Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 1, 2008


Catfish's Miami Adventure 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

I did get some sleep that night and I slept late to almost 8:00. I was off work throughout the morning. I showered in the main locker room and got a few admiring or curious looks. The Chef, Humberto, was there changing into his work clothes. He took a along look at me. I ate in the small break area for the staff next to the kitchen. Humberto was there having breakfast while the sou chiefs took care of the guests.

"Your first day here was good?" he asked.

"It was. The guests were nice and the staff seems to be on the ball," I said. "I haven't met anyone I don't like."

"Well there are a few I have little use for, but I'll let you find that out for yourself," Humberto said. A young, blond guy came in. Humberto rolled his eyes. I got the impression the blond wasn't on his favorite list.

"You're new here, I'm Donnie," he said with great enthusiasm.

"I'm Catfish. I guess you could say I'm the towel boy."

"I think of myself as God's gift to the world, but technically I'm a waiter," he said. I laughed. It was supposed to be funny, but there was an odd undertone. Humberto finished breakfast and left. "Watch out for that prick," Donnie said as he watched the chef leave. "That fat bastard can really get on your case."

"You've had some run ins?"

"He's a real prima donna and a Spic to boot," he continued. "This place is filled with wetbacks. I don't mind the guests. They have money, and they like100% all American boys like me, but most of the staff is shit."

"If you're that popular, maybe I could get some of your leftovers."

"Dream on, buddy. Most of the guest like us young," Donnie continued. "No offense, but you look like something the cat dragged in."

I smiled at him. "Well they call me Catfish."

"So that's why you have that stupid name?"

"We all have a cross to bare. At least I don't have to worry about losing my boyish charm."

Donnie thought that was funny. He chattered on for a while. When he finished eating he got up and left.

I don't get offended. A long time ago I discovered it was much more important to figure out why a guy was offensive, or wanted to offend you. I would bet Donnie thought he was God's gift, but had a hard time understanding why no one realized that. If he had asked me, I could have told him it was obvious. He was just a little shit. Most people could figure that out in a minute of conversation with him. He was bitter about people who were more successful than him. Humberto was a top of the line chef, and thus was on Donnie's bad side.

Donnie also felt a need to insult and degrade the people he worked with as a way to make him feel superior. Clearly Donnie felt money was necessary for respect. Hispanic's were acceptable if they had money. I would keep my eye on Donnie.

Another guy came in who was a young version of Donnie. Donnie was in his 30s, but wanted to look 18. This kid was the real thing. He introduced himself as Scooter. Scooter was a country boy from Alabama. He was a blond god until he opened his mouth, then he became Gomer Pyle. He also had an attitude.

It took a while for me to figure Scooter out. He reminded me of Donnie. I soon realized he was copying Donnie. Poor Scooter had picked a bad role model. Scooter wasn't a good actor. He was you basic, undereducated, over sexed, redneck, country boy trying to get ahead. He dropped the Donnie imitation after a while and turned into a pleasant guy.

Scooter was trailer trash who wanted to get out and have a life. A smarter guy would have gone to school and gotten a job. Scooter was lucky enough to find a job where being good looking and liking sex were the prime requirements. Scooter was a bellboy. He told me he loved cock, so he was a good introduction to the Coral and it's special services. I hoped he wasn't involved in the scheme, whatever it was.

We had a full house of guests and a party that evening. The hotel was bustling. I went to the gym and helped Denny. There was a morning towel man, but was out sick. I would guess the guests were evenly distributed between businessmen and vacationers. Haider, Santos and Lars were here on business. Ran had the day off so he was around the hotel.

I was hard at work on the locker room. I have no particular problem seeing men naked before meeting them dressed. Men don't expect much of a shower room attendant. They certainly don't expect one to be an detective. My experience with most gyms and locker rooms is that men pretended they are into exercise when they really want to see some cock. That wasn't true of the Coral. Cock watching was just fine here. Erections were discouraged, but half staff was acceptable. Sucking and fucking were confined to the bedrooms, but a little fondling was okay if it was done discretely.

Most of the staff played it straight. They would wait for a guest to make a move. Everyone eventually used the locker rooms, even the manager and Humberto. Humberto was hairy and masculine, if slightly overstuffed. He had huge balls. He showered with a sou chef, Kazinski. Kazinski was called Mr. Kielbasa for reasons that were evident when he showered. No one exactly said it, but I suspected they were a couple. I think if you wanted the Kielbasa, you got Humberto's potatoes too.

Donnie associated with the "Tude Trio." They were Lou, a bellboy, Tom, a bus boy and the hotel accountant, Maurice. They were pretty boys with attitude. Maurice was black, and the others were blond beach boy types. They weren't my type, but a good portion of the hotel's guests drooled over them.

I got along a lot better with the gym staff. The personal trainers and life guards were nice guys. Since many of the guests were middle aged or elderly men, then all needed physical training. They were sincerely interested in helping the men. As for the guests, exercising with a handsome young man was a good incentive to keep at it.

The party that night was a big event. A man on the third floor, Homer Winslow, was having some friends over at nine for a pool party. He was a mid-western financier. Nine was the hour when the pool became nude. Technically it was clothing optional, but everyone was nude. Denny told me there were to be about thirty guests at the party, but that hotel residents were all invited as a matter of courtesy.

"The pool is always popular during the nude swimming periods," Denny explained. "As you know sex is relegated to the rooms normally. When the pool is rented it is a private space and things get more free wheeling. Homer has rented the suite next to the pool for the more heavy duty stuff, but the pool will be busy. They like it if the staff is naked too. Is that a problem?"

"Not for me."

"That's good. It's can be embarrassing for the guests to be naked in front of a fully dressed waiter. You'll get a bracelet to identify you as staff," Denny explained.

"Is cleaning up the cum part of my job description?"

Denny laughed.

Later that day I met Homer. He was a 60 year old, jolly old elf type, cheerful and gregarious. He had a belly and a grey beard. I was cleaning the shower room. Homer inspected it and me. He liked both. "You must be the Catfish guy I've been hearing about?"

"I guess so, I'm the only Catfish here."

"I'm Homer, the party man."

"Do you have parties here regularly?"

"Every year or two," Homer replied. "I've been coming to Miami for 30 years and made a lot of friends. I gives me a chance to catch up with all of them. Some are getting on a bit in years. They don't get out much anymore."

"That happens to everybody. Just because you're old doesn't mean you can't have some fun."

"That's the way I see it," Homer said, then he leaned close to me and whispered. "I see you got some heavy duty meat hanging between your legs. Do you mind allowing a few sample licks to some old farts? They'd love it."

I smiled. "As far I can can remember, I've never said no. I guess you could say I'm a good sport."

"That's true about me too," Homer said. "Denny said you are a nice guy. Two years ago we had a problem with a waiter here to told a friend of mine to fuck off. I have no problem if a guys says "Sorry I'm not interested," or "I'm busy", but this guy was rude."

"Is this guy still here?"

"Donnie still thinks he the Queen of the Dining Room. When I told Juan about it, Juan was going to fire him, but I told him that was too much," Homer said. "I do check out the new guys to make sure they are with the program."

"Are they?"

"Oh yes," Homer replied. "Juan runs a tight ship. This party costs me $30,000.00."

"You can't buy me," I said. Homer looked worried. Then I whispered, "but my cock and balls are available. I'd be glad to contribute them to the success of the party. Once or twice the contents of my balls have been used as party favors."

Homer laughed then he whispered, "I have warm spot for man milk. Do you make deliveries?"

"I sure do. I can deliver though the front door or at the back porch, depending on your preferences."

Homer muttered, "Hot Damn!" and left.

In the later afternoon Juan came by the locker room and came over to me. "You made a friends with Homer. He was most impressed."

"He seemed like a nice guy.

Homer's friends began to arrive at 9:00 on the dot. The came to the locker room to change, I gave them a towel, and a key to the locker. They were cheerful group.

The first to arrive was a quartet of men. There were two very tall men and two short men. I guessed the were two Mutt and Jeff couples. I was right. Sal was a giant and Tommy was borderline dwarf. Tommy was a pocket bear, hairy and beefy. Sal was tall and slim. Sal was a retired teacher and Tommy was a computer programmer. He was quite a bit younger than his partner. The other couple consisted of Walter and Dave. In this case, Walter was tall and heavy, while Dave was almost delicate.

Four men arrived next. It was clear they were all just friends and playmates. They were all handsome men and a bit aloof, except for a stunning looking guy named Gene. Gene was the morning news anchor for a local station. I was naked and wearing a Coral bracelet. He looked at my cock and all but drooled.

Several older men entered next. They must have been between 65 and 75 five. Three were pink and white and looked as if they never got out into the daylight. Two had dark tans. They all seemed cheerful.

I like cocks and you could say I've made a study of them. I was interested in them as a kid, and my interest has never flagged. I've never been able to guess how a guy was hung. As far as I can tell cocks are randomly distributed. Some huge men have small cocks. Some twerps, like me, are horse hung. By the time the party was under way, we must have had just about every possible variation on man meat.

Cocks all have one common feature, they all are great when they're shooting. All cocks are pretty when they're filled with cum and spewing man seed. I firmly believe all orgasms are equal. I didn't know if this was going to a site seeing party, where the men looked and admired the scenery, or if it was going to be action party. I didn't know how well the guests knew each other.

Some of the hotel guests joined in so it was a real mixture of men. It turned out to be a good group. Homer's friends knew each other well and had played together often. Some were there to renew old friendships. Others were interested in new meat. There was another group. These were partnered men, who used the party to add a little spice to their life. Sometimes one partner was100% top, and his partner was versatile. The versatile partner had a chance to top at the party. Some bottoms like to be stretched once and awhile. Their partners like to watch them being stretched.

For some reason I seem to attract those guys. That doesn't bother me, but then again not much seems to bother me. For the first half hour I was busy in the locker room. Juan was at the main door checking to make sure all the guests were here. When the last guest came in, Juan joined me in the locker room. He stripped to join the rest of the guests. I had never seen him naked before and he had never seen me naked.

"It's hard to believe it's real," he said. "It's a beauty."

"You've got a nice package," I said. "You like this kind of party?"

"Not as a daily diet, but a few times a year is good for me. Homer's one of the first men to join us. He's a regular. Everyone's here now. Why don't you get out to the pool?"

"Exactly how free and easy is it tonight?"

"I don't think it could be much more free and easy," Juan whispered to me. "Some of Homer's friends are exhibitionists. Normally the pool is off limits for overt sex. Not tonight. Is that a problem for you?"

"Nope, no problem at all." I said.

"It's not a problem for me either," Juan said as he went to the pool. I joined him a few minutes later. The party was well under way. There was a bar at each end of the pool and tables of food. A huge fish made of hors d'oevres dominated each table. Humberto was serving the tables. He waved at me to come over to him.

"I have something for you," he said as he led me to the side. "Kielbasa made some things for the party, but I need someone to wear it." He opened an ice filled box. Inside was a shrimp covered jock strap. "Would you wear it?" Kielbasa made it but he doesn't have the nerve to wear it."

I was game. The jock strap was gauze and the shrimp were sewn on. It was clever. When I put it on, I discovered there was the gap in the center for one large central shrimp, my cock. I wasn't particularly sure the shrimp covered pouch framing my uncut cock, crowned by my curly bush was the most appetizing way to serve food.

When I appeared with the shrimp cod piece it was an immediate success. While I'm not sure it would have met all the standards of the health department, it was a sensation. I walked around the pool. Some plucked the shrimp from the gauze, but those who were sitting on the deck were at eye level and bit the shrimp off, and not a few got a lick of my cock. Homer took a lot more than a lick. He was an enthusiastic man and by the time I got away, I was beyond half staff. That did nothing to reduce my popularity.

Once I did it, Scooter appeared wearing a second jock strap. He added a little variant. He had some extra foreskin, so he filled the void with a shrimp. The little tail looked nice as a finial for his cock. Scooter had reddish blond hair, and his red pubes looked nice with the pink shrimp. The guests seem to appreciate that.

When I took the jock strap off, Humberto had a shrimp covered bag that he tired to my balls. To get to the shrimp you had to get around my cock. The guests rose to that challenge. That too was a hit. By the time the last shrimp was eaten and I was just plain naked. Some where between 60% or 70 % of the men had sucked me. I think that may well be a record.

I have to admit a shrimp covered jockstrap is a good ice breaker. I had satisfied most of the men's curiosity by then. Juan walked by me. "If you could do that for every party here, I bet I could charge another $5,000.00. You've got a skill!"

Sam the tall ,thin man came up to me. "That was wonderful. You've made my day!"

"Thanks. I hope you didn't think it made me look too slutty?"

"I think it made you just slutty enough." We laughed. "I have your length, but I wish I had your girth." Sam's cock was long and thin, pencil like. He paused. "My husband loves thick meat. I can reach the sweet spot, but don't have the heft to ring the chimes."

"I take it the sweet spot is in deep?" I asked. Sam nodded. I looked at Tommy. He was watching us and came over. We went to a corner or the pool by a cluster of Palm trees. The pool was illuminated only by little twinkle lights, so it was dim. Tommy was a hairball. I sat on the deck and played with Tommy's cock. It was soft and almost hidden in his thick bush. When my hand began moving toward his ass, his cock made an appearance.

"How long have you guys been together?"

"Almost 20 years," Tommy said. "Sam's fucked me almost every day since we met."

"Twice a day on weekends and Holidays?" I suggested.

They laughed. "You've got it. We're still close, but a little variety is sometimes nice," Tommy said. "Sam likes to watch."

"I'd hate to tear you in half," I said. They looked disappointed. There was a tube of lubricant next to us. I took it and greased up my cock. Sam and Tommy looked relieved. "Why don't you take a trip up memory lane and get some lube deep in Tommy's ass?" I said to Sam. I coated Sam's cock. He got behind Tommy. Sam scooted low, got his cock at Tommy's ass and stood up. It was a beautiful thing. Tommy lit up like a Christmas tree as the cock slid into his ass.

It was obvious Sam's cock still worked its magic. Sam began to twitch. He was already rear loading his partner. I wondered if the problem wasn't that Sam had a thin cock. Sam had a hair trigger. From the disappointed look on Tommy's face, I think he wanted more more quality time on the shaft.

I got Tommy on his back, and then put his legs on my shoulders. Tommy was actually a bit shorter than me, and my cock hit his hole perfectly. His hole was tight and it took a few hard thrusts to poke into the dark side of his sphincter. Once I was in it was a single slow push. Sam must had shot a big load, because it was juicy and hot inside. When Tommy's balls rested on my bush, I took a break. Tommy looked a bit dazed. He needed some adjusting time. I jiggled him a little and suddenly something in his ass adjusted and he began to growl. That's when the real fucking started. Tommy was in heaven.

After five minutes I looked at Sam. Some men like to watch their partner get fucked, but if the partner likes it too much there can be trouble. Tommy definitely liked it too much, but Sam didn't have a problem. He was stroking his cock in sync with my thrusts. He was fine as were the three, or four men who were watching. Among them was Gene the anchorman.

Tommy put on a Fourth of July, grand-finale fireworks type orgasm. He splattered everyone within a five foot radius with his cream. I pulled out. I sensed Tommy's interest in sex drooped to zero once he had climaxed. I know a lot of guys like that. There's no pleasure in fucking a dead horse. Tommy looked grateful when my cock cleared his ass. I went to the shower room to clean up.

When I got back to the pool Humberto needed some help. Scooter was supposed to be helping him, but he was otherwise occupied. I got several trays of food form the kitchen. Kielbasa told me he had seen my performance with the shrimp and it couldn't have been better.

In the dim light at the pool, I could see the the sex was low intensity sucking and fucking. Scooter was on a lounge chair with two older men sharing his cock and another feeding him his cock. Erect Scooter looked good.

Juan waved at me to come over. He was with Gene. He formally introduced us and added, "Gene is a old friend."

Next: Chapter 109: Catfishs Miami Adventure 3

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