Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 18, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 11

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Life in my house changed after the party. All of the sexual play came to an end the next day. Policemen arrived to take up duty at Skeeter's attic window. The police in his tub limited Skeeter's social life After the Christmas and New Years break, work resumed at full scale on the theater restoration and Magnus called me to further discuss his island.

Magnus asked me to come with him and Max, the architect, on a day trip to the island. New Samoa Island sat in the Chesapeake Bay and was remarkably little known. It was called New Samoa as a joke, because it was so hard to get it to, it might as well be in Samoa. At least, that was the local story. It was covered in dense brush and vegetation, but had shallow sand bars and underwater hazards making it necessary to know the area well to get to the shore.

Magnus told me he could use some muscle to clear some of the paths and trails on the overgrown island, so I brought Bubba and Bobby with me. We met him at a marina in Urbanna. He introduced us to Captain Burt, who would sail us over. Magnus had a motorized sail boat, the Queen of the Bay. I know little about boats, but Bubba was distinctly impressed. The Queen took us from Urbanna to the island on a warm, winter day. Captain Burt and Magnus did all the sailing, so we just sat on the deck and enjoyed the view. We crossed the bay at high speed, but slowed as we reached the island and slowly threaded our way to the dock.

The island was densely covered in a thicket of trees, briars and underbrush. It appeared to be low and featureless. The dock was in ruins and we tied to one of the few solid pilings and then walked gingerly across the rotted boards to the land. Magnus knew the path and Bubba and Bobby went ahead with machetes to clear the briars out of the way.

"How is it that an island could stay vacant in the Bay?" I asked Magnus. "The land value here is extraordinary."

"There are several reasons." Magnus answered. "We'll see the ruins of the house soon. It was large, but the owners seemed to have been plagued with bad luck. The house burned, they went bankrupt, and the sole remaining member of the family is institutionalized."

"Court appointed conservator?" Max asked.

"You got it. Since the heir was incompetent, the courts have controlled the property for thirty years. They have done nothing and the property has been vacant and not for sale. No one could buy it, no one maintained it, it was in limbo." Magnus explained.

"How did you get it?" I asked.

"Frankly, I have a lot of money and my lawyers are well connected." Magnus answered. "The heir is in her eighties now and my cash offer was enough to take care of her for twenty or thirty years. The court was satisfied." We came to a low stone wall, defining a raised area. Max liked it a lot. It was a beautifully dressed wall. We climbed up a broad stair.

"Fucking briars!" Bubba exclaimed as he was scratched by the dry and sharp vines.

"The last owner planted raspberries. She thought it would be a cash crop." Magnus said. "They have spread, and the place is almost totally overrun by them. Her daddy built the wall so the house would be above high tide in a hurricane." We came to stone piers. This must have been a porch. Every wood element had either burned or rotted away, only stone walls remained. Max was fascinated. You could see the wheels rotating in his mind as to possible designs.

Bubba and Bobby went off clearing the way while we looked over the ruins. Magnus wanted a low profile, environmentally minimalist design. He wanted to accommodate 10 to 20 overnight guests in a lodge and perhaps a cottage or two. He thought they might do parties for larger numbers. The club would need its own electrical and sewer system and would be self contained.

"You could fit more cottages here if you wanted." I said.

"I know, but I want a more communal situation, more like a fraternity." Magnus said. "Most of my friends are able to get together one on one from time to time. It was the group sex that was a revelation."

"I never thought of it that way, but you're right." Max said. "It was a shock to discover you weren't alone in your sex interests. For years I hid it. I felt liberated in a place where it was both okay to be gay and okay to like sex." I had know Max professionally, but had never though of him as a gay man. I had never heard him talk openly about it.

"I discovered I liked man sex and lots of it in my late sixties." Magnus said. It was a shock to discover that something so important had been missing from my life. I was clueless." Bobby ran up to us.

"We found a pond!" he said. "A real pretty one." He led us into the underbrush and took us to a small pond in the middle of the island. Bubba was hacking his way around the periphery.

"You can see it in aerial photographs, but I never cut my way to it before." Magnus said. I scraped ground with my foot and found a flagstone. We were on a stone terrace, completely covered in leaves, briars and debris. Bubba returned.

"It ain't a pond, it's a swimming pool. I found the pump house." Bubba said excitedly. "There are the remains of a filter system. This was one expensive house!" He showed us his discoveries. It was clear the pool was man made in spite of its natural appearance. It was an artificial swimming pool, totally hidden on the interior of the island. The place had been luxurious.

"I hope you have a good budget." Max said. "I think the building will be quite simple to do, but the utilities will be a bear!"

"I'm not too worried about the cost." Magnus replied. "I've deep pockets and I have a lot of friends who would have no problem helping out." We continued to explore the island. It was a warm day, pleasant for January. A low cloud appeared at four and we returned to the boat. By the time we got to the Queen, we were socked in with fog. It was a classic pea soup fog.

"It looks like we are here for the night." Captain Burt announced. "I radioed in and the fog is solid over the entire area. It's not a storm, just light rain and fog. We can't get out until it clears. The Queen sleeps twelve."

Magus laughed. "Twelve midgets! The boat salesmen have a wonderful view of the space it takes to hold a man. It will be cozy." He looked at Bubba's hulking form. Bobby emerged from behind. He had been completely hidden by Bubba's bulk. Magnus laughed again. "I guess everything will average out." It began to drizzle, so we went below deck into the cabin.

The interior was very cramped, but efficient and almost luxurious. Magus said he had designed it himself as one room with no subdivisions. He said it is a boat for him alone, not for company. The boat was well stocked with food and liquor. It was comfortable and we sat back for a cocktail. The space got warm with the body heat of all the big men. Bobby sat next to me and whispered in my ear. "I've been sweating like a pig. Maybe I should go on deck."

Bobby was a hard worker and always polite and clean. He was uncomfortable in the company of wealthy men and to be dirty offended his sensibilities. Magnus over heard the question. He gestured to Bobby to come over.

"We have a shower in the rear of the boat. Behind that door." Magnus said. "If you don't mind getting naked in this room. There is no dressing room." Bobby looked Magnus in the eye.

"I wouldn't mind it at all." he said under his breath. "Would it bother you?"

"Not at all." Magnus replied. "I don't mind. Actually, I like to see naked men. I like it a lot."

"Bubba and I aren't real pretty." Bobby said. "We are real men, though."

"That sounds great." Magnus said. "Its going to be a long night, we might as well get comfortable and relax." Bobby smiled.

"I know lots of things we can do to relax." Magnus smiled. "Lots of fun first, then real relaxing." Magnus and the Captain made something for dinner, and Bubba and Bobby showered. They had opened some windows, but it was still getting warmer. The Captain took off his shirt. He was about 40, with a hiker's body, slim and wiry. He had a nipple ring and a dusting of brown hair on his chest.

Bubba and Bobby emerged from their showers, but stayed naked, wrapped only in a towel. Dinner was good, simple and straightforward. Magnus produced wine. I was feeling good. The Captain was sitting next to Bubba and they were getting along well. Max and I were deep into a design and construction discussion about the lodge and Magnus and Bobby were talking about fishing.

Max had an idea that he would integrate the stone walls of the old house into the new building and I was thinking up ways to stabilize the walls during the construction process. There was a lull in our conversation and I saw the Captain was sucking Bubba and Magnus and Bobby were feeling each other out. Max laughed.

"The train seems to have left without us!" he said. I looked at Max.

"I don't mind being in the caboose." I replied. We were naked in seconds and joined in the festivities. It was much more comfortable on the cramped boat without clothes. Bobby was sucking Magnus and had his naked ass in the air and was twitching his ass hole.

"Does that mean what I think it does?" Max whispered in my ear,

"It sure does." I replied. "He loves it in his ass, just loves it."

"You wouldn't mind being alone for a little while." Max continued. I smiled.

"Not at all, take your time." I said. Bobby's good at it, he can go for hours."

"I wish I could!" Max replied. Magnus was watching us as we talked, divined Max's interest and told him where the lubricant was. Max was good sized and the glimmering lubricant enhanced the effect. He slid in Bobby's ass without effort.

Bobby was caught off guard. He had been sucking Magnus frantically and wasn't thinking about the rear attack. He was surprised and unprepared, but the cock was obviously welcome. It was also just as obviously a good match. Max had been a bit matter-of-fact about Bobby, but he became downright enthusiastic. I think he was surprised it felt so good.

Bubba and the Captain came over to watch the festivities. The Captain had a long cock that curved downward, even though he was excited and semi hard. He had a thick ring through his cock head. I had seen men with Prince Albert's before, but never this thick. Bubba was behind him and I couldn't tell if he was just rubbing his cock in the Captain's ass, or actually penetrating into the hole. I reached over and toyed with the ring. He wasn't semi hard, he was hard as a rock.

"Great conversation piece, isn't it?" the Captain asked. He seemed amused.

"Damn!" I said, making no points as a witty conversationalist.

"It looks nice, but it's a bitch for cock suckers." he said. "Some guys like it in when I fuck, but others don't like it." It was obvious he had a lot of questions about it, and he had the answers down pat.

"I did it for a former lover who thought it was hot. We started small and stretched it with a new, bigger ring every few months. Once it reached full size he lost interest. The ring turned him on." the Captain said. "It's a gold ring and he wanted it back when we broke up." The Captain seemed to be in a confess all mode, talking about his unhappy love affairs. Bubba seemed to like it, his hands were all over the Captain's body, and the Captain liked the attention.

I looked over at Bobby and Max and discovered Magnus' cock was in Bobby's love tunnel. Max was lying back on the built-in sofa. He looked very relaxed. I sat next to him and touched his cock.

"Careful! I'll pop!" Max cried. His eyes remained closed.

"Sorry, I thought you were finished." I said. "You look really relaxed."

"Bobby really knows his stuff." Max said. "He knows when to go and when to slow." He opened an eye and saw Bobby looking at him. Bobby was beaming; he liked the compliment. Magnus didn't have the effect on Bobby that Max had, but Bobby was still enjoying himself. Magnus suddenly began to thrust violently. They both looked happy.

"You need a rest now, Bobby." Max suggested. You'll wear out!"

"I've never worn out yet!" Bobby said. "I've got a powerful liking for cock in my ass. My friend Skeeter says I'm good at it and especially good at parties." The Captain came over and shoved his cock in the cum lubricated hole, metal and all. Bubba was sitting down and from the cum dribbling from his cock, I finally figured out he had been in the Captain's ass. Magnus was next to him and they fell asleep together.

Bobby looked pleased. He hadn't been able to focus on the Captain's unusually shaped cock , nor on its metal accessories. As it pumped in him he knew there was something different and he wanted to find out what it was. He had been on his hands and knees taking it doggy style. He got on his back and hooked his legs with his arms, so his hole was wide open. Bobby could watch the Prince Albert vanish into his ass.

Bobby had an almost prehensile ass. He could grab things with his sphincter muscle. Max and I watched as he and the Captain had a comic-erotic game of catch the golden ring. All four of us enjoyed it. The Captain had lost the slightly morose air of his discussion of his failed relationships and was into the game. He would add lube to his cock to make it easier to slip in.

He pulled out completely and left Bobby whining for more. The Captain went to a cabinet and took out a small box. Returning, he opened it and we saw two gold marbles. His cock ring was three quarters round with a small ball at each end. He removed the balls and replaced them with the marbles.

"This will give you something to grab!" he said. Bobby looked downright appreciative of the Captain's thoughtfulness. The game continued. I knew Bobby liked to be fucked, but was beginning to get worried when the Captain began to moan. He pulled out so we could see the cum. It spurted from both holes.

Max pulled Bobby over to him and sank his cock back into the cum filled hole. Bobby's face lit up when Max's cock head touched his prostate. It was late and I got on one of the benches with a pillow and fell asleep. The Captain got up, locked the doors and turned off the lights.

I woke at seven. The Captain was next to me. "I can't believe how horny I am." he whispered. "That was the best orgasm I have had in years and I'm ready to go again." He paused. "You'd like to try it on for size?" he asked. "You sure liked watching last night." I nodded. He got on top of me and put my legs on his shoulders.

"Would you mind if I fucked you without the P.A.?" he continued. I'd really love to feel something soft against my dick head." I would have nodded, but his cock was already probing my ass. After the light hearted, comic fuck-fest of the previous night, I was unprepared for the tender and almost loving penetration. He eased in and slowly moved deeper into my chute.

Its head poked every where, probed everywhere. He was slow and I could feel the head as it moved. The Captain was in no hurry to cum and after fifteen minutes of this slow exploration, the inside of my tunnel was sensitized and every movement was exquisitely pleasurable. Max and Bobby woke and resumed their fucking and Bubba was slowly pumping his cock into Magnus' ass.

I had what could only be described as a soft climax. It was as if the Captain's cock was pumping the cum from my balls. He tensed, but maintained his rhythm and our orgasms merged. I was splattered by cum. I looked over and saw that Bobby had popped.

"Sorry Boss." he said. Everyone laughed.

The fog lifted around nine and we returned to Urbanna. The club on New Samoa Island was going to be a good project.

Next: Chapter 12

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