Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 29, 2008


Catfish's Miami Adventure 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

That night I gave my Indian friends my famous Catfish's Introduction to Sex Class. Ran's friends Gurpal and Ram were new to the scene and thousands of miles away from home. No one knew them here, thus it was a safe place to have fun. They also had a hankering for white meat. American culture has a lot to be sorry about, but sending the Beverly Hillbillies and Petticoat junction around the world is our greatest sin. I have to admit though, the subject teaches itself. My cock's a bit too big for an introductory class, but desire is half the battle and that we all shared. They were wearing towels and had been having a beer.

There was a light knock on the door. It was Haider and another young man I didn't know, with them was Jose, Juan's nephew. He was invited to the show and tell too. I'm not a shy man, but Jose was not shy at all. He all but stripped as he walked through the door. The men seemed to be a bit taken aback, but they adjusted quickly. In most men lust triumphs over modesty anyway. A young guy who is half hard has his charms. I got to know Jose that evening. He was a good looking 21 year old. He was moderately hairy and nicely equipped. While he was affable, he had the sex drive of a bull and as far as I could tell was insatiable. It took a few minutes, but soon we all got naked.

The new man was named Ali and he was Pakistani computer wiz. Ali was perhaps 25 or 30. He had a goatee as well as a hairy body. His features was somewhat delicate. He was the only one in the group with a cut cock. The room was dimly lighted. He acted cool and reserved, but there was a bead of pre cum at this slit. Ran had some Scotch and Bourbon available and that loosened up the shyer men.

Jose was soon on the floor sucking Gurpal's cock. Haider took the opportunity to rear end Jose with his impressive tool. Jose didn't bat an eye. I got together with Ram and Ali. Neither was sexually experienced and they were somewhat shy. Compared to Jose, I was prudish English nanny. We talked quietly and I fondled their genitals. Ali got hard immediately.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"There's nothing as beautiful as an erect cock," I said, "You've got a beauty." By now Ram was up. Ali's meat was long and thin. Ram was a bit shorter, but very thick. "You're both endowed." I said.

"Ours are Pigmy's compared to yours," Ram said.

I smiled. "Well you're big enough to get me up," I said. They liked that. I sank to my knees and licked both of their cocks. Ram shot a volley of cum when my tongue touched his organ for the first time. He was able to hold back further ejaculations. They were uneasy at first, but soon their cocks did their thinking for them and all was well. Ali was a leaker and I got him going good. I got up and asked them if they were okay."

"I was wonderful," Ali said.

"Smashing," Ram added. "What are we supposed to do?" he whispered.

"The rules are pretty free and easy as long as we're having fun," I said. "I like it all. I take it you guys are new to this?"

Ram said yes. Ali nodded.

"Let me give you some pointers," I said. "As I said, there are no rules. It seems to me the more you do, the better it is. Don't worry though. It gets better with repetition. You may be uncomfortable the first time you suck a cock, but you'll get use to it. It's the same way with fucking, but that can take more time."

"Jose likes it?" Ram said. "I don't think I could do that."

"Some guys don't," I said. "There no requirement that you like it all. Different stokes for different folks."

"Are there any men who can take yours?" Ali asked.

"Sure," I said. "But I'm not sure I recommend it for your first experience with getting fucked. It's more for graduate studies in man sex, not for the Introduction to fucking 101 class."

Ali smiled. "I have a PhD in computer science from MIT," he said. He sank to his knees to give my cock a try. Apparently it was a success. Ram traded places with him and sucked me. We got on the bed and made a little ring. Gurpal joined us and made the geometry easier. Ali and Ram were soon comfortable

I was sucking Ram when he shot off. I ended up popping in Ali's mouth. He took it like a man. I didn't know if Gurpal took Ali, but he was a happy man. We took a breather and then Ali and Ram took turns fucking Jose. Haider had done a nice job warming him up and the two younger men had a good time.

Haider was into asses big time. He got behind Ali and Ram and got a finger into their holes. After the surprise passed, they responded well and I guessed the two men had a future as bottoms. Haider was more than willing to be the first. It was getting late so I left, but Jose was still more than willing to entertain the men.

It was a quiet night at the hotel. I got up early the next morning and ran into Humberto showering. He dropped the soap and I had a nice and easy fuck to get the day going on the right foot. I assumed he had a lot of practice taking Karl's Kielbasa and it was an easy entry. Once I was in, Humberto was a master bottom. He could tighten his ass and massage my cock as I screwed him.

Denny, my supervisor, came in as I was finishing Humberto off. I thought he would be mad I was screwing in the shower room. That was a no no. Humberto left and damn if Denny didn't drop the soap too. I knew Denny had a tight ass. It took some time to get my knob in. "Do you want the rest?" I asked him.

"Shit yes!" he replied. I gave him a hard thrust and my pubic hair was ticking his ass hole. With a few more thrust I knew he liked it hard and a bit rough. I had fucked him before, but practice makes perfect and it was really good this time. A minute or two later Denny had a spectacular, whole body orgasm. He was lucky he didn't shoot a major interior organ through his cock. I doubled my speed and held him tight. I rear loaded him and he sprayed the shower with cum.

When I pulled out he smiled and told me to clean up the room. It was a good start to the day. I was almost finished cleaning when Donnie, Lou, Scooter,Tom and Maurice came in. I love it when all the suspects are together and in a talkative mood. As the towel guy they didn't seem to notice I was there.

They stripped and went to the shower. There they talked. Donnie said there was going to be a hot prospect in Room 314. "The guy's so ugly, he has to be desperate for some fun." Donnie continued.

"I hate doing these old geezers," Tommy said. "We should get hazardous duty pay for some of these guys." Tommy and Donnie were completely shaved. Donnie had a neatly coiffed cube of hair just above his cock. Tommy had shaved his pubes. Someone once refereed to me as a pint sized Attila the Hun. I had a odd desire to fuck the two assholes hard and nasty.

"I like them," Scooter said. Scooter was young and he got hard from just contemplating sex. He struck me as the weak link in the group. I decided to get him alone as have a chat sometime.

"Well they pay the bills here," Maurice said. "I'm the accountant. Without the geezers we have no club." Maurice was well hung, but he didn't need to get hard to be impressive. The group left and I doubt they even noticed I was there. When I had a chance I went to Juan as asked who was in Room 314.

"The current man is leaving today,"he said. "General Tambor is taking his place." I had heard of Alan Tambor. He was a retired general who had been in charge of Military Intelligence. At one time he was on talk shows as a foreign intelligence specialist, but had vanished recently. I assumed he was out of retirement and working for the government again. He was short, dark and hairy as I recalled. I think he was of middle eastern or Greek ancestry.

He arrived that night at 2:00 in the morning. The club catered to guests special needs, so I was called to play the bellboy role. He was an inch shorter than me and 50 pounds heavier. He tried to tip me, but I told him there was no tipping at the club. "Uh, I forgot." he said. "Is there anyway I could get a sandwich? I haven't eaten yet today."

"The kitchen staff is off duty, but if you don't mind a non gourmet type sandwich, I can help you," I said.

"That would be great," he replied. I went off to the kitchen and made a ham and cheese on rye for him. I brought him a tray with the sandwich and some salads Humberto had prepared. Tambor thanked me profusely when I delivered it. He asked me to tell the desk to wake him at nine. The next day a number of guests left and were replaced by new men. Haider left with Ran, but the other Indians remained. For some reason it was one of those busy days when nothing much happened. I was running all moring, but doing nothing of account.

One of the new guests, Mr. Harrington, was very demanding and seemed that when ever he needed something, I was the only one available. He wanted a personal servant. I finally got Scooter to help out. Apparently Scooter hit the spot. Harrington was trolling for love and kept on getting me. . He was auditioning the staff for a playmate. I wasn't what he wanted, and he had been pissed that he got me each time I saw General Tambor leave the club at 11:00 or so.

After the busy day the night was quiet. There was a series of big thunder storms passing over the city, so the pool was closed and most guests either stayed in their rooms or went off to a night club. At 10:30 Tambor appeared in the exercise room with a friend. The regular staff was off at 8:30, so I was holding the fort. Officially the exercise room closed at 10:00 for cleaning. But I kept it spic and span all the time. They went to m the exercise machines and I went to hose down the showers. I took off my shirt so it wouldn't get wet. There was a huge boom and then lights went out. Lightening must have struck nearby. After a few seconds of darkness the lights turned on at a low level. The building had a backup generator.

The air conditioning was off, but some lights were on. "Are you guys okay?" I called.

"Sure," a voice I recognized as Tambor's replied.

I went to the exercise room. Both men looked pudgy, but they were lifting heavy weights over 150 pounds. By now both me were wearing only shorts.

Tambor's friend, who looked slightly familiar, laughed when he saw me and Tambor. "I hope I don't offend you, but the same gorilla must have fucked both you mothers! Damn you're a hairy pair."

"I don't think we're twins," I said. Tambor was as massive as I was thin.

"Rex, this is the early morning sandwich making bell-bell boy I told you about," Tambor said.

He shook hands with me. "I'm Rex Randall, a jack of all trades and sometimes actor."

"Rex is too modest. He is mostly a distinguished actor of the Shakespearian type. He's here to be the lead in the Scottish play."

"Have I seen you in some commercials for an insurance company?" I asked.

"That is an example of my jack of all trades mode. I play the reassuring Grandfather type." Rex said. The light was dim, but he was surprisingly muscular man. I had thought he was fat. He was checking me out. "You would make a good Shakespearian actor? Do you act?"

"Are you looking for a new Romeo or Hamlet?"

"Actually I am looking for a new grave digger," Rex replied as he looked me over. "You would be a perfect spear carrier. We could save some money with you. You've already got the spear!" The coral's shear fabric shorts did the trick again.

"Did you just call my Father a gorilla?" Tambor asked. He was cheerful. He had taken the comment as a joke, not an insult.

"If he was I wouldn't mind getting fucked by him either," Rex responded. "I've dreamed of getting screwed by King Kong and his brothers, or any Uncles who might be passing through the jungle." he reached out and caressed Tambor and my hairy chests.

An announcement came over the PA system, "The electrical outage will last for several hours. Please turn off unnecessary lights or appliances to reduce the strain on the back up generators."

"I'd better turn off the lights here," I said.

"Would you like to come to my bedroom and relax some?" Tambor asked.

"I need to stay here. I'm on call," I responded. They looked disappointed. "My bedroom is right around the corner, would you like to join me for some relaxation?"

"I hate to sound crude, but I really want to get fucked," Rex said.

"This is your lucky day," I replied. We went to my room after I turned off the lights. As I dropped my pants Rex was at my cock. Tambor stood on my bed so I could suck him. I had to tongue my way through his bush, but found his puckered skin. I sucked the tube of skin in my mouth and sent my tongue exploring.

It was a pretty rich brew inside. The next morning he'd be over ripe, but it was fine now.

"Damn you're ripe," Rex said about my cock.

"Sorry about that."

"He wasn't complaining," Tambor whispered. "My friend likes uncut men a lot. It's almost obsessive."

"I guess this is his lucky day," I said. My tongue found his piss slit. It was nice and wide. I got inside the piss tube and I tasted the first faint trace of his ball juices. All was well.

Normally I get hard quickly, but Rex had a good technique and I got half hard and plateaued. He liked to deep throat. Once my cock was in he swallowed. His throat massaged my cock. It was a lovely sensation. He also had a finger poking at my ass. I shifted my stance to make it easier for him. At the same time one of my fingers strayed toward Tambor's hole. He shifted his legs too. It was nice to know we were all open to the possibilities.

Tambor had a telescope style cock. It started buried in his bush and then grew. It was soon a good six to six and a half inches long and thicker than average. His cock head was a mouthful, a big flared mushroom. I like lollipop style cocks but rarely do you find them on a thick shaft. We traded positions. I mentioned there was some lube on my night table. You could feel the relief in the room. The guys were really into fucking. Rex was thick and meaty. His balls were huge and working overtime. I loved the drool.

I also had a good time lubricating Rex's ass. He started tight and opened up slowly. When I found his prostate he moaned. That was a good sign.

"How do you want to take me?" Rex asked.

"On your back with your legs spread wide," I said. "I'm not in the mood for a fight tonight. You want to get fucked. I want to fuck. Let's just do it." Rex was agreeable. I got him on the bed and got his legs on my shoulders. Tambor got behind him and pulled the legs back and apart. Rex was wide open.

I took my time, but I didn't need to worry. Receptive didn't come close to explaining how open Rex was to my cock. My cock fit like a glove. He was very tight, but offered no resistance. I felt as if his ass was shrink wrapped to his ass. Every movement I made made him shiver or twitch or moan. It's nice to be appreciated.

Rex was in no condition to pay any attention to Tambor's cock. He got up and straddled Rex so I could suck him. He had gone partially soft so when I sucked him his foreskin was filled again with his ooze. I like pure man goo. It got me more turned on. Sucking a cock while you're fucking turned out to be complicated. I slowed down to get to a reasonable rhythm.

That was good for all of us. I fucked Rex for a good half hour. He was exhausted and weak when he finally shot off. He wasn't so weak he couldn't smile. It can only be so bad when you shoot hands free. I pulled out and Rex's hole stayed open for a while. I must have dilated his asshole.

Tambor was next to me. "I like to top too," he whispered. His voice was uncertain.

"I've got no problem entertaining on the back porch," I said. "I wouldn't mind taking a ride on your fireplug."

"I'm not a very good bottom," he added. Tambor got on the bed. I poured some lube on his organ and straddled him. I've been fucked by bigger guys, but Tabor was filling. His mushroom and my prostate formed a close relationship. It was good when I sat on it, but even better when it slipped into place. Tambor and I weren't the most romantic men in the world, but somehow we had a very hot and heavy make out session. We really got into it.

Later he discovered he was a much better bottom than he thought, a much better bottom. Apparently I hit something deeper than anyone had touched before. He left at four in the morning. I had been in his ass for at least three hours. I slept until ten.

Next: Chapter 111: Catfishs Miami Adventure 5

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