Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 20, 2008


Crestwood 9

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Things were moving along at a good pace. While I didn't have proof, I had found a motive good enough to murder an elderly woman. I had no idea how to smoke out the bad guys.

I gave this information to Mitch, Gus and the Admiral over drinks. Mitch called his Uncle about my suspicions. Joe didn't like where this was going. It was a nightmare for him. He had spent much of his life cleaning up his family's association with the mob. This went up in smoke if this crime was associated with the China Queen.

"I know how we can force the issue," the Admiral said. "I can invite Sir Frederick and Eleanor Harter to Crestwood. We can say it's to pay respects or something like that. I could have Emily's cocktail party. That would get the ball rolling again and smoke them out."

"That would do the trick," Gus said. "It might be dangerous though.

"I can take care of myself," the Admiral said.

"Would Sir Frederick do it?" I asked.

"He wouldn't need to do it. We just need to say we will have him here," Admiral Green said. "I can contact him and see if he would allow us to say that."

The phone rang. The Admiral answered it and we heard half the conversation. "Yes, Larry," he said.

"Oh my God. How is he?"

"Dead! You're kidding! What happened?" There was a long gap as Larry told the Admiral what he knew.

"Yes, Mitch is here," he said as he handed the phone to Mitch. Larry repeated the same information to Mitch.

"Jon's dead. He skidded off the road. The car exploded when he hit a tree," the Admiral said. "The thinking is he died instantly. The explosion was just icing on the cake."

Someone knocked on the door. It was Glen with the same news.

"I don't like this at all," I said. "Sometimes an accident is just an accident, but this worries me."

"Jon drove the residents on trips. He was the most cautious man I know. Knew, I mean," Glenn said. "I can't see him skidding on a road. I can't see him going fast enough to skid."

Mitch had hung up and was now calling his uncle on his cell phone. That conversation went on for a while. After he hung up he said, "I'm going to be in charge here. Uncle Joe is coming down the day after tomorrow. He can't get out of a meeting tomorrow." He paused. "Who can I trust to help me? Henry and Tiffany aren't on my kissy-kissy list."

"Larry," Glenn, the Admiral and I said almost simultaneously.

As if on cue, Larry appeared at the door. Mitch told him of Joe's plan and asked if Larry could help.

"Sure, I'd be glad to do what I can. We have to tell the residents. I think we're a little young to be reassuring. I was wondering if Admiral Green could help out. I was thinking about an e mail message, or our closed circuit television system, but that doesn't seem right."

"It's six now, why don't we send out a message on the TV, then have a meeting at 8:00," Admiral Green suggested. "We can call it a memorial event, so we don't need to explain too much."

"I can get that done. I arranged for Mrs. Carlisle's memorial," Larry said. Mitch, Larry and the Admiral went off to arrange things. I went with Glenn to his office. Glenn agreed with me it was more than a coincidence. I called Vince and told him about Jon and the accident. He said he'd check into it.

Vince had been around for years and was known as being intelligent, thorough and helpful. When a trooper needed some information quickly, Vince obliged. He could find out what the cops really thought had happened to Jon.

He called me back an hour later. "The word is the accident was a sloppy effort to hide a murder. I told them to check for sleeping pills. They liked that idea a lot," he said. "I also asked them to keep it an accident as long as possible. Tommy Wilson was in charge. Do you know him?"

I said no. He continued, "Tommy's a good, hard working and sensible man. He not the brightest man in the world, but he's no fool. He wanted to know if this was a big deal. I told him I thought it might be, but he would get credit for it if credit is due. He under stood. By the way, this is strictly amateur night, no professional hit man here."

"Maybe it's a spur of the minute event?"

"That could be," Vince remarked as he hung up.

Mrs. Julia Denton, Jon's secretary, came in the office, obviously distraught. She was having palpitations and was almost in shock. She was a middle aged lady who was my image of the perfect secretary. Glenn gave her a shot and had her sit down. The phone began ringing off the hook. Glenn asked me to sit with her until the drug took effect.

She was a little afraid of me, but Glenn told her I was better than I looked. We sat on a bench outside. The fresh air made me feel better. "How long had you been with Mr. Dustin?" I asked. I hoped talking about him would help her.

"Seven years, he was a perfect gentleman and so kind," she sobbed. "When my husband died he couldn't have been more kind and helpful. He helped everyone who needed it. You wouldn't believe how patient he was. So many of the residents can be a trial, but he never got mad or aggravated." Once she started reciting his list of virtues, she calmed down. I asked if I could take her pulse. She said yes, and then resumed her tribute to Jon Dustin.

"He had been so worried after Mrs. Carlisle's death," she said. "I told him there was no way to protect the residents from their own short comings." She looked at me. "You know many of them aren't as sharp as they use to be." I nodded. "He got very worried after I gave him the program."

"What program was that?" I asked.

"My son, Spencer is a software programmer. He developed a program called Administrator Cop. It's for network administrators to check for private use of the company network," she explained. "It's not quite ready for beta testing, but it's close."

"What does it do?"

"Well, if you're the network administrator, it will search out password protected users and break the password," she said. "Spencer is so bright. I got a copy for Jon, I mean Mr. Dustin, to try out. Mr. Dustin was good with computers. Well, he took it into his office and when he came out an hour later he was white as a sheet. I thought the program had crashed the network or something like that. I said, "Oh no, the program didn't work?"

"He said, "No, the program works too well". I was relieved."

"That must have been a relief to you," I said, "Your son wouldn't have given you a program with a bug in it, would he?"

"You are right about that, but you always worry, don't you?"

I agreed with her and then asked, "What did Mr. Dustin do next?"

"He went down the hall to Henry's office," she said. "I had to go home early. The ladies of the church were serving trays for the church night dinner, so I don't know when he got out of his meeting with Henry."

"When did you give him the program?" I asked.

"About a week ago," Mrs. Danton said. I took her pulse again and it was almost normal. By now residents were heading toward the dining room and an elderly couple came over to us and took her to the service.

The meeting was subdued, the residents were shocked. Jon had been good to them and they appreciated all that he did. It was over by nine. Tiffany and Henry were out of town at a convention. Mitch wanted Larry and Glenn to stay there for the night. Some of the residents were excited and scared. Gregg had driven that day, so I was there too. Mitch was staying at one of those suite type hotels a half mile away, so he offered to put us up for the night. Mitch wanted for things to look normal, but he wanted to be nearby in case something happened. Billy Masdon had his regular security people on duty, and they would call us. Masdon also had brought in some additional people to give some extra protection. I asked him to make sure no one was doing anything in the office area.

Glenn, Larry and I went off to Mitch's suite. He had a modest bedroom and sitting room, but the suite had a really nice bath. It had a Jacuzzi and a walk-in shower. I think Mitch, Glen. Larry and I may have beaten the world record for getting naked and in to the shower. Larry may not have known Mitch's sexual preferences, but Larry had no problem being naked in front of other men. I filled the Jacuzzi and we all got in after it had filled. By then Larry and Mitch were erect and knew the lay of the land. Glenn and I played the elder statesmen for the younger men. The bubbling water hid groping hands.

We were all tired and stressed and this proved to be a recipe for fun. Everyone wanted to get some sleep after some hot, ball draining sex. Usually four men turn into two couples, but not this night. I didn't want to limit myself to one man or one cock. I wanted them all and I think they felt the same way. Larry sat on the edge of the tub. Glenn and Mitch shared the young man's cock. I was on the other side so I got in the water and fingered Glenn and Mitch's holes. Mitch moaned when my finger reached his prostate.

I took my finger out and inserted my thumb. This let me grasp their asses and both apply pressure on their prostate and lift them slightly from the water. I thought this might distract them from Larry's cock, but they kept their eyes on the prize. Larry looked at me and smiled. He may not have known Mitch yet, but now he knew we were all like spirits.

We got out of the whirlpool and got on the bed. Mitch's room was fully equipped for a fun night. He pulled out an overnight case with lubricant and poppers. He and Larry got on the bed in the 69 position and went at it hot and heavy. I handed Glenn and tube of lube and took a tube for myself. Touched Larry's ass and he opened up. Glenn did the same with Mitch. They both knew they were going to get fucked and were willing.

As we lubricated opened our respective bottom's asses, they got more excited. When you're sucking the cock of a guy who's being fucked, you have a front row and center seat. My horse cock popped through Larry's ass as the beefy nurse poked into Mitch's behind. We were four happy men.

The four of us formed a sex machine. My cock was like a piston ramming deep into Larry's ass. Mitch was deep threading Larry's cock. When he engulfed the entire cock he was an inch from the asshole and my cock. He watched me fuck and tasted Larry react. Glancing at Glen I saw he was thrusting in when I was pulling out.

"Let's make this last," I said. We broke apart and got back into the tub. When we got out the nest time Glenn and Mitch sixty-nined. Larry took care of Mitch and I popped Glenn. I knew Glenn wanted to get fucked, but wasn't sure about my cock. He didn't need to worry. A lot of lubricant and a few snorts of poppers did the trick. Once I was in he relaxed, Glenn was a perfect bottom pig. We were friends, but his ass was in love with my cock.

Larry was a size or two bigger than Glenn was and it took some time to skewer Mitch on his meat. Once it was in, I saw some signs of true love. Larry seemed like to pop his head through the sphincter, using it to massage his head. When he pushed deep however, Mitch shivered. Larry would pop his head in and out of the whole several times the ram hard. Both men got what they wanted. Larry was close to being beautiful and Mitch was a stud. They were well matched.

We broke apart and returned to the tub. For the third go around, Glenn and I sucked each other while Mitch and Larry fucked us. That was good too. Larry began by screwing me, and then he switched to take Glenn.

Mitch's butt plug shaped cock was both effective and fun to watch. It was hard to believe Glenn's ass could open wide enough to take it, but it did. When it was my turn it barely fit, but was worth the effort. Mitch began the grand finale when he shot his load in my ass. His moans induced Larry to climax and he rear loaded Glenn. When Larry pulled out he was still hard. He mounted me doggy style and we had an intense but short pile driver in heat episode. I couldn't tell if he had a second orgasm, or just finished the one he started in Glenn's ass. We all fell asleep on the king sized bed.

We got a call at 5:30 that Glenn was needed. The three of us dozed off again. When I finally woke up, Larry and Mitch were making out again. I went to the bath and showered. When I returned Mitch was slow fucking Larry. Mitch's butt plug style cock was working it magic on Larry's prostate.

Mitch got a call from Crestwood and we went back to the development. I had a chance to call into the office. I asked them to keep a close eye on R. Winston the gallery and asked if they had any information on Tiffany. The dispatcher told me to call back at noon.

I walked from the locker room to the main office and ran into Mrs. Danton. She was with a younger man. She greeted me as an old friend and introduced me to her son Conrad. Conrad was disheveled, bearded and somehow I knew he was a Star Trek fan. He was that type.

"I told Mom she should take the day off, but she insisted on going to work," he said.

"There are arrangements to be made," she said. "I know what he would like." Admiral Green saw us and came over. He told her he was working on the memorial service and needed her help if she could manage. Mrs. Danton was a happy to be needed as they went to the office.

"Conrad your mother told me about a program your are developing," I said. "Apparently Jon used it and found something disturbing. Could you look in the network here and see what you can find?"

"Sure. Why are you interested?" he asked.

"I mentioned it to one of the management guys and he wanted to know more," I replied.

"Mr. Dustin's death was really unexpected. Wasn't it?" he asked suspiciously. I didn't say anything. "He was a timid driver, as I recall." Conrad knew something was a foot. We went in the office. I introduced Conrad to Mitch and Larry. Mitch was into computers and they went off to tryout the new program.

The phone was ringing off the hook, but Mrs. Danton was efficient and fast. She had another secretary, Alice, answering the phone. She would instant message to Mrs. Danton who would take the call if it was important; Alice handled all the normal calls. Both women wore headsets so they could type and send emails. Mrs. Danton worked out the funeral and memorial details with the Admiral and Larry. Now that she had something to do, she was over the shock of the death. She and the Admiral were Julia and Will. They had bonded.

They were off getting some sandwiches for lunch and I was manning the phone when I got a call from Sir Frederic Harter. I explained he was away at lunch. He said he was on his way to a lecture and wouldn't be back for several hours. "I tried to call our friend Emily Carlisle, but the phone was disconnected.

I gave him the bad news. He was shocked. He was still planning to visit Crestwood in a week. I told him of the circumstances surrounding Emily's murder. Sir Frederic may have been a distinguished art historian, but in an earlier life he must have been an avenging angel. His wife wasn't with him because of dementia. He hated art forgers and despised those who took advantage of the elderly. I told him of the Admiral's plan for a party. "Well, if this scum is worried about being discovered, I the man to give them real heartburn," he said.

"We may have a second murder," I said. "We think the director of the place may have discovered something. He had an accident."

"I'm 82 years old," he said. "I'm not going to die young." I got his phone number and said the Admiral would call him that evening.

Will and Julia returned with sandwiches for me and for Mitch and Conrad. Conrad had cracked the passwords, but both Henry and Tiffany had erased their files. This had annoyed Conrad. He wasn't annoyed they had erased the files; he was annoyed their efforts were so pathetic. Several had actually been erased, but the e mail program maintained an address book, and all the senders names were on the list. I asked him to send the names to Vince so he could check them on the police computers.

Conrad wanted to hack into the police computers himself, but I talked him out of that. He sent the info to Vince. Mitch came in and told me his Uncle was on his way and asked if I could meet him at the airport at 7:00. Jon's children were going to be arriving at Crestwood and he thought he should meet them. I got a change of clothes in the locker room and took a Crestwood car to the airport. Joe got in a half hour late. He had his accountant with him, guys named Roy. Roy may have been an accountant, but he could have passed for a bouncer for a down and dirty country & western bar. He was a bruiser.

I gave then the low down and told them about Conrad's discoveries. Roy was a friendly guy, but he warmed up as I went over the situation. Audits were normal when there was an event of this sort. I said I doubted there was a problem with Jon's book keeping.

"I'll check anyway," Roy said, "I can find other ways to occupy my time if I need to." I took them to the office. Joe went off to meet Jon's family. I took Roy to Mrs. Danton's office. I was assigned to Roy. It turned out Roy had electronic copies of all the records back at the main office. He was looking for other documents. As I expected Jon's records were correctly filed. We moved on to Henry's office. Roy put on gloves and did an orderly and complete police type search of the office. He looked in every nook and cranny of the office, including the undersides of drawers, lamps and the rear of pictures. Unlike the police, he put everything back in place afterwards. I stood shotgun at the door.

I got the printout of Henry and Tiffany's e mail addresses. Roy looked as if Christmas had come early. I scanned it and sent it to his office. It was 10:00 before he was finished.

"Can you take me to the hotel?" he asked. We went to the hotel where Mitch had been staying. "Do you mind waiting for Joe to come back?" he asked, "He wants to talk." I agreed. We went to his room and he order room service dinners for me, Joe and Mitch. The dinners arrived a half hour later with Mitch and Joe. We ate and Mitch went off to his room. He was to meet with the family early the next morning to work on funeral arrangement. I called Vince. He said sedatives were found in Jon's body. The dosage was such that he could not possibly have been driving. They were working their way through the e mail addresses. When I went back to the room, Joe and Roy were gone. The communicating door to the next room was open. I looked into the next room and saw Joe with a highball lying on the bed in his boxers, and Roy was making another drink wearing his birthday suit.

"Is this a private party?" I asked.

"It is, but you're the guest of honor," Joe replied. Just once in my life I would like to be given a choice between sex and getting some much needed sleep and pick the rest. As usual, my cock made the choice for me.

Next: Chapter 105: Catfish Moves to Crestwood Acres 10

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