possible. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure. Does he stay in the room all the time?"

"He goes to the pool, but when his friends arrive he stays put. He saw Scooter and liked what he saw. Willy he knows from an earlier visit. They will help out too. They'll be more the social director types."

I smiled. "I didn't know Willy was into that."

"Reverend Georgie is a health fanatic. Willy likes that. I've never personally seen Willy in action, but those who have been with him, love him," Juan said. I took the supplies to the room. Georgie answered the door and let me in. He was wearing a robe, but he took it off.

"I hope you don't mind if I wear my birthday suit?" he said, "I like to really let it all hang out when I'm on vacation." he asked. He was tanning bed and spa tanned, and his body hair had been manscaped.

"Not problem for me at all," I said. "It looks to me you have a lot to hang out with."

He smiled, "You're a big boy too, where it counts, that is. You look a bit rough around the edges, do you ever get a little rough?"

"Nope. I like my fun pure fun unadulterated." I said. "The only times I have a problem is when my cock doesn't fit. Does that happen to you?" He was half hard by now, he was cut and big.

"A few have choked," he said. "I don't do the other anal stuff, but a few of my friends like it. I like to watch them having fun. They really enjoy it." He went over to the bags I had brought. He took out the Wet and the bottles of Jungle Juice.

"I have some friends who are really into poppers. This stuff is good?" he asked. I said it was. It got the prescription for Cialis. There were twenty pills. "This will last me a while."

"I though maybe some of your friends might like to try one," I said.

He laughed. "You're right about that." he said, then he looked in the eye. "Do you know who I am?" he asked.

"Juan told me."

"Does it bother you that I'm a TV evangelist, and a hypocrite?"

"That's none of my business. We all got our problems. We all deal with them in different ways. It's not for me to decide how you live your life," I said.

"I love my work. I love my family, I love my life. It just that's there's another part, another drive in me that I can't come to terms with," Georgie said. "It's dangerous, I know. I can't deal with it."

"Well, you're not in danger from me," I said. I had to go, but I was back at 7:00 delivering dinners for three to the room. His guests hadn't arrived yet. At 9:00 I made another delivery of what Humberto called a party pack. This was liquor, mixers and snacks. Georgie and his guests were all naked by then. Georgie asked if I could stay and act as door man. He was expecting several more guests.

He introduced me to a man he called the Bishop and anther he called the Padre. The Bishop was a man of average height and weight, well groomed, but untanned. He was hairy and bald. The Padre was Latino, shorter and more Spanish than Indian. Both seemed well equipped. The bishop was cut, the Padre very uncut. They called Georgie the Reverend.

There was a gentle knock on the door. It was Willy and Scooter. Willy knew the men. Scooter didn't but he wasn't shy. They stripped immediately. I still had my clothes on since I was the door man. There was another knock. The Reverend looked through the peephole and told me they were okay. Two men entered. One was a thin, tall bearded man they called the Doctor, and the other was a short, beefy and bearded man he called the Rabbi.

These were the last guest so I locked the door and put tape over the key hole. I went to the small bedroom where we were leaving our clothes. The Doctor had already stripped and was back in the living room with the other men. The Rabbi was beefy and hairy. It took me no time at all to realize he was indeed a Rabbi, and that the other men were almost certainly a Bishop, priest or clergyman of some sort. They all shared the same secret. The Rabbi looked a bit unsure about me until I stripped. Juan said one of the men was a size queen and the Rabbi was that.

"You're uncut,"he said.

"Is that going to be a problem?" I asked. I smiled. "You know if you close your eyes it will be fine." He sat on the bed and closed his eyes. I got close to him rubbed his face with it. I held it to his nose. He inhaled.

"It smells like a man," he said. I then held it to his mouth.

"I can peel it back, but it's more fun if you unwrap it with your tongue." He did nothing for a few seconds, then his pink tongue peeked out between his beard and mustache. I moved the puckered tip of my cock to his tongue.

"You can either suck the skin, or dive into it," I said. "It's nice and warm inside." He took the leap. His tongue explored the inside of my skin. I got him on the bed and into the 69 position. He had nice equipment, a somewhat elongated fire plug. I deep throated him and since I wasn't fully erect, he did the same for me. When his nose was buried in my bush, he began to ooze precum big time.

"Nice and juicy," I said.

"You are juicy too," he whispered. "It's fresh and sweet."

"It's home made just an inch or two from the spigot. 100% redneck high test. I'm don't know if it's Kosher."

He laughed. "Mine may be kosher enough for two."

After a while we broke apart. "We aren't being very sociable," I said. "We should join the group."

"You're right,"he replied. "Can we do this again later? Maybe more?" I told him of course. We went to the living room.

The men were talking and sizing each other up. I had the feeling the men were at a buffet table trying to decide what to sample first. Apparently the Rabbi, Scooter and I were the only ones new to the group. Scooter seemed to have a permanent erection and the Rabbi and I were both half hard, that proved to be a good icebreaker.

Of course I kept my eye on Scooter. I didn't think he was the brightest bulb in the hardware store, but he must have been the horniest. Over sexed and under brained isn't the worst combination in the world. Scooter kind of forgot to remember the guys' nick names, and he had a tendency to check out the cocks more than the face.

At the end of the night I wasn't too sure he would have recognized any of the guests at the party. The Doctor took an interest in Scooter. Toward the end of the party. I noticed Scooter discovered true love when the Doctor's thin, seven and a half cock hit some new spots in Scooter's rectum. Scooter was a shitty actor, and his reaction was real. Later I heard the Doctor mentioning he needed a yard man. Scooter looked at the older, distinguished looking, man like a puppy at his master. It was probably more like a redneck cock hound looking at his Sugar Daddy.

The Rabbi joined the Doctor and Scooter. I joined the other group. Georgie, the Bishop and Willy were chatting while the Padre was on the floor sucking their cocks. Willy had the sort of equipment you might find in a anatomical test book. Average is size and perfectly formed. He was naturally smooth except for a thick bush. If you wanted a model to illustrate the musculature of an adult male, Willy was the man for you. He was just very muscular, but not steroid enhanced.

I joined the Padre on the floor and started with Georgie's meat. Georgie was a big boy, maybe 8 inches and thickish too. He was blessed with a big cock that was also easy to deep throat. I had planned to do a little polite knob licking when his knob was massaging my tonsils and nose was in his bush. When I pulled off I suctions a cup or two of his ball juices. Georgie was most appreciative.

I stood and the Bishop went down on me. He was a cock head and slit man. After some round robin sucking, I ended up with the Padre in the master bedroom. Willie and the Bishop were on the other side of the bed. They were on their sides quietly talking. From the movements of their hips, I knew the Bishop was slow fucking Willie.

The Padre was beefy and friendly. He was quite hairy and possessed a beer can type cock. We sixty nined, and I saw his hole. It was a puffy, pillow surrounding the central opening. I was pretty sure he wasn't a virgin. I tongued it and he tried to open up and grab my tongue. I worked it into the hole and taste lube. The Padre was already dressed and ready for the party.

"I love to be fucked," he whispered to me.

"This is your lucky day. I love to fuck," I replied.

"I want it, but can you take your time? You're huge."

"Have you ever taken a big one?"

"Yes, but not as big as you. He didn't take his time. I dream about cocks like yours."

"Well you've run into one of the world's most polite fuckers," I said, "I can make it as easy as I can. Let me make on deal, if I get half in, I get to go the rest of the way. Okay?" He smiled. It turned out the Padre was a timid bottom pig, an odd combination.

At first he tried sitting on it, but that didn't work. He was too timid and scared to sit back on it. Georgie and the Rabbi joined us and made up a cheer leading squad. The Rabbi was willing to fuck the Padre to open him up for me. That made sense to me and to the Padre. It was an easy entry and done with great gusto. The poppers came in handy too. Willy offered to help after he and the Bishop broke apart. That too was a success. Both men rear loaded the Padre so he was well lubed.

When it was my turn the Padre was nice and open. I wouldn't say it was easy. It was a pleasant challenge for him. Fucking isn't pretty and especially if I am the fucker. It can be a real turn on to watch. The Padre already had the Rabbi and Willy's cum in his ass. The Padre's pillow shaped hole was glistening with lube and creamy sperm.

I coated my cock with lots of lube, then placed it at the hole. I pushed, the Padre resisted,but there was too much lube to be effective. My cock head popped through the sphincter and into the Padre's dark and warm innards.

As I popped in, Willy and the Rabbi's cream spurted out. I pulled out swirled my cock around the escaped sperm, the shoved it back in the hole where it belonged. I did this several times, but I pushed a few inches deeper with each repetition.

"It looks like you're churning butter," Scooter said. By now the Padre's generous balls were resting on my hairy bush and the Padre had gone somewhere he had never gone before. He was in bottom pig heaven. The Padre and I were in the middle of a ring of sexually excited men, all of whom were participating in his ecstasy. Everyone was hard and dripping either the remains of their orgasms or the precursors of future orgasm.

I knew what the Padre wanted, so I pulled out and held him open for the other men. Georgie wasn't into anal, but he was first in line. He had a big knob and played with the Padre's sphincter until he slid in deep. He took three stokes and had mind bending climax. Scooter was next, then the Bishop.

The Bishop bent over the Padre and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Never better," was the reply. The Bishop took his time. He was the last one to shoot in the Padre's ass. I guessed this was the realization of long dreamed about fantasy of the Padre. I was worried there might be a hard landing when he got back to earth, but Georgie and the Bishop took him under their wing. It was beautiful.

Next: Chapter 112: Catfishs Miami Adventure 6

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