Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 12, 2008


Crestwood 8

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

"Is this a private party?" a deep voice asked. It was Mitch. I think Joe would have been shocked, if he had been capable of being shocked. Right now he was still ejaculating. We were caught red handed, naked and dripping cum. By the time Joe was finished shooting, Mitch was naked. When I pulled out of Joe's ass, Mitch went in. Mitch's butt plug style cock hit the spot.

"I didn't know you swung this way, Uncle Joe," Mitch said as he slowly pumped.

"I had no idea about you either," Joe said. "It feels really good." After the orgasm Glenn and I were pretty mellow and I didn't think there was a much chance we would shoot again. Mitch was revved up. It was fun to watch him get it on with his uncle. They talked and discovered that what Mitch had interpreted as being disliked by his Uncle was Joe's worry about being found out.

Joe soon got hard again and he switched places with Mitch. Joe's cock was on the upper side of average in length and width. It was a perfect fit for Mitch's ass. I glanced at Glenn as they fucked. He was turned on big time. Working up to a second orgasm is time consuming, so Glenn tapped Joe on the shoulder and asked if he could cut in. Joe looked at Mitch. Mitch nodded and in a second Glen was making a call on Mitch's prostate.

It was a long session. Later I got on the bed and cradled Mitch in my arms as Glenn and Joe tag teamed him. Glen and Joe traded places several times. With each penetration the entrance was easier. The fuckers got harder and Mitch got more responsive. Glen shot off first and Joe used his cum to lubricate his final thrusts. The second Joe's cock began to give his nephew's prostate a cum bath, Mitch popped. Joe shot most of his load on the dark side of Mitch's ass, but pulled out and squirted a few volleys on the quivering hole. Glen was there to lick up Mitch's cock caviar as well as the remains of Joe's orgasm. He then moved to Mitch's ass and tongued it.

They broke apart.

The next day was quiet. Joe Williams had gone home leaving Mitch guarding the fort. Mitch seemed like a clunky kid, but I saw him talking to Henry. I didn't think Henry was his type, so I assumed he was doing what his Uncle had told him. I also didn't think Mitch was Henry's cup of tea, but being the nephew of the boss would be enough for Henry. By lunch time they were pals. I saw Tiffany looking at them with disapproval.

Gus and the Admiral were still visiting residents and I could tell they had really hit it off. I was wondering if the Admiral was looking for a permanent nephew. Back in Richmond, Jonathan had caught R. Winston's fancy and was working part time at the gallery. He told me he was going to a weekend party at R. Winston's river house and he thought it was going to be good.

I was going to see my art historian friends on Saturday. Gus had taken pictures of the suspect paintings and would have them ready for me to show the professionals. Elliot was out of town, but Sedgwick was available. Gus and the Admiral drove into town and we went to Sedgwick's apartment. Sedgwick knew of Gus as a sculptor, but hadn't met. Gus and the Admiral had done their homework on the paintings. The Admiral had a good memory and had written down the stories the Crestwood residents had been hooked by. When you saw it in black and white the scheme was well thought out. Most of the stories were based on newspaper or magazine articles of the last few years.

They were the sort of stories a person casually interested in art might have seen. All dealt with recently discovered works that had been lost, or forgotten. They were purchased by unsuspecting persons, who discovered the true significance of the painting and all made a mint. One of the paintings had been brought over by a G.I. Who had picked it up on a World War II battlefield. Another had been given to a cook from the Adirondacks who had worked for Remington.

The stories were credible to the casual observer. The most expensive of the paintings was $75,000.00, the most economical was $15,000.00. In each case there was a reason why the painting was going for such a bargain. In one case there was a widow who needed cash for an operation. R. Winston inferred the provenance of one or two of the paintings was slightly off.

Sedgwick had been doing his own investigations. R. Winston Jones had been Randall W. Jones when he ran a gallery in Miami. There he had gone after millionaires for big bucks and had come perilously close to serving time in the big house.

"How did he get away with it?" I asked.

"There was a sexual component," Sedgwick explained. "His customers were happily married closet cases who liked a little fun on the side. Randall was younger and thinner then and had no problem taking a trip on the wild side. He likes it kinky. It was easier for everyone if no one pressed charges."

I went to the phone and called Jonathan. I thought he might like to know something about R. Winston's sexual tastes. Jonathan wasn't worried. "I can go with the flow," he told me.

Sedgwick, Gus and Admiral hit it off well. The art historical talk was a bit beyond my conversational level, but when the discussion turned to fraud I was a happy camper. We had figured out the outline of the scam. The murder remained a puzzle. It seemed to me it was easier for R. Winston to leave town than to kill an elderly lady. Forgery and fraud are bad, but not bad enough to justify murder. I had a feeling we were missing something.

I got a call on my cell phone and went to another room to take it. It was about another case and I make a point not to talk in public, even among friends. When I returned the room was empty. I could sniff the smell of sexual excitement. I went looking for the men. They were in the kitchen in a group grope. Everyone must have realized we were all like spirits and the night was young.

"This may sound tacky, but if we're going to grope each other let's get naked and do it right," I said. We went to Sedgwick's bedroom got naked. After a little confusion I ended up with Gus' cock in my mouth. He was uncut and meaty. The Admiral and Sedgwick were in the 69 position on the bed.

My knees hurt, so I got up and Gus went down on my cock. "Damn, it is big," Gus said. "I've never been this close." At first he didn't seem to know what to do with it, but he figured it out. A little later Sedgwick came over to me when the Admiral played with Gus.

I suspected Sedgwick wanted to get fucked and I was in the mood too. I didn't know if Gus and the Admiral would mind, but they were big boys. They could deal with it.

I sucked Sedgwick and worked a finger into his ass. Sedgwick relaxed as soon as my finger touched his hole. He wanted it. I'm not into pent up sexual needs much. Some guys tell me they've been without sex for months and were looking for just the right guy. For me the right guy has a cock, an asshole and good attitude. I do admit as I get older the right attitude gets more important. I've had some good times with guys who didn't turn me on. It's been good as long as they're into it.

The first time I had screwed Sedgwick it had been a lot of work. It was easier this time. Sedgwick's bedroom was small, so there was no way for Gus and the Admiral not to watch. They were both enthusiastic and helpful. They gave Sedgwick support and added lube when it was needed. Gus fed Sedgwick his cock when he needed some inspiration. The Admiral licked up Sedgwick's cock drool.

I'm not much of an asshole man. Cocks excite me. Assholes are necessary if you're going to fuck a guy, but not pretty. Gus liked assholes. He really got off on watching my cock stretch Sedgwick open and then push deep. He later told me he had never watched a guy get fucked, up close and personal.

I take my time. I took a while to pop the sphincter with my knob. Once I did I did it over and over again. I like to tenderize it. Sedgwick was a passionate and demonstrative man. Gus watched me and saw what each movement did to Sedgwick. Gay porn usually gives a sanitary and prissy view of fucking. Sedgwick had a hairy as, and a hole that opened more and more as he got more excited. His ass hairs stuck to my cock when I pulled out, and when I pushed in the hair went in too. His rosebud and ass linings were all visible and a few times the hole didn't have time to close up before I went in again. Gus liked that a lot.

I don't think the Admiral had the same interest in assholes that Gus had, but he did get excited when Gus was excited. I knew they were attracted to each other and I had a feeling sex between them was good, but careful. You can be timid when you are hoping for a relationship. The Admiral now realized their relationship could be both tender and much more sexual.

The night was a success for all of us. I got home late and actually slept later. When I woke up I had a nice lazy day doing nothing. At five Jonathan came back from his party at R. Winston's.

Jonathan had an adventure with R. Winston. The weekend party was a combination of young oriental and Latino boys, and older men who wanted them. Jonathan spoke Spanish, so he knew what some the boys were up too. "As far as I can tell, the boys were available for rent or sale. Some of the older men were sugar daddies, but there were several pure unadulterated sickos," Jonathan explained. "I did meet one nice guy there. Rich was R. Winston's next door neighbor. He seemed normal.

"Did you have a problem ?" I asked, " I hadn't planned for you to get in that far."

"I can take care of myself. To tell you the truth I had some fun on the side." Jonathan said. "There was a double scam going on. R. Winston was selling Oriental and Mexican virgin boys. Most of the boys were older than they looked and had a really hard life. They wanted to get to the U.S.A. and getting fucked by few old geezers was a small price to pay."

"R. Winston's a real humanitarian," I said.

"He's into water sports and bondage," Jonathan continued. "He likes sadism, but I think it's mostly of the theatrical sort. It's 90% play acting."

"And the 10%?" I asked.

"Nothing that leaves a mark on the body," Jonathan. "He's hung and doesn't mind forcing it in. If the hole's not big enough he can make it wider. He's not the gentle type. I'd classify it as a rape, but the boys see it as an initiation. They're all illegal, so he has them by the short hairs."

"Did he try to rape you?"

"Not until later. I'm way too old for him," Jonathan said. "I'm also English speaking, and an adult. R. Winston is cagey. By the way, there's a camera in one of the bedrooms."

"Let me guess. It's the room where the older men go to play?"


"I found the camera by accident. I guess it's either an insurance policy, or it maybe his retirement plan," Jonathan observed. "It was well hidden. It's run from R. Winston's bedroom."

"You did get around," I said.

"R. Winston fell asleep," Jonathan said. "I kind of stretched his ass a little wider."

"Did he complain?"

"At first, but he came around," Jonathan said. "Usually I'm not much of a top, but I hit the bull's eye and our friend couldn't breathe let alone think."

"I thought he wasn't into older men?"

Jonathan laughed. "He's into sales. He had the boys with customers so only me and Rich were available. Rich found an older playmate, so R. Winston was stuck with me. He tried to jump me. I did the quick switcher-roo on him. He's a big guy and didn't realize I'm stronger than I look. He didn't know what hit him. Actually it is what grabbed him. He's got big balls. Low hangers too, easy to grab and twist and crush if necessary."

"It wasn't necessary?"

"He came around pretty quickly," Jonathan said. "Once my cock was in his ass he was a whimpering mass of begging crap. He's a big man, but his ass is tight. I forced it in. Unfortunately the harder I pushed, the harder he got. That wasn't want I was after, but that's life. When he shot off he fell asleep. I had a chance to look around, then I got dressed and went home. Rich gave me a ride. We had some fun too. It was a good weekend, but I don't think I be interning there on Monday."

That night I Googled art fraud. I got way to many hits. I tried art fraud, china. That was more reasonable. I tried a few links but they were all related to Chinese antiquities. I tried western painting, forgery and Chinese. I got a reasonable number of hits. I went through them in order, then went to the second page of hits. Midway down the list I found a reference to the China Queen. I remembered the China Queen was a container ship involved is a news story. When they opened one of the containers there were 18 dead Chinese men. They had been abandoned and all died. It had been a big scandal at the time.

No one was convicted of the crime since none of the owners could be traced. The ship itself had gone back to China by the time the bodies were discovered. When they found the ship it had an all new crew and captain. The dead Chinese were all young men and boys desperate to get to America. The article mentioned the container also held boxes of reproduction paintings. This wasn't emphasized in the article. I called Vince DeSoto. He remembered the China Queen incident. It was treated as problem for illegal immigration. He hadn't noticed the mention of the boxes of paintings.

"I bet everyone thought the paintings are incidental," Vince said. "You wouldn't connect an immigrant smuggling operation with a forged painting scam, would you?"

"Maybe it's a coincidence," I said, "but that's what we seem to have at Crestwood. It would provide a good motive for murder. 18 dead men."

"Maybe 18 men and one elderly woman died," Vince said. "I'll check up on this."

I called one of my Internet gurus, Walter, and asked him to do a complete search on the China Queen incident. Walter was a retired librarian who was obsessive, complete and fast. He called me at ten that night and gave me a preliminary report.

"Very unsavory," he said. "White washed by the press and by the complimentary concerns of the Chinese and American governments. It represented a gigantic lapse in port security. The China Queen docked in Baltimore in the middle of a security crack down. This crackdown was listed by the President as evidence the port security operations were successful. Oddly no one mentioned when or where the ship docked."

"The 18 men were all gay and many had arrests for prostitution," Walter continued. "China does not liked to admit it has a gay community. You may recall this was at a time when one of those odd television evangelist was claiming the Mexicans were exporting their gay AIDS victims to the US to infect us? That man knew nothing about God, not to mention any passing acquaintance with human decency. Anyway, the Chinese government wanted nothing to do with the story."

"So no one looked?"

"No one official looked," Walter replied.

"Did you find out anything about the paintings?"

"The boxes were labeled as belonging to the Renaissance Art Company. They had a false address. The recipients address was torn off. One scrap remained with the initials R.W.M. Does that mean anything to you?"

"Yes it does," I said, "It could mean a lot."

Next: Chapter 104: Catfish Moves to Crestwood Acres 9

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