Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 5, 2008


Crestwood 10

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Joe, Roy and I made a odd trio. I was half Joe's size and a third of Roy's. Roy was huge, not just tall, but massive.

"If one one of you guys rolls over, I'm a dead man," I said.

"I've never killed anyone by accident yet," Roy said. He had a shaved head and body. His cock looked average, but that may have been in comparison to his massive bulk. His balls were huge.

I cupped them in my hand. "Are the full?" I asked.

"Shit yes," he replied. "Are you into cream?"

"I've got no problem with cream, as long as it fresh from the balls," I answered. That was what he wanted to hear.

"Are you a top?" he asked.

"Most of the time," I said.

"So am I," Roy replied. "Is that a problem for you?"

"I kind of doubt it," I said. "I'm a pretty open minded man."

"Is your ass open too?"

"For you it would be," I said. " What about your ass?"

"Not usually, but I can be inspired," Roy said. "Joe and I don't get out much were we can let out hair down, so to speak." I was tired, but I revived as the sexual tension intensified. Roy wasn't what you would call the sensitive lover type. He knew what the wanted and intended to get it. "Why don't you get naked and we can have some fun?" That was fine for me.

While Roy wasn't the sensitive type he did share some basic curiosity. When he saw my cock he was interested. "Joe, you told me you took this fucker?" he asked.

"I sure did," Joe replied.

"I didn't know you were into that," Roy said. Roy dropped to the floor to get a better look at my organ. He took a few licks and decided he liked it. He also licked a finger and went for my ass. He had meaty long fingers and found my prostate in record time. When the first finger fit he added a second.

"Don't hog him,"Joe complained. "Bring him over so we can share." Roy picked me up and carried me to the bed. I don't get picked up often, but this was the first time a guy was gripping me by my ass. He had a finger on each side of my prostate and it was a wild sensation. When he got me to the bed he deposited me face down into Joe's crotch. I began to suck it when Roy lifted my ass and spread my ass so he could fuck me doggy style.

A second or two later his well lubricated cock popped into my ass. After his fingers, his blunt knob felt good. The head was a big mushroom, but the shaft was thin. I liked being cock head fucked so it was good for me. Roy briefly pumped me like a wild man, but soon slowed his pace. I knew he had gotten a lot closer to popping than he wanted at this early point. It was nice to know he could control himself.

Joe was leaking faster then a 30 year old faucet. I don't mind being fucked from each end and all three of us were enjoying it. Roy pulled out, straddled Joe's face and fed him his balls. He also grabbed Joe's legs and spread them. He wanted me to fuck his boss. There was a tube of lubricant on the bed, so I took care of Joe's ass and them my cock.

"Let me see him take it!" Roy demanded. Joe's hole was quivering. I tested the hole with a few thrusts then went deep. There was damn little resistance. Joe's cock spurted a glob of cock juice. It wasn't pre cum, but the milky stuff. Joe had good self control too.

Roy's cock was looking fully inflated. "You amaze me Joe," Roy whispered. "This is fucking beautiful! How can you take that mother fucker?" Roy moved so he could get a better look. He told me to pull out and then to fuck Joe deep. I did, and he loved it. "Look at those ass lips opening up? It's like a snake swallowing something twice its size."

Roy wasn't just a passive observer. He licked the cock drool from Joe's cock and then asked me to fuck Joe again. At first I thought Roy was into humiliation, but that wasn't it. It was as if he was watching a great athlete testing his limits.

I pulled out to give Joe a rest. Roy took my place in the quivering asshole. "You are beautiful baby," he said. "I could never do that. You took it like a champ. It was beautiful." He paused. "Shit, I'm shooting." Roy twitched fifteen or twenty times as he rear loaded Joe. The warm cream flooding his ass must have been too much Joe. His cock went off like a Roman Candle. Both men collapsed on the bed and were asleep in seconds. I went to sleep myself.

The next day I had a run in with Tiffany for the first time. She saw me cleaning up the beds near the dining room. "For a new man, a lot of people seem to know you," she said.

"You know ma'am, I'm short and I'm ugly. People seem to remember me," I said. "Logically speaking, I'm the kind of guy you'd want to forget. It's a puzzlement." I think she would have smiled at that, but she was afraid her face would crack.

"I heard you were hanging out with Mr. Williams," she said.

"Hanging out is a nice way to put it," I said. "Running errands and doing chores is more correct. I speak English too. He doesn't like using the high priced staff to so shit work. Most of the economy priced staff is Mexican."

"I don't know why he's hanging around here," she observed as she walked away.

The memorial service for Jon was good. His children and parents were there. Jon's kids were 12, 14 and 19 and the residents were more than kind and sympathetic to them. His parents seemed dazed. Glenn told me the ex wife had outed Jon to them. They were born-agains and took it badly. Now it was too late. Julia helped them. There were several men I recognized as detectives in plain clothes. Several others I suspected were Feds of some sort. The minister who had done Mrs. Carlisle's funeral was back and was good.

He did a sermon on sudden death and the natural regret that you never had a chance to say good bye. "There is no chance to say you're sorry. No way to ask for forgiveness for those things that seem so petty now that Jon is dead,"he said. " God knows all and makes all things known. Words are unnecessary. God will make all things good and whole." I had no desire to let the parents off that lightly. My mom, however, would have told me not to be an asshole. She wasn't much into revenge. The Admiral gave a nice remembrance of Jon. He pulled together all of the kindnesses he had done for the residents and all the comical interludes. He lightened the mood.

There was a buffet lunch after the service. I watched Henry and Tiffany make kissy face with several of the residents. I detected a trace of unease in them. I also noticed one or two of the men I thought were Feds were watching them too.

After lunch the Grand parents took the younger kids home with them, but the 19 year old boy was heading back to college in Philadelphia. The Grand parents were going west to West Virginia. They didn't like to drive in the dark and were scared of city driving, The boy, Jon Jr., had been talking with Glenn. Glen offered to drop him off at the Richmond train station. Jon Jr. was a slimmer, younger version of his father. He was almost fatherly to his two younger sisters. It was apparent there had been bad blood between the grandparents and the kids, but the grandparents were disparately trying to make amends.

Glenn, Jon and I went to Richmond. We were almost in Richmond when the radio reported there was a major train wreck near Baltimore. Train service was halted until the next morning. We went to my apartment to regroup.

In the car I noticed Glenn and Jon had really hit it off. I had a suspicion Jon shared his father's sexual tastes. Jon seemed to have good gaydar for a kid his age. He had figured out the lay of the land. I made some calls to see what the situation heading north was and it was bad every where. There were thunderstorms screwing up the airlines and a tractor-trailer accident on I-95. Waiting for the next day was the logical course of action.

Jon and Glenn had disappeared when I got back to the living area. I heard the shower going. I went to my bedroom and found them undressing. "Jon just saw your shower and we're going to give it a spin." Glenn said.

"It looks like something out of some Caribbean resort," Jon said. By then Glenn had dropped his jockeys. He was half erect. Jon saw that and did a double take. He looked at me. I was smiling, then he dropped his boxers. Jon was well beyond half hard. They went into the shower. For a little while I thought I'd leave them to their own devices, but then I figured what the hell. I stripped naked and joined them.

The party was already under way in the shower. Jon's mouth was firmly attached to Glenn's cock. His eys and my eyes met. He had found the holy grail and was drinking from it. Unless my eyes deceived me, he also had a finger exploring Glenn's ass. Maybe Jon wasn't a complete virgin after all. I later found out that while Jon wasn't a virgin, he wasn't experienced either. His knowledge of gay sex was limited to restroom and shower room encounters. He also had one or two visits to adult book stores.

His adventure in the shower of my apartment was the first time he had ever had sex without being afraid he's get caught. I'm not much into young guys. I don't like breaking a guy in. Given that Jon must have come from the most conventional family background ever I thought it might be a shock for him to encounter two older gay men with enough sexual experience for ten or twenty men.

I was wrong about Jon. He was ripe, indeed over ripe. The only problem was that Jon seemed to shoot off at the drop of a hat. That was the bad news. The good news was that never got less than half hard and his recharge time was ten to twelve minutes. Over the next twelve hours he must have shot off maybe twenty times. He had a cock in his mouth, or up his ass most of the time. His cock tickled my tonsils a few times, but mostly it took up residence in Glenn's mouth or ass.

Jon was a sexual sponge, soaking up experience. There was nothing he wasn't interested in, or wasn't willing to try. Jon's body was pink and pale. With blond hair not even his bush showed up. His tits were only a slightly more intense shade pink. He was toned, I guessed he was a runner, but he still looked young.

He loved Glenn's cock, but sucked on me too. Glenn has a pretty cock and balls. His shaft is smooth and his head a nice shiny pink. His slit is small and once and a while a little bead of precum appears. Glenn's bush is trimmed and neat. My cock is veiny with some extra foreskin. My wide slit is usually drooling. Usually there's a day's worth of man ooze stored in the skin. For the novice it can seem a bit gamy.

Jon got into it pretty quickly. I later found out he had never sucked an uncut man before. After a while we got out of the shower and went to my bed. We made a small daisy chain and when it was his time to suck me, he had no problem at all. When fully erect his cock was bigger than I had guessed. Glenn hadn't been able to deep throat him. I had no problem at all. Jon loved that. Glenn likes to rim, so as I swallowed Jon's cock, Glenn tongue fucked him. That little experiment resulted in a mouth full of cum for me.

Jon had a classic smooth baby's butt with a pretty little pink rosebud in the middle. It seemed to me it was too pretty to fuck. Glenn, however, was in a fucking mood. He gave Jon a little demonstration by fucking me. I enjoyed it. Then he gave Jon a chance to try me out. Jon was too ready for my ass. He shot off a few seconds after he pushed through my sphincter. We waited ten minutes and tried it a second time. This time it was an unmitigated success for him and for me.

Jon and Glenn took turns screwing me. That was better than I expected. My ass was pretty juicy after all the lube and cum. Apparently I was a good advertisement to the joys of anal sex. Glenn talked Jon into trying the bottom. I lubricated Jon's hole. He jumped as I touched his ass. He was tight too, but after a little work I got two fingers in and eventually a third. Glenn was big and I wanted Jon to be ready.

"Are you going to get it all in?" Jon asked Glenn.

"There's no such thing as a semi virgin," Glenn said. "In a minute or two, your ass is either going to be 100% virgin, or 100% fucked." Jon smiled, he understood the rules.

I held Jon's legs open and Glenn stepped up to the plate. I like a slow fuck for a maiden voyage. Glen was a throw them in the water and see if they swim kind of man. I had lubricated Jon well. In one thrust Jon wasn't a virgin. Jon was winded, but soon was taking it like an man. The situation was made much better when Glenn's probe made a bull's eye hit on Jon's prostate. From the way he reacted I'm sure he didn't know he had a sex organ there.

Glenn pulled out to give Jon a breather. Jon was in my ass a few seconds later. He seemed more enthusiastic now that he had some idea what I was feeling. I was on the bed with my legs on Jon's shoulders when Glenn made an attack from the rear. The second penetration was totally unexpected so Jon was relaxed. By the time Jon knew Glenn was behind him, he was fucked When Glenn said you have to be virgin or 100% fucked, I don't think Jon realized the full ramifications. He did now.

Jon loved it, all of it. The tree of us were linked cock to ass, and it was good for all of us. Somehow we fit anatomically and the double fuck worked. It was five minutes before Glen shot his load into Jon and Jon sent a second load of the night into my hole. We pulled apart and caught our breath.

Jon talked about his father. They had a good relationship and the divorce had been hard on them. While Jon Jr. knew his father's sexual preferences was the official reason for the breakup, his mother had another man waiting in the wings, so he wasn't sure. His mother was a difficult woman.

"Did Dad know you guys?" Jon asked.

"Don't ask the question if you don't want to know the answer," Glen said.

"I would like to know," Jon said. "I was hoping he had found some good friends and was enjoying himself. He was really unhappy the last time he called me. He said he had been tricked."

"It wasn't us," Glenn said.

"I know," Jon said. "It was someone named Paulus and a woman he called a bitch. Dad never talked like that. He said he was going to set things right, but that was the day before the accident."

That confirmed my guess. Jon had discovered the scam and was going after them. Jon didn't know how dangerous they were, and I was sure he hadn't figured out that Mrs. Carlisle's death was related to the scam. He'd have called the police immediately if that had been the case.

"Your Dad and I were friends," Glenn said. "Will here had just come to work here, so they had just met. Your Dad was a good man. The residents just loved him."

"I'm following in his footsteps?" Jon asked. He smiled. "Maybe footsteps aren't the right word."

"Let's just say you share the same tastes as your father," I said. "I didn't know your father as well as Glenn, but you may be a bit more daring. He wasn't into fucking much."

"You never fucked him?" Jon asked looking at Glenn.

"Just once," Glenn said. "Two days before he died. It was his first time and he loved it."

"Am I like him?"

"You're identical." Glenn said. "You have the same tight hole. You react the same." As he said that, Glenn rolled Jon over and slipped his cock into the boy's ass for the third time. This time he was very gentle. "You're feeling the same thing your Dad felt," Glenn continued. He slowly thrust his cock into the boy hole as I sucked Jon's cock. Each thrust pushed Jon a little closer to his next orgasm.

Later Jon fucked Glenn. That was very good. Glenn fell asleep. In the middle of the night Jon cuddled next to me. Needless to say, I got hard. That was what he wanted. He got my head at his hole tried to impale himself on it.

I used the lube on the bedside table to ease the way. My knob was in, but his body was putting up a fight. Next to the lube was a bottle of Rush. I told him to take a snort and see if it made it easier. Jon sort of melted on my cock. That little pink ass hole I had noticed several hours before was now stretched to its limit, and Jon was enjoying every inch of my cock. Jon's moans woke Gregg. He impaled himself on Jon, so we formed another fucking trio.

Next: Chapter 106: Catfish Moves to Crestwood Acres 11

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