Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 19, 2008


Crestwood 11

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

We got Jon on the train first thing in the morning. I was pretty sure he would sleep most of the way to Philadelphia. I made some calls and found Vince and the police were busy. They had search warrants ready to go and had R. Winston, Henry and Tiffany under 24 hour watch. They also had tapped their phones.

Glenn and I got back to Crestwood and found the Admiral was stirring up the pot. He went to Tiffany and asked to rent the club room for his cocktail party. He told her about his guest of honor, Sir Frederick Harter. He told me she blanched when she heard his name. "I know this is very short notice, but Emily was my dear friend. She would have wanted this," he said.

The Admiral hand delivered invitations to everyone, including the staff. He wanted to make sure everybody knew. The residents were all excited. After Jon's death they needed a festive event. Most had seen him on PBS. Even those who didn't were pleased to have a genuine English Knight.

I got Gus to move in with Admiral Green. I wanted some extra protection. He wasn't going to be alone in his house.

Sir Frederick did his part to increase the pressure on our suspects. He had been out of public view for a decade. He gave a major interview on the Today show. He talked about modern art hoaxes and scams and described one similar to the Crestwood scheme. He also got a Katie Couric interview on the evening news.

The art historian was elderly, but handsome and authoritative. Katie asked him if he was involved in a case now. He said no, but with a slight hesitation. I admired the skill he showed. To most it was just a comment, but it should have scared shitless the guilty parties.

Joe and Roy were doing their own investigations. They moved in different circles from the police and Sir Frederic. Joe had decided the only way to save the reputation of Crestwood and his development company was to go all out helping. I told them of my conversation with Jon Jr. "He told his son that he had discovered something and was going to do something about it. My guess is he didn't know how far they would go. They killed him before he had a chance to turn them in," I said.

"He should have acted faster," Joe said.

"I don't think he was the kind of man who had encountered anything like that," I said. "He wasn't the suspicious type."

"Is our knight going to be safe?" Joe asked.

"I have an extra man with him," I said. "Your security guys, The Masdon Group, have their best people here. Billy Masdon is loaded for bear. They drugged one of his guards and tried to blame the first death on her."

"How about the food? Is Crestwood catering the party?" Joe said. "They could slip him something."

"You are a suspicious guy!" I said. "The caterer is one of my friends. The waiters and several of the cooks are my operatives."

"The car?" Joe asked. He was thinking about Jon's "accident".

"Rental limo from Richmond," I said. Joe almost looked satisfied.

Two days later Admiral and Gus went off to the Richmond Airport to pick up the elderly historian. The trap was set.

I was on grounds duty making sure the club house and office areas were in condition suitable to receive Sir Frederick. Bill Davis was working on the other side of the building. Together we could see anyone who entered, or left the area. The residents were a twitter. Several ladies had gone off to Richmond to get new dresses. Ira was in charge of decorating the clubhouse. He was into flowers big time. He was hyperactive, so not a flower went into a vase he had not personally inspected and approved.

Sir Frederick arrived in the massive Limo and went to the Admiral's house. He was to rest a while, then have a small dinner with the Admiral, Gus, Joe, Mitch and Larry. Roy sent Henry and Tiffany home early. He told them they would be needed the next day for the party.

At 7:30 I got call from Vince. The wire taps had apid off. One of the resident's helpers had called Henry and gave him a report of the goings on at Crestwood. The man was a Philippino man named Gustavo. He was one of R. Winston's boys and apparently had been slipping information to Henry. He was the one who had noticed I had been hanging around. Theoretically he was a personal helper for a man who lived behind Mrs. Carlisle's house.

Masdon Enterprises took care of him. They called him to the security office and turned him over to the police. Liz, the night guard took over taking care of the elderly gentleman. I later found out Henry called Gustavo at 10:30. Liz got the phone and said Gustavo had been taken sick and was off to the hospital. Henry was disappointed and agitated. He wanted to know which hospital, but Liz did her best I know nothing routine.

After dark I went to the Admiral's and met Sir Frederick. Gus had just completed giving him the rundown on the forged paintings. Sir Frederick was smaller in person than he was on television and he a quite pronounced Scots accent. He reminded me of a Scottish Terrier. Like the Terrier, he was a ratter, and Sir Frederick smelled a rat. His terrier like instincts were hidden under an affable and polite exterior. He was the kind of man I like to hire.

At 10:00 I got a call telling me a moving van had arrived at the Miller Galleries of Americana. Several men began to load the van as R. Winston loaded his car with personal luggage. He was going on a trip. The police moved in. His trip was to jail.

I spent the night at Crestwood. Glen had gone home, so I stayed with Mitch and Larry in their hotel room. I had nothing to do until the next morning. The police as well as the FBI and Immigration and Naturalization agents were hard at work. R. Winston was potentially the missing link in the China Queen mass murder. From what little I knew of R. Winston, I didn't think it wouldn't take much for him to spill the beans.

We were all tired. While I was always up for some fun, when I got on the bed I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Maybe Mitch and Larry had some fun, but I was dead to the world. I woke at 6:00 the next morning feeling good.

I went to the bath to shower. When I got out I noticed the door to the adjoining suite was ajar. Joe and Roy were in that room. I heard some voices muttering, so I went in. Joe was on a cell phone talking with Billy. Nothing unusual happened at Crestwood that night.

Roy came out of the bath and saw me. "I slept like a rock last night," he said. He came close to be and whispered. "I had no idea Mitch was part of the brotherhood." I nodded. "Joe's been holding out on me."

"He just found out last week," I said. "He was surprised too."

"Larry too?"

"We all share the same interests," I said.

"Are they into chicken, or do they like their meat aged?" Roy asked. We were both naked, and it was clear Roy was interested.

"As far as I can tell they're open minded," I said.

Roy reached over and stroked my cock. I wasn't as interested as he was, but with one or two strokes and we had reached parity. "Have you sampled them?" I just smiled. By that time Mitch was awake and he came over to us. When he saw our two semi erect cocks that was all he needed to get excited. Joe finished his call and joined us.

"I smell hard cock!" Larry cried. He was still in bed, but he either could smell the erections, or had extra sensory perception.

"We don't have much time,"Joe said. "We've got to get over to Crestwood."

"It doesn't take much time if you do it right," Larry said. He was out of the bed and fully erect. A good sense of purpose and a full erection can often carry the day. Roy dropped to his knees and sucked Larry and Mitch. Joe joined him on the floor and took care of me. In the spirit of fair play we rotated partners. I noted that Mitch had a particularly good time with his uncle and vice versa.

Larry broke the anal barrier. When everyone's sucking sometimes it's hard to switch. Larry wanted it bad. He was on the floor already; he got on his hands and knees and wiggled his ass to see who was interested. Roy took the bait. Mitch got some lubricant and coated Roy's bloated member. Roy was careful. When he made a little trial thrust into Larry rear. Larry opened wide and on the next thrust Roy's entire cock vanished into the love tunnel.

Roy's ass was open now. Joe winked at me, lubricated his meat and popped through Roy's sphincter. That too was easy. I had a feeling Joe's cock had a long time relationship with Roy's ass. I wondered if Larry was a good dancer; he sure had a good sense of rhythm. He easily adjusted his movements to the older men's thrusts.

Mitch and I were the odd men out. I sucked him and got a mouth full of the creamy white stuff in return. Mitch wasn't the strong silent type when it came to orgasms. His moans seem to have triggered Roy's climax. Roy was the silent type, but his body spasmed and twitched at each ejaculation. Since he was the filling in a fuck sandwich, both Larry and Joe popped.

We got showered, dressed and back to Crestwood in fifteen minutes. I still had a full load in my balls. Joe was concerned I was left out, but I told him they could draw straws for my cum later. He thought that was fair.

Much had gone on over the night. Liz, who had been the night guard who had been drugged on the night of Emily's death, knew all the residents. She knew which ones had helpers who might have been supplied by Henry, or R. Winston.

That morning, Billy's people had already checked them out as they came into work. They confronted one of them, a young Indonesian boy. He told all. His sexual experience with Henry had been bad, very bad. He had no hesitation giving details once he was found out. Liz said he was a nice boy and was deeply attached to the elderly couple he was helping. He was afraid they would make him swindle them. The boy had been told to tell them of a great art dealer. The Indonesian had no idea what that was about. He also knew who else was spying for Henry. Now we had them all.

Henry and Tiffany arrived at 9:00 and they looked uneasy. I couldn't tell if it was because of Sir Frederick's cocktail party, or if they had realized something was going on. Crestwood had a dining room that was available to all the residents. The assisted living people were the regulars, but any resident could use it if they wished.

The Admiral usually didn't use it, but today he appeared with Sir Frederick and Gus. Henry was watching from the sidelines and was white as a sheet. The Admiral played the role of a Lord Mayor squiring the Queen around an engagement. He made sure he talked to several of the people who had suspect paintings.

Gus impressed me. He was perfect as the Admiral's nephew, but he also was watching everything. I was planting flowers on the terrace and several of Masdon's people were nearby. Everyone wanted to glimpse Sir Frederick, so that didn't cause suspicion.

It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm. The gloom that had settled over Crestwood after Emily and Jon's deaths and lifted. It had lifted for everyone, but Henry and Tiffany. They were cornered rats.

The caterers arrived. They were friends of mine, so I could feel safe. They set up the room with the efficiency of a military unit. By 4:30 they were ready. The party was to start at five. Ira came by with several buckets of flowers. He was worried that some might have droopped during the day.

He was in the room for about five minutes when he came running out. "Some on has messed with my arrangement!" he screamed. You would have sworn someone had tried to kill him. I went in to see the offending flowers. It was at the main table where Sir Frederic was to stand.

"It's too tall! And it's drooping!" Ira complained. "I made it short so Sir Frederick wouldn't be dwarfed by it. It's a good foot taller."

Tim the caterer came out and said none of his people had touched it. It seemed comical, then a thought struck me. "Get it out of here!" I said. Roy was nearby and we carried it out of the room. In the trash area to the side of the kitchen I took out the flowers.

There was no water in the ornamental urn. There was a rectangle of plastic explosive and a cell phone operated detonator in the bottom of the vase. I had more experience with bombs than I wanted to have and I disconnected the detonator. To be safe we put it in the catering van and took it off the property. The police were waiting nearby. They took the device and monitored it for a call. Inside the room Ira quickly arranged flowers in another urn and had the room looking unchanged. I thought Ira would have been spooked by the bomb, but he was fine. A misplaced flower was a disaster; a bomb he could deal with.

I was wondering why Henry and Tiffany were still in their offices. Roy told me that they had said they had to get some things done before the party. Guest began to arrive at five and the Admiral, Gus and Sir Frederick came a few minutes later. All the public rooms of Crestwood had some security camera's installed. Thye were to see if anyone had a heart problem or stroke when staff wasn't present. They fed into the main office and to the security office. Henry came over to the party, but Tiffany stayed in the office. Tiffany was watching the office monitors as Henry steered Sir Frederick toward the head table area. She hadn't noticed the maid cleaning up the office area. I had noticed Tiffany didn't worry about unimportant people. She was unworried by the maid.

When they reached the area next to the urn, Tiffany made a call. The cell phone rang in the van. I don't think Tiffany knew what hit her. Masdon's security people got her and turned her over to the police. Roy asked Henry outside to talk about something. They arrested Henry as soon as he was out of sight.

The party was a great success.

Henry had no idea Tiffany was going to blow him up with Sir Frederick. He didn't take it well. R. Winston was more than willing to turn in Henry for the prostitution scheme and to turn in the "businessmen" behind the China Queen murders. Most of them were in China, but the Chinese government has no tendencies towards mercy.

The next few days were a confused series of interviews with local and federal agencies. The complex relationship between the art forgery and fraud scam and the prostitution, illegal immigration schemes puzzled the investigators. They were use to one, or the other. Vince was the one who seemed to get it all. He had been in on it from the murder of Mrs. Carlisle. It was established that Crestwood was not involved and Jon was murdered when he discovered the plot. Tiffany had arranged the murder and fire. Henry had taken care of Jon. Jon had found him out and Henry was scared. Henry couldn't figure any way to get out of it without killing Jon.

I was afraid I would have to testify in court, but the entire case seemed to inspire mass confessions of the guilty parties. Two weeks later Sir Frederick exposed the scam on a 60 Minutes segment, but he kept my name out of it. Jon looked good, as did my client, Billy Masdon. The Crestwood administration appeared to be serious and on the ball. It was good for every one.

I went back to running Catfish and Company and fell into a slew of time consuming cases. One of the strange things about my work is you can be 100% absorbed in a case, but when you crack it, it vanishes. A week later the Crestwood case seemed as if it had taken place years ago.

Two months later I got a call from Larry. He was still running Crestwood until they could find a new permanent director. He said Joe and Mitch were coming to town and they wanted to thank me and the men who help me on the case. He had rented a house on the river and was going to have a party. I said that was fine with me.

"He will have Gregg, Ira, and Bill Davis there. I was thinking you might bring Vince, Rick, Gus and Sedgwick to the ball," Larry said. "Joe told me he's going to be serving punch laced with Viagra. You get my drift?"

"You mean there's no need to over dress?" I asked.

"You got it," he replied. "Plan to stay the night. No need to worry about drinking too much either. He's providing lubricant and poppers." I sounded good to me. I knew Vince was always up for sexual romp, as was Rick. I told Gus about it, but he already knew. He was the Admiral's date. I called Sedgwick and asked if he was interested.

"Are you asking me to an orgy?" he asked.

"That's the way it looks to me," I said.

"I think I'm too old and too ugly to do that."

"Take my word for it, you will do just fine," I said. "They aren't after beach bunnies and they like a man who has some mileage on him."

"Shit, I reached the retread stage," Sedgwick complained. "I've never done this before, but I'd love to try it."

A week later I was in a van with Sedgwick, Vince and Rick heading to a house on the York River. It was gated, but when we drove up, the gate opened and we drove down a long, winding road through a wooded area and came up to an impressive modern mansion. We parked beside several other cars and Roy greeted us at the door. He was nude except for some leather accessories.

Mitch came over told us we could undress in a room to the side. He led us there, we stripped and he gave us a towel. We then went to a wing on the side of the house that contained a luxurious indoor pool. There was a sling artfully erected in the corner of the space. The Admiral, Gus and Joe were talking. We got a drink and made introductions. Ira was serving drinks.

As a group we looked like a beach party movie that had aged, turned bald and got very hairy. It took no time at all for us to get comfortable. Sedgwick hit it off with Roy immediately. Sedgwick was an art historian, but he was all man. I think Roy liked the aging hippy types. Glenn had a tube of lubricant and he went around the room squirting it up any available ass. Glenn did Joe first. Joe bent over and spread his ass wide. That set a good example. No one seemed to object in the slightest.

It was a sex party so everyone knew the other guests were here for that purpose. It simplified the getting to know you part of the event. Rick was the first to suck. He took care of Mitch. Soon Larry and the Admiral joined the mutual sucking society. I saw Joe get into the sling. Vince DeSoto noticed that too. Taking Vince's fire hose was a baptism of fire, but that didn't seem to bother either man. A small group gathered around the copulating men. I didn't know if they were there to watch, or were in line.

I got in the pool and swam a few laps. Gus, Bill Davis and Roy were in the water too. Gus and Bill were obviously friends now. Their landscaping interests weren't the only bond they had. Sedgwick sat on the edge of the pool. Roy started a conversation with him. That conversation was short. Roy wanted to taste the art historian's beer can. What ever oozed from Sedgwick's cock, Roy wanted.

I got out of the water and went over to the sling. The sling was a good conversation starter. Glenn was there to add lubricant when needed. Several times he had used his cock to get the lubricant deeper into Joe's ass. Vince had pulled out and Ira was in his boss' ass. Ira was thin and wiry. Moderately hairy, his cock was completely hidden in Joe's ass. For his part, Joe was a good sport. He was clearly enjoying the event.

Ira began to moan. He twitched and shivered as he ejaculated deep in Joe's ass. When Ira pulled out Vince re entered the cum lubricated hole. Vince must have gone a bit deeper because Joe's eyes crossed and he began to shoot. I was right next to him so I bent over and swallowed as much as I could from his spewing cock. I had forgotten how good a twitching cock and fresh cum can be. We helped get Joe out of the sling.

I got in the sling next. I figured if Joe could open up for his men, I could do the same. Over the next half hour I was fucked by a Whitman's Sampler of cock types. The only common elements they had was that they were all hard and their owner's were all enthusiastic.

Joe was the last one in line. He didn't want to fuck me, he was interested in the man seed stew brewing in my ass. Had he possessed a straw, he'd have been a happy man. Joe did posses a long tongue. I was a little dizzy when I got out of the sling. A quick dip in the pool revived me. It was getting late and we had dinner on a terrace overlooking the river. It was beautiful.

After dinner the party got a bit wild. Roy and I team fucked Sedgwick. Then I helped Roy discover how much he liked to bottom. Ira had a vision of the Virgin Mary while impaling himself on Vince's cock. That may well have been the first time that had ever happened to a Jew. From then on, the night turned into a haze of lust and passion.

Driving back to Richmond the next day, Rick told me I was the first person he had met who not only sleep walked, but sleep fucked.

"Is that what happened?" I asked. "I was wondering how I got in your ass last night."

"It was hard for me to sleep with your cock in my ass," Rick said.

"Sorry about that," I said.

"Shit, it was the best night of my life!" he replied. I guess that's a sign of a good party.

Next: Chapter 107: Catfishs Miami Adventure 1

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