Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 24, 2008


Catfish's Miami Adventure

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Things were a bit slow at the office when I got a call from Sheridan Hilton. At first I thought it was a fake name, but Sherry told me he had been cursed with parents who had a strange sense of humor. He was the president of the Geology Corporation. It own a series of boutique hotels for men. "Technically were a club modeled on English gentleman clubs. We have bedroom, a good dining room and athletic facilities," he explained. "You pay a membership fee and then a per day fee for the room, Everything else is free."

"What's the fee?"

"Membership is $10,000.00. Rooms are $500.00."

"Pricey," I said. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"I heard you are a smart man," Sherry said. "Our clientèle is gay, mostly closeted, and our staff is 100% queer. The staff is also 100% oversexed. I'm very selective with the staff. They are paid very well."

"I take it there are no extra charges for additional services?"

"You do understand," he said. "If a staff member and club member hit it off, that fine with us. No money changes hands. It all a matter of personal preference. We have a wide range of staff members, young and old and some muscle men running the athletic facilities. The pool is nude after 9:00. We have a devoted membership."

"And the fly in the ointment?"

"Several of the members have gotten messages that could be interpreted as preludes to blackmail," Sherry said. "I need to nip that in the bud."

"How general is the problem?"

"So far it's only in Miami, at the Coral. We name the clubs after local stones,the Granite in Boston, the Brownstone in New York, the Travertine in Rome, the Pentellic in Athens, and the Mosaic in Istanbul. The problem has only occurred in Miami. If it gets out we're done for. Can you help us?" he asked. "You are highly recommended by some of my friends. I think you would like the Coral. You fit the profile of our staff."

"You think so?"

"Your friends recommend you highly in every respect," Sherry explained.

I said I'd think about it. A week later I was in Miami hired as the night time handyman and locker room attendant at the Coral. Since I was the night staff, I had a small bedroom off the pool. I wasn't on duty through the night. I was on call, so it wasn't too difficult. I thought a trip to Miami would be nice. I had never been there before. Sherry wanted me in particular. A good portion of their guests were foreign, mostly Europeans and South Americans. They thought a hillbilly was exotic, a bit of local color.

Strangely enough, Sherry thought I could play a hillbilly well. Sherry was being polite. He thought I was a hillbilly. When we met, he also realized I wasn't the kind of person you would think of as a detective. "Catfish, there's just something about you that suggests getting your pants zipped up in the morning is the extent of your intellectual prowess," he said. That was the secret of my success. I was born to be ignored and overlooked. It was the perfect cover for a detective.

The Coral was a block from the beach in a notably unimpressive building. It was well maintained, but you would expect it to be the home of some elderly couples from New York. Inside the door it was luxurious and much bigger than it looked.

The manger of the Coral, Juan Santos, was the only man Sherry was positive about. He had discovered the problem and called Sherry immediately. Juan was a distinguished looking middle aged man with a closely cropped mustache and a deep tan. He looked like a Latin Marlboro man.

He was Cuban and the sole support of his elderly mother. The generous salary of the Coral was good for him and his mother's medical bills. Juan was gay and a good judge of man meat. He knew how to separate the street trash for the plain old over sexed. Oversexed was fine; trashy wasn't. As a matter of policy, everyone who worked at the coral was pleasant and helpful.

My direct supervisor was an Anglo named Denny Dubinski. He was a former marine from the Bronx, who ran the athletic facilities. He had three pool attendants-life guards and two exercise men working for him. I could see Sherry's scheme for staffing in these men. The life guards were a blond surfer type name Beau, a handsome muscle man named Julio and a Vietnamese man named Ngat. There was a Richard Simmons type aerobics man named Ric, and a massive body builder, Willy. Denny was a hairy gorilla type. In short, there was something for just about everyone's tastes.

The same could be said of the porters, bell boys cooks and waiters. Everyone was attractive in some way. The Coral's staff wore uniforms typical of a tropical hotel. I did notice that the shirts tended to be see through, and the fabrics were light weight. No one wore undershorts. Nothing was too obvious, but if you were interested in a guy's equipment it didn't take much imagination. All the guests were interested.

There was one quirk in the hotel's fine accommodations. There was no separate locker room for the staff. The management claimed the hotel was too small to have two facilities. Guests and staff would shower together. The staff hours were staggered so one could find naked staff members in the locker room throughout the day. This was most popular with the guests.

I am a notably unimpressive man. Normally I get attention only when I'm naked. The Coral's light weight pants fabric tended to show off my assets right off the bat. When Denny saw me for the first time he did a double take.

"Shit, you've got a third leg," he said. "What in hell do you do with that thing?"

"The usual, I guess. Don't worry. I never shove it into where it's not welcome."

Juan came by and saw me and it. He smiled. "I think you'll be a crowd pleaser," he remarked.

"Are you a top?" Denny asked. I nodded. Denny leaned close to me and whispered, "Just be careful. Some of the guests don't know their limits." I went off to work. I have played the role of locker room attendant before and I knew my stuff. I like to clean things up, so it was good for me. Denny wasn't too enthusiastic about me until he discovered that. Being horse hung is one thing, but being able to clean up the locker room is quite another.

Denny wasn't shortchanged in the places where it counted himself, nor would he be mistaken for a girly man. He was built like a gorilla and had an impressive Bronx accent. My South-west Virginia twang and his Bronx accent were just short of needing a translator to be understood. Ngat thought I looked like the gorilla's trained monkey next to Denny. Denny like that.

When I first met Juan and Denny, it was hard to believe they were sexually driven men. They were both conventional and laid back. Both gave you the impression a monthly roll in the hay with their wife of twenty-five years would more than meet their sexual needs. That wasn't the case at all. They both had the sexual needs of a rutting bull. The same was true of the rest of the staff. They all seemed to be nice guys who just happened to be sexually driven. The chef, Humberto, was a great cook, Beau was a fine personal trainer. Humberto was a cook who liked sex, not a sex manic who could flip hamburgers.

That was the reason for Sherry's success. His hotels combined good service, fine food and orgasms in an attractive package. I soon realized the staff weren't the only ones who provided entertainment. A good many of the residents were willing to help out. Several men scheduled vacations and trips to coincide with their playmates schedules.

Each of the three floors of the hotel had one,larger suite. It was made available to guests who liked to entertain. Some times this was for only invited guests, but most of the time the guests had an open door policy.

Normally it takes a few days for me to get into the swing of a place. At the Coral I was a fixture within hours. It wasn't my personality that did it, it was the Coral pants. I had to hose down the shower area and got pretty wet. My shorts didn't cling; they became transparent. The difference between being naked and clothed was just a technicality.

The guest seemed to like it. I met a buffed, Viking type from Sweden named Lars the first morning, and in the afternoon an intense looking Pakistani businessman named Haider checked me out. It seemed that most of the American guests liked the younger, smooth types. Beau and Ngat had a ring of admirers near by at all times. Ngat looked very boyish, as is often the case with oriental men. He was buffed and muscular, and had no boy cock, if the bulge in his Speedo was real.

Lars was an industrialist making machine tools. Haider was meeting with the owner of a Brazilian chain store executive, marketing his firm's economy computers for sale in Latin America. Both men had been to the Coral before and knew Denny. Denny told me they were having a little get together that evening. "If you think you can get by, let me know," Denny said. "I can give them a heads up."

"Who else is going to be there?"

"I'm not too sure," he said. "There's a good chance Santos, a Brazilian, will be there. He's older but a good guy." Denny leaned close to me. "Can you bottom?"

I said I could. "If I'm inspired, this is," I added.

Denny smiled. "These are pretty inspirational men. We've been messing around for several years. You're the first guy they've wanted to join our group."

"You'll be there?"

Denny nodded. He told me it would be in Lars 'room and gave me the room number and the time, 9:00. I went back to work. At dinner time the Dining room was somewhat formal. For those who didn't want to get dressed up, we took order for diners to be brought to the pool. I was the delivery man. The kitchen was under the firm command of Chief Huberto. He was a first rate cook with a wide range. His dinner's were 4 star, but his sandwiches were good too. Nothing left the kitchen without his seal of approval.

When I went to pick up food for the guests for the first time he questioned me in detail. He was Italian, and was puzzled by my accent. We got over that and he told me where to stand a wait for the food. The food was to be delivered immediately since it would be the exactly right temperature when it reached the pool. "The last pool man picked up all the food at the same time, then microwaved it!" Humberto said in a scandalized tone of voice.

"That toughens the food," I said. "I don't mind getting the food when it's ready. A few extra trips will keep me thin."

That was what Humberto wanted to hear. He looked me over. "You don't look like you have a weight problem," he said. He took a long look at my crotch and then smiled. "You have weight in the right places. I never serve horse meat, but I do appreciate it," he added winking at me. Humberto and I understood each other. I was off duty from 8:00 to midnight when I was on call.

I got to the room at 9:00 on the dot. Lars peeked out, then opened the door. Denny and a man I didn't know were already there and naked.

"Am I over dressed?" I asked.

Lars laughed. He had blue eyes and a golden blond beard. He had a beautiful smile and his eyes seemed to twinkle. "You may be over dressed now, but we can solve that problem!" I peeled off my shirt and dropped my pants in a split second.

"Oh baby!" the man I didn't know exclaimed.

"Denny said you are called Catfish?" Lars said. I nodded. "This is Santos. He is a member of our fraternity." I shook hands with Santos.

Santos was a man of average height and was a bit over weight. He was well tanned and covered in curly black hair. Bald, he had a close cropped black beard. The lighting was dim and I couldn't get a good view of his equipment.

Lars had a perfect cock for fucking his way through Miami, Viking style. It was a bit over average size, but pretty. He was all pink and dusted in golden hair. Denny had a bodybuilders physique. He had shaved his body, but the hair was growing back. His cock and balls formed a compact ornament at his crotch.

There was a gentle knocking at the door. It was Haider and he brought a friend. Haider was entirely westernized in dress. He had been educated at Oxford and the London School of Economics, so he was more European than Pakistani. His friend was a Sikh, with a turban and massive beard. He looked positively fierce. He was introduced as Ranjit Singh.

"You can call me Ran," he said in a incredibly deep bass voice. He was tall and slender. He and Haider stripped. Naked Ran was a Sikh version of Sam Elliot. His his body hair was so thick he was almost furry.

Lars served drinks, and we got to know each other. Ran and I were new to the group. There other men knew each other. I was the smallest man in the room, but had the biggest cock. I thought Rannie was uncomfortable being naked, so I went over to talk with him. "Are you new to this?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he replied. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"To tell you the truth, I would bet you can just stand still and let it happen," I said. Santos came over to us. He wasn't too interested in talking. He wanted to look at my cock. Under his gaze, my cock began to grow. As it grew Santos' cock began to respond. He had a beer can style organ.

Ran put his arm around me. He was looking at my cock and smiling. "I see what you mean. You've got a beauty," he said. "A real beauty." I felt for his cock fondled his uncut member. Ran was soft when I touched it, but began to firm up a few seconds later. Santos got on his knees to suck me. I bent over to suck Ran. He was one of those guys who have double the skin they need so I did some exploring with my tongue.

I had no idea if Ran had some gay experiences or if this was all new to him. I sucked his skin into my mouth then worked my tongue into the pucker and went head hunting. Inside the tube was the slight taste of soap, and the gamy taste of man. By the time I found the cock head, he was oozing precum. He was fully erect and there was still room for my tongue and his knob.

Santos wasn't knew to the scene, but my cock was too big for him. He spent his time spit polishing my knob. That was good for me and he seemed to like it. We relocated to the bed and started serious sucking. At first Ran just let me suck him. I couldn't tell if he was purely passive or if he just needed time to prime the pump.

Denny, Lars and Haider were getting acquainted on the other side of the room as we began our explorations. Lars was on his back with Haider working his cock into the Swede's ass. Denny held Lars' legs open and fed Lars his cock. When Ran saw that his excitement level grew. "You like to fuck? I asked him.

"I don't know," he replied. "I think I would. Maybe later."

I continued sucking him, but then let Santos play with him a while. When I stood Ran saw my cock fully erect for the first time. I moved in range of his mouth, but he didn't take the bait. "You can touch it," I said. He was uneasy but reached out and stoked my shaft. A blob of pre cum oozed form my cock.

I collected it on my finger and then offered it to him. By now I guessed Ran wasn't the most sexually experienced man in the world. He stuck his tongue out and touched the glistening fluid. He then began to suck my finger. Santos was enjoying Ran's cock, so he was turned on.

"I'm oozing pre cum all ready," I said. "You got me going." I got my cock still closer and this time Ran went for it. I remembered the first time I sucked a man. I was the most nervous kid in the world ten seconds before my tongue can in contact with the cock, and the happiest man ten seconds later when I knew I liked it. Luckily, Ran's throat was made for my cock and it was a good fit.

I discovered Ran liked big, well endowed hairy men. I wasn't big, but I had the other bases covered. His first experience was with the cock of his dreams. This was a lot for a guy to take, but Ran was in his early forties and had some catching up to do.

We took a break and went over to Haider and Lars. When Haider pulled out Lars' ass looked empty. Lube was nearby, so I coated my cock and gave Lars a ride. Lars was more than willing but his ass had misgivings. He has so much lube in his ass getting in wouldn't be a problem. I like repeat customers, so I took my time.

Haider had transferred his affection and his cock to Santos. Santos was bent over the bed with Haider pounding him. Denny was to the side and when ever Haider got close to shooting, Denny would take his place in Santos' ass. Santos just whimpered and moaned as the men double teamed him.

Ran stood next to me. He reminded me of a puppy eager to learn new skills to please his master. I got him to lubricate his cock and let Ran take his maiden fuck in the Swede's hole. Ran didn't last long. He tried to pull out when he started to ejaculate, but I didn't let him. I wanted his cum deep in Lars' ass. Cum is the best lube. When I let him out, I went in deep.

Lars was winded, but happy. It didn't hurt. For the rest of the night we round Robin fucked. Ran fucked Santos. Lars fucked me and Santos. Much to everyone surprise, I fucked Haider. Actually no one was more surprised than Haider himself. He wasn't a natural bottom, but he enjoyed a challenge. I had to leave at 11:00 to do my night job. There were a few small scale emergencies that night. Someone dropped a tray and broke some glasses in a bed room. A vacuum cleaner and a few towels solved that problem.

At 1:30 in the morning Denny came by my room. I was still awake. "You did well, Catfish, the guests loved it," he said.

"How bad can sex with hot men be?"

Denny smiled, "That's the way I see it. Some of the staff sees it as a chore. They like to play with younger men."

"What do you like?" I asked. He looked at my crotch. The night wasn't over. I usually don't screw my boss on the first day in the job, but Denny was ripe.

Next: Chapter 108: Catfishs Miami Adventure 2

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